Fear Makes The
Wolf Look Bigger (at Cans Festival, 2008) Eliminate DRM; protect your freedom!


table of contents



I offer work in Information Technology. Keywords: Software Packaging, Open Source, Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu, System Administration, Linux, Unix, Email, DNS network technology, LDAP Directory servers, Loadbalancing and Failover (Linux-HA's Heartbeat), Database servers (PostgreSQL, MySQL), Web technology (PHP, Apache). My Curriculum Vitae / resumé is available in HTML and PDF. See also the ad 1810 website.

20 march 2036: Lee "Scratch" Perry

Lee "Scratch" Perry, from Kingston, Jamaica: 100th birthday (Born 20 March 1936, Kendal, Jamaica; Died 29 August 2021 (aged 85), Lucea, Jamaica)

aug 2026: Solar Eclipse

12 augustus 2026 in Spanje, total solar eclipse: The total eclipse will be visible from the cities of Valencia, Zaragoza, Palma and Bilbao.

12 april 2026: 25 years of mdcc.cx

joostvb@yosida:~% whois mdcc.cx
Domain Name: mdcc.cx
Registry Domain ID: 39612-CoCCA
Registrant Organization: Joost van Baal
Creation Date: 2001-04-12T14:00:00.0Z

2025 nov 27: my 25th Debian birthday

On 27 nov 2025 the joostvb at debian dot org email address exists for 25 years.

oct 2025: 30 years of nettime

The nettime mailing list exists for 30 years.

From "choose-your-own adventure: a brief history of nettime" by Ted Byfield & Felix Stalder, nov 2015: "Relying on fluid relations of friendship made it possible to run the project without involving any financial exchanges, not even donations or grants. Someone pays for the domain name, but that's it. Everything is donated in kind, according to ability and according to need. There was never a compelling reason to develop any formal organizational structure, and - in light of periodic ruptures in funding patterns that led to so many failed cultural organizations - many compelling reasons not to. As an organization, then, 'nettime' is made up of deep, overlapping ties of mutual interest, friendship, respect, and commitment. For those without such ties 'nettime' might sometimes seem exclusive or even "closed," culturally speaking."

2 sept 2025: remembering David Graeber

David Graeber (★ February 12, 1961 – † September 2, 2020) was an American anthropologist and anarchist activist.

aug 2025: WHY2025

aug 2025: WHY2025 / What Hackers Yearn 2025. The next big Dutch hackercamp, taking place 2025-8-8 till 2025-8-12 at Geestemerambacht.

Mon 7 - Mon 21 July 2025: DebConf25

In 2025 DebConf25 will happen in Brest, France. See debconf25.debconf.org, soon.

za 21 juni t/m zo 3 augustus 2025: h3h biënnale?

De h3h biënnale ‘A Deeper Shade of Soul’ vindt plaats van 21 juni t/m 3 augustus 2025, in Oosterhout. (Eerste kunstmanifestatie in 2017: Liefde. De tweede biënnale met het thema Hoop was te bezoeken van 10 juli t/m 15 augustus 2021. De derde editie in 2023 had Geloof als thema.)

June 2025: trixie release?

Debian 13 trixie in june 2025? (15 may 2025 Hard Freeze is planned.)

Sat 31 May and Sun 1 June 2025 (hemelvaartsweekend): T-DOSE, Geldrop

"T-DOSE, voluit Technical Dutch Open Source Event, is een jaarlijks Nederlands tweedaags evenement met als doel het gebruik en kennis van Open Source te promoten." The T-DOSE location will be the same as 2024: the Weeffabriek in Geldrop.

zo 20 april 2025: noise fest @ muziekhuis maarheeze

noise fest @ muziekhuis maarheeze "chaos über maris". met: odal-zyrtax kryptogenrundfunk vincent dallas awenyod-parasnol mangenerated radical vitality chaos v.g. pay what you want. aanvang 15:00

april 2025: kaalstaart, noord-nederland

Kaalstaart - Festival voor Bètakunst. Amersfoort - Zwolle - Groningen - Dokkum. April 2025.

do 13 feb 2025: "Armoede uitgelegd aan mensen met geld"

do 13 februari 2025: Schouwburg Tilburg 20:00 decorrespondent.nl/cp/armoedeuitgelegdaanmensenmetgeld: Tim 'S Jongers "Armoede uitgelegd aan mensen met geld". Ook: 19 februari 2025: Musis, Arnhem; 20 februari 2025: Schouwburg Deventer; 22 april 2025: Oude Luxor, Rotterdam

sat feb 1 and sun feb 2 2025 bxl: FOSDEM

FOSDEM, sat feb 1 and sun feb 2, 2024, Brussels

za feb 1 and feb 2 2025 bxl: OFFDEM

OFFDEM 6th edition in Brussels, 2025 O₅F₂FDEM, Pentaoxygen Difluoride will happen from February 1st to 2nd, 2025 in a place to be further announced in Brussels. To join in the organisation team, send a membership request to the group: O₅f₂fdem - pentaoxygen difluoride - OFFDEM 2

zaterdag 30 november 2024: Koop Niets Dag

Iedere laatste zaterdag van november: Niet-Winkeldag: Koop Minder - Leef Meer!. Zie Wikipedia over Eenvoudig Leven voor meer achtergrond.

za 23 november 2024: LocHal Open Source Event, Tilburg

za 23 november 2024: open source event lochal tilburg

16 - 17 november 2024: toulouse minidebconf

The Toulouse MiniDebConf 2024 will take place during the Capitole du Libre event on Sat November 16th and Sun 17th 2024.

8 - 17 november 2024: november music

"November Music 2024 vindt plaats van 8 tot en met 17 november in ’s-Hertogenbosch. Met nieuw werk en optredens van onder meer Mayke Nas, Bec Plexus, Karmit Fadael, Dyane Donck, Mathilde Wantenaar, Ann Cleare, Liza Lim, Franghiz Ali-Zadeh en Annelies van Parys. Het Concertgebouworkest en het Radio Filharmonisch Orkest komen voor de eerste keer naar het festival in de grote zaal van het nieuwe Theater aan de Parade. Er zijn concerten van internationale toppers zoals Ensemble Modern, Diotima Quartet en Alva Noto."

sat 2 - sun 3 November 2024: OpenFest

OpenFest 2024, Sofia Bulgaria, 2 and 3 november 2024.

sat nov 2 2024: debian packaging workshop @ lag, amsterdam


fri oct 18 - sun 20, 2024: Debian Bug Squashing Party in Salzburg/Austria

Debian Bug Squashing Party in Salzburg/Austria October 18-20 2024.

MiniDebConf in Cambridge, UK - Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th October 2024

wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/gb/2024/MiniDebConfCambridge, see also the announcement.

28 en 29 September 2024: hackfest

za 28 en zo 29 September 2024 Drukpershal Enschede: hackfest.

vr 27 t/m zo 29 sept 2024: murf/murw

vr 27 t/m zo 29 sept 2024: murf/murw, tilburg, .nl

thu sept 26, 2024: Petrov Day

Over 40 years ago: 1983: Stanislav Petrov. See xkcd.com/2052 and petrovday.com's PetrovDay-OrganizerGuide.pdf.

zo 22 sept: Peace in the Park Eindhoven

zo 22 september 2024, van 11:00 tot 18:00 uur: Peace in the park, Anne Frankplantsoen, Eindhoven.

20 t/m 22 sept 2024: BalCCon2k24

BalCCon2k24: 20|21|22 September 2024, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia, Europe, Earth, Milky Way

za 14 sept 2024: BOA

"Zaterdag 14 september 2024 vindt de vijftiende editie van Baroeg Open Air plaats in het Rotterdamse Zuiderpark." and "Bezoekers t/m 12 jaar hebben gratis entree." How cool is that!?

za 31 aug en zo 1 sept 2024: Festival Oude Dijk

Festival Oude Dijk, Korvel, Tilburg.

sat 17.- sun 18.8.2024: FrOSCon19, .de

sat 17.- sun 18 august 2024. FrOSCon19 - Sankt Augustin (Germany). That's next to Bonn, 20 km from Köln. See also wiki.debian.org FrOSCon19.

july 21 - aug 4, 2024: DebConf24 Busan, .kr

DebConf24: "The 25th Debian Conference is in Busan, South Korea, Sunday July 28th to Sunday August 4th 2024. DebCamp will be held from Sunday July 21st to Saturday July 27th 2024."

23 t/m 28 juli 2024: bladel totaal festival

Bladel Totaal Festival 23 t/m 28 juli 2024, gratis toegang. Sinds 1978. Zie ook Wikipedia.

14 juli 2024: arnhem punk fest feat. Napalm Death

Arnhem Punk Fest 14 juli 2024, Luxor Arnhem. Napalm Death, Disorder, Subhumans, Crisis, Neuroot, EU’s Arse. € 35,- .

13 Juli t/m 4 Augustus 2024: kwaku

KWAKU SUMMER FESTIVAL, 13 Juli t/m 4 Augustus 2024, Amsterdam

july 2024: [tbd], amsterdam

tbd.camp: "[tbd] calls on you to take a crowbar to the stack pointer and explore with us the raw limitless potential of the (turing) machine. We welcome any contribution that will salvage the broken remainders of that dream we once dreamed of free flowing information, will weaponise the trash from the electronics bin for the creation of noise and the downfall of the smart city, that creates outside the mind-numbingly boring paradigms of software development, that takes pride in a carefully placed goto statement, or that articulates whatever else the struggle for liberation leaves to be discussed... [tbd] is a participatory event organised by anyone who is interested in contributing. It is an open invitation to participate in co-creating an environment where knowledge is shared and infrastructure is decentralised. There is space to organise workshops, debates, present your ideas or projects, and engage with other inhabitants of the event."

5 - 7 july 2024: Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2024, Prishtina

"The 16th edition of Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB) will be held in Prishtina, Kosova, from 5th – 7th of July 2024." There's a Call for Participation.

Sat 15 June 2024: Mayra Andrade, Antwerp

Saturday 15 June 2024, Mayra Andrade, De Roma, Borgerhout/Antwerp, Belgium

za 1 / zo 2 juni 2024: t-dose

za 1 / zo 2 juni 2024: t-dose: the Technical Dutch Open Source Event, at the Weeffabriek in Geldrop (near Eindhoven).

29 mei 2024: dblug koper

29 mei 2024: dblug twaalf en een half jaar: koperen jubileum. Zie de oorspronkelijke aankondiging (bericht van Emilien Klein aan debian-user-dutch van 19 november 2011), en dit interview.

Tue 21 mei 2024: NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie

Dinsdag 21 mei: NLUUG voorjaarsconferentie, Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht.

Pinksteren 2024: vr 17 mei t/m ma 20 mei: 100 jaar Pinksterlanddagen

In 2024 is het 100 jaar Pinksterlanddagen! Voor anarchisten en iedereen die zich door het anarchisme laat inspireren: een driedaagse bijeenkomst die in het pinksterweekend plaatsvindt; als altijd op het anarchistische, alcoholvrije kampeerterrein 'Tot Vrijheidsbezinning' aan de Aekingaweg 1a te Appelscha in Friesland.

Tue May 14 - Tue May 21 2024: MiniDebConf Berlin

See wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/de/2024/MiniDebconfBerlin, at c-base, Berlin.

11 mei 2024: 95ste geboortedag Pater Poels

Gerrit Poels (Berg en Dal, 11 mei 1929 – Tilburg, 26 april 2023), bij het publiek bekend als Pater Poels en de Broodpater was een uitgetreden priester en een bekend welzijnswerker in Tilburg. "Ik ben geen hulpverlener; ik verleen hulp."; "Ik los niks op".

za 4 en zo 5 mei 2024: 20ste Anarchistische Boekenbeurs Gent

za 4 en zo 5 mei 2024: 20ste Anarchistische Boekenbeurs Gent: abgent.noblogs.org. Van 10:00 tot 18:00. Gratis inkom. 't Landhuis, Warmoezeniersweg 10, Gent, .be

1 mei 2024, Tilburg

Woensdagavond 1 mei komt Dennis Bos weer naar Tilburg. TAS verzorgt een avond met de lezing, eten en wat muziek in De Huiskamer voor Pleegouders aan het Wilhelminapark. 16.00 demonstratie @ NS centraal station Tilburg; Vanaf 18:30 uur veganistische soep met brood en smeersels, 4 euro 19.30 lezing @ wilhelminapark 42 C, Toegang vrij, een vrijwillige bijdrage wordt gewaardeerd. tanarchos.nl

zo 31 maart 2024: Meebrullen met Your Local Pirates!

Meebrullen met Your Local Pirates! Plaats: Stadspark Oude Dijk, Tilburg; bij regen wijken we uit naar de aangrenzende Muzentuin. Datum en tijd: zondag 31 maart. Vanaf 14.00 uur is de picknick; YLP neemt op en speelt van 15.00 tot 16.00 uur; de picknick duurt tot pakweg 17.00 uur.

4 tot 10 maart 2023: nationale week zonder vlees en zuivel

ma 4 t/m zo 10 maart: nationale week zonder vlees en zuivel.

fosdem brussels: sat feb 4, sun feb 5 2024

It might will did happen first weekend of feb 2024: fosdem.

1 jan 2024: 30 jaar omslag

Omslag, Werkplaats voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling is een onafhankelijke landelijke basisorganisatie, op 1 januari 1994 opgericht door Marta Resink, Dick Verheul en Daniel van der Velden.

vr 3 en za 4 november 2023: natuurwerkdag

vr 3 en za 4 november 2023 natuurwerkdag.

21 okt 2023: adev.nu

21 okt, 13.00, dam amsterdam

wo 27 sept 2023: 40 years of GNU

#GNU40: 40 years since the initial announcement of the GNU computer system.

See initial announcement, and announcement of the party.

4 sept 2023: start verkiezing boom van het jaar

"Uiterlijk 4 september 2023: bekendmaking 12 genomineerden op www.deboomvanhetjaar.nl. Van 4 september tot 16 oktober 2023 (12.00 uur): nationale stemronde."

za 9 sept 2023: A12 blokkade

XR A12 blokkade, 9 september 2023, 12.00, Den Haag.

zo 3 - za 9 sept 2023: A12 Mars

XR A12-Mars, 3-9 september, Iedere dag ±20 km. Zie a12mars.nl.

vr 1 - zo 3 sept 2023: vikendica

zo 3 sept vikendica @ occii amsterdam . YUGOFUTURISM Rock . Doors open: 20:00 Showtime: 20:30 Damage: €10. za 2 sept vikendica @ worm rotterdam / worm central station 20:30 tot 04:30. vr 1 sept vikendica @ vera groningen.

29 aug - 2 sept 2023: degrowth

29. August - 2 September 2023, DeGrowth Conference, Zagreb. odrast.hr. (regular ticket € 400,-).

(around) wed aug 16 2023: Debian's 30th birthday

See DebianDay 2023 (And this post too.) There'll be a party in Leuven on August Sat 19th.

15.-19.08.2023, north of Berlin: Chaos Communication Camp 2023

7th edition of Chaos Communication Camp: tue 15.-sat 19.08.2023, Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Zehdenick, Germany, Earth, Milky Way. It will feature, among many many other things:

Fantastic OPRFs and where to find them (Talk) by stf

An Oblivious Pseudo-Random Function (OPRF) is versatile
cryptographic primitive which is the basis for a wide range of
protocols and tools. They enable one to outsource randomness
computations to an other party without having to trust them or
make any compromises in confidentiality of the inputs. The most
common benefit of using an OPRF, is that it adds strong privacy
guarantees to protocols. A well-placed OPRF can also provide
confidentiality without needing a PKI infrastructure. In some
cases an OPRF can provide strong security guarantees that
traditional systems cannot provide. OPRFs are truly one of the
most exciting and underappreciated cryptographic building blocks
of the last decade.

In this talk I am will explain how OPRFs work, properties can
achieve, and how OPRFs are used in various protocols. I am going
to show some examples of existing free software tools which use
or provide OPRFs and how these tools compare to alternative

See contentfeedback, blog, main page. And, for background: Wikipedia.

wed 2 - wed 9 aug 2023: bornhack

BornHack 2023 will be the eighth BornHack. It will take place from Wednesday the 2nd of August to Wednesday the 9th of August 2023 at our venue on the Danish island of Funen.

do 27 juli 2023: lpd

The 4.2BSD Line Printer Spooler Manual is dated July 27, 1983: happy 40th birthday, lpd!

vr 7 t/m zo 9 juli 2023: NOTACAMP

NOTACAMP 7 t/m 9 juli 2023 @ ADM Noord Groeneveld, Amsterdam.

7-9 July 2023: Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2023

Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2023 is gonna happen 7-9 July 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

2 juli 2023: Wisława Szymborska

2 juli 2023: Wisława Szymborska born 100 years ago today. Maria Wisława Anna Szymborska (2 July 1923 – 1 February 2012)

di 23 t/m di 30 mei 2023: Debian Reunion Hamburg

mei 2023 Debian Reunion Hamburg 2023, as announced Jan 2023:

суб 28 12:11 < h01ger> 23-30 may 2023

za 27 mei: Kumba Kumusha Festival, Tilburg

Kumba Kumusha Festival, Hall of Fame, Tilburg

za 20 mei 2023: LocHal Open Source Event, Tilburg

LocHal Open Source Event 2023 zaterdag 20 mei, Tilburg, .nl

27 april 2023: uruk 20 years

joostvb@oganj:~/git/uruk/uruk% cat ChangeLog.2003
2003-04-27 16:11  joostvb
        * NEWS: version v20030427 released

11 - 16 april 2023: Sounds Of The Underground Festival

Sounds Of The Underground Festival, Amsterdam, 11 - 16 april 2023

sat 18 march 2023: 10 years of LAG, Amsterdam


saterday afternoon: Time is Capital, Mokum Kraakt, and Vrij Beton (they didn't make it): exhibition and discussion by maxigas e.a.

wed march 8, 2023: Trans★Feminist Counter Cloud Action Day

International Trans★Feminist Digital Depletion Strike: "On 8th of March 2023, we call for a Counter Cloud Action Day. On this day, we will try to withhold from using, feeding, or caring for The Big Tech Cloud. The strike calls for a hyperscaledown of extractive digital services, and for an abundance of collective organising. We join the long historical tail of international feminist strikes, because we understand this fight to be about labour, care, anti-racism, queer life and trans★feminist techno-politics."

sat 4 and sun 5 feb 2023: fosdem

FOSDEM, Brussels: "FOSDEM 2023 will take place on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of February 2023. We are aiming for a physical conference."

In 2001 there was the one time "OSDEM" event. The first FOSDEM took place in 2002. In 2003 for the first time Debian was represented with a booth at FOSDEM.

I was not at FOSDEM 2016. I've attended almost every year. I've attended the first edition "OSDEM" in 2001, and attended in 2002.

Also: How To Survive Fosdem by Marcin Juszkiewicz, 2019.

OOO₃FFDEM Ozone: sat feb 4 and sun feb 5 2023, brussels

OOO₃FFDEM Ozone Call for Participation. February 4, 5 février 2023, Bruxelles.

December 21, 2022: Volunteer Responsibility Amnesty Day

Volunteer Responsibility Amnesty Day is about checking with yourself, and ending the commitments you need to end – maybe by taking a break, or by rotating it on to someone else, or by sunsetting a project.

13 dec 2022: linux nijmegen

di 13 dec 20.00 - 22.00 Linux Nijmegen. De Klinker, Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46, 6511 PK Nijmegen. (iedere 2e dinsdag van de maand)

23 - 27 nov 2022: enff.nl

wo 23 - zo 27 nov 2022, Den Haag: Eastern Neighbours Film Festival.

za 19 nov / zo 20 nov: debian bsp tilburg 2022

bsp tilburg spoorzicht 013 / hendrix itc https://deb.li/iiOID.

oct 27, 2022: book: The Climate Book, Greta Thunberg (editor)

announced april 2022: Greta Thunberg to publish a ‘go-to source’ book on the climate crisis. The Climate Book will include contributions from scientist Katharine Hayhoe, economist Thomas Piketty and novelist Margaret Atwood. The Climate Book is due to be published in the UK on 27 October 2022, with a US release planned for early 2023.

ISBN: 9780241547472, 464 pages

update, суб, 18. феб 2023.: there is theclimatebook.org and The Climate Book - The Facts and the Solutions, pdf.

oct 2022: Beogradski Jazz Festival

Belgrade Youth Center presents, 26 - 30 October 2022, 38th Belgrade Jazz Festival Beogradski Jazz Festival met o.a.: Paul Lytton - bubnjevi, Ken Vandermark - saksofoni, klarineti Nate Wooley - truba, en ook: Orchestre National de Jazz \o/

(eerder: 25 - 29 oct 2018, met Marc Ribot e.a.; oct 2019; oct 2021)

lets put a nice picture here

(Thanks to the YIKIS blog.)

za 24 sept 2022: Open AZC

Open azc dag 2022: za 24 september, van 13.00 tot 16.00.

Ook in voormalige Willem II Kazerne (Bernard Leenestraat), Tilburg. En ook stationsstraat en baden powelllaan.

See also: No Border Camps by the European No Border Network.

sept 2022 (?): Gitarijada

sept 2022: Gitarijada in Зајечар; since 1966.

za 17 t/m zo 25 sept 2022: Vredesweek

Sept 2022: vredesweek. Zie ook vredesburo Eindhoven.

za 17 sept 2022: NLLGG

Volgende NLLGG bijeenkomst op za 17 september 2022. In Gerrit Rietveld College aan de Eykmanlaan 1200, 3571 KH, Utrecht. Deuren openen om 10:00, tot ongeveer 16:30 schat ik.

za 10 sept 2022: Baroeg Open Air

Baroeg Open Air, dertiende editie, za 10 sept 2022, Rotterdam, Zuiderpark. 12.00-23.00 uur; Late pre-sale € 15,00 (vanaf 10-8). Entree € 20,00; Kinderen t/m 12 jaar gratis

Enjoyed: Napalm Death, Thanatos, Distant, Kalaallit Nunaat, Shivanki, Deformer e.a.

tue aug 16, 2022: Debian Day

See DebianDay/2022.

vr 12 t/m zo 14 aug 2022: Fri3d Camp

"Fri3d Camp is een tweejaarlijkse gezinsvriendelijk zomerkamp voor hackers, makers en DIY'ers. Van 12 tot en met 14 augustus 2022 zijn we aan onze vierde editie toe." In jeugdverblijf De Kluis, bij Leuven.

10-20 july 2022: THX

"This year, the THX residency will happen from 10 to 20 July 2022 in Ozaraine, in the Basque country. [...] our themes: collective practices, resistance, technical production, radical care… Let’s identify the issues that are open to us according to the arrangements of people who will form the new Archipel Collective during this session. One of the stakes is the resumption of the concept of software syndicalism in English and the opening towards English of «Présence Solidaire»–that is, not to translate the whole book into English, but to articulate a new issue, in English, around collective practices of resistance—to be called “Daring is Caring”. Moreover, it is also a question of composing with new ways (voices) around the media of resistance (writing, sound recording, silkscreening…)."

5-10 July 2022: going nowhere

5-10 July 2022, northern spain countryside: going nowhere. "Nowhere is in northern Spain, between Zaragoza and Lleida. The nearest villages are Castejón de Monegros (12km) and Sariñena (19km), and from both directions the last 10km is on gravel roads. GPS: 41°40’45.4″ North 0°09’04.3″ West (or 41.679270, -0.151182 if you prefer) Address: Polígono 20 Parcela 169 M.U.P. H0331, JUBIERRE. CA". You'd need a ticket to participate.

july 7, 2022: napalm death @ EXIT

july 7, 2022: napalm death @ EXIT festival, novi sad, serbia. also: sepultura, discharge and many more.

1 - 3 july 2022: Ieperfest

Ieper Hardcore Fest. Expected about 10.000 visitors.

24 - 26 june 2022: Couleur Cafe Festival 2022 Brussels

Friday 24 June 2022 – Sunday 26 June 2022; Couleur Cafe Festival 2022; Shaggy, Little Simz, Tinariwen, IAMDDB, DUB INC, Mayra Andrade, Panda dub, and Zwangere Guy; Brussels, Belgium.

wo 1 juni 2022: dblug

"dbLUG is de Den Bosch Linux User Group, opgericht in november 2011. Wij houden onze maandelijkse bijeenkomsten [als COVID-19 t toelaat] op de eerste woensdag van de maand om 20.00 uur in het gebouw van Knoflook", Havendijk 3, Den Bosch.

may 2022: YOB in .nl and .be

YOB plays doom metal. Tour dates:

thu May 26 2022 Ghent, Belgium Dunk!Festival
tue May 24 2022 Eindhoven, Netherlands Effenaar
sun May 22 2022 Groningen, Netherlands VERA

In 2001, YOB recorded its first full-length record for 12th Records in Spokane, Washington, entitled "Elaborations of Carbon". "The Great Cessation" was released by Profound Lore Records in 2009.

YOB's Mike Scheidt on How Near Death Changed His Life and Band | Metal Injection. Jul 20, 2018, 17:33.

say may 14 2022: gifgrond

sat may 14 2022: gifgrond! woohoo!

Finally… a new brain damaging GIFGROND#75 Saturday May 14th!! GIFGROND’s new jacket.. reservation is necessary! (info at gifgrond punt nl) doors open (30 minutes earlier): 20.30 hrs. start first live act: 21.00 hrs.

Gasthuisring 19 G, Tilburg, .nl.

"GIFGROND is an independent podium for outlaw music. Independent meaning not being supported by any institution. The performing artists are supported by Gifgrond visitors. GIFGROND raised its flag in 2007 and is not stopping yet! GIFGROND is held every 5-7 weeks on a Saturday evening when we party till the morning.

Zie ook yeahiknowitsucks.wordpress.com.

12 - 14 mei 2022: Pitfest

Pitfest, Resort Zuiddrenthe, Erica bij Emmen. Met: Repulsion, Toy Dolls, ...

zo 27 maart 2022: International Tree Climbing Day


More at the international international tree climbing day website.

za 26 maart 2022: Open Dag Nederlandse Hackerspaces

Internationale Open Hackerspace Dag 2022. "Zaterdag 26 maart houden diverse hackerspaces in Nederland een open huis. (O.a.) de volgende Nederlandse hackerspaces doen iig mee, kijk voor meer informatie over het programma op hun eigen website: Bitlair, Amersfoort; TDvenlo, Venlo (tussen 10.00 en 16.30 uur is iedereen van harte welkom in de ruimtes van TDvenlo in de kelder van de Stadsbibliotheek: Begijnengang 2 te Venlo, zie TDvenlo open dag 2022); TechInc, Amsterdam; TkkrLab, Enschede; NURDspace, Wageningen." O, en ook spaceleiden. O, en ook Frack Leeuwarden (Cornelis Trooststraat 48).

26 feb 2022: 20 years of caspar

20 years of caspar.

feb 2022: Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης

8 feb 2022 Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης 50ste sterfdag

dec 2021: vredesdienst.nl

Voor diervriendelijk kerstmis vieren: vredesdienst.nl.

zo 12 dec 2021: marc ribot @ amsterdam

zondag Dec 12 AMSTERDAM/Netherlands: Marc Ribot's Ceramic Dog @ BIMhuis.

za 6 nov 2021: Klimaatmars Amsterdam

Klimaatmars, zaterdag 6 november, Amsterdam. Samenvallend met de VN Klimaatconferentie COP26.

do 7 okt - zo 10 okt 2021: NurdINN Wageningen

nurdspace.nl/NurdINN_2021 do okt 7 - zo okt 10

za/zo 2/3 okt 2021: Weekend van de Wetenschap

"za 2 en zo 3 Oktober 2021 is Weekend van de Wetenschap er om iedereen, van jong tot oud, op een toegankelijke manier inzicht te geven in de wereld van wetenschap en technologie. Zo maken kinderen en jongeren op een leuke manier kennis met toepassingen en beroepen van de toekomst."

sept 2021: Balkan Anarchist Bookfair, Romania

Balkan Anarchist Bookfair #14. 2021 Timișoara, Romania

Yearly Balkan Anarchist Bookfair: anarchist and libertarian books and publications. First BAB was organised in 2003 and since then it happened in Ljubljana (2003 & 2013), Zagreb (2005 & 2017), Sofia (2008), Thessaloniki (2009), Zrenjanin (2010), Skopje (2011), Mostar (2014), Zadar (2015) and in Ioannina (2016). And: Novi Sad, Serbia from 28th to 30th of September, 2018.

Mini Debcamp 21 Tilburg, sat 28 - sun 29 aug 2021

yes, that happened. will write a report, one day.

za 21 aug 2021: Mobilisatiedag Extinction Rebellion, Eindhoven


Mobilisatiedag Extinction Rebellion, zaterdag 21 augustus 2021, 12:00 tot 17:00, LAC gebouw, Mathildelaan 1a in Eindhoven

Maak jij je zorgen over de klimaatcrisis? Kom dan naar de Extinction Rebellion mobilisatiedag in Eindhoven!

De klimaatramp is dichterbij dan ooit. De bosbranden en overstromingen die deze zomer gaande zijn het resultaat van een terug leunende houding tegenover de klimaatcrisis. Hierom moet er actie ondernomen worden. Extinction Rebellion houdt daarom een mobilisatiedag op zaterdag 21 augustus van 12:00 tot 17:00. Het zal plaatsvinden in het LAC gebouw, Mathildelaan 1a in Eindhoven. Hier is ruimte om vragen te stellen over de beweging, toekomstige acties, het klimaat en nog veel meer.

Extinction Rebellion (Brabant en Limburg) is een burgerbeweging die door vreedzame, creatieve en disruptieve acties proberen de gevolgen van de klimaatcrisis te stoppen. Op de mobilisatiedag kan iedereen die geïnteresseerd is langskomen om kennis te maken met deze klimaatbeweging in het zuiden van het land. De dag is bedoeld voor zowel bekende rebellen als nieuwkomers of nieuwsgierigen. Er is muziek, je ontmoet gelijkgestemden en er is tijd voor een hapje en drankje. Er zijn verschillende workshops en lezingen om bij te wonen. Op het programma staat onder andere: een klimaatlezing met een eerlijk verhaal, een lezing over landbouw en klimaat en een workshop over de relatie tussen klimaat en racisme. Daarnaast zal er ook een training worden gegeven over hoe je veilig kunt actievoeren voor het klimaat. Als laatst is er ook de mogelijkheid om je eigen vlag of banner te maken.

aug 2021: LVEE Minsk?

Linux Vacation Eastern Europe might happen again in august 2021. See also Andrej Shadura's blog post on the event in 2018.

july 2021: some summerhackerscamp in .nl?

(There was [TBD], tbd.camp, fri july 6th - sun july 8th, 2018, ADM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.)

fri 2 - sun 4 july 2021: Ieperfest

Ieper Hardcore Fest: Ieperfest #28, 2-3-4 July 2021. By Republyk Vort’n Vis and Genet records. Music and more. "Old school hardcore, metalcore, doom, emo, metal, grindcore, postrock, punk, sludge, etc. [...] Just like the previous years, we hope to welcome about 10.000 visitors. [...] Each year over 120 volunteers make it all happen. The “DIY” spirit is still roaming around here!! [...] even in the food court itself we try to offer you [...] a good variety of tastes, all of course still 100 % plant-based. Yeah, right on: fully natural meals and snacks in front- and backstage, since 1992 [...] Open air in Ieper, Belgium, at the crossroads of Poperingseweg and Hazewindstraat. Ieper is situated in the Flemish speaking part of Belgium, in the so-called H8000 area (legendary among HC kids worldwide) and just 15 km away from the French border. The closest bigger cities are Kortrijk (BE) and Lille (FR). Ieper is a cosy town with just 35.000 inhabitants, internationally known as one of the war fields during both the first and second World Wars."

20 juni - 26 september 2021: stations @ lustwarande

20.06-26.09.2021 Stations @ lustwarande, tilburg, .nl.

18 juni 2021: neurodiversity pride day


zo 13 jun 2021: Open Kloosterdag

In 2021 staat de Open Kloosterdag gepland op zondag 13 juni.

May 2021: NurdInn - wageningenfest 2021

There might be another NurdInn - and there might be wageningenfest 2021, early May 2021.

1 mei 2021, tilburg

Vier 1 mei 2021 in Tilburg: squ.at/r/7rqg en in het nederlands. Aankondiging ook op tanarchos.nl.

wed 24 march 2021: Wire live @ paradiso Amsterdam

Wednesday 24 March 2021. Wire . Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands

march 2021: Pluk & Plenty?

wellicht dat op n zaterdag in maart 2021 Pluk & Plenty in Nieuwkerk bij Goirle weer open gaat.

za 17 okt: quiet tilburg

Tilburgse binnenstad Quiet Tilburg op Wereldarmoededag.

ma 7 sept 2020: LAG

]LAG( Benefiet @ Joe's Garage

vr 28 en za 29 feb Breinwind Bis, Tilburg

vr 28 feb en za 29 feb 2020 AnarchoFilmfestival en Boekenbeurs en Seidl Soirée Tilburg Breinwind Bis: met o.a. 3 films van Oostenrijkse regiseur Ulrich Seidl: op vrijdag van 18:00 tot 24:00: Import Export (2007), Im Keller (2014) en Hundstage (2001). Op zaterdag duurt het programma van 12:00 tot 24:00. In De Nieuwe Vorst, Willem II straat 49, Tilburg. Mede mogelijk gemaakt door: Stichting Kwaliteitsfilm Tilburg, Mooov, Vrije Bond, Nick J Swarth en blikvorm.nl

Kristallnacht/Val Berlijnse Muur, za 9 nov 2019, De Nieuwe Vorst, Tilburg

Kees Stad (media-activist, zie: globalinfo.nl) geeft op 9 november een lezing met als titel: Muren, Misdaden en de Woorden. De Tilburgse dichter Daan Taks zal poëzie voordragen. De avond wordt georganiseerd door de Tilburgse Anarcho Sociëteit en AntiRacismeGroep Tilburg op zaterdag 9 november 2019 in De Nieuwe Vorst, Willem II-straat 49 in Tilburg. Het begint om 20.00 uur (inloop vanaf 19.30 uur) en de entree is vrij.

Graffiti in Belgrade

Refugees Welcome - Bring Your Families


пон, 24. феб 2025.: debian work

filed Bug#1098807 "RFP: publicfile -- http and ftp server by Daniel J. Bernstein".

replied on Bug#1098801: "publicfile-installer: [INTL:pt_BR] Brazilian Portuguese debconf templates translation".

posted should a service/daemon get automatically started on first installation? [...] to debian-mentors@l.d.o

пон, 24. феб 2025.: comic, internet meme

TIL: the beautiful comic which made "Sealioning" into a thing is still online: wondermark.com/c/1062.

нед, 23. феб 2025.: klutshnik

libopaque_1.0.0-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

нед, 23. феб 2025.: earth from above

Mountain landscape around Yufle, northern coast of Somalia, around 10°21'10"N , 47°02'15"E:

суб, 22. феб 2025.: klutshnik

pwdsphinx_2.0.0~rc7-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

суб, 22. феб 2025.: debian work, eekboek

Worked on the Eekboek Debian package. And, related to eekboek: filed Bug#1098668: "RFP: libperl-app-packager -- Abstraction for Packagers".

responding on Bug #1094788 "ITS: dotconf".

пет, 21. феб 2025.: python-django-casclient

python-django-casclient_1.5.3-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

чет, 20. феб 2025.: film

La Prisonnièrre de Bordeaux, by Patricia Mazuy, feat. Isabelle Huppert. 2025

чет, 20. феб 2025.: ren

ren :31. rondje "de twee vijverpaartjes": K, zuidrand oude warande, om centrale vijverpaartje sparrenhof heen aan rechterhand, bredaseweg over naar berkenrode, zuidvijver berkenrode aan rechterhand, tussen 2 aan elkaar grenzende vijvers van hart van brabant heen in oostelijke richting, hek van naturistenvereniging, stukje bels lijntje in noordelijke richting, hockeyvelden aan rechterhand, langs zichtlijnvijver oude warande, K.

сре, 19. феб 2025.: boek

TIL Oksana Vasyakina (Оксана Васякина; born 1989) "is a Russian poet, artist, curator, and feminist activist". I should read all her work. She's translated to Dutch: Oksana Vasjakina – Wond. Vertaling Yolanda Bloemen en Seijo Epema. Van Oorschot, Amsterdam. 260 blz. € 25.

сре, 19. феб 2025.: klutshnik

libopaque_1.0.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

сре, 19. феб 2025.: systraq

Na vier jaar weer nieuws over systraq!

systraq_20201231-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

сре, 19. феб 2025.: books

Finished reading: Elisabeth Pisani: "Indonesia Etc. - Exploring the Improbable Nation", Lontar Foundation, Jakarta, 2014. Excellent journalism. There even still is a dedicated indonesiaetc.com website about the book.

Acquired: Ingeborg Bachmann - Verzamelde Verhalen. Vertaald door Paul Beers, Koppernik, 2021.

Read about Bachman at “The Horror Is in You”, by Reed McConnell, published 2020 in The Point.

нед, 16. феб 2025.: debian stuff done

Recent volunteer Debian work:

responding on Bug #1093192 '"ITS: vtgrab": no uploaders specified?'.

responding on Bug #1066410 'More help needed to finally fix autoconf in ncftp'.

filed Bug#1098287: 'RFS: freedict-wikdict'.

planning debian-publicity team meeting.

cosmetic commits on micronews items as prepared by jipege.

нед, 16. феб 2025.: klutshnik

libopaque_0.99.8-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
libopaque_0.99.8-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
libopaque_0.99.8-2_amd64.changes is NEW

and: salsa.debian.org/debian/klutshnik is now a thing.

суб, 15. феб 2025.: food

now eating: Pita Krompiruša, Санџак style . Also famous in Bosnia. Thank you neighbour lady.

As said on the English Wikipedia on Börek: "Bosnia and Herzegovina: In 2012, Lonely Planet included the Bosnian burek in their "The World's Best Street Food" book. Eaten for any meal of the day, in Bosnia and Herzegovina the burek is a meat-filled pastry, traditionally rolled in a spiral and cut into sections for serving. The same spiral filled with cottage cheese is called sirnica, with spinach and cheese zeljanica, with potatoes krompiruša, and all of them are generically referred to as pita."

пет, 14. феб 2025.: art

UbuWeb, pirate shadow experimental art library on the web, founded 1996, is back:

February 1, 2025 - A year ago, we decided to shutter
UbuWeb. Not really shutter it, per se, but instead to
consider it complete. After nearly 30 years, it felt
right. But now, with the political changes in America
and elsewhere around the world, we have decided to
restart our archiving and regrow Ubu. In a moment
when our collective memory is being systematically
eradicated, archiving reemerges as a strong form of
resistance, a way of preserving crucial, subversive,
and marginalized forms of expression. We encourage
you to do the same. All rivers lead to the same
ocean: find your form of resistance, no matter how
small, and go hard. It's now or never. Together we
can prevent the annihilation of the memory of the

See also this article by Peter Kirn for Create Digital Media GmbH, Berlin.

чет, 13. феб 2025.: live music

Saw and very much enjoyed the jazz/noise by: Dietrichs: Don Dietrich and Camille Dietrich (US) + Jef Mertens (BE) + Mascletá (FR), live in Eindhoven, .nl at Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek. "Mascletá is Yves Botz, ‘no’ guitarist in Dustbreeders since 1988, ‘jazz mort’ guitarist of Mesa Of The Lost Women and ‘blotto-folk’ guitarist with Romain ‘Vomir’ Perrot (Saboteur); toured with scream-queen Junko (from Hijokaidan) as Junko and Yves; can transform into a loud, screaming saxophonist with Les Fondations De La Nuit; and played with a.o. Jac Berrocal, Cathy Heyden, Michel Henritzi, Masayoshi Urabe, Tamio Shiraishi and Mico, Don Dietrich, Jérôme Noetinger." Acquired Course(s) contre l'enfer by FRAHR. Also on bandcamp.com.

чет, 13. феб 2025.: libtest-command-simple-perl, python-django-adminsortable

Cleaning up my Debian slate: Worked (for the last time) on libtest-command-simple-perl and on python-django-adminsortable: leaving these graciously.

Next up: publicfile-installer (replace w/ publicfile?), systraq (convert from cdbs to dh), debian-history (add myself as uploader).

чет, 13. феб 2025.: ren

ren: :24 K, oude vijver in oude warande, hek vereniging hart van brabant, ten noorden van vijver daar, rodondendronlaantje in zuidelijke richting, bij zuidwesthoek berkenrode - t-kruising bredaseweg baron van voorst tot voorst weg, richting oosten, hockeyvelden aan linkerhand, K

уто, 11. феб 2025.: essay

From the "anti-monopoly pamphlet analyzing the true harms of surveillance capitalism and proposing a solution" How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism by Cory Doctorow, 2010 (there are signed copies available too):

As to why things are so screwed up? Capitalism.
Specifically, the monopolism that creates inequality
and the inequality that creates monopolism. It's a
form of capitalism that rewards sociopaths who
destroy the real economy to inflate the bottom line,
and they get away with it for the same reason
companies get away with spying: because our
governments are in thrall to both the ideology that
says monopolies are actually just fine and in thrall
to the ideology that says that in a monopolistic
world, you'd better not piss off the monopolists.
Surveillance doesn't make capitalism rogue.
Capitalism's unchecked rule begets surveillance.
Surveillance isn't bad because it lets people
manipulate us.  It's bad because it crushes our
ability to be our authentic selves — and because it
lets the rich and powerful figure out who might be
thinking of building guillotines and what dirt they
can use to discredit those embryonic guillotine-
builders before they can even get to the lumberyard.

пон, 10. феб 2025.: gardening and/or computers

Growing beyond the computer - Cortney Cassidy on leaving her tech job to become a full-time gardener.: Willa Köerner interviews Cortney Cassidy for Are.na Editorial and Dark Properties.

пон, 10. феб 2025.: film

Film: Babygirl by Halina Reijn, 2025-ish. Featuring Nicole Kidman. Marja Pruis besprak de film voor De Groene Amsterdammer, 15 januari 2025. "Welkom in Halina’s geheime tuin": "Wanneer zijn we er nu eens aan gewend dat vrouwen lustvolle wezens zijn? En al dat gedoe of Babygirl wel voldoende feministisch is? Het is een fabuleuze film."

нед, 9. феб 2025.: presentation

The selfish contributor revisited by Joe Brockmeier, February 6, 2025 for LWN. About the presentation by James Bottomley at FOSDEM 2025.

суб, 8. феб 2025.: book

Practical Doomsday - A User's Guide to the End of the World by Michal Zalewski. There's a preview available. January 2022, 250 pp. ISBN-13: 9781718502123

пет, 7. феб 2025.: validns

I now finally accepted that I no longer maintain the validns package in Debian: "Bug#1095417: O: validns -- high performance DNS/DNSSEC zone validator". And: "Subject: validns_0.8+git20230810.a7e6b4f-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable".

чет, 6. феб 2025.: ren

ren: 1 uur: K, vijver in bosje wat in 1938 op de kaart verschijnt, bij Oude Leij, ten noorden van spoorlijn, ten westen van baron van voorst tot voorstlaan.

zie topotijdreis.nl. telefoongesprek gevoerd, dus had iets meer tijd nodig. in maart 2025 komen er weer leuke biggetjes @ GroeiTuin013. Zie ook stadsbos 013.

сре, 5. феб 2025.: degrowth

Pope Francis Still Advocates for Degrowth by Oscar Krüger. Originally published on "Degrowth", 4 November 2024, and "Resilience", 22 January 2025. This publication in "Mother Pelican - A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability", Vol. 21, No. 2, February 2025.

нед, 2. феб 2025.: fosdem

When my sundaymorning train from .nl to Brussels had a delay of about 3 hours, I met a fellow FOSDEM visitor. We decided to not have train schedules interfere with our FOSDEM experience and started the conference right there and then in the waiting train: I did my presentation "Debian packaging using sbuild" (see http://mdcc.cx/dps.txt) for my fellow hacker :)

нед, 2. феб 2025.: draai

New upstream release of draai, and new Debian package uploaded: draai-20250202.tar.gz{,.asc} and draai_20250202-1_source.changes .

draai_20250202-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

update, пон, 10. феб 2025.: tnx to SCHAPiE, the draai Arch Linux PKGBUILD has been updated: see aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git.

суб, 1. феб 2025:

TIL: Bar Le Corto @ Boondaalse Steenweg 487, Brussels is pretty OK.

суб, 1. феб 2025.: offdem

DJ joostvb , DJ Johnny e.a., saturday feb 1 2025, OFFDEM, Brussels @ Zone Neutre / Roza Nera.

DJ joostvb playlist:

20:35:24 draai:
 François Bayle + Robert Wyatt + Kevin Ayers-It - an anthology of noise & electronic
 music volume #4 CD 2 - François Bayle + Robert Wyatt + Kevin Ayers-It (Sub Rosa SR250.
 Curated by Guy Marc Hinant)(Experimental - 2007 - 8 3:41)
20:44:20 draai: David_Byrne/The_Knee_Plays/15-Tic_Toc_2_(In_The_Future).flac: David
 Byrne - The Knee Plays - Tic Toc 2 (In The Future) (Nonesuch 303228-2 1984, 2007)
 (Avantgarde - 2007 - 15 5:36)
20:49:57 draai: M'Bilia_Bel/La_beauté_dune_femme_-_Loyengé/4-Balle_a_terre.ogg: Mbilia
 Bel & Afrisa International - La beauté d'une femme - Loyengé - Balle a terre (SYL205
 Syllart Productions, Genidia 2005. Originally recorded and released in 1980ies, Congo,
 as Tabu Ley Rochereau et M'Bilia Bel)(2005 - 4 12:17)
20:55:05 draai: At_The_Court_Of_The_Mwami,_Rwanda_-_1952_Tutsi,_Hutu_and_Twa_recordings
 _by_Hugh_Tracey/12-Twa_women-Twa_Praise_Song_-_Benimana.ogg: Twa women - At The Court
 Of The Mwami, Rwanda - 1952 Tutsi, Hutu and Twa recordings by Hugh Tracey  - Twa
 Praise Song - Benimana (SWP 007/HT 01. 1998. Stichting Sharp Wood Productions,
 Utrecht, The Netherlands / International Library of African Music, Grahamstown, South
 Africa)(Ethnic - 1998 - 12 1:29)
20:56:33 draai: Bitori/Legend_of_Funaná_-_The_Forbidden_Music_of_the_Cape_Verde_Islands
 /2-Rabelado.ogg: Bitori - Legend of Funaná - The Forbidden Music of the Cape Verde
 Islands - Rabelado (AACD 081 Analog Africa No. 21, 2016. Produced by Carlos Dos Santos
 for CDS Music. Recorded 1997 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Grace Evora: d, Danilo
 Tavares: b, Victor Bitori Tavares: gaita 8 baixos)(Cape Verde Funaná - 1997 - 2 5:19)
21:01:51 draai: Ze Espanhol - Bem Pa Moda (2013)/10-Ze Espanhol - Nha Amigo feat Tony
 Di Frank.mp3: Ze Espanhol - Bem Pa Moda -  (KINGSIZE WORLD)(2013 - 5:22)
21:07:12 draai: Ze Espanhol - Bem Pa Moda (2013)/9-Ze Espanhol - So Ca Bu Maguam feat
 Luxa.mp3: Ze Espanhol - Bem Pa Moda -  (KINGSIZE WORLD)(2013 - 5:32)
21:12:43 draai: Dj skull vomit - Antigoon ( Mr. Bad Monkey remix ) [F_N46kujurY].webm:

пет, 31. јан 2025.: walk

De Pierenberg in De Brekxsche Hoven is still a great place. Entered Brekxsche Hoven from the Baksevenweg at the south side. Walked to Pierenberg and back again. Muddy, and very nice walk. About 2 or 3 hours, including some cycling.

чет, 30. јан 2025.: article

Off-the-shelf governance models for small FOSS projects?, Dec 20, 2024 by Antonin Delpeuch.

чет, 30. јан 2025.: article

Every week brings a new chorus of voices demanding that
[insert tech giant] must "do better" or that [insert
government agency] needs to "crack down" or that [insert
billionaire] should swoop in to save us. We've become
digital peasants, petitioning various lords and kings to
please, please fix the internet for us.  [...] Instead, we
need to look for more ways for users to empower themselves
and to get out of this state of learned helplessness and
demanding some more powerful entity "fix" everything that
goes wrong.

Mike Masnick in Empowering Users, Not Overlords: Overcoming Digital Helplessness, Jan 27, 2025. See also LWN.

чет, 30. јан 2025.: ren

ren 20 minuten: K, zuidwestpuntje oude warande met hockeyvelden aan mn linkerhand, oude vijver, K

чет, 30. јан 2025.: article

Mailing lists vs Github, June 5, 2018 by Joe "begriffs" Nelson.

сре, 29. јан 2025.: languages

So that I don't forget: toml > json + sed to strip comments > yaml .

That is: YAML (spec), JSON, and TOML.

уто, 28. јан 2025.: brabant en kunst

De prachtige website cubra (wikimiddenbrabant, archive.org) is ter ziele (sinds 2024?), maar woeste grond (woestegrond.org) is nu een ding.

уто, 28. јан 2025.: klutshnik

pwdsphinx 2.0.0~rc2-1 MIGRATED to testing
opaque-store_0.2.0-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

пон, 27. јан 2025.: blog

September 2020: What is Looting? on the EconoSpeak blog by Tom "Sandwichman" Walker.

пон, 27. јан 2025.: linux namespaces

TIL: truukje:

/run/netns ~# ln -s /var/run/docker/netns/4aalkjlag
# ip netns list
# ip netns exec 4aalkjlag bash
# iptables -L -n

tnx Sander van Dinten. See ip-netns(8), unshare(1) and namespaces(7).

пон, 27. јан 2025.: klutshnik

opaque-store_0.2.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

суб, 25. јан 2025.: ilk

Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 11:00:15 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: joostvb@d.o, Debian Science Team, proycon
Subject: libfolia_2.21-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 11:00:25 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: joostvb@d.o, Debian Science Maintainers, proycon
Subject: ticcutils_0.36-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

чет, 23. јан 2025.: poetry

TIL: Namdeo Dhasal was a great poet. See e.g. Must Read 7 Poems of Namdeo Dhasal.

чет, 23. јан 2025.: ren

ren: 28 min, station tilburg west, 11 vrije kippen en 1 haan, wandelbos, zeven geitjes, noordrand oude warande, en ook nog spectaculair in de modder gevallen

чет, 23. јан 2025.: duke

Debian 15 will be called "duke" (14 will be forky, 13 will be trixie, 12 is bookworm).

сре, 22. јан 2025.: klutshnik

opaque-store_0.2.0-1_amd64.changes is NEW

сре, 22. јан 2025.: debian politics

Post by Guillem Jover, Tue, 21 Jan 2025 on debian-devel:

> * They could take the issue to TC, either as a question about this
>   specific issue, or asking the TC to set policy on what ports patches
>   maintainers should accept.

It's my long standing stance that this is always detrimental to the
project; a failure of the community at large, that it ruptures the
social fabric of the project, and given its power and structure
is unjust in nature. If this would ever be needed, I think going
upstream directly or just using the "unreleased" suite is always
going to be socially better and more productive anyway.


уто, 21. јан 2025.: klutshnik

liboprf 0.6.1-1 MIGRATED to testing

пон, 20. јан 2025.: links

so that i won't forget: free access to more good information: www.sci-hub.se and libgen.rs.

пон, 20. јан 2025.: software

entropicthoughts.com/flowratio-stochastic-time-tracking: FlowRatio: Work Sampling Made Easy. By kqr, published 2023-10-28. About life, statistics and time tracking.

нед, 19. јан 2025.: boek

ingesprekmetdenoordzee.nl door Stichting Living Landscapes en Arita Baaijens. En het boek: ISBN: 9789045048857.

суб, 18. јан 2025.: klutshnik

pwdsphinx_2.0.0~rc2-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

пет, 17. јан 2025.: stable and maintained software: ed

ed (1.21-1) unstable; urgency=medium
  * New upstream version 1.21
 -- Lev Lamberov <dogsleg@d.o>  Fri, 17 Jan 2025 18:06:55 +0500

Initial release: 1973. See Wikipedia.

чет, 16. јан 2025.: ren

ren :36 : TiU K, waar vroeger een berk in een boomstam groeide landgoed sparrenhof, vijver aan mn linkerhand, hart van brabant/berkenrode, zuid-oost vijver aan mn rechterhand, per ongeluk bij voorst tot voorstweg aanbeland, overgestoken, terug in zuidelijke richting, weer overgestoken, over sloot gesprongen, berkenrode vijver aan mn linkerhand, terug naar zuid-oost vijver, weer langs zuidrand sportvelden, oude warande zuid, TiU K

чет, 16. јан 2025.: nice personal websites

TIL Debian Developer Bas Couwenberg (1983, Amsterdam) maintains a nice personal website at linuxminded.nl.

сре, 15. јан 2025.: dosba

Since jan 2025: dosba.nl: the Dutch Open Source Business Alliance.

сре, 15. јан 2025.:

On not scaling LURK: a tale of maintenance, federation, and governance by Alex, Aymeric, Brendan, Lídia, Roel. jan 2025

сре, 15. јан 2025.: klutshnik

Subject: liboprf_0.6.1-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

сре, 15. јан 2025.: blog

Brainwash An Executive Today! by Nikhil Suresh, about corporate culture. January 13, 2025.

нед, 12. јан 2025.: presentations

found back some traces of presentations I've given in the past. http://mdcc.cx/debian/ updated accordingly.

нед, 12. јан 2025.: klutshnik

Bug#1092863: ITP: opaque-store - store encrypted blobs of information online, protected by a password using the OPAQUE protocol

нед, 12. јан 2025.: mathematics: nicomachus

De som der derdemachten is gelijk aan het kwadraat van de som: de Stelling van Nicamachus. En 2025 is een interessant getal. Zie ook Nicomachus theorem op Wikipedia. Nicomachus of Gerasa (Ancient Greek: Νικόμαχος; c. 60 – c. 120 AD) was an Ancient Greek Neopythagorean philosopher from Gerasa, in the Roman province of Syria (now Jerash, Jordan). At the end of Chapter 20 of his Introduction to Arithmetic he poses his theorem. The Introduction to Arithmetic (Ancient Greek: Ἀριθμητικὴ εἰσαγωγή, Arithmetike eisagoge) is the only extant work on mathematics by Nicomachus. Proof without words of the Nicomachus theorem (squared
triangular numbers) by CMG Lee

суб, 11. јан 2025.: mainstream politics

Ins Kanzleramt einladen will Scholz Musk nicht. "Ich halte nichts davon, um die Gunst von Herrn Musk zu buhlen. Das überlasse ich gerne anderen", sagte er: "In den sozialen Medien sind ja viele unterwegs, die mit schrillen Sprüchen Aufmerksamkeit erregen wollen. Da gilt: Don’t feed the troll."

--Olaf Scholz on Elon Musk in www.stern.de/politik/deutschland/scholz-35353738.html

суб, 11. јан 2025.: software: version numbering schemes

TIL I am not the only person shipping releases like:

caspar  20240818
draai   20201215
systraq 20201231
uruk    20240930

, or like:

aephea  12-248
mcl     22-282
pick    24-248a
zoem    21-341

. See calver.org. Also: there's a nice overview at 0ver.org/#notable-zerover-projects.

пет, 10. јан 2025.: mail: mh, again

Later als ik groot ben ga ik mijn mail lezen met mh(1). There are bugs #1075280 and #1076958 in Debian. The mmh package seems to be in very good shape. But mmh really deserves some love; i'd be very sad if it would not get shipped with trixie... MH started in 1978: what else would you need?

пет, 10. јан 2025.: interview

now watching: Arnon Grunberg ("the dutch philip roth") meets professor Vivian Liska, on youtube at % yt-dlp 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsvBOqGP3xs' . About Franz Kafka, Apostle Paul, Giorgio Agamben and other interesting stuff. De Balie, Amsterdam, 2024.

пет, 10. јан 2025.: music

She Hangs Brightly (on youtube as playlist?list=PLI6kLIhBBwmTBALRhEYKx766G82dZ0lbK) is the 1990 debut studio album by American alternative rock band Mazzy Star ("Dream Pop", "Indie", semi bored and semi off tone female vocals). In 1993 they scored a modest hit with "Fade Into You". (Found out about them while listening to a band called "Viv Akauldren".)

сре, 8. јан 2025.: literature, dutch

Studiën in volksstructuur door F. Bordewijk, 1951. Met het geweldige verhaal "Musselkanaal": "[...] Tweede Exloërmond, en Emmer-Erfscheiderveen, en Barger Compascuüm. Van Rena werd door deze namen vreemd aangedaan. Dat is geen Nederlands meer, dacht hij; waar blijf ik met mijn voornemen tot ontginnen? Het smoort in de kiem."

уто, 7. јан 2025.: ren

ren :33. de varkens zijn geslacht, geloof ik.

пон, 6. јан 2025.: free press

Cartoons, Washington Post, Ann Telnaes:

There will be people who say, “Hey, you work
for a company and that company has the right
to expect employees to adhere to what’s good
for the company”. That’s true except we’re
talking about news organizations that have
public obligations and who are obliged to
nurture a free press in a democracy.

Why I'm quitting the Washington Post - Democracy can't function without a free press by Ann Telnaes, Jan 04, 2025.

пон, 6. јан 2025.: capitalism: the AH supermarket

Albert Heijn NOT to go, by "Michel Louise", 2021. Great piece of work. See sjakoo.nl and 2dh5.nl. Related: What you might not know about… Albert Heijn by Ondřej Caletka, 25 April 2024 for NCC Sevens.

нед, 5. јан 2025.: /debian/

Updated my list of Debian-related documents and presentations.

нед, 29. дец 2024.: 38c3

Sacrificing Chickens Properly: Why Magical Thinking is Both the Problem and the Solution., lecture about anthropology, magic, language, LLM's by Senana for the 38C3 CCC Congress, dec 2024.

нед, 29. дец 2024.: math

TIL: The Euclid–Euler theorem: an even number is perfect if and only if and only if it has the form M * 2^(p−1), where M is a Mersenne prime. The theorem is named after mathematicians Euclid and Leonhard Euler, who respectively proved the "if" (300 BC) and "only if" (18th century) aspects of the theorem. It is not known whether there are any odd perfect numbers, nor whether infinitely many perfect numbers exist.

TILA: The Collatz conjecture (also known as the 3 n + 1 conjecture): "Take any positive integer. For even numbers, divide by 2; For odd numbers, multiply by 3 and add 1. Repeat again with your new number. With enough repetition, will your hailstone sequence reach the number 1?" Paul Erdős said about the Collatz conjecture: "Mathematics may not be ready for such problems."

нед, 29. дец 2024.: math

Is there a non-convex polyhedron without self-intersections with more than seven faces, all of which share an edge with each other?

The Szilassi polyhedron is named after Hungarian mathematician Lajos Szilassi, who discovered it in 1977. It is a nonconvex polyhedron, topologically a torus, with seven hexagonal faces. Each face of this polyhedron shares an edge with each other face. As a result, it requires seven colours to colour all adjacent faces. The tetrahedron and the Szilassi polyhedron are the only two known polyhedra in which each face shares an edge with each other face.

чет, 26. дец 2024.: git hosting

My projects are no longer represented on github. (See sfconservancy.org/GiveUpGitHub for some of the reasons.)

Your repository "joostvb-gh/uruk" was successfully deleted.
Your repository "joostvb-gh/caspar" was successfully deleted.

Check mdcc.cx/uruk/ for information on uruk's git repository. There is one at gitlab.com/joostvb/uruk , it is semi manually kept in sync with the master repo at http://git.mdcc.cx/uruk.git. Similary, gitlab.com/joostvb/caspar is a (not guaranteed to be up to date) mirror of http://git.mdcc.cx/caspar.git.

сре, 18. дец 2024.: klutshnik

pwdsphinx_1.99.2-beta-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

уто, 10. дец 2024.: music

Art Tatum - Night and Day (Cole Porter), 1946, as used in the movie "The Fantastic Mr Fox"

нед, 8. дец 2024.: klutshnik


сре, 4. дец 2024.: klutshnik

"pwdsphinx_1.99.2-beta-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable"

As always, see qa.debian.org for status of all klutshnik related packages in Debian.

нед, 1. дец 2024.: klutshnik

Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2024 10:20:48 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters 
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić 
Subject: libopaque_0.99.8-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

нед, 24. нов 2024.: warandeloop

warandeloop 10 km 57:57 (120ste van de 185 deelnemers). nina: scholierencross 1120 m 5:47. Resultaten uit het verleden:

nov 2024 10   km   57:57            Warandeloop (120 out of 185)
sep 2024  5   km   24:37            TTM  (Overall position: 174)

nov 2023 10   km   53:34 11,2  km/h Warandeloop (Overall position: 126 out of 207)
sep 2023 10   km   51:41 11,61 km/h TTM  (Overall position: 252 out of 1227)

nov 2022 10   km   50:46            Warandeloop
sep 2022 10   km   51:25            TTM

nov 2021 10   km   48:56 12,26 km/h Warandeloop

nov 2019 10   km   46:21 12,95 km/h Warandeloop
sep 2019 16.1 km 1:28:17 10,94 km/h TTM

nov 2018 10   km   45:15 13,26 km/h Warandeloop
sep 2018 10   km   51:25 11,65 km/h TTM

nov 2017 10   km   48:15 12,44 km/h Warandeloop
aug 2017 10   km   51 (including about 2 minutes of traffic lights), with Tollef. DebConf17 Montréal

nov 2016 10   km   44:16 13,55 km/h Warandeloop
nov 2016 15   km 1:16:40 11,74 km/h Zevenheuvelenloop
sep 2016 10   km   44:31 13,48 km/h TTM

nov 2015 10   km   43:22 13,84 km/h Warandeloop
sep 2015 16.1 km 1:29:03 10,85 km/h TTM

nov 2014  5   km   23:16 12,89 km/h Warandeloop

sep 2013 16.1 km 1:26:16 11,20 km/h TTM

nov 2012 10   km   46:15 Warandeloop
sep 2012 16.1 km 1:26:09 TTM

nov 2011 10   km   45:03 Warandeloop
sep 2011 16.1 km 1:29:22 TTM

nov 2009  5   km   24:30 Warandeloop

пет, 18. окт 2024.: blog

Start Often Finish rArely by "dozens".

чет, 17. окт 2024.: article

The Collapse Is Coming, Will Humanity Adapt? by Peter Watts and Daniel R. Brooks, May 2024:

"[...] studies from institutions as variable as MIT and the University of Melbourne suggest that global civilizational collapse is going to happen starting around 2040 or 2050."

"[...] the worst thing you [can] do to try to create social change for survival [is] to attack social institutions. [The] way to cope with social institutions that [are] non-functional, or perhaps even antithetical to long-term survival, [is] to ignore them and go around them."

"And these people said, “Yes, but then if we’re successful, the politicians will come in and claim credit!” And I said, “So what? Who cares! Let them come in, do a photo op, and then they go back to Washington D.C. and they’ll forget you.”"

"[...] what human beings are doing to the biosphere right now is nothing compared to what blue-green algae did to the biosphere 4 billion years ago."

See also livescience.com article.

чет, 17. окт 2024.: logreport's lire

TIL LogReport's Lire Software is still maintained in Arch Linux. In 2011 LogReport published the last (2.1.1) lire release. (It was removed from Debian in 2014: it got shipped with Debian 7 "wheezy" in 2013, not with 8/jessie; see lire on snapshot.debian.org. In 2012 I did my last work on the lire Debian package.)

нед, 13. окт 2024.: blog

"Who has permission to know things?" by Iris Meredith, september 2024. On corporate culture and minority people.

нед, 13. окт 2024.: video

Must see: pretty nice presentation on packet radio (video) by Dave Hibberd for 2024/MiniDebConf-Cambridge.

нед, 13. окт 2024.: book / literature

'Han Kang has said that she suffers from periodic migraines, and credits them with "keeping her humble".'

нед, 13. окт 2024.: dance, theatre, film

TIL Florentina_Holzinger. Must see: the 2024 film Mond. See also (nsfw, triggers!): trailer for her 2024-ish dance/theatre production.

суб, 12. окт 2024.: article

The Gervais Principle, 2009, by Venkatesh Rao. On how organizations "work" (or not). See also the entry below, from уто, 27. авг 2019.

суб, 12. окт 2024.: caspar

Bug#1084920 RFS: caspar/20240818-1 -- Makefile
 snippets for centralized configuration management and typesetting

чет, 10. окт 2024.: caspar

Uploaded caspar_20240818-1_source.changes. tnx eurostar wireless.

чет, 10. окт 2024.: debian-events

working on: preparing the debian booth @ fosdem

чет, 10. окт 2024.: mlmmj

The beautiful mlmmj mailing list manager has a new(ish) upstream fork, did not yet enter debian. If you for some reason are not impressed by GNU Mailman 3, and are not keen on running the still maintained Mailman2 branch, mlmmj might work for you: the package takes only 900 kB of disk space!

сре, 9. окт 2024.:

TIL: myip.wft: what's my IP / what is my IP. A pretty cool interface is at myip.wtf/text.

сре, 9. окт 2024.: mutt html femto howto

how to manually view html stuff in mutt. (tested on Debian GNU/Linux 11/bullseye, current oldstable).

first: scroll to the message. then: press:


and when prompted with:

Pipe to:


w3m -T text/html

finally, exit by doing:


This can all be automated by crafting .muttrc and or doing mime magic and or update-alternatives and/or sensible-webbrowser tweaking, I guess. Doing such is left as an exercise for the reader. (I might get to it myself, later.)

сре, 9. окт 2024.: klutshnik

Subject: liboprf 0.4.0-1 MIGRATED to testing

сре, 9. окт 2024.: perl

There are three great virtues of a programmer; Laziness, Impatience and Hubris
  -- Larry Wall, Programming Perl, 1996

уто, 8. окт 2024.: essay

Bart Smout schreef een prachtig essay voor "De Inclusieve Stad" door fotograaf Ton Toemen voor Tilburg University, 2024. (Ik vrees dat t helaas niet online gepubliceerd is...)

уто, 8. окт 2024.: food

TIL: Domowe Pierogi in Helmond is een fantastisch en heel erg Pools restaurant, waar je prima Ruskie Pierogi kunt eten.

Polish pierogi are often filled with fresh quark, boiled and minced potatoes, and fried onions. This type is known in Polish as pierogi ruskie ("Ruthenian pierogi").

нед, 6. окт 2024.: gitlab and ci/cd

for more green computing: pushing to git repo's with a gitlab powered backend (like salsa), without triggering the ci/cd job runners:

git push -o ci.skip

суб, 5. окт 2024.: poetry

TIL: Lisette Lombé: a french-speaking poetesse from bruxelles:

~$ mpv 'https://youtube.com/watch?v=LCZty6VSLO4'

суб, 5. окт 2024.: belgrade: house of flowers

Why on earth did I never visit Кућа цвећа aka Kuća cveća yet!? Looks like a pretty cool place.

суб, 5. окт 2024.: OpenPGP

RFC 9580 "OpenPGP" by P. Wouters, D. Huigens J. Winter and Y. Niibe, July 2024.

суб, 5. окт 2024.: book

"Run Your Own Mail Server" by Michael W Lucas.

суб, 5. окт 2024.: food

now eating: Prebranac aka Пребранац.

пет, 4. окт 2024.: copyright en open access

Uit de oude doos, maar toch nog steeds sterk: De breinfolder van NLUUG: het_gemak_van_de_kopie.pdf, door Valentijn Sessink, 2006. Daarop kwam een antwoord van Stichting Brein.

пет, 4. окт 2024.: ren

40 minuten: K, lang telefoongesprek, van voorst tot voorstlaan brug over spoor, zwartvenseweg spoorwegovergang.

пет, 4. окт 2024.: debian-curiosa

(Old) Debian humor:

пет 04 09:31 -zwiebelbot:#debian-curiosa- Debian#576184: RFP: jidanni -- a
 natural intelligence to find many bugs - https://bugs.debian.org/576184
пет 04 09:33 -zwiebelbot:#debian-curiosa- Debian#360285: ITP: libjoey -- forks
 itself and does several things at the same time -

пет, 4. окт 2024.: article

Lifers, Dayjobbers And The Independently Wealthy - A Letter To A Former Student by max alper aka @la_meme_young aka Peretsky, composer, educator, and writer in puerto rico.

сре, 2. окт 2024.: film

The Brainwashing of My Dad is a 2015 American documentary film directed by Jen Senko about her father's transformation from a nonpolitical Democrat into a political Republican.

сре, 2. окт 2024.: runit

Subject: runit-2.2.0 available
From: Gerrit Pape 
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2024 15:43:18 +0200

Hi, version 2.2.0 of the runit package is available through
https://smarden.org/runit/ [...]

runit, initially released in 2004, is an init and service management scheme for Unix-like operating systems.

сре, 2. окт 2024.: pgp

updated my gpg keys' expiry date (now: expires: 2029-09-30), removed some obsolete uids . servers hkp://the.earth.li hkp://pgp.surf.nl hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com hkp://keyring.debian.org should have a new version of 57930DAB0B86B067 .

уто, 1. окт 2024.: politics

countries in europe where the extreme right wing these days is not very strong: ireland uk denmark lithuania switserland portugal spain slovenia romania bulgaria greece. don't know about: bosnia macedonia montenegro norway. source: politico.eu and Wikipedia.

уто, 1. окт 2024.: article

[...] je kunt de democratie niet computeriseren, maar het zal toch gebeuren,
omdat te veel mensen denken dat het wel kan. Zodra we denken dat democratie
output is, en niet een gemeenschappelijk proces van overleg en overweging,
zullen we software inzetten en datagestuurde besluitvormingsprocessen om tot
resultaat te komen.

Maxim Februari, voor nrc.nl, 17 februari 2023

пон, 30. сеп 2024.: uruk

uruk version 20240930 - The Surae Release. And: Accepted uruk 20240930-1 (source) into unstable Debian.

нед, 29. сеп 2024.: TTM

TTM 5 km: 24:37 . I finished as number 174.

нед, 29. сеп 2024.: klutshnik

liboprf_0.4.0-1 uploaded

суб, 28. сеп 2024.: art

Marty made art: .

суб, 28. сеп 2024.: fiets

fiets: tilburg korvel, oisterwijk azc kievitsblekweg bij bungalowpark hermitage vv

Saw Desiderata (1927) by American writer Max Ehrmann (1872 – 1945). in the Mariakapel van de Vrede bij Bungalowpark Hermitage in Oisterwijk.

суб, 28. сеп 2024.: klutshnik

pwdsphinx_1.99.0-beta-1 uploaded:

суб 28 10:36 < BTS> pwdsphinx 1.99.0-beta-1 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
 [10:38] [joostvb(+Ri)] [27:OFTC/#debian-devel-changes(+n)] [Act: 569,588]

чет, 26. сеп 2024.: krtek

now watching: Mole as a Painter: "krtek".

чет, 26. сеп 2024.: code and security

"Code matures and gets safer with time"

Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source, September 25, 2024 by Jeff Vander Stoep - Android team, and Alex Rebert - Security Foundations

чет, 26. сеп 2024.: ren

21 minuten. K, kapelletje delmerweg, joodse begraafplaats bredaseweg, warandelaan, K

суб, 21. сеп 2024.: music

No Kharms Done - Simon Nabatov (Audio Download – £7.00; CD – £14.00)

Some years from now Nabatov’s works will be studied in universities. Because
for over two decades of his life he devoted to people who managed to create
radical new forms in the midst of terrible repression. They are people like
Josef Brodsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Daniil Kharms, Isaac Babel, and some others.
This is Nabatov’s sixth CD devoted to revolutionary Russian writers. It takes a
huge talent to set these characters to music and this CD is a true Nabatov
triumph. He is accompanied by Phil Minton (voice), Matthias Schubert
(saxophone), Walter Wierbos (trombone), Jim Black (drums).

пет, 20. сеп 2024.: ren

ren: 32 min: K, telefoongesprek, meest westelijke puntje Oude Warande, biggetjes, K

пет, 20. сеп 2024.: debian

"Re: Debian seems to want you to be 'all in' on contributing", Posted Sep 19, 2024 23:25 UTC (Thu) by technomancy:

[...] I was struck by the vast difference between the experience of Debian as a
user (flawless anarchist utopia, every action you take succeeds with effortless
grace, boundless opportunities beckon at a single command) and Debian as a
packager (trudge thru rancid error messages, documentation assumes you are
already an expert packager who wants to package a program that uses gnu
autotools, every tool you encounter is a rewrite of a rewrite of a rewrite,
jargon includes many words deployed as the opposite of their normal meaning)

чет, 19. сеп 2024.: klutshnik: libopaque

Uploaded libopaque_0.99.7-2_source.changes to Debian.

чет, 19. сеп 2024.: book

"Resisting AI - An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence" by Dan McQuillan, 2022. 190 pages, ISBN 978-1529213508, Bristol University Press

сре, 18. сеп 2024.: klutshnik: liboprf and libopaque

сре 18 14:34 < BTS> liboprf 0.3.2-3 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
сре 18 15:11 < BTS> libopaque 0.99.7-1 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    (joostvb) https://tracker.debian.org/libopaque

сре, 18. сеп 2024.: debian statistics

"lies, damn lies and statistics"

more at blends.debian.net/liststats.

сре, 18. сеп 2024.: email, code, bugs

Why Security Experts Are Using An Ancient Email Format In 2015 by J.M. Porup, 2015. Still very valid, imnsho: "According to OpenHub.net, mutt clocks in at a lightweight 100k lines of code, while Thunderbird plus Enigmail swells to nearly a million. If you’re using Firefox, that’s almost 14 million LOC, and Chromium, the open-source code base for Google Chrome, bulges at 17.4 million LOC." [...] ”fewer lines of code, and the non-existence of vulnerable code (Java, Flash etc)—all of which generally means better security (less bugs, more stability).”

сре, 18. сеп 2024.: chihiro

Chihiro Geuzebroek (1983), "a Bolivian-Dutch multidisciplinary artist and activist with Quechua ancestry, was born and raised in Amsterdam." There's an interview with her, and a very nice 2013 documentary by and about her on youtube ZA6cxvAE4Ig called "Radical Friends".

сре, 18. сеп 2024.: email-oauth2-proxy

уто 17 16:15 < BTS> Opened #1082019 in wnpp by Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb+de...@uvt.nl>
                    «RFP: email-oauth2-proxy -- transparently add OAuth 2.0 support to
                    IMAP/POP/SMTP client applications». https://bugs.debian.org/1082019

пон, 16. сеп 2024.: article: enshittification

Social Quitting: Cory Doctorow on Enshittification, 2022-11-15. For the January, 2023 issue of Locus Magazine.

пон, 16. сеп 2024.: klutshnik: liboprf

Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 11:49:28 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić
Subject: liboprf_0.3.2-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

пет, 13. сеп 2024.: klokkenluider

Ik luidde 1 van de vier kerkklokken van de St. Dionysius-kerk ("Het Goirke") in Tilburg. Met dank aan Open Monumentendag en de vrijwilligers van de Goirkese Kerk.

Zie ook vD92iJExPq4 op youtube: "Tilburg (NL), St. Dionysius (Goirke), volgelui".

пет, 13. сеп 2024.: interruptions

Extinguish All Notifications. yes please. mastodon is the only thing which managed to break my notification firewall. i'm trying to fix that. unfortunately it turned out not to be easy.

пет, 13. сеп 2024.: book

Mo Yan - De Wijnrepubliek. (Jiuguo, vert. Yves Menheere), De Geus 2014. Een recensie. "In 2012, Mo was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his work as a writer "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary"."

Yu Hua - Flesjes Knallen. Vertaling door: Jan de Meyer. Alle verhalen. De Geus (2018). ISBN: 9789044540246, € 19,99

Bi Feiyu - Krekel Krekel. Een recensie. Vertaald door Mark Leenhouts. De Geus, Breda. 224 blz. € 19,95.

пет, 13. сеп 2024.: mpd

"#767134 RFP: ympd -- Standalone MPD web GUI"

пет, 13. сеп 2024.: new music from belgrade

Top 3 new bands according to Nemanja Aćimović, the drummer of Jarboli: Gazorpazorp, Skofja Loka VIS and Njuskaci Jabuka.

чет, 12. сеп 2024.: ren

ren :28, K, station tilburg universiteit, ongeveer 6 vrije kippen, 38 - 28 = 10 minuten afgeleid door de varkentjes, spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, K

пон, 9. сеп 2024.: music: Frank Martin

Frank Martin was a great composer. See also frankmartin.org. Check out his Golgotha oratorio. Or his In Terra Pax.

нед, 8. сеп 2024.: article

"The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman", August 5, 2024 by Irene Y. Zhang: "one of the things that women are responsible for in our patriarchical society is managing men’s emotions".

нед, 8. сеп 2024.: photography

Broekhoven 1975, straatfotografie, door Jan van Oevelen (1946, Tilburg). "Aan het boek Broekhoven, tussen Piushaven en Leij (Ronald Peeters, 2018, Uitgeverij Gianotten) droeg hij een groot aantal foto’s bij uit de serie die hij nu op drie CuBra-pagina’s volledig publiceert."

нед, 8. сеп 2024.: post

"Another one bites the dust" by laf0rge, Sep 8, 2024. On "NGINX has moved to Github". "like any organization at such a massive size it's hard to impossible to reach some human being with a common sense and decision making authority".

нед, 8. сеп 2024.: firefox?

(ITP - #981291) bugs.debian.org/981291 librewolf

нед, 8. сеп 2024.: klutshnik, free software work

working on pwdsphinx, libopaque, liboprf

working on debian booth @ LocHal OSE:

нед 08 10:43 < joostvb> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/nl/2024/LocHal-OSE is er nu (
                        zaterdag 23 november )
 [11:21] [joostvb(+Ri)] [43:OFTC/#debian-nl(+ns)]

нед, 8. сеп 2024.: documentaire

Vogels kun je niet melken: een documentaire over Friese boer Bote de Boer en zijn grutto's. voor Human, door Barbara Makkinga. Te zien vanaf Nederlandse IPs (en met DRM) via npostart.nl.

чет, 5. сеп 2024.: postgresql

So that I don't forget:

Debian major dist-upgrades and PostgreSQL

Als je een major postgresql upgrade hebt gedaan, dan ben je nu w/s nog
niet klaar. Waarschijnlijk geeft

 # pg_lsclusters

te zien dat je nog je "oude" PostgreSQL aan het draaien bent, en dat
de nieuwe nog niks doet.  Bij een upgrade van bv. postgresql-13
13.16-0+deb11u1 naar postgresql-15 15.8-0+deb12u1 doe je dan:

 # pg_dropcluster 15 main --stop
 # pg_upgradecluster 13 main

.  Test of je dienst nog doet wat ie moet doen.  Als alles nog werkt
doe je nu:

 # pg_dropcluster 13 main

.  Daarna moet je mogelijk nog expliciet met de hand je postgresql-13
pakketten verwijderen.  Kijk wat je nog hebt staan:

 dpkg -l postgresql\* | grep ii


 # apt purge postgresql-13 postgresql-client-13

.  Zie ook "Default clusters and upgrading" in
/usr/share/doc/postgresql-common/README.Debian.gz .

чет, 5. сеп 2024.: ren

ren 40 min K, zuidrand hockeyvelden, om noordelijke vijver landgoed sparrenhof heen, oostelijk langs vijver heidepark bij horeca, om vijver ten noordoosten t splitsing bredaseweg - van voorst tot voorst, zuidrand hockeyvelden, K

чет, 5. сеп 2024.: firefox

#985564 firefox: pocket recommendations violate the social contract

Sep 05, 2024, Joey Hess: "Debian needs to find a maintainer for firefox who is not employed by Mozilla." [...] "(Or just package any firefox fork already, so those of us who care can switch to it.)"

сре, 4. сеп 2024.: "nature"

Kunnen we dit N-woord begraven?, 3 september 2024, door Chihiro Geuzebroek.

уто, 3. сеп 2024.: rant

Aug 27 2024 A-Dub ( @adub@kolektiva.social ):
my university has converted our office telephones to Microsoft Teams. when i
grumbled about this to a favourite sysadmin, this is how they responded 🔥

“Microsoft has actually brilliantly leveraged the lousy security landscape --
for which they are in no small part responsible -- to capture even larger
market-share, as we now need commercial entities to produce the software
required to protect us from their failures, and therefore need a more uniform
environment to achieve the necessary scale. The uniformity then guarantees an
ever greater scale for the inevitable conflagration. Monocultures guarantee one
big fire instead of a bunch of small survivable ones. We really have no
interest in learning from evolution, in no small part because it would produce
fewer billionaires.  — Local Cranky IT Guy”  [shared with permission]

уто, 3. сеп 2024.:

TIL: unit-translator: run systemd-ified software on non-systemd systems.

уто, 3. сеп 2024.: uruk

new uruk ("Very small firewall script, for configuring iptables") upstream release: uruk-20240902.tar.xz, and uruk 20240902-1 now shipped with Debian GNU/Linux unstable "sid".

пон, 2. сеп 2024.: music

headcleaner: "HEADCLEANER was formed in September of 1991 by Stephen Jones, Theodore Ühlemann and Daniel Finster. Initially, the group was only involved in making music by intentionally destroying consumer grade computer systems, namely the IBM PC and compatibles. The ritual would begin by Stephen booting the victim computer system while the mass storage device was open. During the boot process, the disc heads would attempt to read data from the platters but would be interrupted by the band relentlessly tapping screwdrivers (standard and phillips) upon the disc platters. These taps would turn into violent scrapes that would halt the platters momentarily until the band ceased and allowed the device to spin back up. But, there is never a way. The device would ultimately fail. The three would then celebrate their victory by processing dried corn kernels in the mass storage device carcass in hot oil, seasonings and flame."

пон, 2. сеп 2024.: machine learning / large language models, again

Why AI isn't going to make art by Ted Chiang for The Newyorker, August 31, 2024: "Whether you are creating a novel or a painting or a film, you are engaged in an act of communication between you and your audience. [...] the fact that it derives from your unique life experience and arrives at a particular moment in the life of whoever is seeing your work, is what makes it new. [...] it’s by living our lives in interaction with others that we bring meaning into the world. That is something that an auto-complete algorithm can never do [...]"

нед, 1. сеп 2024.: fiets

46.7 km: fietsen met wytze: henriëttesluis, bokhoven, herpt, elshout, drunen, nieuwkuijk: molen emma, dijkje zuidrand drunen nieuwkuijk vlijmen (waarom is die toendertijd aangelegd? bescherming tegen overstroming van wat? de zandleij!?), afwateringskanaal 's-hertogenbosch - drongelen aka Drongels of Drongelens Kanaal.

update: AHN laat zien dat drunen en nieuwkuijk en vlijmen inderdaad in een kuil / t verlengde van de maasbedding liggen. pas in t zuiden bij de loonse en drunense duinen is er een natuurlijke oever.

update: met dank aan wandelpaden.com en wytze: "De Baardwijkse Overlaat is tot 1942 als overlaat in gebruik geweest. [...] Bij hoge waterstanden in de Maas heeft deze overlaat de functie gehad het overtollige water in de winter in lager gelegen gebieden te laten stromen zonder dijkdoorbraken. Tevens heeft dit gebied ooit dienst gedaan als westelijke inundatiezone van ’s-Hertogenbosch. Dit gebied, gelegen ten zuiden van de lijn Vlijmen, Nieuwkuijk en Drunen, kan tijdens perioden van beleg van ’s-Hertogenbosch als verdediging onder water worden gezet. De overlaat is daarvoor in compartimenten verdeeld door dwarsdijken, met daarop wegen en paden. Elk compartiment afzonderlijk kan zo door een sluis in de Maasdijk worden gespuid of geïnundeerd. Deze sluizen zijn strategisch belangrijk en worden dan meestal bewaakt. [...] De Heidijk, een oorspronkelijke zeedijk in het Meierijse landschap vormt de zuidelijke rand van de bebouwing van Drunen. Het is een overblijfsel uit de tijd omstreeks 1273 als dit hele gebied deel uitmaakt van de Grote of Zuid-Hollandsche Waard die tijdens de St. Elisabethsvloed van 18 op 19 november 1421 verloren gaat."

update: route beschikbaar.

пет, 30. авг 2024.: varkens

суб, 31. авг 2024.: klutshnik

working on libopaque and on pwdsphinx

чет, 29. авг 2024.: ren

ren :32 biggetjes @ stadstuin 013: ja ook de kleintjes zijn er nog; 7 + 4, van 2 zeugen die er allebei bij zijn. oude vijver, grotto, omgevallen boom van nina

пон, 26. авг 2024.: bootstrappability

"A reproducible, automatic, complete end-to-end bootstrap from a 512 byte binary seed to a supported fully functioning operating system: a usable Linux system be created with only human-auditable, and wherever possible, human-written, source code."

нед, 25. авг 2024.: klutshnik

working on liboprf

суб, 24. авг 2024.: dps

worked on debian-packaging-sbuild.txt: "Debian packaging using sbuild"

суб, 24. авг 2024.: r-cran

uploaded r-cran-statcheck_1.5.0-2_source.changes:

суб 24 07:20 < BTS> r-cran-statcheck 1.5.0-2 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb) (Closes:
                    #1076917) https://tracker.debian.org/r-cran-statcheck
суб 24 07:21 < BTS> Closed #1076917 in src:r-cran-statcheck by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
                    «r-cran-statcheck: FTBFS: ERROR: dependency ‘stringi’ is not available for package
                    ‘statcheck’». https://bugs.debian.org/1076917

Fri 23 Aug 2024: spf, again

again tweaked my @mdcc.cx spf record: no longer - (hard fail) but ~ (soft fail).

чет, 22. авг 2024.: nature strikes back

_a4ZS0DVyDo on youtube: "Fortsetzung Inde Hochwasser Flutkatastrophe 2021, wenn die Inde ihren Raum im Tagebau Inden sucht". Over dagbouwmijnen voor bruinkoolwinning. "Leider mussten 2 Bergmänner bei diesem Teil der Katastrophe mit das Leben bezahlen." "In 1990 is een groot deel van het dorp Inden verdwenen ten behoeve van deze winning. Het dorp is vernoemd naar de rivier Inde, waarvan de rivierbedding verlegd werd. Ook het dorp Altdorf is verdwenen [...]" "Da der Fluss Inde das Abbaugebiet durchkreuzt, wurde ein neues Flussbett geschaffen, das den Fluss seit Ende 2005 westlich um den Tagebau herumführt." Maar die rivier dacht daar dus uiteindelijk heel anders over.

чет, 22. авг 2024.: ren

ren: 46 minuten, koopmans, zuidkant spoorlijn, vijver in t maisveld in de driehoek, noordkant spoorlijn. Werd afgeleid door n worp biggen jonger dan 3 maanden, en n worp jonger dan 1 week.

чет, 22. авг 2024.:

people at tilburg univerisity doing serious stuf with computers: tilburgsciencehub.com, tilburg.ai and metaresearch.nl.

сре, 21. авг 2024.: .ge

сре 21 18:10 <@joostvb> zomg i _really_ have to check out თბილისი
сре 21 18:10 <@joostvb> because f0rth.space

сре, 21. авг 2024.: debian-faq

did a bit of work on debian-faq (git).

уто, 20. авг 2024.: journalism

filmpjes door journalist en activist Arne Semsrott.

уто, 20. авг 2024.: python-oletools

On Thu, 05 Sep 2019, Sascha Steinbiss <satta@d.o> filed #939464 ITP/RFP python-oletools -- Python tools to analyze MS OLE2 files. A git repo is at salsa.d.o. It builds python3-oletools. I'm now publishing builds for 11/bullseye (oldstable) and 12/bookworm (stable), on non-gnu.uvt.nl. Adding something similar to:

deb-src http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian bullseye python-oletools
deb http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian bookworm python-oletools

to your sources.list should get you going.

Update, уто, 27. авг 2024.: posted update on Bug #939464.

нед, 18. авг 2024.: pgp

Yet another way to get my pgp public key:

% finger joostvb/key@db.debian.org

нед, 18. авг 2024.: caspar

New caspar (i.e. "Makefile snippets for centralized configuration management and typesetting") release, after 2 years: caspar version 20240818 - The Meždo Release. NB: This software is almost 23 years old.

суб, 17. авг 2024.:

The beautiful Justin B Rye website.

пет, 16. авг 2024.: teaching and learning

Learn Code the Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw. E.g. the excellent Learn C the Hard Way.

чет, 15. авг 2024.: ren

ren :28 koopmans, klimboompad bij bredaseweg, tussen hockeyvelden en bredaseweg, T-splitsin bredaseweg, baron van voorst tot voorst, rodondendronpad, Naturistenvereniging Hart van Brabant, spoorwegovergang baron van voorst tot voorstweg, koopmans

сре, 14. авг 2024.: pysodium, pwdsphinx

uploaded pysodium_0.7.18-1_source.changes

Subject: Accepted pysodium 0.7.18-1 (source) into unstable
сре 14 16:39 < BTS> pysodium 0.7.18-1 uploaded by Joost van
                    Baal-Ilić (joostvb) (Closes: #1077405)
сре 14 16:42 < BTS> Closed #1077405 in src:pysodium by Joost
                    van Baal-Ilić (joostvb) «pysodium: FTBFS:
                    Invalid version: '0.7.0_0'».

If everything works out right, on August 20 pysodium 0.7.18-1 will transition to testing, and pwdsphinx will no longer be marked for removal from testing.

уто, 13. авг 2024.: uruk, caspar, ...

TODO: yes uruk and caspar and draai (and zoem and aephea?) should build-depend upon zoem, no longer ship typesetted manpages in tarball releases. see also peter.eisentraut.org/blog.

суб, 10. авг 2024.:

did some publicity team work.

суб, 10. авг 2024.: film

Masterpiece, imnsho: American Honey: a 2016 road drama film written and directed by Andrea Arnold, starring Sasha Lane.

суб, 10. авг 2024.: journalism

I should probably read everything by Jeremy Scahill.

пет, 9. авг 2024.:

"ChatGPT is bullshit" by Hicks, M.T., Humphries, J. & Slater, J. Ethics Inf Technol 26, 38 (2024). doi.org/10.1007/s10676-024-09775-5

Recently, there has been considerable interest in large
language models: machine learning systems which produce
human- like text and dialogue.  Applications of these
systems have been plagued by persistent inaccuracies in
their output; these are often called “AI hallucinations”.
We argue that these falsehoods, and the overall activity of
large language models, is better understood as bullshit in
the sense explored by Frankfurt (On Bullshit, Princeton,
2005): the models are in an important way indifferent to
the truth of their outputs. We distinguish two ways in
which the models can be said to be bullshitters, and argue
that they clearly meet at least one of these definitions.
We further argue that describing AI misrepresentations as
bullshit is both a more useful and more accurate way of
predicting and discussing the behaviour of these systems.

пет, 9. авг 2024.: article

Pulling Linux up by its bootstraps by Daroc Alden, July 31, 2024. On bootstrappable builds.

чет, 8. авг 2024.: essay

Again: permacomputing by Devine Lu Linvega, 2008-2024.

сре, 7. авг 2024.: debian-history

Uploaded debian-history_13.1_source.changes.

уто, 6. авг 2024.: Nürnberg

TIL: I am pretty near "the highest point on Earth that is currently reached by commercial watercraft from the sea.": "the summit elevation (between the Hilpoltstein and Bachhausen locks) is 406 metres (1,332 ft) above sea level." See Rhine–Main–Danube Canal.

Germanische Nationalmuseum (Wikipedia).

уто, 6. авг 2024.: plan

next up for a new upload to Debian: draai? publicfile? debian-faq? doc-debian? flatline (itp)? github.com/simonrob/email-oauth2-proxy (itp)? r-cran-statcheck? aephea? eekboek? debian-history? fair? metar? systraq? (update чет, 15. авг 2024. done: "Version 1.0.19-1 of pwdsphinx is marked for autoremoval from testing on Wed 11 Sep 2024. It depends (transitively) on pysodium, affected by #1077405. You should try to prevent the removal by fixing these RC bugs.")

пон, 5. авг 2024.: filetraq

filetraq_0.4_source.changes uploaded: "Small utility to keep track of changes in config files":

Subject: filetraq_0.4_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

пон, 5. авг 2024.: blog

Better living through plant chemistry, Feb 2021 by Louis Rawlins.

нед, 4. авг 2024.: curl and wget

wcurl: curl with the power of wget. considering doing:

echo alias wget=wcurl >>~/.zshrc


curl (8.8.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
  * curl.NEWS: Announce switch to GnuTLS, HTTP3 support and wcurl
  * Ship wcurl and its manpage
 -- Samuel Henrique <samueloph@d.o>  Sun, 30 Jun 2024 13:53:05 +0100
As of уто, 6. авг 2024., bookworm-backports ships curl 8.8.0-1~bpo12+1. Therefore wcurl is available only in trixie (testing) and sid (unstable).

нед, 4. авг 2024.: ren

ren: uurtje: Blaha Lujz tér, Széchenyi lánchíd, Buda, Ersébet híd, Blaha Lujz tér

нед, 4. авг 2024.: jigl

Subject: jigl_2.0.1+20060126-8_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

jigl "Generates a static html photo gallery from one or more directories of images"

суб, 3. авг 2024.:

now drinking: Kőbányai - jutalom a nap végén, 4.3% vol

суб, 3. авг 2024.: posix

POSIX is still a thing:

"POSIX.1-2024 is simultaneously IEEE Std 1003.1™-2024 and The Open Group Standard Base Specifications, Issue 8. POSIX.1-2024 defines a standard operating system interface and environment, including a command interpreter (or "shell"), and common utility programs to support applications portability at the source code level. POSIX.1-2024 is intended to be used by both application developers and system implementors [...]"

суб, 3. авг 2024.: debconf24

DebConf24, Busan, Korea is over. I participated remotely. Thanks Aigars Mahinovs for the traditional groupphoto.

суб, 3. авг 2024.: hackerspace

Visited beautiful and very welcoming H.A.C.K. aka Hungarian Autonomous Center for Knowledge: the Budapest Hackerspace. (Tnx stf.)

пет, 2. авг 2024.: exhibition

Visited "[IN]VISIBILITY: Roma Strategies of Self-Reinterpretation" presenting works by Luna de Rasa, Jake Bowers, Ioanida Costache, Nino Nihad Pušija e.a. at ERIAC: the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture Serbia in their space in Belgrade.

пет, 2. авг 2024.:

In Belgrade, had the pleasure of again meeting one of the Škart artists: "Škart is a collective founded in 1990 at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. [...] Dragan "prota" Protić co-founded, together with Đorđe "žole" Balmazović, the ŠKART group. [...] ŠKART group is (still) functioning as an ongoing productive conflict of poetry, architecture, graphic design, mixed media and social activism."

чет, 1. авг 2024.: debian publicity work

publicity work: prepare micronews on debian snapshot service; reply to windriver representative about DebConf24 stuff.

чет, 1. авг 2024.: ren

ren: half uurtje: new belgrade: juri gagarin street, river sava

сре, 31. јул 2024.: belgrade

"The Magacin Assembly sees the users as partners"


сре, 31. јул 2024.: next leg

Train from Loznica via Prnjabor and Šabac, Ruma, Stara Pazova to Novi Beograd (and Beograd)

сре, 31. јул 2024.: publicfile

Nice: Stuff is happening wrt publicfile in Debian:

commit fbb8c58f7bab2e5a5b38184ae84d4b590906cc03
Author: Bastian Germann 
Date:   Tue Jul 30 21:55:14 2024 +0200

сре, 31. јул 2024.: debconf24, busan, korea

watching debconf24 video's from meetings-archive.debian.net.

сре, 31. јул 2024.: ren

ren: 45 minuten: Лозница: from Bulevar Dositeja Obradovica via Kavana Lenin(!) to football club at Орловића Павла, near old harbor i unfortunately couldn't find, near Вискоза.

уто, 30. јул 2024.: debian according to "smoogen" on lwn.net

"There are 2 XKCD's on this", (Parent article: Distribution quote of the week), posted Jul 18, 2024 by smoogen:

[...] distributions like Debian are built around a
level of confederacy which does not allow for many
'we will do X by default' decisions. Each set of
systems has its own 'freehold' of developers who
are self-organized [...] each group has its own
identity formed by the choices that group has made.
Trying to get them to change generally goes as well
as telling a French speaking district of
Switzerland that the national language is now
Italian and everyone needs to speak it by default.
[...] it isn't a problem except to people wondering
why things are so 'chaotic' in Debian land compared
to some other distributions. :)

уто, 30. јул 2024.: column

Volkskrant Column "Zelfstandigenaftrek", 14 oktober 2022. Asha ten Broeke legt t prima uit.

пон, 29. јул 2024.: food

пон 29 17:50 <@joostvb> nu drinkende: Nikšićko Svetlo

And now eating: чварци aka Čvarci: "mostly a rustic countryside specialty". Consumed from Belarus all the way down south to North Macedonia. Now, should study differences and similarities between чварци and Kaantjes...

нед, 28. јул 2024.: debian-history

Uploaded debian-history package:

Thank you for your contribution to Debian.

нед 28 12:05 < BTS> debian-history 13.0 uploaded
  by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb) (Closes: #1031638,
  #1074052) https://tracker.debian.org/debian-history
нед 28 12:10 < BTS> Closed #1074052 in
  debian-history by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
  «debian-history package needs to be updated».
нед 28 12:10 < BTS> Closed #1031638 in
  debian-history by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
  «[INTL:pt] Updated Portuguese translation».

нед 28 11:39 -KGB:#debian-publicity- debian-history
  master 12f289b Joost van Baal-Ilić debian/changelog *
  ship it *
нед 28 11:43 -KGB:#debian-publicity- debian-history
  tags a05e85b Joost van Baal debian/13.0 *
  debian-history Debian release 13.0 *

нед, 28. јул 2024.: story

with two small family kids, went to piazza / the local market in loznica, serbia. saw smokve / vijgen / figs for sale. i remembered their excellent taste from the ones i picked in public space myself in the morning. i didn't understand the price the salesman / farmer told me (there was no plate indicating price). (turned out to be 100 dinar, ie about € 1,-, for 1 kilo.) i didn't have a 100 dinar bill. i expected the price to be 100 dinar for 100 grams. i gave the salesman my 200 dinar bill. he started piling the smokve in a plastic bag. i saw it. i told him "dosta" (that's enough) when i got shocked by the amount he was putting in the bag. he said "dosta?". "da, dosta!" i gave him my 200 dinar bill. i tried to explain him this price would be fine with me. he didn't allow me to leave. he gave me 100 back. i wanted to leave. he didn't allow me to leave. he gave me 50 back, and gave me a look. i told him "prijatno, doviđenja" (goodbye). i learned my lesson.

нед, 28. јул 2024.: ren

ren: een uurtje, van familiehuis in Loznica naar de Drina en terug

суб, 27. јул 2024.: book

"Writings of The Luddites" by Kevin Binfield, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

суб, 27. јул 2024.: ren

ren: half uurtje in Užice

суб, 27. јул 2024.: filmpje

How to Support Harm Doers in Being Accountable [AhANo6wzBAA], 2019 by Barnard Center for Research on Women, see also bcrw.barnard.edu/building-accountable-communities.

суб, 27. јул 2024.: film screening

In Užice, attended discussion, poster exhibition and public outdoor screening of the "Four Friends" movie, with screenplay by Steve Tesich.

суб, 27. јул 2024.: food

wikidata.org/wiki/Q16089496: komplet lepinja aka lepinja sa sve: Serbian breakfast dish

I should add part: "gravy" as a crucial ingredient! (Yes, wikipedia is wrong here :( !)

суб, 27. јул 2024.: music: kolo

There's a statue of Mico Petrovic (1961 - 2000) in Užice, right next to the place we've been staying. "Sep 1, 2021. Milovan Mićo Petrović (1961- 2000), jedan od najvećih majstora trube, dobiće uskoro spomenik u svom Užicu i to 7.oktobra ove godine, dva dana uoči Dana grada." See discogs.com, hear audio, and see micapetrovic.com.

пет, 26. јул 2024.: Užice

Užice aka Ужице: Republic of Užice. Must see: Užička republika / Ужичка република: a 1974 Yugoslav partisan film directed by Žika Mitrović.

пет, 26. јул 2024.: ren

ren: 40 min (ongeveer), rondje om stadion en meer in užice

чет, 25. јул 2024.: bus trip

from zabljak to užice: stuwdam Kokin Brod, in Санџак; open coal mining pit and coal power plant near Пљевља; djudjevica tara bridge.

чет, 25. јул 2024.: ren

ren: 40 min, ten oosten en noord-oosten van žabljak, stukje langs de M6, stukje langs de narodnih heroja

уто, 23. јул 2024.: swim

swam in Crno jezero and did rowing there too

уто, 23. јул 2024.: ren

niet ren maar wandel: uurtje van meždo naar žabljak en terug

уто, 23. јул 2024.:

From Žabljak aka Жабљак: TIL: Jelena Šaulić (1896 – 21 March 1921): "Šaulić was feared not only by the occupying forces but also by the irregulars who had joined only to loot, whom she mercilessly punished."

пон, 22. јул 2024.: book

How to Tell When We Will Die: On Pain, Disability, and Doom by Johanna Hedva. $28.00, published by Zando - Hillman Grad Books. September 03, 2024, 384 Pages, English, Hardcover, EAN/UPC 9781638931164.

пон, 22. јул 2024.: montenegro

Црна Гора is t beste land ter wereld. Wat maakt het fijn?

dat mensen bakjes met eten voor zwerfhonden en
 zwerfkatten neerzetten
dat paadjes ontstaan omdat mensen er willen lopen;
 niet omdat die gepland zijn
dat mensen de dag beginnen met een kopje koffie op t
 terras, buiten ipv met gestressd in de file te staan
dat mensen zich 'de pis niet lauw laten maken' zoals
 men t in brabant zegt
dat mensen onderling stuff regelen (veel nederlanders
 denken dat dat corruptie is; ikzelf zie dat toch
 ietsje anders)
dat er niet teveel health-and-safety geneuzel is
dat personeel zich gedraagt alsof service een
 privilige is, not a right en niet in de kont van de
 klant gaan kruipen
excuse my french

суб, 20. јул 2024.: aephea/zoem

reported: Bug#1076648: aephea: causes groff warning "cannot select font 'C'" when using \verbatim{ } or \tt{ } (update пон, 22. јул 2024. 13:08:25 CEST: ACK-ed by upstream \o/ )

суб, 20. јул 2024.: publicfile

reported: Bug#1076635: publicfile-installer: Re: publicfile distribution license. Since:

What are the distribution terms for publicfile?
2024.07.20: I hereby place the publicfile package (in particular,
publicfile-0.52.tar.gz, with SHA-256 checksum
3f9fcf737bfe48910812cc357a31bf1f2e3da2490dbd175ce535830f251c08ef) into the
public domain. The package is no longer copyrighted.

суб, 20. јул 2024.: not running but swimming

swimming: 160 meter in sea at Петровац на Мору

пет, 19. јул 2024.: travel

Travelled by train and bus; Visited and enjoyed: Петровац на Мору and lots of other places and countries:

fromcounty - tocountry countynumber
 city numberofnights

8 countries:

de - nl 8
 Nürnberg aka Nämberch 1
hu - de
 Wien overstappen
 Budapest 2
rs - hu 7
 Belgrado aka Београд 3
 Loznica 4
 Užice aka Ужице 2
me - rs 6
 Žabljak aka Жабљак 3
 niksic aka Никшић 2
 petrovac aka Петровац на Мору 2
hr - me 5
 dubrovnik 1
 dubrovnik 1
 zadar 1
 mali lošinj 2
 rijeka 2
si - hr 4
 ljubljana 1
 maribor 1
at - si 3
 leibnitz passed through
 graz overstappen
 vienna overstappen
de - at 2
nl - de 1

уто, 16. јул 2024.: art

Saw Sea Organ and visited Mali Lošinj.

суб, 13. јул 2024.: ren

(niet echt) ren: Rijeka, omgeving Kontejnerski terminal Brajdica

сре, 10. јул 2024.: ren

(niet echt) ren: uurtje: Miklošičeva ulica, cross river drava via stari most and meljski most. in maribor, home of perkarna.net

суб, 29. јун 2024.: klutshnik: pwdsphinx

 Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 13:55:25 +0000
 From: Debian FTP Masters 
 To: joostvb@d.o
 Subject: Processing of pwdsphinx_1.0.19-1_source.changes

 pwdsphinx_1.0.19-1_source.changes uploaded successfully [...]

суб, 29. јун 2024.: a thing of beauty


сре, 29. мај 2024.: photography

menzelphoto.com by Peter Menzel who made: Hungry Planet: What The World Eats: a classic from 2005.

пон, 27. мај 2024.: music

A long time ago, Janis Ian had a hit with "At Seventeen", on yewtu.be as [Yi-5tiHE48c].

сре, 15. мај 2024.: music

The Unrecognized Pioneers Of Punk Music - A Band Called Death and, totally unrelated: Bookish @ youtube

уто, 23. апр 2024.: r-cran


пон, 22. апр 2024.: r-cran


нед, 21. апр 2024.: activism

still going strong: www.belastingstaking.nl "belastingstaking voor het klimaat".

нед, 21. апр 2024.: r-cran

 r-cran-semplot_1.1.6-2_source.changes  ACCEPTED into unstable
 r-cran-corpcor_1.6.10-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Plan / next up: The ones I did not upload yet have only my name in Uploaders; let's drop the Uploaders field in those, so that "We get a linitan warning (error?) about it and UDD will return the results quickly." (See this message from an3as.) Optionally orphan or RM some with low popcon values.

суб, 20. апр 2024.: r-cran

 r-cran-lisreltor_0.3-2_source.changes          ACCEPTED into unstable
 r-cran-nfactors_2.4.1.1-2_source.changes       ACCEPTED into unstable
 r-cran-rockchalk_1.8.157+dfsg-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

суб, 20. апр 2024.: RIP

RIP Ko de Laat, Tilburgse dichter. 1969 - 22 feb 2024.

RIP Sjef Wiersma (1936 - 2024), overleden 14 maart, bekend van muziekuitleen Kereweerom en de Open Dicht Bus, Oostelbeers.

суб, 20. апр 2024.: Free Software

Thinking again (after about 15 years) about ethically using network services, SaaS and AGPL. There is the essay Who Does That Server Really Serve? by Richard Stallman, 2010. And, after some searching, I managed to find back Franklin Street Statement on Freedom and Network Services from July 2008 by Benjamin Mako Hill (local copy at franklin-street-statement-on-freedom-and-network-services.txt.) (Found it via bkuhn's blog and via this blog post by Stefano Zacchiroli.)

пет, 19. апр 2024.: boek

Baba Jaga legde een ei door Dubravka Ugresic. Vertaald door Roel Schuyt, uitgegeven door Nijgh en Van Ditmar april 2024, 348 blz.

чет, 18. апр 2024.: r-cran

 r-cran-huge_1.3.5-2_source.changes      ACCEPTED into unstable
 r-cran-knitr_1.46+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
 r-cran-xfun_0.43+dfsg-1_source.changes  ACCEPTED into unstable

(new r-cran-xfun is needed for r-cran-knitr.)

чет, 18. апр 2024.: article, book

We Need To Rewild The Internet: article by Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon, April 2024.

Seeing Like a State: book by James C. Scott, 1998.

сре, 17. апр 2024.: article

The TESCREAL bundle: Eugenics and the promise of utopia through artificial general intelligence by Timnit Gebru and Émile P. Torres. First Monday, Volume 29, Number 4 - 1 April 2024. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.5210/fm.v29i4.13636.

сре, 17. апр 2024.: r-cran

 r-cran-hunspell_3.0.3+dfsg2-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
 r-cran-ggrepel_0.9.5-2_source.changes        ACCEPTED into unstable
 r-cran-glasso_1.11-2_source.changes          ACCEPTED into unstable

пон, 15. апр 2024.: tv

"uit de kramp", gepresenteerd door Sosha Duysker, regie Cintia Taylor. over racisme in hedendaags nederland. april 2024, npostart.nl. met o.a. Jerry Afriyie.

пон, 15. апр 2024.: software

From the nostalgia department: finally managed to publish csbs-0.0.1.tar.gz : a tool for creating Sun Solaris Source Packages . csbs was created between 2003 and 2005. It's documented in csbs(7) and other files in csbs-0.0.1/. Enjoy.

суб, 13. апр 2024.: music

A live performance of "The Entertainer", the 1902 classic piano rag by Scott Joplin (1868 – 1917), can now regularly be heard in our house. "Ragtime influenced early jazz [...] and European classical composers such as Erik Satie, Claude Debussy, and Igor Stravinsky."

пет, 12. апр 2024.:

TIL: crab.fit: free software event planner aka datumprikker. framadate.org is still going strong, btw.

чет, 11. апр 2024.: blog

Domheid is een kanker en we zitten nu in stadium 4 door Peter Breedveld, maart 2024.

чет, 11. апр 2024.: debian certificate

My Debian Certificate is now auto-generated and available. Pretty cool :)

чет, 11. апр 2024.: blog

a very nice aprils fools joke i completely missed this year: blog.liw.fi/posts/2024/monorepo: "Debian Git monorepo" by Lars Wirzenius

сре, 10. апр 2024.: blog

How I Tripped Over the Debian Weak Keys Vulnerability by Matt Palmer, Tue, 9 April 2024. On CVE-2008-0166 'OpenSSL 0.9.8c-1 up to versions before 0.9.8g-9 on Debian-based operating systems uses a random number generator that generates predictable numbers, which makes it easier for remote attackers to conduct brute force guessing attacks against cryptographic keys.' (found and fixed in 2008).: "The thought “hmm, that’s odd”, followed by intense investigation, leading to the discovery of a major flaw is also what ultimately brought down the recent XZ backdoor. The critical part of that sequence is the ability to do that intense investigation, though."

пон, 8. апр 2024.: music, cabaret

Kapitalistenlied, uitgevoerd door Your Local Pirates: Oorspronkelijk door Georg Kreisler, (1922 - 2011) (duitse wikipedia) bewerking door Joke Kaviaar, jan 2023.

пон, 8. апр 2024.: literature

TIL: 𒂗𒃶𒌌𒀭𒈾 was a Sumerian priestess and the earliest known named author in world history, from 23rd century BCE.

нед, 7. апр 2024.:

Working on DPL candidate interviews w/ Debian Publicity Team.

нед, 7. апр 2024.:

 daemontools   1:0.76-10 MIGRATED to testing
 r-cran-qgraph 1.9.8-2   MIGRATED to testing

суб, 6. апр 2024.: software

"endlessh ( github skeeto/endlessh ) is an SSH tarpit that very slowly sends an endless, random SSH banner. It keeps SSH clients locked up for hours or even days at a time. The purpose is to put your real SSH server on another port and then let the script kiddies get stuck in this tarpit instead of bothering a real server. Since the tarpit is in the banner before any cryptographic exchange occurs, this program doesn't depend on any cryptographic libraries. It's a simple, single-threaded, standalone C program."

суб, 6. апр 2024.: debian

Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2024 03:50:32 +0000
From: secretary@d.o
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić
Subject: Acknowledgement for your vote
Message-Id: <E1rsx4a-00GXGk-HZ@vento.debian.org>


Thanks for your vote.

пет, 5. апр 2024.:

rediscovered: Sabine Hossenfelder: good popular science on youtube.

пет, 5. апр 2024.:

TIL: Geitenboerderij Ridammerhoeve, Biologisch Dynamisch, near Doolhof on the Bizonweide in Amsterdamsebos. And: Molen van Sloten aan de noordrand van Badhoevedorp. And: Denksport Doolhof Amsterdamse Bos. And: Rijkshemelvaartsdienst. tnx Vesna.

сре, 3. апр 2024.: r-cran

r-cran-farver_2.1.1-2_source uploaded.

сре, 3. апр 2024.: reproducible builds

"debrebuild - use a buildinfo file and snapshot.d.o to recreate binary packages". usefull for reproducible builds. One example buildinfo file is e.g. zoem_21-341-1_amd64.buildinfo (via buildinfo.debian.net/binaries/zoem.

сре, 3. апр 2024.: r-cran

 r-cran-d3network   MIGRATED to testing
 r-cran-bdgraph   2.72+dfsg-2 MIGRATED to testing
 r-cran-ggm       2.5.1-2     MIGRATED to testing

уто, 2. апр 2024.: RFC 1925

RFC 1925 by R. Callon. 1 April 1996. Old, but still very valid. It's funny because it's true!

пон, 1. апр 2024.: gitlab

<rant mode="old man yells at cloud">the caspar, uruk and draai git repositories on not just github, but also on gitlab.com, are (and will very likely stay forever) out of date. today i tried to refresh the repo's on gitlab but got stuck in todays 2fa account verification circus @ gitlab. so, as always, use http://git.mdcc.cx/ to get your fresh git repositories.</rant>

пон, 1. апр 2024.: netbsd

"Improved support for vintage hardware": <3 NetBSD. See NetBSD-10.0 release announcement.

пон, 1. апр 2024.: r-cran

 r-cran-ggm_2.5.1-2_source.changes         ACCEPTED into unstable
 r-cran-bdgraph_2.72+dfsg-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
 r-cran-d3network_0.5.2.1-4_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

суб, 30. мар 2024.: r-cran

Subject: r-cran-qgraph_1.9.8-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

суб, 30. мар 2024.: book

Sneeuw, hond, voet (aka Neve, cane, piede (Exòrma, 2015), aka "Snow, dog, foot") van Claudio Morandini. (tnx An Olaerts in Zout Magazine).

пет, 29. мар 2024.: book

Everybody should read Security Engineering - A Guide To Building Dependable Distributed Systems. RIP Ross Anderson (15 September 1956 – 28 March 2024).

чет, 28. мар 2024.: fiets

Thanks to Wytze: visited: Prinses Marijkesluisbrug, Zoelen, Buren, Wijk bij Duurstede and Thedinghsweert. TIL: De Lek kruist het Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal. Amazing! Zie ook mdcc.cx/buiten/wytze/.

сре, 27. мар 2024.:

Debian stuff done: (Finally) changed my ssh public keys for access as a DD to Debian's machines. Tried to get the Debian booth @ this years' T-DOSE going.

пон, 25. мар 2024.: r-cran

r-cran-ggforce and r-cran-tweenr: Too young, only 1 of 5 days old. So expected to migrate to Debian/testing (and finally Debian 13/trixie) on 29 march.

r-cran-tweenr is "tweenr: Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations: In order to create smooth animation between states of data, tweening is necessary. This package provides a range of functions for creating tweened data that can be used as basis for animation. Furthermore it adds a number of vectorized interpolaters for common R data types such as numeric, date and colour."

r-cran-ggforce is "ggforce: Accelerating 'ggplot2': The aim of 'ggplot2' is to aid in visual data investigations. This focus has led to a lack of facilities for composing specialised plots. 'ggforce' aims to be a collection of mainly new stats and geoms that fills this gap. All additional functionality is aimed to come through the official extension system so using 'ggforce' should be a stable experience."

r-cran-statcheck is "statcheck: GNU R functions for extraction of statistics from articles and recomputing p values."

My work is about getting up to date tweenr, ggforce and statcheck shipped with the upcoming Debian 13/trixie release.

And also about having correct values in the Debian Uploaders field in the r-cran Debian packages: I cannot promise to maintain more than 5 r-cran packages, see also this post by Andreas Tille and subsequent discussion. (I.e.:

 Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:47:42 +0100
 From: Andreas Tille
 To: [...]
 Cc: Debian R <debian-r@l.d.o>,
  Debian Science List <debian-science@l.d.o>,
  Debian Med Project List <debian-med@l.d.o>
 Subject: Action needed for R-pkg Uploaders
 Message-ID: <Ze8ZjuIu5HkoPMo4@an3as.eu>


нед, 24. мар 2024.: interview

Thanks to A Conversation With Chantal Akerman, Venice 2011, I learned a bit about French/Lithuanian Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas (1906 - 1995) and his ideas about The Face.

суб, 23. мар 2024.: software

TIL: debtree - package dependency graphs on steroids. It's implemented in Perl. Example usage:

joostvb@agni:~% sudo apt install debtree
joostvb@agni:~% debtree systraq | dot -Tpng | feh -

Use arrow-up and arrow-down for zoom and unzoom, tnx nina

TIL debtree's nice html documentation is available from salsa.d.o and typsetted and archived at archive.ph/mKxO, but not shipped with the Debian package. And this is not yet reported as a (wishlist) bug. OK, I did:

joostvb@dazbog:~/git% debcheckout --auth debtree
joostvb@dazbog:~/git% echo html >debtree/debian/docs

joostvb@dazbog:~/git/debtree% vi debian/changelog
joostvb@dazbog:~/git/debtree% debuild -uc -us

It works \o/ . Now available from mdcc.cx/tmp/, I hope I'll find the time to write a proper bugreport soonishlish...

суб, 23. мар 2024.: book

De Bolle Gogh - Biografie: biografie van Theo van Gogh door Jaap Cohen, Uitgegeven door Querido. NUR: 321, Hardcover, ISBN: 9789021423807, € 34,99, jan 2024

пет, 22. мар 2024.: blog

How to use Rust on Debian (and Ubuntu, etc.), Mar. 21st, 2024 by diziet aka Ian Jackson.

пет, 22. мар 2024.:

nice general introduction to linux and debian by highvoltage: happy-birthday30.pdf.

чет, 21. мар 2024.: music

TIL: "Disclose were a Japanese punk rock band from Kōchi City, heavily influenced by Discharge. 1990 - 2007." They were truely awesome, imnsho.

чет, 21. мар 2024.: ren

:29 min koopmans, tilburg west, brug over vijver wandelbos, spoorwegovergang, koopmans

чет, 21. мар 2024.: activism

offset.labr.io: "Therefore, we assert that industrial sabotage should be considered a form of temporary carbon storage."

сре, 20. мар 2024.: book

Sergei D. Dovlatov (Russian: С.Д. Довлатов; 1941 – 1990) was a Soviet journalist and writer. #til. I should read all his work. He's translated in dutch, published by Veen Uitgevers.

пон, 18. мар 2024.: fangfrisch

fangfrisch: "update and verify unofficial Clam Anti-Virus signatures". I reported Bug#1067112: "fangfrisch: missing dependency on clamdscan".

нед, 17. мар 2024.: r-cran

worked on r-cran-statcheck; uploaded r-cran-statcheck_1.5.0-1_source: "Subject: r-cran-statcheck_1.5.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable".

нед, 17. мар 2024.: doc-debian

worked on doc-debian.

нед, 17. мар 2024.: hacklabs

TIL: c-base in Berlin was established 1995, C4-Labor in Cologne was established 1998, Metalab in Vienna was established 2006. And the Mama Multimedia Institute in Zagreb, Croatia, established 2000, still hosts a hacklab. See "Resistance to the Current" by Maxigas and Johan Söderberg, 2022 MIT Press. (Available as a PDF online).

O, and since 2013, there is the beautiful LAG Amsterdam Hacklab.

нед, 17. мар 2024.: sofia

In sofia: enjoyed hospitality of russian orthodox church, of initlab hackerspace and of sephardic jewish synagogue, among many others.

I enjoyed the mountain Vitosha (Bulgarian: Витоша). I visited the Sounds Like a Whisper (Poetically Political) exhibition at the Sofia City Art Gallery: "poetic political art, such as Bas Jan Ader (NL) and Etel Adnan (LB), as well as by contemporary artists who are actively working in this direction: Ella Littwitz (IL), Petrit Halilaj (XK), Sejla Kameric (BH), David Horovitz (USA), Ariel Reichman (SA), Natalie Czech (DE), and Driton Selmani (XK), together with the Bulgarian artists Pravdoluib Ivanov and Borjana Ventzislavova." Curated by Galina Dimitrova and Ariel Reichman.

Also: Visited Женски пазар, drank Boza, ate баница. And had шкембе чорба aka skhembe chorba aka tripe soup. And enjoyed the very much living мартеница tradition.

Also: acquired: Дворянское гнездо by И.С. Тургенев (1818 – 1883) in an edition published in Moscow, 1979. We managed to bargain one lev off the price from the street bookseller on the Sofia Zhenski Pazar.

суб, 16. мар 2024.: ren

ren: about 45 minutes: from Площад "Възраждане" to Централна гара София.

пет, 15. мар 2024.: ren

ren: about one hour: from Площад "Възраждане" to Гарнизонно стрелбище to ул. "Цар Асен" to Женски пазар to Лъвов мост Възраждане.

сре, 13. мар 2024.: essay: Elinor Ostrom

Re-discovered Elinor Ostrom: Elinor Ostrom: Fighting the Tragedy of the Commons: Juan Camilo Cardenas and Rajiv Sethi reflect upon ideas of Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012): why there is no tragedy in the commons. September 2016. "Polycentric Governance": I love that concept. Also: "Those in the community act—either individually or in concert—to prevent outsiders from exploiting the resource, even if the formal laws of the larger political entity within which they are embedded expressly prohibit such exclusion. Examples include many inshore fisheries, grazing lands, and forest areas."

See also Elinor Ostrom and the Solution to the Tragedy of the Commons by Flavio Felice and Massimiliano Vatiero, June 2012.

Must check out: Ostrom’s Nobel Lecture “Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems”, accepting the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences in 2009.

Must read: her 1990 book Governing the Commons.

сре, 13. мар 2024.: debconf23

finally documented what I did at DebConf23, sept 2023 in Kochi, Kerala, India.

сре, 13. мар 2024.: maps

pdok.nl: now with a beatiful collection of high resolution Luchtfoto's / aereal photography of the Netherlands. E.g. at x=133208.74&y=395689.39&z=15.0800.

сре, 13. мар 2024.: book

book: must haveacquired (23 march 2024): Chantal Akerman (1950-2015): Mijn moeder lacht, vertaald door Martine Woudt. Koppernik, € 23,50. A translation in Dutch of Ma mère rit. Update mid april 2024: finished it. It's a true masterpiece.

уто, 12. мар 2024.: blog

liw.fi/40 about "preemptive guerilla maintenance" and other lessons learned after a 40 year carreer as a computer programmer.

уто, 12. мар 2024.: r

There is work to do for me, now that Andreas Tille shifts his focus.

List-Archive: https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/Ze8ZjuIu5HkoPMo4@an3as.eu
Subject: Action needed for R-pkg Uploaders

Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb@d.o>:

нед, 10. мар 2024.: book

Very much enjoyed book presentation by Anton Dautzenberg and friends in The Little Devil, Tilburg. A.H.J. Dautzenberg was interviewed by Frits Spits for his radioshow De Taalstaat.

нед, 10. мар 2024.: muladhara

finally: a commit on ssh://git.mdcc.cx/git/muladhara

zat 9 maart 2024: fiets

fiets: korvel - baarle-nassau/baarle-hertog vv. met Nina op de stang. op mn ouwe rammelfiets. t viel niet mee. we hebben t gehaald.

пет, 8. мар 2024.: security: postmortem

infosec.town/notes/9qmbffq7ewph01dx by Taggart (@mttaggart): "The British Library just dropped its after-incident report on the ransomware attack that has disabled the Library for, uh, months".

пет, 8. мар 2024.: iwd

Celebrating International Woman's Day, learned about nationaalheksenmonument.nl and the essay Heks, dat is hoe bange mannen vrouwen met macht noemen by Bregje Hofstede. And also: remembering نوال السعداوى (Egyptian feminist writer and activist Nawal El Saadawi, 1931 – 2021; obituary in The Guardian.)

пет, 8. мар 2024.

After participating in Traces of Power by "the permacomputing evenings" at DeWillem at WdKA in Rotterdam, learned that Maas sculpture from 1982 by Auke de Vries near Bolwerk and Willemsbrug is a great piece of art in public space.

пет, 8. мар 2024.: draai

draai is a command-line music player for MPD.

A draai PKGBUILD file is now available for users of Arch Linux and its derivatives. Thanks SCHAPiE!

чет, 7. мар 2024.: ren

ren: 32 min koopmans, 'de website' aka elfenpad/speelbos, spoorwegovergang baron van voorst tot voorstweg, zwartvenseweg 77, koopmans

сре, 6. мар 2024.: gemini

still going strong: gemini (also on Wikipedia). There's not that much choice in gemini server implementations in Debian. (I'm slightly tempted to try and fix that...)

сре, 6. мар 2024.: s6

still going strong: s6. and shipped with debian \o/.

суб, 2. мар 2024.: fangfrisch on debian 11 oldstable bullseye

Related to: Bug #1062938: "RM: clamav-unofficial-sigs -- ROM; Unmaintained and obsolete, replaced by fangfrisch". (See also tracker.d.o.)

Automatically keeping ClamAV antivirus unofficial signature lists up to date on Debian 11 "bullseye" oldstable email servers: Backported sqlalchemy source package from Debian 12 bookworm to Debian 11 bullseye, in order to be able to install fangfrisch 1.8.1-1 from 13 trixie/testing on 11 bullseye, using python3-sqlalchemy_1.4.46+ds1-1~uvt0+deb11_all.deb, and in order to get rid of the unmaintained clamav-unofficial-sigs package.

It's a quick and dirty backport: rebuild as:

$ dget https://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian/bullseye/sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy_1.4.46+ds1-1~uvt0+deb11.dsc
$ cd sqlalchemy*
$ DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='nocheck nodoc' debuild -uc -us

If you'd like to just get the prebuild binaries, add:

deb https://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian bullseye sqlalchemy fangfrisch
deb-src https://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian bullseye sqlalchemy fangfrisch

to your sources.list, see non-gnu.uvt.nl.

пет, 1. мар 2024.:

www.belastingstaking.nl is een ding: "belastingstaking voor het klimaat". #til

пет, 1. мар 2024.: ren

22 min, rondje Koopmans - Oude Warande. best wel nat: hoogste horizontale balkon-balk van de barokke vijver stond gedeeltelijk onder water. hoogste waterstand sinds zeker de afgelopen 10 jaar, zegt men.

чет, 29. феб 2024.:

Arnon Grunberg meets Ulrich Seidl at De Balie, Amsterdam. 2018. Auf Deutsch.

сре, 28. феб 2024.

Classic software, still maintained: I love it:

ed (1.20.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
  * New upstream version 1.20.1
 -- Lev Lamberov <dogsleg@d.o>
       Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:12:41 +0500

пон, 26. феб 2024.: game

What a beautiful game: untangle from Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection.

joostvb@agni:~% sudo apt install sgt-puzzles
joostvb@agni:~% sgt-untangle

суб, 24. феб 2024.: oust

Perfect live show: Oust, 23 feb 2024, Hall of Fame, Tilburg. Very much enjoyed my participation in the friendly mosh pit. t Dak ging eraf :)

"Formed in 2022, Oust a hardcore punk combo from the Netherlands featuring musicians who've also played in such bands as Sand Creek Massacre, LVTN, and Rivers Run Dry. In summer 2022, they brought in vocalist Sanne who they knew from her work in the group Landverraad. Their self-titled debut release is packed with no-nonsense hardcore that should make fans of stuff labels like Beach Impediment and Static Shock are known for."

23 feb 2024: debian micronews

Thanks to Donald, Dima, Justin B Rye e.a., this micronews item got published.

чет, 22. феб 2024.: film

must see: Grave of the Fireflies: a 1988 Japanese animated war drama film written and directed by Isao Takahata, and produced by Studio Ghibli.

сре, 21. феб 2024.: activism in belgrade, 2004

From 2004: Activism in Belgrade: PGA KONFERENCIJA U BEOGRADU - Drugačiji svijet je moguć. piše: Darko Ljubić.

Peoples' Global Action (PGA), part of the anti-globalization movement, was the name of a worldwide co-ordination of radical social movements, grassroots campaigns and direct actions in resistance to capitalism and for social and environmental justice.

уто, 20. феб 2024.: gamification

YOU’VE BEEN PLAYED: How Corporations, Governments, and Schools Use Games to Control Us All, by Adrian Hon.

уто, 20. феб 2024.: doc

minor update on sponsorship_checklist.txt.

уто, 20. феб 2024.: typesetting, opinions

If you'd like to ship a manpage with your software, please do use scdoc, zoem or plain groff for typesetting. I feel pandoc in most cases is overkill. (Unless your application is written in Haskell, and needs typesetting in more than 4 formats.)

уто, 20. феб 2024.: drink

Now Drinking: Piedbœuf. 1.1 % vol is enough for everyone. Tafelbier van InBev, Bruxelles. Available in "Blonde" and "Brune" (1.5 %) at e.g. Supermarket Delhaize in Belgium. I should've bought more...

Next time: go for Bock Leroy – Bruin Leroy at 1.8 % vol., or "Prima Leroy" 3,25 % vol. From the makers of Poperings Hommelbier.

уто, 20. феб 2024.:

farside.link: alternative frontends to github, twitter, youtube, wikipedia etc.

19 feb 2024: debian micronews

Thanks to Donald, this micronews item by me got published.

нед, 18. феб 2024.: freedict

Cleaning up my Debian stuff, step 2 of N: "Bug#1064204: RM: freedict-swa-eng/experimental -- ROM; NPOASR, unmaintained".

нед, 18. феб 2024.: blog

Setting up Invisible Internet Project (I2P) on the NixOS Linux distribution. I2P is an anonymous network layer that allows for censorship-resistant, peer-to-peer communication: voidcruiser.nl/rambles/i2p-on-nixos, july 2023, by Marty.

нед, 18. феб 2024.: tree

"Voting for European Tree of the Year 2024 takes place from February 1st (00:00 CET) to February 22nd (16:00 CET)."

чет, 15. феб 2024.: blog

Your AI Girlfriend Is a Data-Harvesting Horror Show: "The privacy mess is troubling because the chatbots actively encourage you to share details that are far more personal than in a typical app." by Thomas Germain.

чет, 15. феб 2024.: art, fietsen

Museum Krona: aanrader!. The gratis internet actually works (as in: does not block mosh or ssh). Discovered the work of Madge Gill (Wikipedia) and of Daniela Ortiz (Wikipedia): "Daniela Ortiz de Zevallos Pastor (Cuzco, Perú, 1985) es una activista y artista visual anticolonial." Via OV fiets langs: oss, vorstengrafdonk, kleinwijk, loo, slabroek, uden, slabroek, brobbelbies, wildwissel, mun, wildwissel, oss. Door de Maashorst dus.

сре, 14. феб 2024.: essay

‘Altijd apolitiek opereren’ -- Hoe het vrije internet schuurt met sanctiewetgeving door Romy van der Burgh, Linda van der Pol en Michelle Salomons met beeld van Herman van Bostelen, 14 februari 2024 – verschenen in De Groene Amsterdammer nr. 7. semi paywalled. Met interviews met medewerkers van RIPE NCC. "Nederland, de digitale toegangspoort tot Europa, wil het web niet begrenzen. Europese internetproviders leveren nog steeds diensten aan gesanctioneerde organisaties, zoals een Russische bank of een Iraans IT-bedrijf. ‘Absurd dat hier geen publiek debat over wordt gevoerd.’"

сре, 14. феб 2024.: chromium

Security support for the Chromium (Google Chrome based) webbrowser in current Debian oldstable is ending:

chromium (120.0.6099.71-1~deb11u1) bullseye-security; urgency=medium

  Security support for Chromium in bullseye (Debian 11) is ending. Please
  make plans to either upgrade to bookworm (Debian 12), or switch to using
  the Firefox browser in bullseye.

  Chromium 120.x will likely be the last of the chromium releases to be
  packaged for bullseye. Chromium 121.x is slated for January 23rd, 2024, at
  which point you will likely be running a browser with documented security
  issues if you continue using chromium 120.x in bullseye.

 -- Andres Salomon <dilinger@d.o>  Sat, 09 Dec 2023 12:31:48 -0500

уто, 13. феб 2024.: twitter/"X" alternative

#til twittervid.com is a thing these days; nitter.net is gone (since Jan 2024) :(

update, пет, 16. феб 2024.: twiiit.com: "Redirecting proxy for Nitter instances".

уто, 13. феб 2024.: Ardennes

Groeten uit Grandhan aan de Ourthe, Ardennen. En groeten uit ISKC.

пон, 12. феб 2024.: book

nu lezende: Pak Mokum Terug - "Woonstrijd in een krakende stad" (2023).

нед, 11. феб 2024.: essay

A 2024 Plea For Lean Software by Bert Hubert: "Software is now (rightfully) considered so dangerous that we tell everyone not to run it themselves. Instead, you are supposed to leave that to an “as a service” provider, or perhaps to “the cloud”. Compare this to a hypothetical situation where cars are so likely to catch fire that the advice is not to drive a car yourself, but to leave that to professionals who are always accompanied by professional firefighters."

нед, 11. феб 2024.:

NLnet / NGI0 @ 2024 FOSDEM and OFFDEM.

нед, 11. феб 2024.: pontjes, veren in .nl

TIL there are about 400 veerponten in the netherlands, cf. vroege vogels @ radio1 11 februari 2024. En: rond 1350 begon de geschreven geschiedenis van de ponten in nederland. Zie verder ook veerponten.nl (voorheen http://www.voetveren.nl/ ) en pontjes.nl.

нед, 11. феб 2024.: X and environment

TIL: how to adjust your personal natural language settings in LXDE 12 running on Debian 12 (bookworm), with lightdm 1.26 as display manager:

$ cat <<- 'EOT' > ~/.xsessionrc

суб, 10. феб 2024.: "podcast"

Op soundcloud.com: "Wat je moet weten over Open Source": een gesprek met Thijs Kinkhorst.

суб, 10. феб 2024.: rule

The Rule of Saint Augustine, (full text at villanova.edu), written in about the year 400 by Augustine of Hippo (354–430). See also: Rule of Saint Benedict, written AD 516 by Benedict of Nursia (c. AD 480–550). And then there's the Franciscan Rule, too.

пон, 5. феб 2024.: debian work

Worked on the Debian History package.

пон, 5. феб 2024.: books

De thuiszittersklas door Martin Schravesande, december 2021. Zie ook bespreking in het Nederlands Dagblad. "Martin geeft les aan ‘thuiszitters’: ‘Ze hebben mensen nodig, geen diplomafabriek’".

En dan is er ook nog: Beledigende broccoli door de geniale Tim 'S Jongers. isbn 9789461645623.

нед, 4. феб 2024.

Cleaning up my Debian stuff, step 1 of N: "Bug#1063021: O: ruby-ami -- Ruby client library for the Asterisk Management Interface".

суб, 3. феб 2024.: music

Marc Ribot 09-09-1990 "Middle East". solo electric guitar live for a small audience.

суб, 3. феб 2024.

Vera van Zelm ftw. check out this beautiful "spijkers met koppen" radio show fragment, 3 feb 2024. (in dutch)

суб, 3. феб 2024.: go vegan

TIL: nl-soja.nl in Emmeloord and mytofu.nl in Tilburg / Eindhoven are great companies. Hun hele mooie waren zijn gewoon te koop, o.a. op de zaterdagse markt in centrum tilburg op t koningsplein.

суб, 3. феб 2024.

o wow, a

root@beskar:/srv/www# ln -s /srv/storage/plaatjes plaatjes.mdcc.cx

fixed the problem with missing pictures on this website. we're fully up and running again \o/. now enjoy all beautiful pictures on this website :).

суб, 3. феб 2024.

we managed to change http://plaatjes.mdcc.cx from

Unable to connect
An error occurred during a connection to plaatjes.mdcc.cx.


404 Not Found
This item has not been found


суб, 3. феб 2024.

http://plaatjes.mdcc.cx/ is in migration (for some years now, btw). Currently it's broken (since about a week). We're working on it. We'll ship it when it's ready.

up next: find out why

root@beskar:~# nsd-control notify mdcc.cx

seems to have no effect. o, now it does (after some hours (is that a bug or a feature?))

пет, 2. феб 2024.: blog

"The War on Informality - What seven hours in London teaches me about surveillance capitalism" by Brett Scott, dec 2023.

сре, 31. јан 2024.: film

The Weight of Chains, 2010, by Boris Malagurski (please note: I do not agree with all of Malagurski's points of view; and some of them I find outrageous), featuring Michael Parenti. A documentary about the breakup of Yugoslavia. See also The Weight of Chains 2 on Wikipedia.

сре, 31. јан 2024.: Ekaterina Schulmann

Everybody loves Екатерина Шульман. Content in english available from this yootoobe playlist.

нед, 21. јан 2024.: blog

Kleintje Muurkrant, Den Bosch, still going strong since 1977.

уто, 16. јан 2024.: blog

How I Became The Honest Broker by Ted Gioia, 2021.

сре, 10. јан 2024.: essay

Spencer Weart and American Institute of Physics published "The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect -- The Discovery of Global Warming", may 2023.

чет, 4. јан 2024.: book

Aglaja Veteranyi wrote Why the Child is Cooking in the Polenta, 1999. "Aglaja Veteranyi (* 17. Mai 1962 in Bukarest; † 3. Februar 2002 in Zürich) war eine Schweizer Schauspielerin und Schriftstellerin."

чет, 4. јан 2024.

Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex, may 2014, by Klee Benally (via anarchistagency.com).

пон, 1. јан 2024.

Nazmiye Oral interviewt Pim Fortuyn voor Nederlandse Moslim Omroep, 2002: yewtu.be/watch?v=orByoWUA93c.

суб, 30. дец 2023.: sfeed

sfeed_2.0-1 uploaded

пет, 29. дец 2023.

How volunteer work in F/LOSS exacerbates pre-existing lines of oppression, and what that has to do with low diversity, December 20, 2023 by Ulrike Uhlig.

суб, 23. дец 2023.

must see: What's Eating Serbia?, 2003, door Robert Oey.

суб, 16. дец 2023.

Ishkurs Guide To Electronic Music, august 2019.

сре, 6. дец 2023.: mathematics

Lothar Collatz (1910 – 1990) was a German mathematician, born in Arnsberg, Westphalia. The Collatz Conjecture , about a collection of non-monotonous "hailstone" sequences, asserts that the total stopping time of every n is finite. Something like:

f(n) = n/2 if n is even, 3n + 1 if n is odd
C(n+1) = C(n)/2 if C(n) is even, 3C(n) + 1 if C(n) is odd

пон, 27. нов 2023.

warandeloop 2023:

StNr Naam                Vereniging             Onderdeel                         Tijd
9051 Joost van Baal-Ili? Tilburg University - 1 TRIBE Security Businessrun, 10 km 53:34
K60  Nina van Baal       Elzen                  Meisjes groep 5, 1120 meter        6:05

ik deed 11,2 km/u i.e. 5:21 min/km. finished as 126th from total of 207 runners.

нед, 19. нов 2023.

Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2023 12:34:17 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster@ftp-master.d.o>
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb@d.o>
Subject: libopaque_0.99.3-1_amd64.changes is NEW

суб, 14. окт 2023.: book

Resistance to the Current -- The Dialectics of Hacking by Johan Söderberg and Maxigas with a Foreword by Richard Barbrook $35.00 Paperback 264 pp. ISBN 9780262544566. Published November 22, 2022 by The MIT Press. A PDF is publically available.

чет 12. окт 2023.

"Adania Shibli (Arabic: عدنية شبلي) is a Palestinian author and essayist. She was born in Palestine in 1974." Arnon Grunberg meets Adania Shibli, march 2023

12 okt 2024

Now migrating from my homegrown gpg encrypt thingie to Jason A. Donenfeld's pass(1) for password store. It's pretty OK.

сре, 11. окт 2023.: gnupg

TILA: when gnupg gives you "error sending to agent: Inappropriate ioctl for device", one workaround is to do:

$ export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

уто, 10. окт 2023.: ren

ren: 34 min koopmans - spoorwegovergang baron van voorst tot voorst

нед, 8. окт 2023.: liboprf

Subject: liboprf_0.1+git20231001.0da3e2b-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

An overview of (almost) all klutshnik-related software in Debian is available from: qa.debian.org/developer.php?email=jdx5yg90%40ctrlc.hu

суб, 7. окт 2023.: nina

"De Toekomststad", door Nina, lente 2023. Nina: "zoek de twee honden en de twee katten".

суб, 7. окт 2023.: film

Another movie on my must-see list: Marc Ribot: La Corde Perdue: Un film d'Anaïs Prosaïc. Also at Wikipedia. From 2007.

пет, 6. окт 2023.: ren

ren: ongeveer een uur, met onderbreking door telefoongesprek. koopmans - berg bij vijver in wildrick vv. verder: bummer: er staan sinds kort extra hekken bij t slootje tussen witbrant en wildrick

сре, 4. окт 2023.: blog

Tech doesn’t make our lives easier. It makes them faster -- "Breaking through the illusion of convenience that's used to sell us automation". By Brett Scott, Oct 2023.

"The basic rule is this: technology doesn't make our lives easier. It makes them faster and more crammed with stuff."

"Carving a wooden door frame for ten hours in the 1600s is a very different emotional experience to jumping between a hundred emails, meetings and micro-tasks for four hours in 2023."

уто, 3. окт 2023.: blog

How to Compete with Patreon, Sep 2023, by Sibylla "siderea" Bostoniensis.

пон, 2. окт 2023.: gitlab

wiki.debian.org/Salsa/FAQ: great stuff there: e.g. on how to make gitlab usable for cli lovers.

нед, 1. окт 2023.: murf/murw

murf/murw, the Tilburg fringe art festival, was as good as ever. My highlights: Bioluminus: Ada Rave / Aaron Lumley / Onno Govaert (seen at Paradox). Throwing Bricks, Utrecht, .nl, Hall of Fame. Film "Blinded by Centuries", by Parinda Mai, 13 minuten, thailand/us 2023 (also at IFFR). Seen at Cinecitta.

нед, 1. окт 2023.: pics: debconf23

pics or it didn't happen: by Aigars "aigarius" Mahinovs on Google Photos; also on people.debian.org/~stefanor (thanks Stefano Rivera) and on salsa.debian.org. Thanks others. And my selection is on mdcc.cx/plaatjes-2023/202309-debconf23 and on mdcc.cx/plaatjes-2023/202309-debconf23-group/.

суб, 30. сеп 2023.: blog

choosing exclusion: nice blog post by Russell Coker.

Fri Sep 29 2023: liboprf

Cf tracker.debian.org/pkg/liboprf:

∙ ∙ Not built on buildd: arch amd64 binaries uploaded by joostvb
∙ ∙ Too young, only 0 of 10 days old


пет 29 21:22 < BTS> liboprf 0.1+git20230911.647f148-2
                    uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)

чет 28 21:29 <@joostvb> Subject:
                    ACCEPTED into unstable
[21:30] [@joostvb(+i)] [6:IRCnet/#klutshnik]

уто, 26. сеп 2023.: art

TIL: Kathakali is a thing in the India state of Kerala.

One can enjoy a nice performance at: നളചരിതം ഒന്നാം ദിവസം | NALACHARITHAM ONNAM DHIVASAM | MC Audios Cultural Program.

уто, 26. сеп 2023.: not all companies are bad

Nice companies: Bring all your monies to bonmush.be, kipster.nl, deregteheijden.nl and deschoffel.nl. Unfortunately, solidare tilburg is no longer a thing :(. I still enjoy bringing my money to Rini at Bosscheweg, Tilburg: so hip, doesn't even have a website!.

уто, 26. сеп 2023.: vt100

TIL: computer history: vt100.net is a thing.

пон, 25. сеп 2023.: a12

a12blokkade.nl: still ongoing. (update: Fri Sep 29 05:59:10 PM CEST 2023: yes still.)

пон, 25. сеп 2023.: debian

Nice blog post: jwiltshire on debian family.

нед, 24. сеп 2023.: history, indonesia

"Indonesia Accuses (Indonesian: Indonesia Menggugat) is a speech read by future President of Indonesia Sukarno in his defense during his 1930 trial in Landraad, Bandung, Indonesia." See soekarno-indonesia-menggugat.pdf. Published in Dutch as "Indonesië klaagt aan - Pleitrede voor den Landraad te Bandoeng op 2 december 1930 door Ir. Soekarno". Thanks Indonesia roept! TV series.

нед, 24. сеп 2023.: software

Trashman: "the dystopic package manager".

нед, 24. сеп 2023.: blog

Why Did Social Media Go to War Against Writers? --- "And can we ever get along?": another great piece by Ted Gioia, Sep 22, 2023.

нед, 24. сеп 2023.: ren: TTM

Tilburg Ten Miles.

Nina deed 800 meter (tijd niet geregistreerd).

This was me in nov 2022, doing Warandeloop (thanks Sander):

суб, 23. сеп 2023.: fiets

den bosch cs, oosterplas, zandvangpad door berlicumseplas, sluis hintham, rosmalen, nuland, maliskamp, sluis hintham, den bosch cs

пет, 22. сеп 2023.: engineering

TILA: Het Hellend vlak van Ronquières is een scheepslift nabij het Belgische dorpje Ronquières. Het is een hellend vlak op het Kanaal Charleroi-Brussel.

I was there in 2004.

чет, 21. сеп 2023.: blog

Worldbuilding the real world: build good ruins by Bernelle "indiebio" Verster, march 2023.

чет, 21. сеп 2023.: ren

ren : 15 min rondje oude warande in de regen

чет, 21. сеп 2023.: blog

On DebConf23: by ravi and by Jonathan Carter.

sun 3 till sun 17 sept 2023: DebConf23 India

DebConf23 on wiki.d.o: DebCamp23 was held from Sunday 3rd September to Saturday 9th September 2023. DebConf: Sunday 10th September to Sunday 17th September 2023. In Kochi, Kerala, India.

сре, 20. сеп 2023.: the debconf23 kochi group photo

More is here.

уто, 19. сеп 2023.: new old laptop

old refurbished lenovo thinkpad x230 laptop, bought from mostlyharmless.io. 8 GiB RAM, 932 GiB disk. 4 cores Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz. the coreboot boot menu makes booting from usb really a no-brainer: even I could do it without asking friends for what's the magic key combo i'd have to type really quickly at exactly the right moment after powering up the machine. thank you mostlyharmless.io. i've blessed the machine "agni".

installed debian bookworm using beautiful usb stick from debconf23 conference (installs / offers live system for debian bookworm, devuan, ubuntu, you name it). very happy with this massive amount of choice we offer the conference attendees. hats off to whoever made this happen.

the installer is also very nice: it's even possible to install a working system without any network access (i performed this operation in a dutch train, in less than half an hour) even with a jetlag-hampered and old brain it's possible :)

update пет, 22. сеп 2023., tnx to anupa: it's Abhas from mostlyharmless.io who made the awesome bootable usb stick: hats off to Abhas!

пон, 18. сеп 2023.: debian-flyers

granted debian-flyers developer access @ salsa to disaster2life, see also contributed patch

watertaxi from kakkana (?) to ....: saw kingfisher drop out of a tree like a stone and catch a fish

нед, 17. сеп 2023.: debconf24 in israel

TIL: near Haifa: Druze town of Izfiya. and also: there's a Bahá'í Garden.

суб, 16. сеп 2023.: joostvb @ debconf23

I was at debconf23.

I did a DJ joostvb set there.

I organised the poetry event.

суб 16 17:15 < DCschedule> Poetry Event by Joost van Baal-Ilić in Elsewhere will
                           start in 15 minutes

There were 17 (seventeen!) people attending the poetry session. We ran out of chairs. That was a very pleasant suprise. I enjoyed the good atmosphere during this meeting.

Also did: lightning talk:

нед 17 12:34 < joostvb> slides: http://mdcc.cx/debian/wkd-wks-pgp.txt

Recording is available (also in low quality). I was the second speaker; started at 13 minutes 30 seconds.

And about WKD: see also this nice blogpost by Patrick "tyil" Spek from may 2020: Setting Up a PGP Webkey Directory.

пет, 15. сеп 2023.: blog

Cool URIs don't change

 Cool URIs don't change

 What makes a cool URI?
 A cool URI is one which does not change.
 What sorts of URI change?
 URIs don't change: people change them.

сре, 13. сеп 2023.: food, drink

now drinking: cumin (jeera) soda / soft drink: available all over india.

now drinking: Semiya Pradhaman. Similar to Ada Pradhaman.

сре, 13. сеп 2023.: hurd

сре 13 02:36 < BTS> hurd 1:0.9.git20230912-1 uploaded by Samuel Thibault
                    (sthibault) https://tracker.debian.org/hurd

сре, 13. сеп 2023.: blog

Elinor Ostrom: 8 Principles Managing Commons.

уто, 12. сеп 2023.: food

now eating: Kerala style Sadya: a truely festive meal; typically served at weddings, onam (!) (thanks ravi) and similar occasions.

нед, 10. сеп 2023.: dj joostvb

Another DJ set of DJ joostvb, at DebConf23: see http://mdcc.cx/djjoostvb/.

уто, 5. сеп 2023.: ren

ren :28 langs vijver voor cobbenhagen, bij kassa lustwarande, om hockeyvelden heen, om 2 vijvers heen bij nudistenvereniging, bij spoorwegovergang, om centrum oude warande grotto heen, over parkeerplaats heen.

суб, 2. сеп 2023.: sfeed

sfeed_1.9-1 uploaded, tnx hiltjo

суб 02 20:23 < BTS> sfeed 1.9-1 uploaded by Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo@codemad...>

суб, 2. сеп 2023.: report

Amnesty in Nederland publiceerde in november 2022 het rapport Demonstratierecht Onder Druk - regels en praktijk in Nederland moeten beter.

суб, 2. сеп 2023.: liboprf

Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2023 07:20:15 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster@ftp-master.d.o>
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb@d.o>
Subject: liboprf_0.1+git20230829.04fcb6a-2_amd64.changes
 is NEW

binary:liboprf-dev is NEW.
binary:liboprf0 is NEW.
source:liboprf is NEW.

Your package has been put into the NEW queue, which
 requires manual action from the ftpteam to process.

пет, 1. сеп 2023.: daemontools

пет 01 14:20 < BTS> daemontools 1:0.76-9 uploaded by Jan Mojžíš
                    <jan.mojzis@gmail.com> (Closes: #568092, #1044433)

granted daemontools DM upload access to Jan Mojžíš, see tracker.d.o daemontools.

пет, 1. сеп 2023.: deeplearning in debian

ml-policy about Debian, Free Software and Machine Learning, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models by Mo Zhou e.a., 2019, 2020. See also debian-dl.

пет, 1. сеп 2023.: blog

The Asshole Filter September 2015 by Sibylla "siderea" Bostoniensis. See also work posted on WordPress.com and mastodon.

уто, 29. авг 2023.: film

Must see masterpiece, brings me to tears: Rize. tnx Alida Dors at VPRO's Zomergasten.

"Rize is an American documentary film by David LaChapelle, starring Lil' C, Tommy the Clown and Miss Prissy. It documents the culture and competition surrounding two dance forms, clowning and krumping. It released in 2005."

уто, 29. авг 2023.: ren

ren :44: vijvertje in drasse driehoek, stadsboerderij 013.

пон, 28. авг 2023.: music, blog

"Attica Blues is an album by avant-garde jazz saxophonist Archie Shepp. Originally released in 1972 on the Impulse! label, the album title refers to the Attica Prison riots." See blankforms.org/journal/indifferent-brutality-incessant-noise for a very nice essay on that album.

нед, 27. авг 2023.: film

"Pather Panchali" (Wikipedia) (Song of the Little Road) is a 1955 Indian Bengali-language drama film. [...] The first film from independent India to attract major international critical attention, it won India's National Film Award for Best Feature Film in 1955, the Best Human Document award at the 1956 Cannes Film Festival, and several other awards, establishing Ray as one of the country's most distinguished filmmakers. It is often featured in lists of the greatest films ever made."

нед, 27. авг 2023.: art and AI

infiniteconversation.com, a never-ending conversation between Bavarian director Werner Herzog and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek: "Attempting positive uses of Deepfakes while proving a point" by Giacomo Miceli.

суб, 26. авг 2023.: art

Now online: De Hut van Haas, door Nina van Baal.

пет, 25. авг 2023.: learning

Free(ish) websites for learning stuff: Udemy, MIT OpenCourseWare, Khan Academy, Mind Luster, Coursera.

уто, 22. авг 2023.: book

Red and Green Make … Degrowth: On Kohei Saito’s “Marx in the Anthropocene”, a review by Andrew Ahern, July 23, 2023 for Los Angeles Review of Books of the book Marx in the Anthropocene - Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism by Kohei Saito, University of Tokyo. Published 2023 by Cambridge University Press. Online ISBN: 9781108933544, DOI: doi.org/10.1017/9781108933544.

уто, 22. авг 2023.: ren

ren 36 min: spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, zuidzijde spoor naar burg van v tot v laan, v tot v in zuidelijke richting, noordrand hart van brabant, koopmans

уто, 22. авг 2023.: link

Falsehoods Programmers Believe About IBANs by Walter 'globalcitizen' Stanish, july 2020.

пон, 21. авг 2023.: permacomputing

The Homebrew Computers Website is open to any computer project featuring a home-built CPU.

суб, 19. авг 2023.: boek

Menno ter Braak bespeekt De opstand der horden van José Ortega Y Gasset in november 1933. "Vertaald uit het Spaansch door dr. J. Brouwer. (H.P. Leopold's Uitgeversmij. 's Gravenhage. 1933.)". Vond het gisteren in Boekenschop, Tilburg, voor minder dan 5 euries. En: TIL: José Ortega Y Gasset schreef de "inleiding voor Fransen" in mei 1937 in Nederland. In "Het Witte Huis" in Oegstgeest, om precies te zijn. En bij plato.stanford.edu staat inderdaad dat er "short trips to the Netherlands" waren in 1937.

Update сре, 24. јан 2024.: Ted Gioia reviews reviews José Ortega y Gasset’s The Revolt of the Masses for The Daily Beast, 2014.

Also acquired: Tsjechov, 900 pagina's, deel 5 van het verzameld werk, gratis. In de vertaling van Charles B Timmer voor uitgeverij Van Oorschot.

пет, 18. авг 2023.: usrmerge

DEP-17: Improve situation around aliasing effects from /usr-merge by Helmut Grohne, may 22, 2023. There are sources too.

чет, 17. авг 2023.: openbsd

isopenbsdsecu.re: A systematic evaluation of OpenBSD’s mitigations talk given at the 36c3 the 29th of December 2019, by stein.

чет, 17. авг 2023.: ren

ren: half uurtje oid: koopmans, spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, wandelbos om vijver heen, spoorwegovergang tilburg west, koopmans

сре, 16. авг 2023.: ITP libopaque

сре 16 12:58 < BTS> Opened #1049864 in wnpp by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    <joostvb-de...@ad1810.com> «ITP: libopaque - Language
                    bindings for establishing a shared secret using the OPAQUE
                    protocol». https://bugs.debian.org/1049864

сре, 16. авг 2023.: "make clean"

Extra stuff on my todo list:

Bug#1049637: caspar
Bug#1049665: systraq
Bug#1049742: uruk

"Fails to build binary packages again after successful build". (and also: Bug#1044433: daemontools: "Fails to build source after successful build".) i care about fixing those bugs since they've been annoying me too for a long time...)

уто, 15. авг 2023.: article

Getting Beyond the Narratives: An Open Letter to the Activist Community, by John Michael Greer, August 2005. The author (born 1962) is an "American author and druid who writes on ecology, politics, appropriate technology, oil depletion and the occult".

пон, 14. авг 2023.: klutshnik

Filed Debian Bug: ITP: liboprf - Oblivious Pseudo-Random Functions and Threshold OPRF library #1049347.

нед, 13. авг 2023.: art

Saw a piece by Gerhard Richter in the Köln Dom.

Enjoyed freshly prepared Riefkuchen and Lángos (check out that awesome Wikipedia page! (but then some people say the hungarian one is way better...)).

нед, 13. авг 2023.: internet archive

The Internet Archive's Great '78s Project: download soon before the content industry starts crushing our beloved Internet Archive...

нед, 13. авг 2023.: sylvana simons

Sylvana Simons during Corona debate, April 2021. Powerful speech. Pity she leaves politics, hope we'll still hear from her.

нед, 13. авг 2023.: openmeetup

TIL Openmeetup: meet-up without corporations: a Mobilizon instance: for organising events using open and federated tools.

нед, 13. авг 2023.: pwdsphinx

libequihash 1.0.9-1 and pwdsphinx 1.0.18-3 MIGRATED to Debian testing.

нед, 13. авг 2023.: screenshot

TIL: how to take a screenshot:

 sudo apt update
 sudo apt dist-upgrade scrot
 scrot -s
 feh 2023-08-14-104855_1268x1240_scrot.png

нед, 13. авг 2023.: book

Should read Slavenka Drakulić, e.g. "A Guided Tour through the Museum of Communism. Fables from a Mouse, a Parrot, a Bear, a Cat, a Mole, a Pig, a Dog, and a Raven", Penguin, New York, (2011) ISBN 978-0143118633 or "Cafe Europa Revisited", Penguin (2021) ISBN 978-0143134176.

чет, 10. авг 2023.: ren

27 min koopmans - om de vijver bij de (inmiddels dode) berk in de eik

нед, 6. авг 2023.: book

TIL: I should read Elias Canetti.

суб, 5. авг 2023.: post

Posted about conversation with Bill Mitchell.

суб, 5. авг 2023.: statistics

Who has brought us dpkg(1)?

2011 - 2023 : Guillem Jover with Helge Kreutzmann,
               Sven Joachim e.a.
2010        : Guillem Jover with Helge Kreutzmann,
               Sven Joachim, Christian Perrier e.a.
2007 - 2009 : Guillem Jover and Raphael Hertzog e.a.
2006        : Guillem Jover with Frank Lichtenheld,
               Christian Perrier e.a.
2004 - 2005 : Scott James Remnant e.a.
1999 - 2003 : Wichert Akkerman and Adam Heath e.a.
1996        : Ian Jackson

NB: some years saw much more commits than others. Some years show much more committers than others. I've only looked at number of commits, not size of them.

Generate raw data by running:

 % git clone https://git.dpkg.org/git/dpkg/dpkg.git && cd dpkg
 % git2cl > cl
 % grep '^[1|2]' cl | sed 's/\-[0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9] //' | \
     sort -r | uniq -c | cut -d\< -f1 | less

суб, 5. авг 2023.: pwdsphinx

суб 05 06:56 < BTS> pwdsphinx 1.0.18-2 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
 [06:57] [joostvb(+Ri)] [13:OFTC/#debian-devel-changes(+n)]

пет, 4. авг 2023.: pwdsphinx, klutshnik

I'm still working on getting SPHINX "a simple self-hosted online password "storage" protocol with some very strong security guarantees" shipped with Debian. See also Debian Bug #1023113: ITP: pwdsphinx -- SPHINX password storage protocol.

Once that's done, plan is to do the same with Klutshnik: a "client/server solution that brings forward-secrecy, post-compromise security and a bunch of other very nice things to data-at-rest." See these presentations @ Camp++ 0x7e7, July 2023, in Tata, somewhat north-west of Budapest.

чет, 3. авг 2023.: ren

:48 ren koopmans building, 3 bruggen, bushalte daniel de brouwer, koopmans

сре, 2. авг 2023.: pwdsphinx, libequihash

сре 02 07:06 < BTS> pwdsphinx 1.0.18-1 uploaded by
                    Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)

уто 01 19:13 <joostvb> Subject:
                    ACCEPTED into unstable

уто, 1. авг 2023.: article

Individualist Anarchism in France and Its Legacy by Carl Tobias Frayne, 2022-01, doi.org/10.17863/CAM.80240, pdf.

пон, 31. јул 2023.: st

how to in- and decrease font size in st terminal, tnx stef:


(or, on my shitty laptop: ctrl-shift-Fn-pageup and ctrl-shift-Fn-pagedown). no more need for a1-term.

нед, 30. јул 2023.: book, writer

RIP Давид Албахари. TIL: should read: Bait (2001)

нед, 30. јул 2023.: blog

Should you join the party? by Maarten Steenhagen, April 8, 2023. About politics, socialism, climate-change, neoliberalism and also Jodi Dean.

нед, 30. јул 2023.: shameless self promotion

Shameless self promotion: My name on a regular-ish Debian (and possibly Ubuntu too) system: Under /usr/share/doc:

coreutils/THANKS.gz           (joostvb)
perl/AUTHORS.gz               (J.E. van Baal)
bash/changelog.Debian.gz      #357607, Jul 2006
base-passwd/changelog.gz      #178057, Jan 2003
coreutils/changelog.Debian.gz #356532, Apr 2006
automake/changelog.Debian.gz  #355869, Mar 2006

нед, 30. јул 2023.: rhine and danube

I've enjoyed the river Danube again.

суб, 29. јул 2023.: .at and .de; back home

Was in Götzen, between Axams and Sistrans, in the Towel Day City of Innsbruck, and in Ulm.

In Innsbruck, aquired an issue of the Konkret magazine.

I should go back to Ulm: I missed "eine mehrere Meter hohe Stele zum Gedenken an die Weiße Rose, gestaltet von Otl Aicher", on the Münster Platz in Ulm. About Hans and Sophie Scholl, who grew up in Ulm and were active in the Weiße Rose.

суб, 29. јул 2023.: art

Kunstenaar Mapije de Wit maakt het Zangfietspad. En sinds 17 juni 2023 ook bij Biest Houtakker: een speciale Brabantse editie!

чет, 27. јул 2023.: music

Scottsboro Boys by Lead Belly (c. 1888–1949): the original of the term "woke". Track taken from this album issued by Smithsonian Folkways Recording.

чет, 27. јул 2023.: pwdsphinx

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 13:14:05 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster@ftp-master.d.o>
To: joostvb@d.o
Subject: Processing of pwdsphinx_1.0.15-1_source.changes

pwdsphinx_1.0.15-1_source.changes uploaded successfully
to localhost

чет 27 16:30 <joostvb> Subject:
  pwdsphinx_1.0.15-1_source.changes ACCEPTED
  into unstable

"Too young, only 0 of 10 days old"

and it seems it currently won't build: "Failed to copy 'usr/bin/otp.sphinx': No such file or directory". And in the mean time there's a new upstream 1.0.16, which I'll upload soonishlish.

чет, 27. јул 2023.: debian bug

if i would have infinite time, i'd fix #1042393 "xdm: Why no new uploads since 2015?"

чет, 27. јул 2023.: ren

ren : 72 minutes : Hirschstraße - ANARRES in Fort Unterer Eselsberg - Hirschstraße

чет, 27. јул 2023.: pyequihash

сре 26 17:20 < BTS> pyequihash 0.2-3 uploaded by Joost van
                    Baal-Ilić (joostvb) (Closes: #1041816)
сре 26 17:21 < BTS> Closed #1041816 in src:pyequihash by
                    Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb) «pyequihash:
                    Uses obsolete Debian Python Modules Team
                    as uploader/Vcs field».

Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 15:19:38 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster@ftp-master.d.o>
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb@d.o>

pyequihash_0.2-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

сре, 26. јул 2023.: music

Anthony Child (born 1 May 1971), aka Surgeon , is an English electronic (industrial techno) musician and DJ. Find his work e.g. on dj-surgeon.bandcamp.com.

сре, 26. јул 2023.: ren

ren: 60 min: Baden-Württemberg - Bayern vv: Hirschstraße, bridge for cyclists / pedestrians next to Konrad-Adenauer Brücke, Edwin-Scharff-Haus, cross the Kleine Donau, via big bridge, follow street named "Insel", cross Kleine Donau via small bridge back to Neu-Ulm, Gänstorbrűcke, Berblingerturm (Der Ulmer Schneider), Rosengarten, at around Herdbrücke one can see "Novi Sad" on the Danube quay, Market on Münsterplatz, Hirschstraße

сре, 26. јул 2023.: blog, codehelp

Carying Grief by Neil Williams, Tue 02 May 2023.

уто, 25. јул 2023.: web

#til anarchyplanet.org is a thing. irc, jitsi, podcasts: you name it.

пон, 24. јул 2023.: ren

50 minuten: Franz-Singer-Straße; Götzner Bergweg; On top of the old wall, along Kreuzweg; Panoramaweg, left bank of Geraldsbach; Gewerbepark; Cross the Geroldsbach; To the left (I should've gone to the right...); Mühlleiten; Kaufhaus Eigentler; Franz-Singer-Straße

пон, 24. јул 2023.: bug

Bug#1034348: at: autopkgtest regression on arm64:

пон 24 04:21 < BTS> Closed #1034348 in src:at by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    <joostvb-de...@mdcc.cx> «at: autopkgtest regression
                    on arm64: Either at.20377 doesn't exist or the
                    content differs.». https://bugs.debian.org/1034348

нед 23, 2023: climate change

"This global heatwave is likely the hottest 20-day stretch in the last 100,000+ years.", see this tweet. tnx h01ger.

нед, 23. јул 2023.: pwdsphinx, klutshnik

working on getting current pwdsphinx ("SPHINX password storage protocol") upstream in debian/sid (later: in trixie; later: in backports). committing my work using salsa.debian.org.

And started preparing work on klutshnik: "[...] client/server solution that brings forward-secrecy, post-compromise security and [...] [tools for dealing with] data-at-rest. [Implements a] [...] public and free threshold OPRF and threshold OPAQUE."

суб, 22. јул 2023.: "web environment integrity", the open web and gemini

Lets all join and work with the gemini people and save us from Web Environment Integrity. See also Joey Hess's take on it as well as this toot by Matthew Garrett: "My take on the Web Environment Integrity thing: I think this is a bad idea, but I also think people are (understandably, given context and the company behind it!) interpreting it in the worst possible light. [...]"

пет, 21. јул 2023.: the past: crm114

in 2004, i was involved in crm114 development. see #235957. I released crm114_20040816.BlameClockworkOrange-auto.3.tar.gz. see crm114/20040816.BlameClockworkOrange-auto.3-1 in Debian. with help from Raul Miller, Peter E. Popovich, Paolo e.a. I shipped lots of other releases: version 20031129-RC11.1, 2003-12-18 untill version 20040816.BlameClockworkOrange-auto.3, 2004-08-19, with about 20 releases in between. the original crm114 was created by Bill Yerazunis. With help from others, I hacked up manpages in zoem format. the crm114 package is currently maintained for debian by Milan "pdm" Zamazal.

сре, 5. јул 2023.: fiets

fiets: fh - heilige driehoek : 75 minuten heen, 75 minuten terug

нед, 4. јун 2023.: nettime


  • To: nettime-l@mx.kein.org
  • Subject: <nettime> choose-your-own adventure: a brief history of nettime
  • From: nettime's mod squad <nettime@kein.org>
  • Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2015 16:24:30 +0100

was written:

The new social media intensified the speed and sheer volume of communication,
making message lengths shorter and visual content ever more pivotal; above all,
reaction became the dominant currency. <nettime> by contrast, moved in
the opposite direction -- mainly by not changing at all.

суб, 3. јун 2023.: bootstrapping debian

wiki.debian.org/DependencyHell and bootstrap.debian.net/history.

суб, 3. јун 2023.: bug

interesting bug and discussion: Debian Bug #1035543: "e2fsprogs: on an upgrade from bullseye e2scrub-reap.service may be wanted by default.target instead of multi-user.target". reported Fri, 05 May 2023

суб, 3. јун 2023.: blog

Calling time on DNSSEC by Matt Brown: "After 15+ years of trying, I think it’s worth considering that combining cryptography, caching and distributed consensus, some of the most fundamental and complex computer science problems, into a slow-moving and hard to evolve low-level infrastructure protocol while appropriately balancing security, performance and reliability appears to be beyond our collective ability."

суб, 3. јун 2023.: boek

Pak Mokum Terug: woonstrijd in een krakende stad door Mokum Kraakt. (ISBN 978 94 92 734 273 – 368 pagina’s – €20,00). Book launch was planned ( https://squ.at/r/9gd7 ) to happen Thursday, 15 June, 2023 - 19:00 to 22:00 at Takland, Taksteeg 8, Amsterdam. However, Takland got evicted before this event could even happen...

чет, 1. јун 2023.: ren

ren 28 min black box, om vijvers in t midden van landgoed sparrenhof heen

нед, 28. мај 2023.: fiets

fiets: fokkerhof, PARK, hasselstraat, draaiend huis, hasseltse kapel, kraaivenstraat, landgoed de mast, mastpad, wolterbeekse plas, zwaaikom kraaiven, noordkant sluis III, poseidonpad, zuidkant sluit III bieslookweg drijflanen, fokkerhof

нед, 28. мај 2023.: movie

Must see: Cesária Évora (at IMDB). Documentary by director Ana Sofia Fonseca, 2022.

нед, 28. мај 2023.: music

Must see: Nyege Nyege Music : the official channel of Nyege Nyege Festival, and the two labels under it, Nyege Nyege Tapes & Hakuna Kulala from Kampala, Uganda. (Thanks Kumba Kumusha Festival, Tilburg.) And "Menzi hails from the Umlazi township of Durban, where he rose to prominence as one half of Gqom pioneers, Infamous Boiz, whose influence is now felt shuddering from speakers in clubs across the world."

суб, 27. мај 2023.: fun with fonts

Times-New-Bastard by weiweihuanghuang; sansbullshitsans, TT2020, hellvetica.

пет, 26. мај 2023.: doc-debian

Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 04:39:10 +0000
From: Debian testing watch
Subject: doc-debian 11.3+nmu1 MIGRATED to testing

пет, 26. мај 2023.: film

Ik en Nina kunnen er geen genoeg van krijgen:

% yt-dlp 'https://yewtu.be/watch?v=a2K2l02C9As'
% mpv Обезьянки\ мультфильм\ —\ \ все\ серии\ подряд\ \ \[HD\]\ \[a2K2l02C9As\].webm

(819M download.) Meer op kanaal Мультики студии Союзмультфильм.

чет, 25. мај 2023.: ren

ren: 35 minuten: blackbox - varkens groeituin 013 - "de touwen" en "de website" aka Speelbos - spoorbrug burgemeester baron van voorst tot voorstweg - blackbox

чет, 25. мај 2023.: software: offpunk

packages.debian.org/offpunk: a "CLI and offline-first smolnet browser for Gemini, Gopher, etc". "Offpunk is a command-line browser and feed reader dedicated to browsing the Web, Gemini, Gopher and Spartan. Thanks to its permanent cache, it is optimised to be used offline with rare connections but works as well when connected."

чет, 25. мај 2023.: oracle-fdw

non-gnu.uvt.nl oracle-fdw is a thing. next up: post an RFP

Update, суб, 7. окт 2023.: this is about the PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper for Oracle, see github.com/laurenz/oracle_fdw and pgxn.org/dist/oracle_fdw.

чет, 25. мај 2023.: music, text

In October 2015, Hedva delivered a lecture at the Women's Center for Creative Work. My Body Is a Prison of Pain so I Want to Leave It Like a Mystic But I Also Love It & Want it to Matter Politically, Johanna Hedva, 2014. An audio reading by Sen Naomi Kirst-Schultz is available too. It was translated to Dutch by Thalia Ostendorf, for uitgeverij chaos, 2023, as "Theorie van de Zieke Vrouw".

нед, 21. мај 2023.: film

Something old: It's Not Repetition, It's Discipline - Documentary about Mark E Smith's band The Fall

and something new: MENZI - Impazamo.

суб, 20. мај 2023.: doc-debian, again

More work on getting a better doc-debian shipped with bookworm. Thanks Sebastian Ramacher in #1035710. Efforts are still ongoing...

суб, 20. мај 2023.: fiets

19 mei: fiets, met nina: fokkerhof, hasseltse kapel, wolterbeekplas, mastpad, landgoed de mast, peerke donders park, fh

суб, 20. мај 2023.: link

egos-2000: A minimal operating system (2K LOC) on QEMU and a RISC-V board: "This project's vision is to help every college student read all the code of an operating system. With only 2000 lines of code, egos-2000 implements every component of an operating system for education. It can run on a RISC-V board and also the QEMU software emulator." : a teaching OS for CS5411/4411 students at Cornell University by Yunhao Zhang.

update: builder-hex0: "Builder-Hex0 is a builder with a hex0 compiler. It runs in the form of a bootable disk image. [...] This kernel is for bootstrapping compilers without having to trust a prebuilt binary. You still have to trust that the hex codes provided represent the x86 opcodes in the comments."

чет, 18. мај 2023.: link

VWO Examen Nederlans (ook hier, met dank aan boekenwuurm). "ChatGPT haalt 33/60". Zie ook ChatGPT en HAVO examen Nederlands door Marc van Oostendorp voor neerlandistiek.nl, 19 mei 2023.

пет, 19. мај 2023.: merecat

Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 04:39:06 +0000
From: Debian testing watch
Subject: merecat 2.31+git20220513+ds-4.1 MIGRATED to testing

Thanks a lot gregor "gregoa" herrmann!

пет, 19. мај 2023.: presentation

Last year at NLUUG NJ22, Michiel Leenaars spoke about NLnet and NGI Zero: working for the internet, available from yt-dlp:d4QCgTBUWqU.

суб, 20. мај 2023.: book

Now reading: Marshall Sahlins "Stone Age Economics" Routledge Classics, 2017, with a new foreword by David Graeber. ISBN 978 1 138 70261 5, LCCN 2017009801, originally published 1972. Paul 'ramblin activist' Mobbs presents it (video) in his 'a book in five minutes' series.

пон, 15. мај 2023.: pics or it didn't happen: Czechia

First bunch of pics is at 202305-Český_Krumlov-Frymburk.

And second bunch is at 202305-Budvar-Frymburk-Passau.

нед, 14. мај 2023.: RIP Pater Poels

RIP Pater Poels, aka de Tilburgse Broodpater (★ 11 mei 1929 - † 26 april 2023) . Enkele van zijn geniale quotes: "Ik ben geen hulpverlener; ik verleen hulp." en "Ik los niks op". Berichtgeving van omroepbrabant.nl en nos.nl. Heiligverklaring ligt voor de hand, imnsho.

нед, 14. мај 2023.: doc-debian

#1035710: Info received (unblock: doc-debian/11.3)

суб 13 21:04 < BTS> doc-debian 11.3 uploaded to experimental with urgency high by
                    Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)

суб, 13. мај 2023.: fiets

fiets, met Hajo: Fokkerhof, Riels Laag, Het Riels Hoefke , kruising Keistoep - Bels Lijntje, Stadstuin 013

пет, 12. мај 2023.: pyreadstat

"[2023-05-12] Accepted pyreadstat 1.2.1-1 (source amd64) into experimental (Debian FTP Masters) (signed by: Joost van Baal)"

Subject: pyreadstat_1.2.1-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental "Thank you for your contribution to Debian."

пет, 12. мај 2023.

ren half uur: black box, brug wandelbos, boerke mutsaers, groeituin 013

уто, 9. мај 2023.: blog

Artificial "intelligence", laws, and trade agreements , Tuesday, May 9. 2023 by Ante Wessels.

уто, 9. мај 2023.: doc-debian

Date: Mon, 08 May 2023 05:48:04 +0000
Subject: Bug#1035710: Acknowledgement (unblock: doc-debian/11.1)

See also the current list of unblock requests and the testing/FAQ.

пет, 5. мај 2023.: getting bookworm shipped: usrmerge and systemd

usrmerge and systemd and debhelper: There's #1035543, and #1031695, and #1034236 for src:mpd. TL;DR: it'll all be just fine.

пет, 5. мај 2023.: ren

ren: half uur @ frymburg , half uur @ krumlov , 50 min @ krumlov

пет, 5. мај 2023.: krtek

Krtek a paraplíčko - The Little Mole and the Umbrella

пет, 5. мај 2023.: book: Švejk

acquired, in Krumlov: Švejk:

Sue Arnold, writing in The Guardian, stated "Every harassed negotiator, every
beleaguered political wife and anyone given to ever-increasing moments of
melancholy at the way things are should keep a copy of Hasek's classic 'don't
let the bastards get you down' novel to hand. It's anti-war,
anti-establishment, anti-religion and - praise indeed - even funnier than

Must see: The Good Soldier Schweik (1956 film).

And: now I know: must have: translation of svejk in german by Grete Reiner. (I do have a translation in dutch by R. Pieters , published 2001 by Pegasus publishers; it's still available: EAN 9789061432784)

Also: got me Plastic People of the Universe album on CD: Egon Bondy

In "Egon Bondy, Czech Writer and Critic, Dies at 77" by Douglas Martin, April 15, 2007 for NY Times: "In 1993 Mr. Bondy moved to [Bratislava in] Slovakia to protest the division of Czechoslovakia into that country and the Czech Republic. He said the motivation of the split was to benefit the new capitalists of Prague at the expense of poorer Slovakians."

Also: Bought me some graphical work (stickers) by young Ukrainian artist Vladyslav Synookyi (@synookyii on instagram), in Kasarna Karlin, Prague.

Also: enjoyed art by Ivana Lomová (born 1959, Prague) in Egon Schiele Art Centrum. Nice overview of her work at lomova.com/en/paintings.

чет, 4. мај 2023.: doc-debian

working on doc-debian

Subject: doc-debian_11.0_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Message-Id: <E1puRbA-008BbI-QA@fasolo.debian.org>
Thank you for your contribution to Debian.

чет 04 07:34 < BTS> doc-debian 11.0 uploaded with urgency high by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    (joostvb) (Closes: #798013, #843449)
чет 04 07:36 < BTS> Closed #843449 in doc-debian by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb) «Mistake
                    in doc-base control file for debian-social-contract».
чет 04 07:36 < BTS> Closed #798013 in doc-debian by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb) «useless
                    "Suggests: postscript-viewer, www-browser"».
суб 06 09:33 < BTS> Closed #895961 in doc-debian by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    <joostvb-de...@mdcc.cx> «debian-www: doc-debian package description
                    links to invalid page». https://bugs.debian.org/895961

Did file an unblock request

уто, 7. феб 2023.: ren

ren: 20 minuten black box, beetje oude warande, black box

уто, 7. феб 2023.: Tshirt

At FOSDEM, got me this beautiful Tshirt, by the La Contre-Voie (Formerly « 42l ») people.

нед, 5. феб 2023.: adm

Note to self: Het Groene Veld and ADM Noord are related to "slibvelden" aka the continuation of ADM Amsterdam.

суб, 4. феб 2023.: offdem

An OFFDEM Manifesto got published.

пет, 3. феб 2023.: tweet

Insightful tweet by Auke Hoekstra, Nov 2022. tl;dr: fossil fuels are an issue. agriculture, esp. for meat and diary, is an issue. lithium mining is NOT an issue. tnx walter van holst.

чет, 2. феб 2023.: doc-debian

spwhitton^W^W^Wjathan offered to take over maintenance of doc-debian. \o/

сре, 1. феб 2023.: pwdsphinx

Uploaded pwdsphinx_1.0.8-1:

Uploading (ftp) to ftp.upload.debian.org:/pub/UploadQueue/
[ Preparing job pwdsphinx_1.0.8-1_amd64 from pwdsphinx_1.0.8-1_amd64.changes
pwdsphinx_1.0.8-1_amd64.changes 3.5 kB, ok (1 s, 3.52 kB/s) ]
Your package has been put into the NEW queue [...] please be patient.

пон, 30. јан 2023.: animatie

Aan & Matig Animatie: Pien en Lobbert @ Klokhuis, en ook: Rolf

суб, 28. јан 2023.: article

Against eco-capitalism, a translation of Contra o eco-capitalismo by contraciv - Contra a civilização - Levantando o debate sobre crítica à civilização on 06/01/2023. "A truly sustainable relationship with the earth can only occur if humans do not place themselves as the only ”rationality” that decides how everything should work, what should or should not exist, how, where and in what quantity."

суб, 28. јан 2023.: pyequihash

Subject: pyequihash_0.2-1_amd64.changes is NEW

пет, 27. јан 2023.: sphinx

pyequihash @ debian salsa is a thing

чет, 26. јан 2023.: ren

ren half uurtje: black box rondje om meertjes aan midden oostkant landgoed heidepark, tussen vredelust en sparrenhof, heen

сре, 25. јан 2023.: scientist rebellion

Scientist Rebellion Talk Series: Positive tipping points to avoid climate tipping points — Prof. Tim Lenton, Feb 2022

уто, 24. јан 2023.: blog

Build security with the assumption it will be used against your friends by mjg59

нед, 22. јан 2023.: pyequihash

нед 22 17:09 < BTS> Opened #1029431 in wnpp by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    <joostvb-de...@ad1810.com> «ITP: pyequihash -- python bindings for
                    libequihash: memory-hard Proof-of-Work with fast verification».

нед, 22. јан 2023.: sfeed

sfeed_1.6-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable \o/

суб, 21. јан 2023.: hare and stuff

So that I don't miss the urls: There is the Helios microkernel, the Ares Operating System and the Hare programming language.

суб, 21. јан 2023.: book

Nina made yet another book \o/. (Het Geheimzinnige Eiland)

пет, 20. јан 2023.: governments going wrong

TIL: toeslagenschandaal (Netherlands) look very similar to Robodebt scheme (Australia). See also this "First Dog on the Moon" comic.

уто, 17. јан 2023.: ren

ren 0:30 black box, om parkeerplaats die nu bouwput is heen, tussen drasse driehoek en spoor, brug baron van voorst tot voorstweg over spoor, tussen https://www.groeituin013.nl/ en t spoor

пон, 16. јан 2023.: RIP Lützerath

Article on de.scientists4future.org. See also german and english wikipedia.

пет, 13. јан 2023.: topdesk and firefox

For those who're suffering from software by topdesk and are using Firefox on Debian (or similar browser setups): if you'd like to be able to use regular copy and paste to insert your pastebuffer in the topdesk text editing boxes: open "about:config" in the firefox address bar. Add the domain where your topdesk instance is running to the list of domains in dom.keyboardevent.keypress.hack.use_legacy_keycode_and_charcode. And: presto! (thanks Fruit.)

пет, 13. јан 2023.: shell and echo

Differences between /bin/echo, zsh's echo, dash's echo and bash's echo:

joostvb@oganj:~% /bin/echo '\\'
joostvb@oganj:~% echo '\\'
joostvb@oganj:~% dash
$ echo '\\'
$ exit
joostvb@oganj:~% bash
joostvb@oganj:~$ echo '\\'

Conclusion: use printf, not echo. And call printf as:

printf "%s\n" "$THESRING"

Thanks Helmut Grohne.

See also the entry on echo $foo in this collection of Bash Pitfalls by Greg Wooledge.

пет, 13. јан 2023.: mongovi

working on ITP -- mongovi - cli for mongodb: been helping Tim Kuijsten in private conversation on mastodon.

сре, 11. јан 2023.: hardware

current status of nice systems, as overheard on irc:



and be sure to check out: is this computer working with gnu/linux?.

And: "there is a lenovo thinkpad laptop with an ARM cpu (X13s G1, Snapdragon 8cx cpu)" (tnx ukleinek).

пон, 9. јан 2023.: sphinx

[2023-01-09] Accepted securestring 0.2-2 (source) into unstable (Bo YU) (signed by: bage@debian.org)

Thanks Bo Yu and Bastian Germann.

пон, 9. јан 2023.: sphinx

пон 09 14:35 < BTS> libequihash 1.0.6-1 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)

Unfortunately, it still fails to build: see buildd. WiP..

нед, 8. јан 2023.: degrowth

Degrowth and the State by D’Alisa, Giacomo and Giorgos Kallis. Published in Ecological Economics, 2020, vol. 169, issue C; DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106486. Available from sci-hub.se.

нед, 8. јан 2023.: sphinx

нед 08 15:05  Subject: libequihash_1.0.4-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into
нед 08 14:56 < BTS> libequihash 1.0.4-2 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
                    (Closes: #1024239) https://tracker.debian.org/libequihash
нед 08 14:57 -!- BTS changed the topic of #debian-devel-changes to: #d-d-c | RC
          bug count: 554 | stable RC bug count: 463 | NEW queue: 90 | backports
          NEW queue: 4 | RM queue: 3 | dinstall: startup
нед 08 14:57 < BTS> Closed #1024239 in src:libequihash by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    (joostvb) «libequihash: baseline violation on i386 and FTBFS
                    on !x86». https://bugs.debian.org/1024239

yet another upload is in the works, btw...

нед, 8. јан 2023.: mature software

Some of the software I happily use almost daily:

The orinal Bell Labs make was designed by Stuart Feldman, and first appeared April 1976. GNU make is shipped with Debian GNU/Linux since ever (for sure it was shipped with Debian in Nov 1996). GNU make-4.4.tar.gz was released 2022-10-31.

The m4 macro processor was designed by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, and first appeared in 1977. GNU m4 is shipped with Debian since at least 1996. GNU m4-1.4.19.tar.gz was released 2021-05-28. Package m4 (1.4.19-2) was uploaded to Debian unstable by Santiago Vila on Thu, 05 Jan 2023.

The sed text processing utility first appeared in 1974. Package GNU sed (4.9-1) was uploaded to Debian unstable by Clint Adams on Thu, 05 Jan 2023.

Mutt is a text-based email client for Unix-like systems. It was originally written by Michael Elkins in 1995. Package mutt (2.2.9-1) "New upstream release" was uploaded to Debian unstable by Antonio Radici on Sun, 13 Nov 2022.

GNU screen was initialy released in 1987. Current (as of 20 jan 2023) stable release 4.9.0 got shipped 1 February 2022.

Update нед, 25. феб 2024.: I almost daily use GNU grep. The original grep was initialy released November 1973 by Ken Thompson, and first included in Version 4 Unix. Here's a manpage for an old grep. In 2023, GNU grep 3.11 was released.

суб, 7. јан 2023.: food

now eating: Šarena salata from our komsenica

суб, 7. јан 2023.: tilde

My webpage at tilde.club is live. Thanks tilde people. Be sure to check out the awesome tilderadio crew.

суб, 7. јан 2023.: mathematics

TIL: a case can be made for mathematics to be both invented _and_ discovered: See this article by the Baltimore theoretical astrophysicist Mario Livio, as shared by Randall Pyke.

пет, 6. јан 2023.: debian

worked on #891417 - systraq

пет, 6. јан 2023.: blog

"The whole theory needed to understand a typewriter is the typewriter itself": The computer build to last 50 years by Lionel "Ploum" Dricot on 2021-02-04. tnx IanJ @ #permacomputing.

сре, 4. јан 2023.: food

now eating: Witte Venus, Kokkels, Vongole and Souchot. With spaghetti and peterseliesaus. Thank you Aquamossel Triton V.O.F., Yerseke

сре, 4. јан 2023.: sfeed

Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2023 05:50:07 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Hiltjo Posthuma, joostvb@d.o
Subject: sfeed_1.6-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Message-Id: <E1pCwf9-000ywF-Pc@fasolo.debian.org>

сре, 4. јан 2023.: devuan

What made me happy today:

dpkg (1.21.14) unstable; urgency=medium
    - Dpkg::Vendor::Devuan: Add new vendor module.
      Requested by Ivan J. <parazyd>.
 -- Guillem Jover <guillem@d.o>  Sun, 01 Jan 2023 23:48:16 +0100

news from 2022

нед, 13. нов 2022.: sphinx

Uploading (ftp) to ftp.upload.debian.org:/pub/UploadQueue/
[ job libequihash_1.0.2-3_source from libequihash_1.0.2-3_source.changes ]
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2022 09:05:02 +0000
Subject: libequihash_1.0.2-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

нед, 13. нов 2022.: bsp tilburg

BSP Tilburg announcement: @ mastodon and the original.

чет, 10. нов 2022.: essay

"Darwin among the Machines" is an article published in 1863 in New Zealand, written by Samuel Butler.

чет, 10. нов 2022.: software

The suckless.org philosophy: minimalism in software development: still good.

сре, 9. нов 2022.: sphinx

Subject: libequihash_1.0.2-2_i386.changes is NEW

пон, 7. нов 2022.: sphinx

пон 07 19:05 < BTS> libsphinx 1.0.2-3 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)

нед, 6. нов 2022.: software: sfeed

sponsored upload of sfeed_1.6-1_amd64.changes, now in NEW.

уто, 1. нов 2022.: link

The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus: 20 years old, still very much to the point.

нед, 30. окт 2022.: sphinx

нед 30 11:52 < BTS> Opened #1023113 in wnpp by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    <joostvb-de...@ad1810.com> «ITP: pwdsphinx -- SPHINX password
                    storage protocol». https://bugs.debian.org/1023113

нед, 30. окт 2022.: lecture

dec 2021, 50ste Huizingalezing, Leiden, door David Van Reybrouck. Online on your favourite invidious instance.

суб, 29. окт 2022.: operating systems

The Ares Operating System is a new system under development, the base of which is the Helios microkernel. Building helios needs a Hare toolchain.

суб, 29. окт 2022.: sphinx

Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2022 12:21:34 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Debian Python Team, Joost van Baal-Ilić
Subject: securestring_0.2-1_i386.changes is NEW
Message-Id: <E1ookqE-00DRwr-Ii@fasolo.debian.org>

Your package has been put into the NEW queue [...] please be patient.

пет, 28. окт 2022.: fiets

fiets: uur of 3: fokkerhof - boxtel vv. TIL: Pierenberg tussen Keelven en Schaapsven ten Noordwesten van Moergestel: leuke kinderspeelplek.

пет, 28. окт 2022.: sphinx

2 uploads to NEW in preparation of an pwdsphinx upload:

Msid: <E1ooJex-005pT9-4Z@fasolo.debian.org>
Date: Fri Oct 28 09:20:14 2022
From: Debian FTP Masters
Subj: libsphinx_1.0.2-2_i386.changes is NEW

Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 14:36:12 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
Subject: libequihash_1.0.2-1_i386.changes is NEW
Message-Id: <E1ooQSy-007lHr-GO@fasolo.debian.org>

See the NEW queue.

чет, 27. окт 2022.: blog

When your salary requires you not understand the labor movement, Oct 2022, by Danilo Campos. "this is about more than money. Employees of large corporations are separated from decision makers by enormous gulfs of reporting structure and policy, with limited say in their day-to-day work."

чет, 27. окт 2022.: presentation

“Merge conflicts”: Git between Workspace Surveillance and Historical Record by maxigas oct 2022 @ LAG lab, Amsterdam. And: Postscript on the Societies of Control by Gilles Deleuze. Originally published in the journal OCTOBER 59, Winter 1992, MIT Press.

сре, 26. окт 2022.: schrijvers

Mooi gesprek: Arnon Grunberg en Joost Oomen Het Voorwoord van de Boekenweek, aflevering 16, Kleine Komedie Amsterdam, mei 2021

нед, 23. окт 2022.: blog

Post Collapse Computing, a GUADEC 2022 talk, given at c-base in Berlin, July 2022 by Tobias Bernard.

суб, 22. окт 2022.: sphinx

libequihash, libsphinx and pwdsphinx are now all on Debian's salsa.

чет, 20. окт 2022.: links

Prino’s hitchhiking resources - miscellaneous publications from various authors, by Robert AH Prins - The hitchhiking grandfather.

чет, 20. окт 2022.: links

Sci-Hub - Knowledge belongs to all people, a project by Alexandra Elbakyan (Алекса́ндра Аса́новна Элбакя́н) "Science's Pirate Queen".

чет, 20. окт 2022.: fiets

wo 19 okt: rondje fietsen met wytze over utrechtse heuvelrug: station veenendaal west, kasteel prattenburg, elst, amerongen, pauze bij Berghuis. Zie buiten/wytze.

чет, 20. окт 2022.: github

There is GitHub Copilot investigation (since Oct 2022?) by Matthew Butterick.

Update чет, 10. нов 2022.: responses from sfconservancy, lwn.

нед, 16. окт 2022.: blog

How and Why I Stopped Buying New Laptops by Kris De Decker, December 2020. (Via / thanks to Étienne Mollier.)

суб, 15. окт 2022.: cimfomfa

cimfomfa 21-361-1 is now in NEW. Thanks Andreas Tille.

пет, 14. окт 2022.: ren

ren, met agdinten: 6.73 km in 32:09 (exclusief n paar heel korte pauzes: verkeerslicht, zwaar terrein, ....) gemiddeld tempo: 4:46 minuten per km. eerste km: 4:27, laatste hele km: 5:15

чет, 13. окт 2022.: bsp

For the last couple of weeks, have been working on https://deb.li/iiOID: Debian Bug Squashing Party 2022 Tilburg. It's gonna happen Sat Nov 19 / Sun Nov 20.

In the past, I've been involved in organising: BSP 2014 Tilburg @ Kennismakerij, BSP 2019 Venlo @ Transceptor, MiniDebCamp 2021 Tilburg @ Spoorzicht013, Debian FOSDEM 2021 booth @ Spoorzicht013 and Debian FOSDEM 2022 booth @ LAG Amsterdam. And a whole lot of physical Debian booths at FOSDEM too.

нед, 9. окт 2022.: music

Live music registrations from the 70ies: Wire, 1979 live at the German music television show Rockpalast; Ramones, 1974, live at CBGB, New York USA.

нед, 9. окт 2022.: music

Björk released new album Fossora (sept 2022). Thanks Björk for recommending Gabber Modus Operandi.

нед, 9. окт 2022.: ren

15min fiets, 30 min ren, 15 min fiets

fiets van FH naar living museum, meijerijbaan, hoevense kanaaldijk westkant, trappistenbrug, pad van eindhovenseweg zuid naar eindhovenseweg noord, driehoekje langs de A65, hoevense kanaaldijk oost, meijerbijbaan naar living museum.

суб, 8. окт 2022: equihash, sphinx

Worked on equihash, for the SPHINX project. See #1021433 «ITP: libequihash -- memory-hard Proof-of-Work with fast verification». See also stef explaining sphinx for Camp++ 0x7e2 Budapest, August 2018.

суб, 8. окт 2022.: emma goldman

Emma Goldman, New York City, 1893

чет, 6. окт 2022.: bels lijntje

Prachtige huisvlijt over historie van t bels lijntje.

суб, 1. окт 2022.: python3-cx-oracle

Published backport of python3-cx-oracle to bullseye/stable at non-gnu.uvt.nl. If I find the time, I'll make it more widely available...

пет, 30. сеп 2022.: brecht, eisler

more stuff for my wishlist: must see: Die Mutter; must hear: Hanns Eisler "Woodbury Songbook" / "Das Woodbury Liederbüchlein"

уто, 27. сеп 2022.: blog

Stone Age Economics by Marshall Sahlins (1972) as described by Paul "Ramblinactivist" Mobbs, aug 2022.

пон, 26. сеп 2022.: blog

I don't want to go to Chel-C - When "simple" programming languages aren't: a critique of uxn and permacomputing. (Update сре, 12. окт 2022.: also: Software and Anarchy by Gnuxie Lulamoon and Hayley Patton, april 2021.)

пон, 26. сеп 2022.: book

Another one for my wishlist: Van Willem II naar Roze Maandag door Luc Brants. "hardcover, full colour, rijk geïllustreerd, 208 pagina’s, formaat 240 mm x 200 mm." Euro 24,95, Uitgegeven door Zuidelijk Historisch Contact, Breda in 2020. ISBN 9789492576309.

нед, 25. сеп 2022.: ren, TTM

Trimloop 10km: De 3 snelsten:

1    Awet Habteab         9140 M   Helmond         00:33:39
2    Pawel Wojcik         9280 M   Oosterhout      00:33:47
3    Iñigo Arias          9270 M   Tilburg         00:33:51

De TiU-ers:

60   Robbie Aert         10661 M   Breda            Tilburg University 138  00:46:23
94   Mark de Lange       10662 M   Biest-Houtakker  Tilburg University 138  00:48:37
96   James Small         10656 M   's-Hertogenbosch Tilburg University 137  00:48:41
125  Stavros Zouridis    10652 M   Tilburg          Tilburg University 136  00:49:48
158  Joost van Baal-Ilic 10653 M   Tilburg          Tilburg University 136  00:51:25
307  Hosein Mohebbi      10644 M   Tilburg          Tilburg University 134  00:56:34
325  Daniel Gelsing      10657 M   Drunen           Tilburg University 137  00:57:06
437  Martijn Groenleer   10651 M   Nuenen           Tilburg University 136  01:01:20

Mijn details:

Chip time 00:51:25
Finished 10.0 KM
Speed 11.67 km/h
Pace 05:09 min/km
Overall position 158 Out of 547

суб, 24. сеп 2022.: music

IIRC, it was in the early 1990ies that I initially found out about all this music. Now rediscovered: The Work and Cassiber. And Etron Fou Leloublan. From those heroes, the must haves:

And also Ferdinand En Avant, Huit Chansons en Huit Langues by Ferdinand Richard.

And then there's Die Dreigroschenoper (1928). All to be found on yewtu.be or any other Invidious instance.

пет, 23. сеп 2022.: debian

Voted: General Resolution: non-free firmware "Thanks for your vote."

пет, 23. сеп 2022.: govc

For $dayjob: Published a (very quick and dirty (!)) govc Debian package: govc_0.29.0-1.dsc govc_0.29.0-1_amd64.deb. See non-gnu.uvt.nl for instructions on how to follow this apt repo.

уто, 20. сеп 2022.: ren

ren: 43 minuten

пон, 19. сеп 2022.: book

The Case Against Education by Bryan Caplan. Princeton University Press, 2018. 417 pages, ISBN 978-0691174655. (I'm pretty sure I don't agree with all of Caplan's points of view, btw.)

пон, 19. сеп 2022.: blog

drones run linux: the free software movement isn't enough on rms, free software and permacomputing. By Jes Olson, 2022-09-16

нед, 18. сеп 2022.: russia

Boekpresentatie ǀ Michel Krielaars – Oorlog met Rusland, Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam. Interview door Arnout Brouwers (Volkskrant) met Ruslandkenner Michel Krielaars (chef Boeken van NRC Handelsblad) naar aanleiding van zijn boek ‘Oorlog met Rusland’. april 2022

суб, 17. сеп 2022.: sfeed

Worked on sfeed, see also #1000594.

суб, 17. сеп 2022.: fiets

fiets: U'cht CS, Tuinenpark De Driehoek, Ruigenhoek, Westbroek, Maarssen, Amsterdamse Straatweg, Zuilen, U'cht CS

(And joined the nllgg-meeting too.)

суб, 17. сеп 2022.: music

TILA: The_The/1983-Soul_Mining/04-Uncertain_Smile is a beautiful song, as is This Is The Day (by the band with the most impossible to search for name in these information super highway times).

пет, 16. сеп 2022.: food

Now eating: فول مدمس aka Ful Medames. I had it served the سلطة فول مدمس way. At my favourite place Shahba, Korvel, Tilburg.

чет, 15. сеп 2022.: github hacks

Fun at github: github.com/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and thatfuckingbird.

сре, 14. сеп 2022.: scientist rebellion

TIL: scientist rebellion has a channel on youtube (and thus on Invidious).

нед, 11. сеп 2022.: brightness / backlight

made a mistake^Wwhatever filing Bug#1019537: RFP: backlightctl. tnx OFTC/#techinc

btw: you could also just do something like this when you want to adjust your laptops display brightness:

echo 200 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness

пет, 9. сеп 2022.: caspar

пет 09 13:04 < BTS> caspar 20220907-1 uploaded by Joost
                    van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
[13:06] [joostvb(+Ri)] [4:OFTC/#debian-devel-changes(+n)]
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2022 11:03:48 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić
Subject: caspar_20220907-1_source.changes
  ACCEPTED into unstable
Thank you for your contribution to Debian.

The caspar package entered Debian unstable/sid; and it entered testing/bookworm:

 Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2022 04:39:10 +0000
 From: Debian testing watch
 Subject: caspar 20220907-1 MIGRATED to testing
 Message-Id: <E1oYKB4-004r7R-Jf@respighi.debian.org>

So: Debian 12/bookworm, 13/trixie and 14/forky will likely ship with caspar >= 20220907-1.

See repology.org for caspar in Devuan, Ubuntu and other distro's.

сре, 7. сеп 2022.: irssi and tls

irssi (e.g. irssi 1.4.2-1~bpo11+1 in Debian stable/bullseye backports) finally behaves sane wrt TLS, see the upstream v1.4.1 news: -tls_verify is now enabled by default and irssi will now attempt STARTTLS if advertised.

сре, 7. сеп 2022.: caspar

released caspar version 20220907 - The Stanowischt Release

сре, 7. сеп 2022.: radio

radio.garden is still a great tool to discover internet radio stations from all over the world.

уто, 6. сеп 2022.: software

#1018864: RFP: prr -- mailing list style code reviews for GitHub

уто, 6. сеп 2022.: food

уто 06 17:49 < joostvb> nu etende: bećar paprikaš

пон, 5. сеп 2022.: blog, email

On self hosting email: cfenollas.com gave up.

нед, 4. сеп 2022.: doom

for your doom scrolling pleasures: 2022 Pakistan Floods, 2022 Oder Environmental Disaster, 2021 European Floods. And: april 2020 Peelbrand: meer dan 700 ha was verbrand.

нед, 4. сеп 2022.: ren

22 min: bij hogeschoollaan bosje in richting west, oude warande langs Le Bonheur, tussen hockeyvelden en bredaseweg, keerlus zwartvenseweg, burgemeester baron van voorst tot voorst weg oversteken bij vijvertje, die weg aan rechterhand door bossages, achterkant wildrick, stijle heuvel bij vijver tussen wildrick en berkenrode. met fietstocht en telefoongesprek erbij totaal 90 minuten oid

нед, 4. сеп 2022.: book

So that I don't have to search for it again: SICP: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman, 1984. See also at MIT and there's a pdf online.

пет, 2. сеп 2022.: blog

Still going strong: The Free Range Activism Website by Paul Mobbs e.a.

чет, 1. сеп 2022.: book

Must read (finally): Tony Judt (★ 1948 – † 2010): Ill Fares The Land (2010) ISBN 978-1-59420-276-6; or Postwar (2005).

Tue, 30 Aug 2022: debian

From: Simon Josefsson
Cc: debian-vote
Subject: Re: Changing how we handle non-free firmware
Message-ID: <8735deb3gg.fsf@latte.josefsson.org>

'Debian' as an OS is promised to be 100% DFSG free but 'Debian' as a
project will accept to distribute certain non-free material on its
servers.  Thus Debian can be labeled as a 100% free OS but Debian as a
project deals with non-free content but not as a first-class citizen.
This has lead to forks that don't want to be stuck with the same
dilemma -- Ubuntu/etc as a non-free variant and gNewSense/PureOS/etc as
a free variant.  This inconsistency may continue to be both a curse and
a blessing, allowing Debian to be relevant to both worlds.

уто, 30. авг 2022.: website

TIL: toilet-guru.com is a thing. Everything you ever wanted to know about toilets.

нед, 28. авг 2022.: Trent

Washed my feet in river Adige in Trent. See also what happened there in the 15-hundreds.

Also: saw pigeons happily resting on top of pigeon spikes, in the Trento Central Railway Station. Way to go, pigeons!

нед, 28. авг 2022.: cimfomfa, doc-debian, bashtard

worked on: cimfomfa , doc-debian, #1010851 ITP: bashtard (via irc), debian-jr handbook (via irc).

суб, 27. авг 2022.: book

must-read: Ursula K. Le Guin's The Dispossessed, 1974 (Harper & Row) (via: Solarpunk.)

суб, 27. авг 2022.: ren

ren: ongeveer 1 uur, inclusief zonsopgangsmeditatie; ongeveer 20 minuten gesprint, schat ik; viale Carravagio, Valverde - Piazza Andrea Costa vv.

пет, 26. авг 2022.: ren

ren: :32 viale Nicolosa da Recco - via Isonzo vv. met 2x paar minuten wachttijd pontje erg tevreden met resultaat :)

чет, 25. авг 2022.: ren

ren: uurtje, Cesenatico. meer lopen dan rennen.

сре, 24. авг 2022.: debian vote

There now is a public debian vote discussion about firmware. The article "The FSF's Relationship with Firmware is Harmful to Free Software Users" , (january 2022) highlights some interesting aspects.

сре, 24. авг 2022.: Le Scallette @ Castiglione del Lago

Osteria Le Scallette Via XXV Aprile, 24, 06061 Castiglione del Lago. Perfect restaurant, imnsho.

сре, 24. авг 2022.: blog

The Evolution of Open, 2018, by @mhoye@mastodon.social.

23 aug 2022: communal food in public space: just pick and eat!

Family event: Harvested and ate perfect figs from a public tree on Isola Polvese. Also: polination of figs is interesting.

пон, 22. авг 2022.: ren

ren: 1:00 (t was meer lopen dan rennen...) Castiglione del Lago, near Lago Trasimeno, in Umbria: old town, Club Velico Castiglionese, along coast, Listro Camping place, old town

нед, 5. јун 2022.: merecat

нед 05 20:18 < joostvb_> "merecat_2.31+git20220513+ds-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED
                         into unstable"  \o/

Tnx to Gürkan Myczko.

нед, 5. јун 2022.: mass

Veni Sancte Spiritus:

    Kom, Heilige Geest,
    zend voort de hemelse straal
    van uw licht
    Maak soepel wat stroef is,
    verwarm wat koud is,
    leid wat afgeweken is.

, of, in het Latijnse origineel:

    Veni, Sancte Spiritus,
    et emitte caelitus
    lucis tuae radium.
    Flecte quod est rigidum,
    fove quod est frigidum,
    rege quod est devium.

In English it might be: Bend that which is inflexible, // warm that which is chilled, // correct that which has gone astray. See also English Wikipedia.

And it's also featured in Arvo Pärt's Berliner Messe.

суб, 4. јун 2022.: linux

A very insightfull post, dated Fri, 24 Sep 2004 01:45:20 +0200, by Andries Brouwer from win.tue.nl to the linux-kernel list on Out Of Memory-killer: "Subject: Re: [PATCH] oom_pardon, aka don't kill my xlock".

update, сре, 24. авг 2022.: "Free() As In Going To The Mattresses": on daemons taming daemons, systemd-oom, ubuntu and fedora, July 18, 2022.

уто 31. мај 2022.: music

TIL: Still is a pretty fine band from Hull, UK. Here's their track A Pendulous Spirit - Part One - The Great Expanse. They tweet, too.

уто 31. мај 2022.: debian bookworm

Another thing I (and quite a few other too...) would love to see fixed before next stable Debian bookworm release: the issue with tasksel and installer and blends. See #186085 tasksel: Please add Debian-Med to the list of tasks, #485817, #846002, and #851555 tasksel: Blends install options removed from tasksel menu. And see also the march entry about plans for bookworm.

пон, 30. мај 2022.: jazz

TIL the jazz standard "When Your Lover Has Gone" is great. All of

are very much listenable. After 18:08 still not bored!

пон, 30. мај 2022.: low tech solar

TIL: solar.lowtechmagazine.com is a thing.

пон, 30. мај 2022.: lean software, 1995

A plea for lean software by Niklaus Wirth, 1995 in "Computer".

нед, 29. мај 2022.: music

TIL "Cazzette is a Swedish electronic dance music duo, founded in 2011 by musicians Alexander Björklund and Sebastian Furrer." Known for 'The Rat' and 'Beam me up'. See also http://mdcc.cx/djjoostvb/.

нед, 29. мај 2022.: column

De eindtoets van onze zoon stond vol resultaten die we niet precies begrepen: Ionica Smeets over meet-fetisjisme in het Nederlandse basisonderwijs.

суб, 28. мај 2022.: ren

ren: ongeveer drie kwartier, victoria kaserne / fux - fischmarkt - dockland and back again via August-Lutgens-Park

also did touwtjespringen, before running.

пет, 27. мај 2022.: ren

ren: ongeveer drie kwartier, victoria kaserne / fux - Emil-Wendt-park - Walter-Möller-park - fischmarkt - dockland and back again

пет, 27. мај 2022.: Fux in HH

Located in the cellar of the old Victoria Kaserne: "SLOT is a collectively operated, non-profit space for parties and concerts, debates and exhibitions – all incoming money in turn goes out to support political/cultural projects, initiatives and struggles." Enjoyed an excellent DJ set there: it got me dancing \o/

TIL: there was Altona Bloody Sunday.

26 mei: ren

ren: ongeveer drie kwartier, victoria kaserne / fux - rondjes in Wohlers Park

уто, 24. мај 2022.: blog

Drew Devault on Software Supply Chain Attacks.

пон, 23. мај 2022.: linux

TIL: /proc/pressure is a thing. See also Linux Pressure Stall Information. It's like an improved uptime(1).

суб, 21. мај 2022.: travel

In Brussels, At Place Poelaert, near the Palais de Justice, the Monument ter Ere van de Belgische Infanterie is being reused as a sleeping place for the homeless. Now that's a good use!

Le Pain Quotidien still serves perfect food.

Now finally know how to get to Constant Association for Art and Media, and visited the passa porta International House of Literature.

Acquired: Rwandan "Akabanga" Chili Oil in a Pakistani owned Congolese Shop in Matonge.

суб, 21. мај 2022.: ren

ren: half uurtje, kaai brussels, stadsboerderij, rbs offdem

пон 16: Senyawa portrait by Vincent Moon

CALLING THE NEW GODS • SENYAWA live in Java, a documentaty on the band Senyawa (see also on bandcamp; Wukir Suryadi – custom instruments; Rully Shabara – lyrics, vocals) by Vincent Moon, 2012. And see also Vincent Moon's Petites Planètes.

нед, 15. мај 2022.: book

must read^Wnow reading ("Het Boek der Herinneringen". EUR 2,50 voor 900 pagina's @ books4life tilburg, пет, 20. мај 2022.): Péter Nádas (Budapest, 1942) (also on German Wikipedia)

Péter Nádas @ Lousiana Channel: Péter Nádas was interviewed by Steen Bille at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebæk, Denmark in connection with the Louisiana Literature festival in August 2018.

нед, 15. мај 2022.: war

There is still a war going on in Europe. Valuable analysis: Why I Can't Wave a Ukrainian Flag – A Dissenting Teach-In on Russia's Invasion by Daniel Herman, professor of American History at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington for History News Network, april 2022.

нед, 15. мај 2022.: video

Anneleen De Bonte werd geïnterviewd voor Zwijgen Is Geen Optie.

нед, 15. мај 2022.: fiets

fiets, ongeveer 2 uur: rondje het "Moergestels Broek": de Sonman, gehucht Vinkenberg, Aboomsestraat (Kasteeldreef afgesloten: broedseizoen), Goyaardsdijk overgeslagen, Helzenschedijk, Elsdijk, gehucht Broekzijde, Heizenschedijk, afslag Donkhorst helaas gemist, gehucht Den Opslag, Moergestelseweg, Haghorst, terug langs Wilhelminakanaal

суб, 14. мај 2022.: fsf and gnu assembly

Reread a sept 2021 post on FSF, GNU, rms and hacker community politics.

vr 13 mei 2022: fiets

fiets: van Korvel naar Biest-Houtakker (9km), naar Rini in Tilburg (8km), naar Vught (14km). En na eten in Knoflook, (ook hier): terug van Vught naar Korvel (19km). Totaal: 50km.

Fri, 13 May 2022 14:41:32 +0000: merecat

From: Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster@ftp-master.d.o>
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb@d.o>, Gürkan Myczko <tar@d.o>
Subject: merecat_2.31+git20220513+ds-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Message-Id: <E1npWU0-0005sZ-5S@fasolo.debian.org>

Your package has been put into the NEW queue, which requires manual action
from the ftpteam to process.

See merecat_2.31+git20220513+ds-1. Tnx Gürkan!

чет, 12. мај 2022.: link

Er is CasualAcademy, een soort van WOinActie opvolger. Zie ook: "Universiteiten minachten hun tijdelijke docenten", de column voor Trouw van Hieke Huistra, 8 mei 2022.

update сре, 25. мај 2022.: Casual Leiden heeft een website.

пон, 9. мај 2022.: interrail

There still is Interrail, and there is DiscoverEU: funded international train travel for 18-year-olds in Europe.

суб, 7. мај 2022.: permacomputing

irc libera/#permacomputing, by viznut e.a.

update чет, 19. мај 2022.: there's a permacomputing mailing list.

update пон, 12. сеп 2022.: there's a permacomputing wiki.

пет, 6. мај 2022.: pdf

Networking by Julia Evans, see also wizardzines.com. On computer networking, dns, tcp, http; for beginners. CC-BY-NC-SA, 2017

пет, 6. мај 2022.: book

Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is a 1971 book by community activist and writer Saul D. Alinsky about how to successfully run a movement for change.

чет, 5. мај 2022.: book

Straight Life: The Story of Art Pepper is the autobiography of jazz saxophonist Art Pepper written with his wife, Laurie Pepper. It was published in 1979 by Schirmer Books. The book was republished in an updated form in 1994; this version added an afterword that detailed Pepper's life between 1979 and his death in 1982. Art Pepper (1925 – 1982) was an American alto saxophonist.

уто, 3. мај 2022.: travel

tue may 3 travel from bratislava, .sk to brno, .cz

Next time I'm in Bratislava, I should check out this nice place.

There is Kurt Gödel in Brno. Almost visited base48 hackerspace (thanks mrlizard for being welcoming to visiting strangers).

Very much enjoyed staying over at Freeschool.

Enjoyed Gyümölcsleves in Hungary, swam in Neusiedler See.

уто, 3. мај 2022.: ren

ren: half uurtje: Starý Most, Most Apollo

пон, 2. мај 2022.: ren

ren: iets meer dan half uurtje, iets meer dan 5 km, apollo bridge, old bridge, pivar botel bratislava

пон, 2. мај 2022.: bratislava

Very much enjoyed Cyklokuchyňa: a diy bicycle repair crew and food collective: "Cyklokuchyňa každú stredu po 18:00 na Petržalskom nábreží pri (novom) Starom mos te."

нед, 1. мај 2022.: ren

ren: half uurtje: rondje over de 2 bruggen over de donau naar de oude stad van bratislava: Most SNP en Starý Most

sat 30 april: travel

travel from vienna, .at, to bratislava, .sk

wed 27 april: travel

wed 27 april: travel from salzburg to vienna

In Vienna, enjoyed Amalienbad, Prater and Sluka (K. und K. Hoflieferant Conditorei seit 1891 Wien), among many other things. Had a very short visit @ Metalab hackerspace.

Almost visited: Chaos Computer Club Salzburg (ircs://irc.darkfasel.net/#chaossbg). Helped fixing a bug in the "THE" editor. (Upstream hosted somewhere on SourceForge.) Thanks cccsbg for being welcoming to visiting strangers.


уто, 26. апр 2022.: vinyl

"Michaela" door Bata Illic (aka Бата Илић / Bata Ilić), b/w "Ich hab' so viel in deinen Augen geseh'n". Polydor, 1972. Gekocht in Halein, bij Salzburg, .at

za 23 april 2022: reis

za 23 april reis van tilburg naar salzburg

суб, 23. апр 2022.: openbsd


пет, 22. апр 2022.: scientist rebellion

Scientist Rebellion posts as @ScientistRebel1.

пон, 18. апр 2022.: fiets

fiets van tilburg naar eindhoven. 1 uur 3 kwartier oid. onderweg zag ik "loopgraaf voor de vrede" door marco vermeulen: "ministerie van defensie pompt geld in vredesteken: als dat geen cultural appropriation meer is..."

Willem Claassen made the nice land art piece "hilverkaveling".

пон, 18. апр 2022.: book

"Ill Fares the Land - A Treatise On Our Present Discontents" by Tony Judt, 2011 (review at the guardian), ISBN 9780718191412. And, from the good news departement: Mondragon Corporation.

пон, 18. апр 2022.: worst movie ever

One of the contestants for the "worst movie ever": Manos - The Hands Of Fate (1966), (review). (tnx Freedom + Justice via Learning @freeschool@qoto.org).

суб, 16. апр 2022.: music by bots

TIL: dadabots.com: AI-generated blackmetal and mathcore. Pretty cool.

суб, 16. апр 2022.: password manager

trying to get impass working for me. update чет, 21. апр 2022.: thus far it seems to "work for me" \o/. it's a pretty nice piece of software.

суб, 16. апр 2022.: music

Anna Sigríður Þorvaldsdóttir (Anna Thorvaldsdottir) (born 11 July 1977) is an Icelandic composer.

суб, 16. апр 2022.: boek

nu lezende: Willem van Toorn (ook op WikiPedia) (Amsterdam, 1935) schreef "De geur van gedroogde appels" (verhalenbundel, 2010).

пет, 15. апр 2022.: ren

ren: 45 min auberge du bonheur - steile berg in t bos met vervallen bruggetje. en ook 10 min heen en 10 min terug fietsen. zag 2 reeen, en later nog 1 reetje dat een beetje bang was en last had van het recent gerepareerde hek :( ik vermoed dat t alle 3 jonge reegeiten waren. Ree, aka "Capreolus capreolus" aka "roe deer", "Reh", "chevreuil".

нед, 10. апр 2022., суб, 9. апр 2022.: cimfomfa, merecat

worked on cimfomfa and merecat.

пет, 8. апр 2022.: request tracker aka RT

Together with $dayjob colleague agdinten (e.a.), reported: #1009174: request-tracker4: disordering of email headers in forwarded messages.

пет, 8. апр 2022.: war

"Jeremy Corbyn on Putin and Ukraine", February 28, 2022.

чет, 7. апр 2022.: web and sms

A nice web sms gateway: wikipedia on "feature phones" .

нед, 3. апр 2022.: daemontools

нед 03 08:04 < BTS> daemontools 1:0.76-8 uploaded by Jan Mojžíš [...] (Closes:
                    #474141, #494661, #922783, #1006908) https://tracker.debian.org/daemontools

суб, 2. апр 2022.: nft

web3isgoinggreat.com, about NFT and other scams.

суб, 2. апр 2022.: Klantenkollektief De Regte Heijden

Klantenkollektief De Regte Heijden bestaat sinds kort.

пет, 1. апр 2022.: daemontools

worked on daemontools. (also нед, 27. мар 2022.)

сре, 30. мар 2022.: ren

ren, met nina en haar step (net als vorige x). half uurtje oid. daarna alleen, onbekend hoe lang: fiets naar baronielaan / blaak: dongepad, reuselpad, schaapsgoorpad, bels lijntje, reuselpad, oude rielsebaan, genderbaan, bels lijntje, dongepad

сре, 30. мар 2022.: falsehoods programmers believe about stuff

Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Addresses, Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names and Falsehoods programmers believe about time. and Falsehoods programmers believe about geography.

update: чет, 25. мај 2023.: index of falsehoods.

сре, 30. мар 2022.: war

Remembering Kees Koning ( ★ 14 november 1931, Beemster - † 22 juli 1996, Eindhoven).

сре, 30. мар 2022.: debian's dpl

current DPL: almost a 'state of the union' @ a post.

суб, 26. мар 2022.: radio

Nachtzuster, door Astrid de Jong, op Radio 1, Omroep MAX. Wekelijks in de nacht van vrijdag op zaterdag, 02:00 - 06:00. Zie Wikipedia voor de geschiedenis (vanaf 1979 (!)).

пет, 25. мар 2022.: extinction rebellion on irc

there is #xr on irc.ircnow.org, see nfld.uk/xruk.html.

пет, 25. мар 2022.: workshops

Workshops about anger, saying NO, and mapping one's capacities and desires by Ulrike Uhlig, march 22, 2022.

сре, 23. мар 2022.: email

TIL: not only spf, but also need dkim, and check db.d.o/doc-mail.html, if i want google to accept mail sent from my own vps using my @debian.org email addres... See this post. And there's another trick.

update нед, 17. апр 2022.: See also anarcat's blogpost and rsendmail.

уто, 22. мар 2022.: boek

How the Internet Really Works - An Illustrated Guide to protocols, privacy, censorship, and governance by Ulrike Uhlig, Mallory Knodel, Niels ten Oever, and Corinne Cath. 120 Pages, No Starch Press, San Francisco, ISBN 9781718500297 (hardcover) ISBN 9781718500303 (ebook). dec 2020. also available in german.

za 19 maart 2022: nllgg

nllgg bijeenkomst, met o.a. om 12:00: Azem Somer over Buurtlinux (Zaal 1). Deuren openen om 10:00, vanaf dan is iedereen (dus ook niet-leden) welkom! De entree is gratis. Kranenburg school voor praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9 3582 TZ, Utrecht. Er was zelfs een heel bescheiden Debian Booth.

пет, 18. мар 2022.: hitch hiking across the atlantic

 From: Ignacio "warlo"
 Subject: Re: [hitch] TransAtlantic hitch sailing
 Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 00:50:16 +0100

(and previous posts in that thread.): About catching a boat crossing the atlantic, and also about people who prefer to travel on horseback. How cool is that!?

пет, 18. мар 2022.: for a debian bookworm bug squashing party

interesting RC bugs for bookworm: (more @ this udd query)

#919296   [bul-i|bus-i|C] (STUE) git-daemon-run
  git-daemon-run: fails with 'warning: git-daemon: unable to
   open supervise/ok: file does not exist'

#614497   [bul-i|bus-i|jes-i|squ-i|str-i|whe-i] (STU)
  doc-debian: The OPL-licensed documents taken from Debian
   website are non-free

#997145   [boo||sid] (TU)   src:autoconf2.69
  autoconf2.69: FTBFS: autoconf.texi:9: unknown command

#998206   [S] (STU)         calendar
  calendar: cronjob processes all users calendars as root,
    allowing information disclosure

#998980   [boo|sid] (TU)    src:gnu-standards
  gnu-standards: missing required debian/rules targets
   build-arch and/or build-indep

#999191   [boo|sid] (TU)    src:manpages-tr
  manpages-tr: missing required debian/rules targets build-arch
   and/or build-indep

#1002249  [boo||sid] (TU)   src:debian-faq
  debian-faq: FTBFS: grep: nullfont.log: No such file or directory

#990026   (STU)             cron
  cron: Reduced charset in MAILTO causes breakage

See also udd.d.o.

march 2022: nice places to go to...

Banská Štiavnica German: Schemnitz; Hungarian: Selmecbánya, and: Fertőd and Sarrőd. And Fertőszentmiklós. And Stanoviště (Duits: Stanowischt) in Czech Republic, 20 km ten westen van Brno, ietsje voor Velká Bíteš.

update суб, 16. апр 2022.: see also Centrope and Burgenland.

уто, 15. мар 2022.: debian challenge

Another difficult issue for Debian to tackle: Bug #850157. See also:

 Re: proposed MBF: packages still using source format 1.0
 From: Ian Jackson, Cc: debian-devel
 Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2022 16:38:43 +0000
And see thread starting at a post from Lucas Nussbaum and Bug #1007717: Native source package format with non-native version.

уто, 15. мар 2022.: music

TIL: Slave to Sirens, a pretty good all-female trash/death metal band from Lebanon. Sirens, a documentary by director Rita Baghdadi, featured at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival.

нед, 13. мар 2022.: work

worked on: draai daemontools cimfomfa; worked on getting m4t a DM status (tnx Nina). very much enjoyed visit to resistor at vrijplaats leiden.

нед, 13. мар 2022.: boek

Het Klopt Niet, door Theo van Rijn ISBN: 9789464482829, 45 pagina's, € 12.55 Uitgeverij Brave New Books, 24 december 2021.

пет, 11. мар 2022.: war and its collateral damage

Some European policy makers decided[1] it wise to force all european ISP's to block rt.com (formerly known as Russia Today). Meh. See keepitopen.net, and, in dutch: freedom.nl and iusmentis.com.

[1]: "On 27 February 2022, the president of the European Commission announced a EU-wide ban of Russia's state-sponsored RT and Sputnik news channels following the decision of Poland and Estonia days earlier."

See wikipedia for background info.

чет, 10. мар 2022.: thinkbook

Finally (after 2 years) got my Lenovo Thinkbook 13s-IML 20RR kinda working. Upgraded from 10 (buster) to Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye). Turned out /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-QuZ-a0-jf-b0-62.ucode as shipped with firmware-iwlwifi 20210315-3 is enough to get the onboard wireless working. And it turned out intel/sof/sof-cml.ri as shipped with firmware-sof-signed 1.7-1 is enough to get my on board audio Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS with Realtek ALC257 chip working.

joostvb@dazbog:~% vrms
       Non-free packages installed on dazbog
firmware-iwlwifi         Binary firmware for Intel Wireless cards
firmware-sof-signed      Intel SOF firmware - signed
  2 non-free packages, 0.2% of 1802 installed packages.

One remaining (minor, and apparently "easily" solvable) annoyance: PgUp and PgDn need an extra Fn keypress to do what I want them to do.

уто, 8. мар 2022.: systraq

systraq got mentioned: in a supporting role, tnx anarcat.

уто, 8. мар 2022.: daemontools

Debian bug #1006908: "O: daemontools -- collection of tools for managing UNIX services". I plan to start maintaining, with Jan Mojžíš.

уто, 8. мар 2022.: film: fietskoeriers

Radical Riders published an excellent video on gorilla bikes.

уто, 8. мар 2022.: invidious: youtube without the crap

A list of hosters is at redirect.invidious.io.

уто, 8. мар 2022.: stemadvies

Ik ga denk ik PvdD stemmen in Tilburg. Mede met dank aan Roland Samuels.

уто, 8. мар 2022.: book: it project management

Elements of IT Project Management (pdf) by Dr. Erwin Hoffmann, University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, 2015

march 2022: RIP

RIP Sven Guckes.

Sat March 5, Sun March 6 2022: OFFDEM, Brussels

OFFDEM 2022: March 5 and 6, Brussels.

the program. There was a tiny Debian booth (which was very succesful!). I did a set as DJ joostvb, during the Oxygen Party. I translated from dutch to english, in order to help 2 other hackers to sanitize (install firefox and addblockers) a dutch localized ms windows pc owned by a person who spoke only arabic.

суб, 5. мар 2022.: cimfomfa, fswebcam

worked on cimfomfa. also: TIL: how to use laptop as camera:

joostvb@oganj:~% sudo apt install fswebcam
joostvb@oganj:~% sleep 4s; fswebcam pic.jpg
joostvb@oganj:~% feh pic.jpg &

суб, 5. мар 2022.: svejk

Now reading The Good Soldier Švejk by Jaroslav Hašek; original title: Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války, 1921. See also WikiPedia in English, Deutsch, Russian, and Ukrainian.

суб, 5. мар 2022.: tubing

TIL: "tubing" in Valkenburg: lots of fun for kids, and no electricity needed!

6 feb 2022: fosdem

With stappers and donfede e.a., again there was a Debian booth at FOSDEM this year. And thanks to ]LAG[ Amsterdam and lots of others too.

суб, 5. феб 2022.: bolo'bolo

Now reading: The book called Bolo’bolo by Hans Widmer on anthropology, autonomous communities, fiction, language and utopia from 1983. See also o500.org for more current projects.

нед, 23. јан 2022.: permacomputing

permacomputing @ wiki.xxiivv.com; 100 rabbits.

уто, 18. јан 2022.: music: wire

Must buy: Mind Hive, the 2020 album by Wire, the "definitive art punk and post-punk band" from England. Let's see if Sounds Tilburg record store can help me.

нед, 16. јан 2022.: ren

ren: :30 (met Nina)

нед, 16. јан 2022.: github

Public announcement: the caspar repo on github is no longer to be trusted. Those interested in caspar development should track git.mdcc.cx/caspar.git , as stated at mdcc.cx/caspar. (I tried to remove the github mirror, but got lost in <warning mode=rant> in the webui-from-hell which is </warning> github. Hints welcome.)

суб, 15. јан 2022.: congrats wikipedia

суб 15 19:31 [libera] -!- WALLOP willy_on_wheels: Please join us in wishing Wikipedia a Happy 21st Birthday! You can read all about its growth and impact over these past two decades at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Wikipedia

суб, 15. јан 2022.: food

Nu etende: Dinstani Krompir i Urnebes Salata aka Урнебес.

Dinstani Krompir:
-oko 1,5 kg krompira
-2 veće glavice crnog luka
-2-3 kašike ulja
-2 ravne kašikice soli
-0,5 kašikice bibera
-1 veza peršunovog lista
-oko 1-1,5 dl vode, po potrebi

Urnebes Salata:
-150 gr. geroosterde rode paprika's
-4 hardgekookte eieren
-350 gr. feta
-150 gr. kajmak
-2 el. olie
-3 – 4 tenen knoflook
-2 – 3 el. paprikapoeder (zoet)
-2 – 3 tl. paprikapoeder (scherp)
-1 snufje zout

See e.g. kuvanjeodsrca.rs and ajvar.nl.

суб, 15. јан 2022.: merecat

Finally created merecat/pull/33. You don't wanna know how long it took me getting from the one line patch to converting that in a full blown github pull request.... :(

суб, 15. јан 2022.: music

current favorite tracks of Nina:

1 John Early - Speel die Wals (1984)
2 John Early - Vervuld met Smart
3 DJ_PsiloPsyBen/gnometones/115 judgementday.mp3: Booty Bass - 2009 - 77:59
4 Tuxedomoon/1978-No_Tears/1GwdHe5nQSQ.m4a

(John Early komt uit de stal van Henry Spider (Hendrik Deschuyteneer, born Vollezele, Belgium, 1950))

суб, 15. јан 2022.: mathieu weggeman

Mathieu Weggeman is still going strong:

Rijnlandse werkcultuur: De liefde voor het vak is groter dan de liefde voor het geld, en niet wie de baas is, maar wie het weet mag het zeggen. Zo gaat het in Rijnlandse organisaties.

пет, 14. јан 2022.: buiten: Ooij

Roosje van Ooy heeft een erg leuk terras. Ook Bed and Breakfast. Vlietberg 3, 6576 JB Ooy (of heet t nou "Ooij"?), bij Nijmegen.

In Nijmegen is het Hollandsch Duitsch Gemaal, zie nijmegen.nl/diensten/monumenten en dit pdf bestand:

Het Hollandsch-Duitsch GEMAAL is in opdracht van het toenmalige Nederlandsche Waterschap Nijmegen-Duitse Grens' en het Duitse Deichverband Kleve-Landesgrenze' in 1933 gebouwd naar een ontwerp van ingenieur M.J. Granpré Molière (1883-1972) in samenwerking met de civiel-ingenieur R. VerLoren van Themaat in de stijl van de Delftse School. [...] De uitgestrekte polder (ca. 16.500 ha.) betreft voor meer dan de helft Duits grondgebied. [...] Op dit platte dak staan twee metalen pijpen met respectievelijk de kleuren van de Nederlandse en Duitse vlag. [...] [Er zijn] twee gedenkstenen aangebracht. De linker steen heeft het opschrift: "WATERSCHAP NYMEGEN-DUITSCHE GRENS J. KLAASSEN VOORZITTER [...]" De rechter steen heeft het opschrift: "DEICHVERBAND CLEVE-LANDESGRENZE OBERDEICHINSPECTOR F. SCHWEICHER DEICHGRÄF ST. NISSING [...]" Boven de vensters is met smeedijzeren letters de naam "HOLLANDSCH-DUITSCH GEMAAL" en het bouwjaar "1933" aangegeven.

пет, 14. јан 2022.: merecat, debian fosdem booth

done: merecat work (progress!), debian fosdem booth work.

чет, 13. јан 2022.: gmni

I publically stated "i might end up spending time getting gmni in debian". What got into me!? (It is being shipped by lots of distro's.) No ITP/RFP posted for Debian yet.

The Gemini protocol is spoken by lots of server and client sofware. gmni is one of the clients.

уто, 11. јан 2022.: vakbond

Radical Riders, een vakbond voor bezorgers.

10 Jan 2022: troeteleik

Over de Anneville-eik op de A58, aka 'de troeteleik': petities.nl, bomenstichting.nl, rijkswaterstaat en WikiPedia.

суб, 8. јан 2022.: partij tegen de burger

Partij tegen de Burger: ‘melken, melken, melken’. Premiered Jan 5, 2022. Script: Jochem van den Berg, Matthijs van Rumpt, Rudolf Julius, Acteur: Steven Stol, Regisseur: Michiel Peereboom, Producent: Babs van Houten. Available from youtube as tpZvDm1l8Gc.

суб, 8. јан 2022.: nieuwjaarsduik

Nieuwjaarsduik bij Aloha Beach, tussen Vrouwepolder en Oostkapelle, achter draineerkanaal in duingebied Oranjezon, binnen de Manteling van Walcheren. Spotted two grey seals/grijze zeehonden (Halichoerus grypus) swimming near the coast.

On popular request: temperature of water was 6.6 °C, air was 5.8 °C at 08-01-2022 13:10.

суб, 8. јан 2022.: ren

ren: half uurtje, middelburg cs - volkstuin naast spoor richting vlissingen/oost souburg

чет, 6. јан 2022.: essay

bruce s reposted "The Californian Ideology", a 1995 essay by English media theorists Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron of the University of Westminster. Barbrook describes it as a "critique of dotcom neoliberalism".

чет, 6. јан 2022.: book

book: Uncanny Valley by Anna Wiener, United States, published by MCD Books in January 2020 as Print (hardcover) and e-book, 288 pages. ISBN 978-0-374-27801-4 (hardcover).

wed 5 jan 2022: ren

ren :36

wed 5 jan 2022: blog

Today on Sick Sad World: How The Cryptobros Have Fallen: another blogpost by jwz: against cryptocoins.

чет, 6. јан 2022.: disable search in firefox address bar (and more search tweaks)

How to deactivate search within firefox address bar: Tested on firefox-esr 91.4.1esr-1~deb11u1 op Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye). See my message to the nllgg linux list. Inspired by what Harindu Lakshan wrote on 4/15/20, 12:48 PM, I did:

    type in addressBar "about:config"
    click Accept the risk and continue

    Search "keyword.enabled" and change it to false
    Search "browser.fixup.alternate.enabled" and change it to false

You might want to do this if you want to protect your privacy and therefore don't want to inform the company behind your default search engine about any typos you make in domain names and urls.

Addendum, чет, 24. мар 2022.: you might also like this:

    type in addressBar "about:preferences#search"
    under Search, Search Bar: enable "Add search bar in toolbar"

Addendum, пон, 18. апр 2022.: you might want to choose searxng as search engine, by installing addon/searxng-search in firefox. (See also searx.space for an overview of instances.)

суб, 1. јан 2022.: film

Must see (tnx Marina Abramowic @ VPRO wintergasten 2021):

The Color of Pomegranates (Armenian: Նռան գույնը, romanized: Nřan guynə; Georgian: ბროწეულის ფერი, romanized: brots'eulis peri; Russian: Цвет граната, romanized: Tsvet granata) is a 1969 Soviet Armenian art film written and directed by Sergei Parajanov. The film is a poetic treatment of the life of 18th-century Armenian poet and troubadour Sayat-Nova. It has appeared in many polls as one of the greatest films ever made and was hailed as revolutionary by Mikhail Vartanov. The film is now regarded as a landmark masterpiece.

суб, 1. јан 2022.: alternatieve top 2000: liedjes, maar dan beter

TIL: er is ondergewaardeerdeliedjes.nl en alternatieve top 2000 van Radio Pinguin.

суб, 1. јан 2022.: debian fosdem booth, merecat

Worked on Debian FOSDEM booth and on merecat; opened merecat issue 31 @ github.

суб, 1. јан 2022.: boek

The dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity is a 2021 book by anthropologist David Graeber and archaeologist David Wengrow. It was published in the United States on November 9, 2021, by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 704 Pages, ISBN 978-0-374-15735-7.

pretty old news: 2021

сре, 29. дец 2021.: merecat, fosdem

worked on merecat, and on Debian virtual booth @ FOSDEM.

уто, 28. дец 2021.: commissie elias

Vraag me af wat er inmiddels terecht is gekomen van de aanbevelingen van Commissie Elias, 2014.

уто, 28. дец 2021.: ccc rc3

ccc rc3 is being live streamed.

уто, 28. дец 2021.: fosdem debian booth

There'll likely be a Debian booth at FOSDEM.

From: joostvb
To: Debian Events EU 
Subject: Debian booth at FOSDEM 2022, online, sat feb 5 - sun feb 6 / Re:
        [FOSDEM standholders] FOSDEM 2022 stands - an update

27 dec: fiets

fiets: fokkerhof - eschweilerhof; 30 km, en ook weer 2 uur terug

нед, 26. дец 2021.: online magazine

n-o-d-e.net: NODE magazine on hardware hacking and society.

нед, 26. дец 2021.: jigl, cimfomfa, merecat, zoem

Worked on jigl: "#965605: Removal of obsolete debhelper compat 5 and 6 in bookworm":

нед 26 06:39 < BTS> Closed #965605 in src:jigl by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
   «jigl: Removal of obsolete debhelper compat 5 and 6 in bookworm».
 [08:05] [joostvb(+Ri)] [29:OFTC/#debian-devel-changes(+Mn)]

Also: cimfomfa: #993009 ITP; merecat (waiting for new upstream); zoem (#1002596, waiting for cimfomfa upload).

пон, 29. нов 2021.: ren

sun 28 nov 2021 warandeloop 10 km. I finished at place 96 of 213 runners.

суб, 20. нов 2021.: de as

RIP De AS (Zie WikiPedia.)

De AS 208, winter 2020: Tweehonderd en zeven nummers gingen eraan vooraf, sinds 1972, het jaar dat de AS door Hans Ramaer en Wim de Lobel werd opgericht. Wim overleed in 2013, Hans in 2015. Eerder al moesten we afscheid nemen van de redacteuren Anton Constandse (1985), Wim van Dooren (1993), Simon Radius (1995) en recentelijk van Marius de Geus (20 mei 2020).

суб, 20. нов 2021.: fiets

fiets: fh - vijf eiken - surae - galgestraat - boschstraat breda - lijndonk - klein zwitserland - fh

суб, 20. нов 2021.: book: python

In 2017, Pieter Spronck wrote a book on the Python programming language, available under CC by-nc conditions.

пет, 19. нов 2021.: UbuWeb

"UbuWeb started 25 years ago today, November 1, 1996. No permission, no money, no copyright, no ads, no cookies, no data collection, no marketing, no mailing list, no donation box, no terms & conditions. Ever. Thank you." More at WikiPedia and at archive.com.

пет, 19. нов 2021.: Commissie Bosman

Op tweedekamer.nl is te lezen: "25 februari 2021: Commissievoorzitter André Bosman heeft op donderdag 25 februari het eindrapport van de Tijdelijke commissie Uitvoeringsorganisaties (TCU) "Klem tussen balie en beleid" overhandigd aan Kamervoorzitter Khadija Arib." In het rapport (eindrapport_tijdelijke_commissie_uitvoeringsorganisaties.pdf) worden zeven aanbevelingen gedaan:

1. Praat met de burger en de uitvoeringsorganisaties.
2. Schenk meer aandacht aan de uitvoerbaarheid van beleid
 en aan doenvermogen (burgers moeten de wet niet alleen
 kennen, maar ook ‘kunnen’: ze moeten ernaar kunnen
3. Signaleer en adresseer problemen in de uitvoering zo
 snel mogelijk.
4. Creëer meer vertrouwen binnen de driehoek Tweede Kamer,
 departementen en uitvoeringsorganisaties.
5. Verbeter de kennis- en informatiepositie van de Tweede
6. Geef de uitvoering meer waardering en de professionals
 meer zeggenschap.
7. Evalueer de impact van deze aanbevelingen een jaar na
 behandeling in de Tweede Kamer.

Zie ook dit bericht over het eindrapport op tweedekamer.nl. Die aanbevelingen zijn niet alleen voor de samenwerking tussen 2e kamer, uitvoeringsorganisaties en burgers van toepassing, geloof ik.

чет, 18. нов 2021.: video

On Nov 7, 2021 The Juice Media published Honest Government Ad: "Net Zero by 2050" (feat. Greta Thunberg).

сре, 17. нов 2021.: Frog and Toad

FrogandToadbot on twitter is a thing: about the Frog and Toad books from Arnold Lobel.

уто, 16. нов 2021.: ren

ren :27: fh - vierwindenlaan/baroniebaan vv

нед, 14. нов 2021.: upgrade

laptop "oganj" (lenovo x220) upgraded from 10/buster to 11/bullseye. some other systems still to do...

суб, 13. нов 2021.: sdf, irc bouncers

As I said earlier, SDF Public Access Unix System is still going strong.

update, уто, 11. јан 2022.: chat.sr.ht. as ddevault said: "it's a hosted bouncer, so when your power goes out you don't get disconnected from IRC" "and yes, it includes a fancy JS thing, strictly optional"

суб, 13. нов 2021.: software: init-d-script

TILA: init-d-script(5) — "interpreter for short and simple init.d scripts" by Petter Reinholdtsen.

пет, 12. нов 2021.: software: deb-janitor

TIL devscripts (2.21.5) ships deb-janitor.

devscripts (2.21.5) unstable; urgency=medium
  [ Jelmer Vernooij ]
  * New script!
    + deb-janitor: a command-line client for the Debian janitor API.  MR: !211
      Current features include scheduling a package run and retrieving a diff
      of a specific run.
 -- Mattia Rizzolo <mattia@d.o>  Wed, 10 Nov 2021 15:45:35 +0100

пет, 12. нов 2021.: boek

In oktober 2021 verscheen bij uitgeverij Koppernik het boek met alle verhalen van de Oostenrijkse schrijfster Ingeborg Bachmann (1926 – 1973). Nederlandse vertaling door Paul Beers, 456 pagina’s, ISBN 9789083089850, € 29,90.

уто, 9. нов 2021.: tmux and jitsi

i almost always work in at least 2 xterms. jitsi only allows to share a complete desktop or just one application window; not 2 xterms. workaround:

showing 2 terminals in one xterm, for presenting stuff via jitsi: select in jitsi one application window for sharing, choose the one running your terminal, then start tmux and type:

 ^b "  Split the current pane into two, top and bottom.
 ^b o  Select the next pane in the current window.

should be possible with screen too, didn't manage to find it out yet. with tmux i managed to find the relevant key bindings pretty quickly.

уто, 9. нов 2021.: nluug

#TIL presentaties from nluug's rich past are available, not only from youtube but also from ftp.nluug.nl/video.

уто, 9. нов 2021.: blog

ad tech: capitalism refined to its purest? by Ariadne Conill.

As my friend Maia put it, “ad tech is about trying to scam the rest of ad tech as hard as possible, while trying to not get scammed too hard yourself.” One can therefore argue that ad tech, like the crypto craze, is just capitalism refined to its purest: there is nothing of actual value being bought and sold at prices that are far in excess of what little value actually exists. And, like crypto, ad tech is responsible for substantial carbon dioxide emissions. In short, do everyone a favor, and use a damn ad blocker. Oh, and don’t work in ad tech. I have wilder stories to tell about that engagement, but sometimes things are better left unsaid.

нед, 7. нов 2021.: ren

ren :57 naar brug nieuwe ley bij elisabeth ziekenhuis

суб, 6. нов 2021.: blog

Two other nice posts by Bert Hubert: Who Controls The Internet and Personeelsbehoud. More at this overview.

пет, 5. нов 2021.: doc-debian: an old bug

Thought about #261862 doc-debian: "World Wide Web is rather large these days". Reported Jul 2004 by jidanni. It's a tricky bug. Or: is it a bug?

пет, 5. нов 2021.: jaarbeschouwing

trips (at least one night) this year, thus far:

apr 2021: zutphen
jul 2021: deventer
aug 2021: oostende
aug 2021: paris
sep 2021: brussels
sep 2021: wolfheze
okt 2021: belgrade
okt 2021: wageningen
nov 2021: texel

пет, 5. нов 2021.: groeten van Texel

Terug van Texel. "pics or it didn't happen!" More pics at 202111-texel.

Very much enjoyed Ecomare.

TILA (Thing I Learned Again): De Russenoorlog (website from 2009).

Once when travelling by plane I've seen a Glory. And, when on Texel, I saw either part of a 22° Halo or maybe it was Cloud iridescence ; did see this once in Eindhoven too. See also Gen 9:16.

уто, 2. нов 2021.: homebrew, free software developers

TIL: homebrew has nice docs, e.g. one on Maintainers Avoiding Burnout.

уто, 2. нов 2021.: blog

The Neo-Colonial Internet by anarcat.

уто, 2. нов 2021.: debian stuff done

Did work on doc-debian, Debian Math Team, cimfomfa, ...; Bugs touched: 998160 998244 993009 273323 843449 798013

пон, 1. нов 2021.: links

yet another overview of hackerspaces worldwide; with heatmaps! : mapall.space.

пон, 1. нов 2021.: links

Er is Computerveiligheid voor scholieren en Computerveiligheid voor andere gewone mensen.

пон, 1. нов 2021.: book: ross anderson

Ross Anderson: Security Engineering - A Guide To Building Dependable Distributed Systems, 3rd edition, 2020, Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-119-64281-7, 1232 Pages. At Chapter 26: Surveillance or Privacy?, page 821, 26.1 it says:

Security technology arguments are often used to bamboozle or intimidate legislators. For example, all through the Irish republican terrorist campaign from the 1970s through 1990s, the British police had to charge arrested terrorist suspects within four days. But after 9/11, this was quickly raised to 28 days; then the government said it needed 90 days, claiming they might have diculty decrypting data on PCs seized from suspects. The real problem was police inefficiency at managing forensics. Now if the police had just said ‘we need to hold suspects for 90 days because we don’t have enough Somali interpreters’ then common sense could have kicked in; Parliament might well have told them to use staff from commercial translation agencies. But talk of decryption seems a goodway to turn legislators’ brains to mush. People who understand cryptography have a duty to speak out.

нед, 31. окт 2021.: mpd, draai

Finally managed to get mpd working on system yosida running Debian 11 (bullseye). Had to edit /etc/mpd.conf, and do some more tweaks. See /usr/bin/dr_init in upcoming draai release, or fetch it from git.

суб, 30. окт 2021.: back from belgrade

EuroPride 2022 will be in Belgrade, 12 September – 18 September 2022. And: 2023 Malta, Valetta; 2024 Greece, Thessaloniki. See also parada.rs and prajd.rs. A nice study is available from From Demedicalisation to Same-Sex Marriage: A Contemporary LGBT History of the Western Balkans, august 2021; there is a PDF.

суб, 30. окт 2021.: plan

plan: upgrade laptop from oldstable 10 to stable 11; upgrade vps from oldstable to stable; enable https @ vps (merecat); cimfomfa; doc-debian; debian-faq (update qmail and systemd sections; update translations), cron doc www, upload: jigl aephea mcl merecat.

update сре, 10. нов 2021.: see also packages with smells sorted by maintainer for work to do (or not) on caspar doc-debian draai filetraq jigl libtest-command-simple-perl metar ruby-ami systraq uruk validns zoem.

пет, 29. окт 2021.: ren

ren: 2 uur, ceca - luka kod most na adi vv

28 okt 2021: debian-history

Worked on Bug #924131 in the debian-history package: "host the scanned printout of the Debian creation announcement in Debian server", reported Mar 2019 by larjona.

суб, 16. окт 2021.: doubledown.news

Another leftish news media outlet doubledown.news, with George Monbiot e.a.

уто, 12. окт 2021.: song

A nice song: A csitári hegyek alatt, also featured on: Laughter Through Tears (2003), the second album released by London-based band Oi Va Voi.

уто, 12. окт 2021.: RIP Jörg Schilling

RIP Jörg Schilling, see also his lecture on the history of unix (in german).

уто, 12. окт 2021.: red het sterrebos

Red het Sterrebos bij Kasteel Wolfrath in Holtum, aan de Holtummerweg, ten Oosten van Holtum, aan de overkant van de A2, ten noord-westen van Sittard. (Nedcar zou per 7/8 november kunnen starten met de kap.)

чет, 7. окт 2021.: blog

A prayer for nonbelievers: a September 1, 2021 blogpost by John Michael Greer.

сре, 6. окт 2021.: book: Mark Fisher

Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? (ISBN 9781846943171) is a 2009 book by British theorist Mark Fisher (11 July 1968 – 13 January 2017), published by Zero Books. Available as PDF online at libcom.org. Update пет, 27. мај 2022.: bougth a paper copy as published by Zero Books, now rereading it.

сре, 6. окт 2021.: books: uncivilisation

uncivilisation-the-dark-mountain-manifesto, for £ 5.99. And walking-on-lava-selected-works-for-uncivilised-times for £ 15.99.

сре, 6. окт 2021.: book: saez and sucman

Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Sucman: The Triumph Of Injustice - How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay, 2019. There's a webpage about it at berkeley.edu. ISBN-13: 9780393531732, 284 pages.

нед, 3. окт 2021.: website under constrution

started migrating pics back from banach to beskar.mdcc.cx, the main machine running this website. (in preparation of enabling httpS.)

суб, 2. окт 2021.: ren

ren biathlon: fiets ren fiets: 60 min, fh - moerenburg - fh

суб, 2. окт 2021.: software

JShelter - An anti-malware Web browser extension to mitigate potential threats from JavaScript, including fingerprinting, tracking, and data collection. Available as plugin for Firefox, Chrome and Opera. See jsrestrictor at github.

чет, 30. сеп 2021.: armenzorg in tilburg

Er is niet alleen MST | Mensen in beeld houden, in 1989 opgericht door twee religieuze congregaties: de MSC (Missionarissen van het Heilig Hart) en FDNSC (Dochters van Onze Lieve Vrouw van het Heilig hart), schatplichtig aan de sociale traditie van deze twee congregaties, op dit moment in huisvesting bij de Fraters van Tilburg aan de Gasthuisring; maar ook, in de geest van Gerrit Poels, het Poels Hofje: op 1 januari 2021 in gebruik genomen door de zusters Shyny en Medylyn, SSpS. SSpS staat voor dienaressen van de Heilige Geest (Servarum Spiritus Sancti, SSpS), ook bekend als de Missiezusters van Steyl.

сре, 29. сеп 2021.: pgp key

TIL: run

$ finger joostvb/key@db.debian.org | gpg --import

(or use GNU coreutils' pinky(1) instead of traditional finger(1)) to get my pgp public key, with signatures.

уто, 28. сеп 2021.: notcurses

still going strong: notcurses

нед, 26. сеп 2021.: ren

ren: ongeveer 40 minuten: ambiorixsquare, jubelpark, van meyelplein, jourdanplein met zondagsmarkt, leopoldpark, ambiorixsquare. (missed: Keith Haringtuin :( ...; brussel)

нед, 26. сеп 2021.: groeten uit Maalbeek, Brussel

De Eggevoordtoren, aka La tour d’Eggevoord, in het huidige Leopoldpark, het enige overblijfsel van een domein van de bruggraven van Brussel, de heerlijkheid Eggevoord in de Maalbeekvallei. Waarschijnlijk daterend uit de 16e of 17e eeuw.

IIRC, 11 of the 21 participants of the 1927 Solvay Conference ended up being awarded a Nobel Prize.

Learned about LUCA, after visiting Natuurwetenschappelijk Museum (?): "LUCA probably lived in the high-temperature water of deep sea vents near ocean-floor magma flows." [...] "[...] this does not imply that the LUCA was ever alone: Instead, it was one of many early microbes but the only one whose descendants survived beyond the Paleoarchean Era." [...] "At the beginnings of life, ancestry was not as linear as it is today because the genetic code had not evolved. Before high fidelity replication, organisms could not be easily mapped on a phylogenetic tree."

суб, 25. сеп 2021.: blog

What’s in a package by Ludovic Courtès — September 20, 2021. About reproducibility, software supply chain attacks and the journey packaging the PyTorch machine learning framework the Guix way.

чет, 23. сеп 2021.: ren

ren :34 min fh, via hub van doorneweg onder blaakweg door, om kruising ringbaan west - baroniebaan en tankstation heen, fh

сре, 22. сеп 2021.: tweet

Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg (Sep 7, 2021) watches Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson for the European Commission on Sep 7, 2021: ``The EU discuss its so-called "climate targets" in an event "presented by Shell". It's hard to picture a better way to summarize our current situation. If nothing else, at least it's refreshingly honest.''

сре, 22. сеп 2021.: blog

On gpg and obsolete sha1.

нед, 19. сеп 2021.: boek

"Basisboek Veldbiologie – Zelf de natuur in" door Sander Turnhout, KNNV Uitgeverij in samenwerking met SoortenNL en NJN, € 27,95. ISBN: 9789050117616. Besproken in Trouw.

суб, 18. сеп 2021.: tilburg

Finally managed to pay a IRL visit to living museum tilburg.

пет, 17. сеп 2021.: actie

Reeshof Aan Zet beschermt wijkevoort bij tilburg. Zie ook tilburgers.nl. (En ook in breda broeit er iets: stopdeverdozing.nl.)

пет, 17. сеп 2021.: blog

Pandemic Brooding, reflections on dealing with COVID, by David Holmgren.

чет, 16. сеп 2021.: research

Weaponizing Middleboxes for TCP Reflected Amplification - Censors pose a threat to the entire Internet by Kevin Bock, Abdulrahman Alaraj, Yair Fax, Kyle Hurley, Eric Wustrow, and Dave Levin; August 12, 2021: "We discover a new way that attackers could launch reflected denial of service (DoS) amplification attacks over TCP by abusing middleboxes and censorship infrastructure. These attacks can produce orders of magnitude more amplification than existing UDP-based attacks."

(Also at LWN.)

уто, 14. сеп 2021.: software: merecat

plan: package merecat webserver, by Joachim 'troglobit' Nilsson.

Some prelimiry packaging work is, for now, available from mdcc.cx/tmp/merecat/:


пон, 13. сеп 2021.: fiets

Aanrader: Theetuin De Winkel, aan de Nachtdijk 9 te Cothen, iets ten noorden van de Goyerbrug over t Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal, tussen Cothen en Houten en tussen Culemborg en Werkhoven.

Verder gefietst: voormalig augustinessenklooster Gods Werkhof aka De Monialen van Werkhoven; het gebouw huisvest nu Conferentiecentrum Samaya en ook Werkhof Gemeenschap, watertoren werkhoven, cothen, culemborg, wijk bij duurstede, prinses irene sluis. Zie verder het overzicht van de verschillende tochten.

пон, 13. сеп 2021.: public-inbox

public-inbox is still going strong. public-inbox-1.6.1.tar.gz' was released 2020-12-31. no rfp nor itp yet in debian

update пон, 8. нов 2021.: lore+lei by Konstantin Ryabitsev (via lwn)

пон, 13. сеп 2021.: ren

ren 76 min: FH, goirleseweg - A58, bakertand, walhoeve; om oostplas heen: oostplas aan linkerhand, nieuwe leij aan rechterhand, helerspad aan rechterhand, oude beeksepad aan rechterhand, terug over lage wal; abcovenseweg - A58, tussen water ten zuiden van fontys en A58, fietserstunnel onder ringbaan zuid, vijver ten noorden van ringbaan zuid, FH

нед, 12. сеп 2021.: book: dautzenberg

Net gelezen: Vuur!, samengesteld en ingeleid door A.H.J. Dautzenberg Atlas Contact, 2015. ISBN 978 90 254 4569 0; 375 pagina's. Een "Bloemlezing uit de van Nederlandse en Vlaams literatuur: van Multatuli to Dimitri Verhulst en van Carry van Bruggen tot Charlotte Mutsaers." En ook veel (bij mij) totaal onbekende 19e eeuwse Tilburgse (Ed. de Nève) en Limburgse auteurs (Herman Maas). Verder onder andere: Jacob Israël de Haan en Jef Last; Albert Helman en Astrid Roemer. Was blij weer iets te lezen van Louis Paul Boon, Carolijn Visser, Kristien Hemmerechts en Arnon Grunberg.

суб, 11. сеп 2021.: SOP Rotterdam

Srpsko Omladinsko Prijateljstvo is a bit of Serbia in the Netherlands.

суб, 11. сеп 2021.: pontje

TILA (Thing I Learned Again): pont Gouderak - Moordrecht, een "Koplader" over de Hollandse IJssel, is (waarschijnlijk) de meest spectaculaire voor auto's geschikte pont van Nederland. Heb die nu twee keer met een auto getrotseerd.

10 sept 2021: Nocturnal Readings at STATIONS

Nocturnal Reading 06, 8 september 2021: Maria Roossen leest een verkorte versie van 'De Rijke Bramenplukker' (1952), een sprookje door Godfried J.A. Bomans (Den Haag, 2 maart 1913 – Bloemendaal, 22 december 1971).

"Voor STATIONS maakte Marien Schouten een architectonische sculptuur van multiplex. Nocturnal Reading is een uitwerking van A Reader’s Bedroom (2019), een houten ruimte met daarin aan de ruimte bevestigde meubelachtige objecten. Nocturnal Reading is niet alleen een formele architectonische sculptuur maar tevens een expressie van de toestand van slapeloosheid en tegelijkertijd een bestrijding van die toestand, waar Schouten vaak last van heeft en dan de nachtelijke uren vult met lezen."

Volledig programma Nocturnal Readings:

07.08: #1 Sjef Voets: fragment uit Het tumult
 van de tijd (2016) van Julian Barnes
14.08: #2 Roos Theuws: fragment uit Austerlitz
 (2001) van W.G. Sebald
21.08: #3 Paul Kleijne: fragment uit
 Erinnerungsräume (1992) van Aleida Assmann
28.08: #4 Gayathri Subramanian: The Landlady
 (1959) van Roald Dahl, voorgelezen vanuit
 haar huis in Bangalore, India
04.09: #5 IJsbrand Hummelen: fragmenten uit In
 Praise of Shadows (1933) door Junichiro Tanizaki
08.09: #6 Maria Roosen: verkorte versie van De
 rijke bramenplukker (1952) van Godfried Bomans
11.09: #7 Anami Schrijvers: fragment uit
 Causality and Chance in Modern Physics (1971)
 van David Bohm
15.09: #8 Ernst van Alphen: hoofdstuk uit
 Nightwood (1936) van Djuna Barnes
18.09: #9 Philip van den Hurk: Todesfuge (1948)
 van Paul Celan

пон, 6. сеп 2021.: ren

ren: (fiets ren fiets wandel) ren 90 min

fiets gestald bij brug a58 over wilhelminakanaal. punt waar korvelse waterloop en nieuwe leije zich samenvoegen tot voorste stroom, bij het baksven in de brekxsche hoven, via de moergestelse tilburgseweg de A58 over, over eindhovenseweg, via voetpad naar kruisbeeld bij klooster koningshoeven.

нед, 5. сеп 2021.: heilige driehoek

TIL: Monikkendreef near St Paulusabdij in Oosterhout is really a dead road. Even for pedestrians. Pity.

Sat 04 Sep 2021: pgp and key endorsements

Note to self, so that I won't forget it: Key endorsements are live by Enrico Zini, november 2020.

To: debian-devel-announce@l.d.o
Subject: [nm.debian.org] Key endorsements are live
From: Enrico Zini
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2020 21:51:09 +0100

See also Key signing in the pandemic era - LWN.net.

суб, 4. сеп 2021.: wageningen

PPauw is a thing: ecodorp @ scheidingslaan wageningen.

суб, 4. сеп 2021.: lecture

Ruth Wilson Gilmore (Born April 2, 1950): “Organized Abandonment and Organized Violence: Devolution and the Police” at ecsc.edu, 11.9.2015. Ruth Wilson Gilmore is Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences, and American Studies at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.

do 2 sept 2021: ren

ren: half uurtje bij Wolfheze

сре, 1. сеп 2021.: shell programming

Debian Developers Reference: "If you need to check for the existence of a command, you should use something like

 if command -v install-docs > /dev/null


See the section on "Portable Shell" in the GNU Autoconf Manual for more tips and tricks.

august 2021: DebConf 21, online

Sun Aug 22 - Sun Aug 29, 2021: DebConf/21 DebConf 21 was the 21st DebConf; preceded by DebCamp from sun August 15 to sat August 21, 2021.

уто, 31. авг 2021.: software: lagrange for gemini

A gemini (and gopher) browser: lagrange. no itp, no rfp yet for Debian.

пон, 30. авг 2021.: printing

TIL printing from Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) in 3 easy steps: 1 Switch on your printer. 2 Press the 'print' button in your application. 3 Collect the printed sheet of paper at your printer.

пон, 30. авг 2021.: music

TIL Nylithia from Vancouver, Canada plays hyper-technical, hyper-aggressive, hyper-fast thrash metal. And I like it.

sat 28 - sun 29 aug 2021: Mini Debcamp 21 Tilburg

We've had a very nice Mini Debcamp 21 Tilburg. "Join us to enjoy the last DebConf21 online weekend: we'll meet, chat and have a coffee; join the DebConf live video stream and online chat; hack some code. You might like that better than doing all this alone at home." Check out deb.li/3V1Ly for all details, and/or meet us at IRC: OFTC #minidebcamp21tilburg .

нед, 29. авг 2021.: a new jigl will be shipped with upcoming Debian 12 "bookworm"

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 04:39:13 +0000
From: Debian testing watch
To: jigl@packages.debian.org
Subject: jigl 2.0.1+20060126-7 MIGRATED to testing
Message-Id: <E1mKCbB-0007aC-Ay@respighi.debian.org>

уто, 24. авг 2021.: kunst: film: Joost Conijn

Masterpiece: "Siddieqa, Firdaus, Abdallah, Soelayman, Moestafa, Hawwa et Dzoel-kifl" (2004) by Joost Conijn. (as seen at HOPE, kunst in de heilige driehoek, Oosterhout.) A 2 minute preview "kids, 2010" is freely available from youtube (and linked to from the artist's website).

уто, 24. авг 2021.: jigl

уто 24 08:48 < BTS> jigl 2.0.1+20060126-7 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    (joostvb) (Closes: #965169)
уто 24 08:51 < BTS> Closed #965169 in wnpp by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
                    «ITA: jigl -- Generates a static html photo gallery from
                    one or more directories of images».
"Thank you for your contribution to Debian."

нед, 22. авг 2021.: kunst: photograpy

nice: kunst: photography by john riddy (as seen in Museum De Pont, Tilburg)

Sat 21 Aug 2021: ren

fiets, ren, fiets: 20 min, 65 min, 17 min

around De Nieuwe Herdgang uitkijktoren

пет, 20. авг 2021.: boek

The Invention of Capitalism: The Secret History of Primitive Accumulation (2000) by Michael Perelman. (EAN 9780822324911, 424 pagina's, paperback, Duke University Press). Also: The Perverse Economy: The Impact of Markets on People and Nature (2003); Manufacturing Discontent: The Trap of Individualism in a Corporate Society (2005); Railroading Economics: The Creation of the Free Market Mythology (2006).

пет, 20. авг 2021.: boek

"Pakete bauen mit Git-Buildpackage" by Mechtilde and Michael Stehmann; source code at salsa.

уто, 17. авг 2021.: Oostende

Visited de Koningin der Badsteden

Had: goat meat, rwandan style, with fufu aka ugali; afrikaanse banaantjes (met dank aan ex-collega rvhout die ze me bij me introduceerde); Poperings Hommelbier.

Got me a book: "How to stay sane in an age of division" by Elif Shafak, 2020 in beautiful Boekhandel Corman. Just across the street there's an African supermarket, related to Restaurant Karibu. Admired the Postgebouw van Oostende which since 2001 hosts CultuurCentrum De Grote Post. Visited Jeugdhuis Oostendse Hobbi Klubs vzw in de cafetaria van het gesloten gemeentezwembad. Admired the Bloemenuurwerk in the Leopoldpark (from 1933), see also on beeldbankkusterfgoed.be.

суб, 14. авг 2021.: ren

ren: 90 min: 2 x (en bijna 3 x) snelweg A58 aka E312 over: bij oversteek A58 dampad, oversteek A58 lage wag, hoge wal, helerspad, oude beeksepad, oversteek A58 hilvarenbeekseweg, langs nieuwe leij, over terrein fontys, over terrein willem ii kazerne

пет, 13. авг 2021.: boek

Bette Dam - Op zoek naar de vijand (2019): Van 2009 tot 2014 werkte Bette Dam als journalist in de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul. In 2019 publiceerde ze Op zoek naar de vijand, waarin ze verslag doet van haar speurtocht naar Taliban-leider mullah Omar. Op dit moment werkt ze als docent aan Sciences Po in Parijs en doet ze promotie-onderzoek aan de Vrije Universiteit in Brussel.

ISBN 9789403144207, paperback, 336 paginas, De Bezige Bij, 2019, eur 23

Pas op voor de schoonmaker, 11 augustus 2021, voor De Groene.

чет, 12. авг 2021.: article: permacomputing

TIL this day (2021-08-12) saw Permacomputing Update 2021, about radically sustainable computing, by Ville-Matias "Viznut" Heikkilä.

чет, 12. авг 2021.: kunst

nrc, maart 2021:

Jan Hoek (37) is beeldend kunstenaar en fotograaf, bekend van zijn geëngageerde projecten: Sistaaz of the Castle bijvoorbeeld, een samenwerking tussen Jan Hoek, modeontwerper Duran Lantink en Zuid-Afrikaanse transseksuele sekswerkers, die resulteerde in fotoseries en een activistische modeshow. Of Power to the models, een tentoonstelling in Stedelijk Museum Breda, waarvoor hij vorig jaar elf mensen zelf liet bepalen hoe en door wie ze geportretteerd werden.

Jan Hoek (Utrecht, 1984) was hoofdredacteur van jongerensite Spunk en studeerde in 2012 af aan de Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Beeld en Taal). Zijn werk, veelal fotografie, is tentoongesteld in binnen- en buitenland. Boeken van Hoek zijn Marktplaatspoëzie (2013), My Maasai (2017) en, samen met Duran Lantink, Sistaaz of The Castle (2019).

Bruin Parry (Amsterdam, 1999) volgde speciaal middelbaar onderwijs en leerde tekenen van zijn moeder, Jan Hoek en zijn grootvader Rob Parry. In 2019 werd een schilderij van hem afgedrukt in de Amerikaanse Vogue, bij een door Jan Hoek gemaakte foto. Parry speelt in de clip Fading (2019) van LYMA. Hij heeft meerdere Instagram-accounts.

Zie ook Stichting Captain Hoek

пон, 9. авг 2021.: trains

TIL: there are quite a few high speed railways in europe: Wikipedia has: Networks_of_Major_High_Speed_Rail_O perators_in_Europe.gif

пон, 9. авг 2021.: documentary: Wau Holland

documentary „Alles ist eins. Außer der 0.“ about the life of Wau Holland, founder of CCC shown in german cinema's about now. netzpolitik reports.

пет, 6. авг 2021.: tuin

De Tuin van Joke zaliger; nu trekt Rini onvermoeibaar de kar.

пет, 6. авг 2021.: plan: mcl, jigl and others

plan: mcl split off library, ITP cimfomfa.

also: jigl, fruitbak (fruitbak apt repo) (and/or kavoom (kavoom apt repo) and/or facedin (facedin apt repo) and/or ghetto-stow (ghetto-stow apt repo))

I did some preliminary work on jigl packaging, and updated bug #965169 , and (update нед, 22. авг 2021.) created jigl on salsa.

update Wed 25 Aug 2021: look at / process the stuff at joostvb @ janitor.

update, чет, 26. авг 2021.:

чет 26 11:30 < BTS> Opened #993009 in wnpp by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
                    «RFP: cimfomfa -- tingea library for mcl».

update, Sat 04 Sep 2021:

Debian Bug #992116: "release-notes: Add breakage from merged-/usr-via-aliased-dirs" (did discuss with elbrus @ minidebcamp21tilburg)

сре, 4. авг 2021.: debian @ gitlab commit conference

Represented Debian at the Debian virtual booth at the online Gitlab Commit Conference, 3 and 4 august 2021, with Laura "larjona" Arjona Reina. Thanks also to Paul "zleap" Sutton, Daniel Lange e.a.

нед, 1. авг 2021.: Sint-Catharinadal

TIL Norbertinessenpriorij Sint-Catharinadal: going strong since 1647 (or 1271).

нед, 1. авг 2021.: multiple X sessions

TIL: How to start a new xsession as another user, keeping you current session running:

joostvb@oganj:~% dm-tool switch-to-greeter

This works if you're using lightdm(by Robert Ancell e.a.) as display manager, dm-tool comes with the lightdm Debian package. (Don't log in as other user and run startx: this kills your current session) (no need to install xscreensaver and press the 'new session' button (and that needs a "gdmflexiserver" which i seem to lack on some of my systems)).

31. јул 2021.: fiets

fiets: fh - oosterhout heilige driehoek vv. visited beautiful "hope" exhibition.

пет, 30. јул 2021.: snowden

Edward Snowden on the NSO Group Spyware and the Pegasus Project. See also this article on lwn.net.

Fri 30 Jul 2021: PARK

PARK Platform for Visual Arts, Wilhelminapark 53, Tilburg.

Thu 29 Jul 2021: ren, fiets

ren: soort biathlon: :12 fiets, :53 ren, :14 fiets: fh, fiets naar westkant leijpark, ren ijsclubweg, trappistenbrug, zandpad ten westen rijksweg 58, hoevense kanaaldijk oost, vlinderlaantje, "de springbalsemienen", noordkant voorste stroom, meierijbaan, daklozenverblijf onder meierijbaan , ijsclubweg, zuidpunt leijpark, fiets, fh

Thu 29 Jul 2021: Couchsurfing and alternatives

somebody somewhere wrote in july 2021:

"BeWelcome has over 150k members, Trustroots 60k, Warmshowers 140k (but they put up a paywall too) and now Couchers with 3k almost and developing fast. Host a Sister got over 130k members in just over a year."

Host A Sister seems to lack a proper website. Only represented on facebook, instagram, youtube, twitter. I have a profile on trustroots and bewelcome.

сре, 28. јул 2021.: asha ten broeke

Columnist en activist Asha ten Broeke is het lezen waard.

уто, 27. јул 2021.: Debian FastTrack

The unofficial Debian FastTrack service is currently shipping gitlab, matrix synapse and virtual box. Lots of thanks to Pirate Praveen <praveen A onenetbeyond 0 org>.

уто, 27. јул 2021.: essay: Software from Another World

Software from Another World, nice july 2021 blog post, by Diana.

нед, 25. јул 2021.: childrens film: Krtek

A 1982 Kratky Film Praha / Studio Bratri v triku production by Zdeněk Miler (1921 – 2011) and J.A. Novotný: "Krtek ve městě". See also the wikipedia article on Krtek (Mole).

нед, 25. јул 2021.: Inden Tagebau open pit mining flood

july 14th Inden Tagebau open pit mining flood "In the meantime, my attention has been drawn to a very interesting event at Inden in Germany, the site of a very large open cast coal mine. Here, the extreme rainfall has caused a small river to change course, partially flooding the mine." "In the rainstorms of 14 July 2021 the small river has burst its banks and reoccupied its former course. The effects are dramatic."

чет, 22. јул 2021.: now eating: пасуљ

пасуљ is a bean soup that is common in the cuisine of former Yugoslavia. "prosto kao pasulj": easy as bean soup.

чет, 22. јул 2021.: Debian bullseye installation on "yosida"

Installed Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) on a second hand desktop PC: "yosida" is now up and running. Getting wireless going again was painful as ever; had to drag system + monitor to my "meterkast" twice, so that I could plug in good old reliable ethernet cable. [edit aug 9, 2021: but I've learned recently work has been done to make this less error prone; the right documentation should now be easier to find.] Audio from Firefox just worked, out of the box: zero effort. Suspend: same. Hibernate: first it did work (did it?), now it seems it no longer does.

Wed 21 Jul 2021: openssh in upcoming 11/bullseye with runit support

awesome! openssh in upcoming 11/bullseye with runit support:

openssh (1:8.0p1-5) unstable; urgency=medium
  [ Lorenzo Puliti ]
  * Add a runscript for runit (closes: #933999).
 -- Colin Watson   Tue, 27 Aug 2019 15:18:54 +0100

Debian 10/buster (stable) ships with openssh 1:7.9p1-10+deb10u2; Debian 11/bullseye (testing) will likely ship with 1:8.4p1-5. Thanks to Lorenzo Puliti and Colin Watson.

уто, 20. јул 2021.: ren

ren: 30 min vanaf fh om de willem ii kazerne heen. het werd weer ns tijd!

пон, 19. јул 2021.

bought a real physical CD in a real physical brick and mortar shop, with a real physical human selling me the thing. i could even listen to it before deciding to buy it! there were headphones for use! and a nice bar stool! love it.

Ik heb weten te verwerven: Hank Mobley - No Room For Squares (1963). (It was dutch poet Jules Deelder who tipped me on Hank Mobley.)

уто, 22. јун 2021.: Conversation as Commons

Must read: Conversation as Commons by John Michael Greer, May 5, 2021.

Some highlights:

'moderate conduct, not content'

'Any verbal expression [...] has two closely intertwined functions, which we can call informative (content) and performative (conduct).'

'conversation is a commons, and courtesy (performative) is one of the ways that participants maintain the commons'

'you preserve a commons by setting up formal limits on its use, and penalizing and excluding people who try to violate those limits'

'freedom of speech and freedom of the press are about [...] informative freedom, not performative freedom'

јун 2021.: boek: Kerken van goud, dominees van hout

Kerken van goud, dominees van hout, ISBN 9789045044637, door Rob Bijlsma: over de verwording van de Nederlandse natuurbescherming, juni 2021. 352 paginas, paperback, Atlas Contact, eur 25.

уто, 22. јун 2021.: zwijgen is geen optie: interviews

"Zwijgen is geen optie (ZIGO) is een Belgisch mediabedrijf dat interviews maakt over actief en betrokken burgerschap. Anthony Bosschem bevraagt geëngageerde, gepassioneerde en inspirerende wereldverbeteraars voor de camera van filosoof Tom Mahy." 1 van mijn favorieten: Marjan Gryson.

чет, 29. апр 2021.: Сказки русские : Пойди туда, не знаю куда

Go There, Don't Know Where is a 1966 feature-length cutout-animated film from the Soviet Union. It was directed by the "Patriarch of Soviet animation", Ivan Ivanov-Vano, at the Soyuzmultfilm studio. Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What (Russian: Пойди туда, не знаю куда, принеси то, не знаю что, translit. Poydi tuda, ne znau kuda, prinesi to, ne znau chto) is a Russian fairy tale collected by Alexander Afanasyev in Narodnye russkie skazki.

пон, 12. апр 2021.: talma

Meindert Talma

пет, 9. апр 2021.: public inbox

public inbox

сре, 7. апр 2021.: optical illusions

Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena by Michael Bach.

апр 2021.: popeye

Popeye's favourite one of me and Nina: Popeye The Sailor Man - Spree Lunch (1957).

Directors: Seymour Kneitel, Thomas Johnson (uncredited)
Writer: Jack Mercer (story)
Voices: Jackson Beck - Bluto; Jack Mercer - Popeye

See also Popeye the Sailer filmography. On archive.org's spree lunch page one can view it.

чет, 25. мар 2021.: de rutte doctrine

"Mark Rutte en de projectie van de calculerende fraudeur", maart 2021, Tijmen Wisman en Ronald Huissen van het Platform Bescherming Burgerrechten.

сре, 24. мар 2021.: Plan 9 now under MIT license

"The Plan 9 Foundation is making the historical 1st through 4th editions of Plan 9 available under the terms of the MIT license.", see Transfer of Plan 9 to the Plan 9 Foundation.

мар 2021.: sizes

"many viruses have a characteristic length scale of roughly 100 nanometers" and "The shortest distance (air line) between Madrid and Moscow is 3,440.17 km." and "The size of an isolated atom can't be measured because we can't determine the location of the electrons that surround the nucleus. We can estimate the size of an atom, however, by assuming that the radius of an atom is half the distance between adjacent atoms in a solid." and "A parsec (pc) is the distance at which a star's parallax as viewed from Earth is equal to one second of arc, equal to roughly 206,000 AU or 3.0857×10^13 km. One megaparsec (Mpc) is equivalent to one million parsecs."

atom  0.1 nm = 0.1 x 10^-9  = 1 x 10^-10 meter
virus         100 x 10^-9 m = 1 x 10^-7 meter
ant, or grain of rice  5 mm = 5 x 10^-3 meter
human: 2 meters             = 2 x 10^ 0 meter
madrid - moscow             = 3 x 10^ 6 meter
earth - moon     400.000 km = 4 x 10^ 8 meter
earth sun 149.597.870.700 m = 1 x 10^11 meter

neptune sun: 4,498×10^9 km = 4 x 10^12 m; Orbit of the Solar System i.e. distance sun - center of galaxy: 17,200 pc; milky way galaxy 30,000 pc; observable universe 28,500 Mpc

Powers of Ten (film), Location of Earth and picture of Orders of magnitude.

пон, 22. мар 2021.: rip perun?

"perun", my lenovo thinkpad x200 (my favourite laptop, from the 3 lenovo's i'm currently using) no longer boots: root fs corrupted.

пет, 19. мар 2021.: link: morozov on o'reilly

Evgeny Morozov, April 2013 "The Meme Hustler - Tim O'Reilly's crazy talk", for The Baffler.

сре, 17. мар 2021.: food

сре 17 15:09 < joostvb> nu etende: Masna Pogača
сре 17 15:09 < joostvb> van de buurvrouw
сре 17 15:14 < joostvb> "Ne traži hleba preko pogače."

мар 2021.: CCRURU @ LAG and Adam Curtis

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace via the CCRURU project @ laglab by maxigas, 2020 - 2021.

update сре, 27. окт 2021.: Adam Curtis interview (via "Capitalist Realism"). Some other documentaries by Curtis: "The TV elite has lost the plot" and "The stupidity of crowds". Andrew Orlowski.

пон, 15. мар 2021.: ren

ren 70 min; fh - spoorpark vv. al mijn touwtjespring-truukjes lukken me nog #til

нед, 14. мар 2021.: jigl

plan: jigl ITA

dget 'https://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/j/jigl/jigl_2.0.1+20060126-6.dsc'

post an ITA; stick it in salsa. make it deal with utf-8. the script /usr/bin/jigl it is a 3180 lines / 116K perl script. a small csh shell script gets installed too. upstream writes: "This is an archived project jigl was written in the early 2000's and is no longer maintianed." @ the jigl homepage.

пет, 12. мар 2021.: shell hosting @ sdf

sdf: shell hosting since 1987.

чет, 11. мар 2021.: havenstraat231

Er gebeurt iets moois in Rotterdam havenstraat231.noblogs.org.

сре, 10. мар 2021.: webdriver-manager

Did some work on Bug#983870: "ITP: webdriver-manager - Webdriver Manager for Python".

сре, 10. мар 2021.: lectures

lectures: Radboud Reflects @ youtube. And: De Balie Amsterdam

update пон, 6. дец 2021.: De Balie TV is available from youtube, and from vimeo.

уто, 9. мар 2021.: ren

ren: 50 min

пон, 8. мар 2021.: portability

Weird architectures weren't supported to begin with by William Woodruff: about portability and llvm, rust and C. Discussed at LWN.net.

нед, 7. мар 2021.: book: allie "hyperboleandahalf" brosh

Yes! I bought a book, and in a Real Bookshop! Just finished reading: "Solutions and Other Problems" door Allie Brosh, engelstalige uitgave door Vintage Publishing in september 2020. 528 pagina's, paperback, isbn 9780224101288, € 18,-. Russ Allbery wrote a review.

суб, 6. мар 2021.: music: lag compilation

The nice people at ]LAG( published a compilation of their music and noise and sounds.

update чет, 11. мар 2021.: now (also) at wasted.audio.

пет, 5. мар 2021.: mucic: Voz di Sanicolau

The Analog Africa music label, run by Samy Ben Redjeb, reissued Fundo_De_Marê_Palinha, the 1976 Rotterdam record by Voz di Sanicolau (and lots of other masterpieces too).

пет, 5. мар 2021.: music: Marc Ribot

"Marc Ribot Plays Solo Guitar Works of Frantz Casseus": album release may 2021.

уто, 2. мар 2021.: autotools

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the GNU Autotools, 19 January 2021, by Zack Weinberg.

Update пон, 12. апр 2021.: there was discussion about that post on the autoconf list.

уто, 2. мар 2021.: music: Linda Thompson

TIL: The track Evona Darling, written by Lal Waterson (1943 – 1998) and recorded by English singer Linda Thompson (1947) on her 2002 album Fashionably Late is a masterpiece.

уто, 2. мар 2021.: laptops

crowdsupply for mnt open arm laptop.

update уто, 16. нов 2021.: mnt-reform: open hardware laptop, bit expensive though; EUR 1300,-; "Preloaded with Debian GNU/Linux": nice.

also: system76.com sells "linux laptops".

чет, 25. феб 2021.: software stability

Christoph "axhn" Biedl at bugs.debian.org/983087#44

The highly convenient feature of $tool are simplicity, maturity
and therefore reliability in its usage. So it's a tool that "just
works", something people value once they've grown into a greybeard
and/or want to be sure the workflow around a tool doesn't break
every now and then.  I can live with some shortcomings otherwise,
or might even try to work on them.

Or: I'd prefer known bugs over unknown bugs.

чет, 25. феб 2021.: pad and pastebin and other services

pastebin services: pastebin.ubuntu.com, 0x0.st.

pad services: pad.weho.st, pad.puscii.nl, pad.riseup.net, pad.online.debconf.org.

update сре, 10. мар 2021.: systemli is another tech collective with a full range of services.

update суб, 13. мар 2021.: and disroot.org is yet another one.

update пон, 15. нов 2021.: hedgedoc is said to be etherpad-but-nicer-to-use

уто, 23. феб 2021.: the internet

Recovering Our Lost Free Will Online: Tools and Techniques That Are Available Now by John Goerzen:

[...] Back in the late 90s, I worked at a university. I had a 386 on my desk for a workstation – not a powerful computer even then. But I put the boa webserver on it and could just serve pages on the Internet. I didn’t have to get permission. Didn’t have to pay a hosting provider. I could just DO it.

I was recently startled at how much excitement there was when Github introduced “dark mode”. Yes, Github now offers two colors on its interface. Already back in the 80s and 90s, many DOS programs had more options than that. [...]

уто, 23. феб 2021.: fiets en ren

soort biatlon: fiets en ren: per fiets fh - uni, uni - berg/vijver @ landgoed, mariakapel, horeca, bels lijntje, uni, fiets. tijd niet genoteerd

чет, 18. феб 2021.: links: irma, spaink

IRMA: privacy-vriendelijk identiteitsplatform voor zowel authenticatie als ondertekening.

Nog steeds mooie columns: Karin Spaink.

уто, 16. феб 2021.: maxim februari

Maxim Februari schrijft nog steeds prachtige columns voor nrc:

nrc.nl 2021/01/19 de-macht-ligt-allang-niet-meer-bij-het-parlement: "Waarom we ons nog steeds druk maken over de zetelverdeling in het parlement, terwijl de macht daar allang niet meer ligt, is me een raadsel. Ik vermoed dat het gehakketak amusementswaarde heeft, voor degenen die ervan houden."

nrc.nl 2020/12/07 een-goedbedoelde-wet-met-gruwelijke-elementen: "Het is goed te beseffen dat het zo werkt: door afhankelijkheid, stress en geïnternaliseerde geringschatting spreken mensen zich in onrechtvaardige omstandigheden niet uit. Dat geldt voor mensen in lastige arbeidsomstandigheden, in moeilijke economische situaties, in posities waarin ze afhankelijk zijn van instellingen of diensten. Arm, en beschaamd zo arm te zijn, zegt de dichter Vasalis."

уто, 16. феб 2021.: documentary

Can't Get You Out of My Head is a beautiful documentary from 2021 by Adam Curtis for the BBC: "Can’t Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of the Modern World is a six-part series that explores how modern society has arrived to the strange place it is today. The series traverses themes of love, power, money, the ghosts of empire, the history of China, opium and opioids, the strange roots of modern conspiracy theories, and the history of Artificial Intelligence. Inspired by the 2016 apex of populism—the political ideology which presents The People as morally good, and The Elite as morally bad—the underlying aim of the series is to show why the critics of Donald Trump and Brexit were unable to offer an alternative vision for the future."

нед, 14. феб 2021.: trip

Koeienbedrijf de Regte Heijden and Riels Hoefke / Brakelsche Heide: sneeuw en ijs \o/

нед, 14. феб 2021.: goudhaantje

Inmiddels twee keer gespot deze winter: goudhaantje (Regulus regulus), in het Engels: goldcrest

(Picture by Kentish Plumber, oct 2010.)

чет, 11. феб 2021.: ren

ren 60 min fh - bibliotheek maranatha vv

чет, 11. феб 2021.: debian packaging

todo/plan: use mmdebstrap and attend workshop by Mechtilde Stehmann about Debian Packaging, based upon the book Pakete Bauen mit Git-Buildpackage.

Also on my list: try out dgit and sbuild.

сре, 10. феб 2021.: post growth

rethinking kinship by Geoffrey Bowker.

Feb 9, 2021: dnssec

A nice rant about DNSSEC.

feb 6 and 7: FOSDEM 2021

FOSDEM Online / 6 & 7 February 2021.

There's a matrix room for the debian stand. Thanks to the lovely matrix/fosdem people, and especially the person with nick "half-shot", it is being bridged to IRC at freenode/#fosdem-debian-stand . There's a Debian stand webpage @ fosdem.org.

becha and marcin.juszkiewicz wrote about fosdem2021. FOSDEM 2021 was 677 speakers, 764 events, and 114 tracks.

What I learned this fosdem: There is camp.fsf.org.in. Again a nice blog by marcin.juszkiewicz.

Very nice presentation by Tobie Langel: "does open source need its own priority of constituencies". Inspired by w3.org on prioritiy of constituencies:

3.2. Priority of Constituencies

In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity. In other words costs or difficulties to the user should be given more weight than costs to authors; which in turn should be given more weight than costs to implementors; which should be given more weight than costs to authors of the spec itself, which should be given more weight than those proposing changes for theoretical reasons alone.

There was a community devroom on mental health and free software.

Update сре 24 02:45: The video from the facebook Linux desktops talk was posted.

чет, 4. феб 2021.: 2e kamer verkiezingen 2021

kiesraad schreef: "Van de 41 partijen leverden er 22 voor het eerst een kandidatenlijst in. 39 partijen willen in alle 20 kieskringen deelnemen aan de verkiezing, behalve Healthy Earth, deze partij wil in 9 kieskringen deelnemen, en Partij voor de Republiek deze wil in 2 kieskringen deelnemen."

чет, 4. феб 2021.: Loesje

Loesje is nu al 38 jaar (24 november 1983). Meer op goud van oud.

сре, 3. феб 2021.: debian installer and non-free software

On Debian Installer and non-free, and on installing Debian (exactly my experience too) by Russ Allbery.

сре, 3. феб 2021.: r-cran-statcheck

уто 02 20:09 <bunk> r-cran-statcheck will miss bullseye unless a source-only
                    upload happens very soon (binary-all cannot be binNMU'ed).
Thanks bunk!
joostvb@banach:~/gi...kg-team/r-cran-statcheck% dupload \

пон, 1. феб 2021.: falsehoods programmers believe about names

From 2010, still valid: falsehoods programmers believe about names.

чет, 28. јан 2021.: sudo

for those who didn't like the jan 26 sudo news: doas and sup are (not drop-in!) replacements. update чет, 4. феб 2021. 10:15:30 CET: there is please - sudo like program with regex support written in rust (tnx p2-mate)

update чет, 18. мај 2023.: there's also really(8) from chiark-utils.

уто, 26. јан 2021.: webbrowsers, again

lariza: on 2021-01-22 15:34: Release v21.01. no itp, no rfp yet (run wnpp-check to verify). Also: vimb: no itp/rfp as of сре, 27. јан 2021., it seems. and there's still surf and uzbl.

нед, 24. јан 2021.: MiniDebConf India

Sérgio de Almeida Cipriano Júnior gave a presentation on Matrix Setup. I participated in the Debian Diversity BOF which was organised by Rhonda D'Vine. A Report of the conference got published.

Fri, 22 Jan 2021 23:00:13 +0000: r-cran-statcheck

From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Debian R Packages Maintainers, Joost van Baal-Ilić
Subject: r-cran-statcheck_1.3.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable,

нед, 24. јан 2021.: reading @ lag

reading sessions at ]LAG(. tnx maxigas.

сре, 20. јан 2021: ToD

Must listen: 2 albums by ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead: "IX" (2014) and "X: The Godless Void and Other Stories" (2020). Must see: Hell on Wheels (2007) about roller derby, soundtrack by Trail of Dead.

сре, 20. јан 2021.: publicfile-installer

Subject: publicfile-installer 0.15 MIGRATED to testing

уто, 19. јан 2021.: verkiezingen

Als je gaat stemmen voor de 2e kamerverkiezingen: vergeet niet de Toeslagenaffaire en het gedoe met gas en aardbevingsschade in Groningen. Op app.stemmentracker.nl kun je nagaan welke van de partijen met zetels in de 2e kamer qua stemgedrag t meeste overeenkomt met jouw keuzes. Zie ProDemos voor meer stemhulpjes.

update пет, 12. феб 2021.: waaromkiesjij.nl.

update сре, 24. феб 2021.: kieswijzervoorkinderen.nl.

update суб, 27. феб 2021.: De (on-)betrouwbare overheid met o.a. Pieter Omtzigt over de Toeslagenaffaire, op youtube door De Balie, Amsterdam, Feb 26, 2021.

update сре, 3. мар 2021.: Peilingen: verzameld door wikipedia en op tomlouwerse.nl.

update нед, 26. мар 2023.: still going strong: partijgedrag.nl by Elwin Oost.

пон, 18. јан 2021.: OSM

Open Street Map:

joostvb@perun:~% telnet mapscii.me

(use 'a' and 'z' for zoom)

нед, 17. јан 2021.: link

Another nice piece by Bert Hubert: How Tech Loses Out over at Companies, Countries and Continents, posted on Jan 16 2021.

нед, 17. јан 2021.: fiets

gefietst: tilburg - breda - tilburg : heen bewolkt, terug sneeuw

fh - druisdijk - azc princenbos - sint annabosch - ulvenhoutse bos - grote kerk
- galgeveld - teteringse heide - steenoven - de lange rekken - reeshof -
reeshofdijk - fh

нед, 17. јан 2021.: boek

"Vier seizoenen in Damascus - Verslag van een land in oorlog", 2020 door Fernande van Tets.

суб, 16. јан 2021.: debian booth @ fosdem

again i'll help make the yearly Debian booth at FOSDEM happen, see Debian @ FOSDEM 2021.

And there will again not only be FOSDEM, but also offdem this year.

чет, 14. јан 2021.: book: morozov

Here's a review at The Guardian of "To Save Everything, Click Here" by Evgeny Morozov, 2013.

чет, 14. јан 2021.: publicfile-installer

Uploaded publicfile-installer_0.15 to debian contrib sid:

чет 14 17:49 < BTS> publicfile-installer 0.15 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić
                    (joostvb) (Closes: #918019, #930705)
чет 14 17:51 < BTS> Closed #918019 in publicfile-installer by Joost van
                    Baal-Ilić (joostvb) «[INTL:sv] Swedish strings for
                    publicfile-installer debconf». https://bugs.debian.org/918019
чет 14 17:51 < BTS> Closed #930705 in publicfile-installer by Joost van
                    Baal-Ilić (joostvb) «[INTL:fr] French debconf templates
                    translation». https://bugs.debian.org/930705

чет, 14. јан 2021.: chantal akerman, agnès varda

I've enjoyed No Home Movie (2015), by Chantal Akerman (★ 1950 - † 2015). Now I am even more sure I definately should see Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975).

Also: all movies by Agnès Varda. I did see "Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse" (The Gleaners and I) (2000): beautiful.

сре, 13. јан 2021.: r-cran-fdrtool, r-cran-statcheck

Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 08:19:01 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić, Debian R Packages Maintainers
Subject: r-cran-fdrtool_1.2.16-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 10:19:00 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Debian R Packages Maintainers, Joost van Baal-Ilić
Subject: r-cran-statcheck_1.3.0-1_amd64.changes is NEW
Message-Id: <E1kzdEy-0009Pg-32@fasolo.debian.org>

уто, 12. јан 2021.: decentralization

another great post by John Goerzen: why we need decentralized internet services.

уто, 12. јан 2021.: ren

ren: :39 kromhoutpark, kerk cederstraat, insectenhotel en vlindertuin reitseplein, spoorpark, personeel/goederen/onderhoudsweg talentsquare, spoorpark, begraafplaats bredaseweg, stichting de verdieping, sint annahof, gardiaanhof, observantenhof

уто, 12. јан 2021.: r-cran-ggrepel

Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 11:50:55 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić, Debian R Packages Maintainers
Subject: r-cran-ggrepel_0.9.0-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Message-Id: <E1kzICN-000J5h-9y@fasolo.debian.org>

нед, 10. јан 2021.: filetraq, uruk

Thanks to Holger Levsen:

Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 04:39:15 +0000
From: Debian testing watch
To: filetraq@packages.debian.org
Subject: filetraq 0.3+nmu1 MIGRATED to testing
Message-Id: <E1kySVX-0004Gl-7M@respighi.debian.org>

Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 04:39:50 +0000
From: Debian testing watch
To: uruk@packages.debian.org
Subject: uruk 20190121-1.1 MIGRATED to testing
Message-Id: <E1kySW6-0005Dt-0p@respighi.debian.org>

суб, 9. јан 2021.: universityrebellion

universityrebellion.nl is a thing.

суб, 9. јан 2021.: movie

If a Tree Falls: "A Story of the Earth Liberation Front" is a 2011 American documentary film by filmmaker Marshall Curry.

суб, 9. јан 2021.: draai

From: Debian testing watch
Subject: draai 20201215-2 MIGRATED to testing
To: draai@packages.debian.org
Message-Id: <E1ky61r-0000ZG-BC@respighi.debian.org>
Date: Sat, 09 Jan 2021 04:39:07 +0000

пет, 8. јан 2021.: cx_oracle

Backported src:python-cx-oracle to Debian 9/stretch, see 877946: ITP:cx_oracle - Python Interface for Oracle Database: python3-cx-oracle_7.3.debian-0.1+deb9u1_amd64.deb.

Fri, 08 Jan 2021: systraq

Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 04:39:15 +0000
From: Debian testing watch
To: systraq@packages.debian.org
Subject: systraq 20201231-1 MIGRATED to testing
Message-Id: <E1kxjYR-0006mD-KV@respighi.debian.org>

чет, 7. јан 2021.: merry christmas

чет 07 09:50 < joostvb> христос се роди
чет 07 10:45 < [..redacted..]> vaistinu se rodi
[11:56] [joostvb(+Zi)] [160:freenode/#hklbgd(+ct)] [Act: 141,145]

сре, 6. јан 2021.: amelisweerd

ikgadeboomin.org en stopverbredingringutrecht.nl: verzet: amelisweerd niet geasfalteerd!

нед, 3. јан 2021.: minidebconf india 2021 CfP

Reminder: Submit your event proposals for MiniDebConf India 2021 soon! Call for Proposals open till January 10th 2021. For more details visit in2021.mini.debconf.org CfP. At this minidebconf talks are expected in English, Hindi and Malayalam.

нед, 3. јан 2021.: systraq

Uploaded systraq_20201231-1_source.changes. See systraq on salsa for all the gory details.

нед 03 14:21 < BTS> systraq 20201231-1 uploaded by Joost van
  Baal-Ilić (joostvb) (Closes: #915293) https://tracker.debian.org/systraq

нед, 3. јан 2021.: eekboek

Date: Sun, 03 Jan 2021 04:41:52 +0000
Message-Id: <E1kvvDE-00030x-6E@respighi.debian.org>
From: Debian testing watch
To: eekboek@packages.d.o
Subject: eekboek 2.03.01-2 MIGRATED to testing

пет, 1. јан 2021.: doc-debian 6.5

Uploaded: doc-debian 6.5

From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić,
        Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
Subject: doc-debian_6.5_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Message-Id: <E1kvKn5-0000U2-6Y@fasolo.debian.org>
пет 01 14:48 < BTS> doc-debian 6.5 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
                    (Closes: #791673, #826544, #922929)

pretty old news: 2020

чет, 31. дец 2020.: eekboek

Another eekboek upload to Debian/unstable:

Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 19:48:31 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić, Debian Perl Group
Subject: eekboek_2.03.01-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Message-Id: <E1kv3vz-000Fk4-VY@fasolo.debian.org>
чет 31 20:48 < BTS> eekboek 2.03.01-2 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)

чет, 31. дец 2020.: unciv

Uncivilisation - The Dark Mountain Manifesto by Paul Kingsnorth and Dougald Hine e.a., 2009.

dec 2020: music, quote

dec 2020, somewhere on linkedin a "Founder & Group CEO" said:

"If you could implement one policy / idea to improve the music industry so it
better supports creators, no matter where they live in 2021 and beyond, what
would it be?"

to which Vincent Koreman replied:

"music is not an industry, its a form of communication between people."

сре, 30. дец 2020.: doc-debian

doc-debian work: replied to Bug#839709: "doc-debian: {mirror}/debian/doc/constitution.txt is outdated (byhand fix)" and replied to another message.

сре, 30. дец 2020.: ren

ren 34 min: kolektivo dubiosa, geefhuishof, broekhovense kerk, transvaalplein, "markt", oude dijk

сре, 30. дец 2020.: gemini: http redone

still active: gemini, see also Drew Devault.

уто, 29. дец 2020.: yet another attempt: draai

уто 29 21:16 < BTS> draai 20201215-2 uploaded by Joost van Baal-Ilić (joostvb)
@ OFTC/#debian-devel-changes
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 20:16:37 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić
Subject: draai_20201215-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Thank you for your contribution to Debian.

It made it through the arch all buildd:

draai → 20201215-2 → all → 2020-12-29 20:32:34 (text)
sbuild (Debian sbuild) 0.79.1 (22 April 2020) on x86-csail-02.debian.org

| draai 20201215-2 (amd64)                     Tue, 29 Dec 2020 20:31:56 +0000 |


| Summary                                                                      |

Build Architecture: amd64
Build Type: all
Distribution: sid
Job: draai_20201215-2
Status: successful
Finished at 2020-12-29T20:32:29Z
Build needed 00:00:33, 904k disk space
Signature with key 'C3E70C89D8CF6DBDC6DF277BC6EA344ECA1497EA' requested:
 signfile buildinfo /home/buildd/build/draai_20201215-2_all-buildd.buildinfo C3E70C89D8CF6DBDC6DF277BC6EA344ECA1497EA
 signfile changes /home/buildd/build/draai_20201215-2_all-buildd.changes C3E70C89D8CF6DBDC6DF277BC6EA344ECA1497EA

Successfully signed buildinfo, changes files

уто, 29. дец 2020.: draai

yet another draai upload: a source-only one @ дец 29 19:39:

joostvb@banach:~/lo...ai/draai-20201215% dpkg-genchanges -S > ../draai_20201215-1_amd64.changes
joostvb@banach:~/lo...ai/draai-20201215% gpg --clearsign ../draai_20201215-1_amd64.changes
joostvb@banach:~/lo...ai/draai-20201215% mv ../draai_20201215-1_amd64.changes{.asc,}
joostvb@banach:~/lo...ai/draai-20201215% dupload --to anonymous-ftp-master ../draai_20201215-1_amd64.changes

пон, 28. дец 2020.: interviews: art, literature, ...

Louisiana Channel publishes video's (on youtube). Weekly; on art, literature, architecture and design. Produced by Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark.

пон, 28. дец 2020.: 'tijdelijke natuur'

tijdelijke natuur:
"Grondeigenaren, soms zelf ook natuurliefhebber,
besteden kosten om de natuur van hun terrein te
weren, voorafgaand aan de realisatie van de
terreinbestemming. Dat was een onbedoeld
negatief neveneffect van de Flora- en faunawet.
De ontheffing Tijdelijke Natuur is bedoeld om
dit neveneffect teniet te doen. Met die
ontheffing mogen grondeigenaren de beschermde
flora en fauna verwijderen op het moment dat de
gronden nodig zijn. Daar zijn wel enkele
voorwaarden aan verbonden. Zo geldt deze
toestemming alleen voor de beschermde planten en
dieren die zich nog niet op het terrein bevonden
vóórdat het een Tijdelijk Natuurgebied werd. Ook
moet worden voldaan aan de zorgplicht."

I'd prefer "rewilding". In Wageningen, prof.dr. ES (Liesbeth) Bakker is special professor of Rewilding Ecology.

суб, 26. дец 2020.: draai

draai_20201215-1 was accepted in Debian/unstable at Sat, 26 Dec 2020 18:33:36 +0000

But "a new source-only upload is needed to allow migration" to testing.

суб, 26. дец 2020.: debian and not^Wnetqmail

Debian 11/bullseye will very likely not ship with any qmail: in may 2020 Debian Bug #961289 got posted: "RM: netqmail -- RoQA; Orphaned, abandoned upstream, plenty of alternatives exist". Since aug 2019, a Request For Packaging notqmail is open: RFP: notqmail -- Collaborative successor to qmail. The notqmail project is still active: notqmail 1.08 got issued 20 May 2020.

суб, 26. дец 2020.: Bert Hubert

Bert Hubert on Corona Vaccine: a crash course in genetics, made easy for computer programmers.

пет, 25. дец 2020.: complete.org

John Goerzen is publishing some really nice posts this christmas.

пет, 25. дец 2020.: hitch, documentaries

Documentary "This Train I Ride" by Arno Bitschy, 2019. 77 min, Available from arte.tv till 19/01/2021. It's not really giving a realistic representation of train hikers, see this post from Ignacio to the hitch list, Fri, 25 Dec 2020 22:45:05 +0100. A documentary which is imnsho better in lots of aspects is "This Time". Shot in Finland, Norway, Sweden, Åland, and Sápmi by Dara Moroney e.a., 2012; about reaching Cape North by hitchhiking.

пон, 21. дец 2020.: l10n and i18n

infrastructure for l10n and i18n: hosted weblate for translations, might cost € 17,- a month. for both gnu and non-gnu software, there's translationproject.org.

нед, 20. дец 2020.: writers

Writers from Eindhoven: Henk van Straten and Tilburg:

Ook leuk in Tilburg: stadstraat013.nl door Pia van den Berg e.a.

update dd уто, 6. апр 2021.: in augustus 2019 schreef Martin Beversluis een open brief over tilburgs stadsdichterschap.

нед, 20. дец 2020.: nice software for corona work-from-home, and for christmas

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade arandr xsnow

update, 27 dec: Debian 11/bullseye will ship with xsnow 3.1.1 (or newer) in main (1.42 was in non-free in buster). Thanks Willem Vermin.

нед, 20. дец 2020.: ren

ren: fh - hertogstraat vv

нед, 20. дец 2020.: Orthodox Catholic Church in Tilburg

Orthodoxe Parochie van de Heilige Porfyrios no longer near bredaseweg, no longer near kruisvaardersstraat, but now uses for its diensten: Kerkstraat 2, 5056 AC Berkel-Enschot.

18 dec 2020: Costes and Anne Van der Linden

Kurt Snoekx for la revue bruxelloise Bruzz, nov 2019:

Anne Van der Linden turned sixty this year, but the star of the French underground still makes the same brutal work as when she had just exchanged her protective bourgeois home for a squat and a tangle of incalcitrant, subversive ideas. [...] her work is so essential and so desperately needed, whatever the ever-unanimous, nonsense spewing guardians of good taste who want to safeguard themselves from any and all inappropriate influences may claim, while a world in ruins processes past us on TV and on the street every day. We're all swimming in the same beautiful shit. That acceptance germinates here. As does rage.

If you can't get enough of that, you might also like costes (NSFW) (also on Wikipedia). 'seul contre tous' since 1954. In 2000 he released a CD “Nike ta race!” on the Rectangle label with rap and raï musicians.

сре, 16. дец 2020.: mastodon

i joined mastodon, my handle is @joostvb@mastodon.green. or at mastodon.green/@joostvb.

уто, 15. дец 2020.: ren

ren: glasbak bij al-a-a- , begraafplaats bredaseweg, 2 kleine huisjes, straatje langs odulphus, stadskantoor, tussen studentenflat en spoor, spoorpark, brug over spoor heen, trap naar beneden, noordzijde spoor, trap op, over spoor heen, tuin met schaamheg, interessant stroomhuisje met boom erin, achterzijde theresialyceum, voorzijde olympia, maranatha, .... , boom met "onderbroek" ... , FH


 чет, 10. дец 2020.: 70 min: fh, om korvelse kerk en schotse hooglanders
  bij blaak heen
 нед, 11. окт 2020.: 48 min: fh, begraafplaats st antonius van padua of
  korvelsekerk, willem ii kazerne / politie / traverse, stappegoor,
  dampad, water ten oosten van rhenus, guido gezellestr, laarveld oost,
  coba pulskenslaan, fh
 пон, 31. авг 2020.: 29 min: fh, dampad, stappegoor, fh
 пон,  3. авг 2020.: 40 min: fh - Vittorio - fh.  Dus naar 't mobiele
  winkeltje van Jamshied "Vittorio" Desikan: Perzisch IJs in Tilburg
 нед, 19. јул 2020.:   30 min: achterom bij Natuurcamping De Duiventoren
  in Steenoven, tussen Rijen en Dongen.
 пон, 13. јул 2020.:   45 min: om knooppunt blaakweg/ringbaan zuid heen:
  fh, laarveld west, van limburg stirum laan, slingepad, dr hub van
  doorneweg, gen winkelmanstraat, laarveld oost
 уто,  7. јул 2020.:   30 min: spoorpark, kromhoutpark
 суб, 27. јун 2020.: 1:12    : fietstunnel in aanleg,
  broekhovenseweg-ringbaan, leypark, hotel tilburg, hoogste berg van
  tilburg, nieuwe leij, a58 bij berglandweg, a58 bij fontys,
  apennijnenweg 11
 чет, 25. јун 2020.:   51 min: fh, zwembad, berglandweg 32, pindosstraat
  apennijnenweg 11. dennis ontmoet.
 za   20  jun 2020 :   52 min: over vergeten track van bels lijntje met
  dank aan stappers voor het debian ren-shirt.
 пет, 21. феб 2020.:   23 min: boerke mutsaers nieuwe nieuw stadsbos 013
 пет, 24. јан 2020.:   20 min
 чет, 16. јан 2020.:   47 min
 сре,  8. јан 2020.:   40 min

 сре, 13. нов 2019.    46 min: heide witbrant, vijver tussen wildrick en
  berkenrode, kapel van Orthodoxe Parochie van de Heilige Porfyrios,
  geplande horeca bij landgoed heidepark, grotto in oude warande.
 чет,  7. нов 2019.:   40 min: verborgen vijvertje op de akker, vijver op
  zichtlijn in oude warande
 сре, 30. окт 2019.:   62 min: spoorwegovergang burg van voorst tot
  voorst laan, berg bij de vijver, bredaseweg 471 tussen landgoederen
  wildrick en berkenrode , aankomende horeca @ bredaseweg 546,
  berkenrode, kruising bredasweg-zwartvenseweg, tussen bredaseweg en
 пет, 27. сеп 2019.:           vanaf black box. tijd onbekend
 чет, 19. сеп 2019.:   51 min: FH, voormalige dampad, noordkant A 58,
  brug Nieuwe Ley / Hilvarenbeekseweg (@ 30 min), ringbaan
  zuid/broekhovenseweg, schalk burgerstraat, FH
 пон,  9. сеп 2019.:   47 min: black box - geheime vijvertje in t
 сре, 28. авг 2019.:   66 min: fh - tilburgse berg bij leypark vv
 чет, 22. авг 2019.:   54 min: fh, om evenemententerrein het laar heen,
  puntje de katsbochten, la defense, laarsepad, katsbochte, fh
 нед, 18. авг 2019.:   33 min: om willem II stadion heen: fokkerhof,
  dampad, 6 meter de lucht in, irene wust, langs ringbaan zuid,
 чет, 11. јул 2019.:   66 min: spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, vijvertje
  reeshofbos, spoorwegovergang campenhoef, rechtsaf voor baron van voorst
  tot voorstweg spoorwegovergang, linksaf voor aankomende
  horecavoorziening, zwartvenseweg over bij bredaseweg
 сре, 15. мај 2019.:   38 min: berk in de boom, om 3 vijvertjes heen, om
  aankomende horecavoorziening heen, om hockeyvelden heen,
  spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg
 сре,  8. мај 2019.:   33 min: om t vijvertje in de akker heen
 сре, 24. апр 2019.:   26 min: Bredaseweg/Baron van VtV weg,
  spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg
 сре, 17. апр 2019.:   41 min: met boog om vijvertje reeshofbos heen want
  mestinjecteerder was bezig.
 сре, 10. апр 2019.:   36 min: P, spoorovergang zwartvenseweg, langendijk
  / baden powelllaan, spoorovergang burg baron van voorst tot voorst,
  spoorovergang zwartvenseweg, P
 пон,  1. апр 2019.:   37 min: P, zuidzijde spoor, fietstunneltje en om
  sportcomplex campenhoef heen, noordzijde spoor, P

Zie ook deze prachtige kaart.

уто, 15. дец 2020.: draai

now shipping draai version 20201215 - The 江漢區 Release. See the manpage.

пет, 11. дец 2020.: doc-debian

worked on doc-debian, Bug #922929 doc-debian: "please convert to git and migrate to salsa" is fixed after almost 2 years. Did some other work too:

#826544: doc-debian: "Please make the package build reproducibly"
#791673: doc-debian: "please make .txt files UTF-8 independently of
    the locale of the build system"
#977160: www.debian.org: "mention package doc-debian
    (constitution, dfsg etc.) at https://www.debian.org/doc/"
#896067: doc-debian: "missing text on

Upload: RSN...

нед, 25. окт 2020.: upgrade

upgrade beskar to 10.6 buster stable

суб, 24. окт 2020.: braillefont

Message-Id: <E1kWYBg-0009tm-C8@fasolo.debian.org>
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 05:03:24 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: urbec, joostvb
Subject: braillefont_1.0-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Thank you for your contribution to Debian.

чет, 22. окт 2020.: upgrade

Did an upgrade of beskar, the machine running this website from Debian 8.11 jessie oldoldstable to 9.13 stretch oldstable. It was about time. More to come soonish. (It was installed as Debian 6 (Squeeze) by Sen (IEF) / soleus, in july 2011. In feb 2016 it was upgraded from 7.9 wheezy to 8 jessie.)

сре, 21. окт 2020.: book: linda tirado

Linda Tirado is on patreon as bootstrap and as 'killermartinis' on twitter. A nice interview with her is available from c-span, more at c-span.org/person/?lindatirado. Linda Tirado wrote "Hand to Mouth - Living in Bootstrap America", published by G.P. Putnam's Sons in October 2014, ISBN 0-698-17528-X.

сре, 21. окт 2020.: 3 links

SSH 2FA with Google Authenticator and Yubikey by Antoine "anarcat" Beaupré.

Musings on long-term software support and economic incentives by Louis-Philippe Véronneau.

Gehannes met de anderhalve meter; en dat is zee-hee-ven door Suzan Fikke.

суб, 17. окт 2020.: braillefont

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 23:00:11 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Judit, joostvb
Subject: braillefont_1.0-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Message-Id: <E1kTYhn-000HMn-S3@fasolo.debian.org>

"Thank you for your contribution to Debian."

15 okt 2020: interview

Got interviewed about free software, by Lena Trullier, for her study at Design Academy Eindhoven.

She told me about the book "Plunder of the Commons A Manifesto for Sharing Public Wealth" by Guy Standing, from 2019.

пон, 7. сеп 2020.: maps for netherlands

For when Open Streetmap does not sufice: topotijdreis (old maps) and verbeterdekaart (kadaster / topografische dienst maps).

update, нед, 26. дец 2021.: stapstenen van maritieme geschiedenis / stepping stones of maritime history: ship wrecks and other historical artifacts on an interactive world map.

update, нед, 2. апр 2023.: topokaartnederland.nl.

суб, 5. сеп 2020.: Computer Science and Education

"The case against CS master’s degrees", April 2020 by Oz Nova.

пон, 31. авг 2020.: fresh youtube-dl on Debian stable

How to install a bleeding edge youtube-dl (or any software from unstable/sid) on a Debian stable 10/buster system:

joostvb@oganj:~% echo 'APT::Default-Release "buster";' | \
 sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01release
joostvb@oganj:~% echo deb http://deb.debian.org/debian sid main | \
 sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sid.list
joostvb@oganj:~% sudo apt update && sudo apt -V install youtube-dl/sid

It'll now get automagically kept up to date when doing your regular system updates (e.g. by running

sudo apt update && sudo apt -V dist-upgrade

NB: do this only when you like to live on the edge. In almost all circumstances, tracking youtube-dl from buster-backports gives better results in the end.

чет, 27. авг 2020.: DebConf20 Online

The 21st Debian Conference was being held online. Preparations were coordinated at the DebConf20 Wiki. Videos are being collected at video.debian.net, see how-to-watch-these-videos.txt for instructions.

Graphic design by Abraham Raji: the Debian India designer.

пет, 28. авг 2020.: plain text

Relying on plain-text email is a 'barrier to entry' for kernel development, says Linux Foundation board member. Microsoft's 'open source wonk' Sarah Novotny wants to see easier ways for people to get involved. As reported on The Register, Tue 25 Aug 2020.

28 aug 2020: cheese and wine @ debconf20

At 2020 Debian DebConf I've joined the Cheese and Wine at Home session, there's a video.

чет, 27. авг 2020.: article

Prof. Alessandra Arcuri, Full Professor in International and European Union Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam wrote Tomatoes, Racial Capitalism and Barikama.

aug 26, 2020: poetry @ debconf20

At 2020 Debian DebConf I've joined the DebConf Poetry Night, there's a video.

уто, 25. авг 2020.: braillefont, finally

Finally build and uploaded braillefont 1.0-1 for urbec. It's now in NEW.

чет, 20. авг 2020.: engelfriet

iusmentis.com, door Arnoud Engelfriet. Al sinds een jaar of 20.

чет, 20. авг 2020.: boek

boek: De Verborgen Impact - Babette Porcelijn, 2016

сре, 19. авг 2020.: spectrum os, like qubes

qubes os improved: Spectrum OS.

сре, 19. авг 2020.: mpd and pulseaudio and user sessions

I gave up running mpd the old style. I now have

audio_output {
    type            "pulse"
    name            "My Pulse Output"

in /etc/mpd.conf, did some chmod g+w things, and created lots of symlinks all over the place, like e.g.

~joostvb/.mpdconf -> /etc/mpd.conf

. It seems running

joostvb@perun:~% sudo chown $USER /run/mpd
joostvb@oganj:~% { mpd --no-daemon --stderr 2>&1 | logger } &

and starting an mpd client now gives me music.

update уто, 15. дец 2020.: see also the great Arch Wiki for a slightly different way to tackle this.

чет, 13. авг 2020.: enosig

enosig, EindhoveN Open Source Interest Group, sinds 2001 | http://www.enosig.org
чет 13 07:26 < joostvb> Domain Name: ENOSIG.ORG
чет 13 07:26 < joostvb> Registry Expiry Date: 2020-10-30T22:04:51Z
чет 13 07:30 < joostvb> o, en
чет 13 07:30 < joostvb> Creation Date: 2000-10-29T23:04:51Z
чет 13 07:30 < joostvb> t waren 20 mooie jaren :)
[17:47] [@joostvb(+Ri)] [11:OFTC/#enosig(+ns)]

Update: met dank aan Michiel Buddingh: Registry Expiry Date: 2023-10-30T22:04:51Z. We kunnen dus nog minstens drie jaar in de lucht blijven.

уто, 11. авг 2020.: wire

crowdfunder for People In A Film, documentary about post punk band Wire.

пет, 31. јул 2020.: leesvoer

Poverty, Wealth and the Future (tnx Vesna)

30 juli 2020: RIP Maarten Biesheuvel

RIP Maarten Biesheuvel (★ 23 mei 1939 - † 30 juli 2020). Hij schreef o.a. Slechte Mensen (1972)'. Meer op dbnl.

чет, 30. јул 2020.: wazige mannen

Thing I Learned: Op 13 juni 1992 speelde ik met mn bandje "Wazige Mannen" in 2B, Eindhoven. Zie Zesde Kolonne - 35 jaar een andere cultuur over 2B en Flipside in Eindhoven.

уто, 28. јул 2020.: book: francesca polletta

Yet another book on my wishlist: Freedom Is an Endless Meeting - Democracy in American Social Movements by Francesca Polletta. 294 pages, 2002. Paper USD 34.00 ISBN: 9780226674490 Published 2004.

And a video: How Characters and Storytelling Drive Social Change - ActivateWorld .

чет, 23. јул 2020.: free alternatives to data silos in the age of the panopticum

bibliogram.art is to instagram what invido.us is to youtube. (tnx Unit193)

update чет, 13. авг 2020.: and what nitter is to twitter.

update суб, 29. авг 2020.: and what gettogether.community is to wework's meetup.com.

пон, 13. јул 2020.: blm

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, june 7, 2020: John Oliver discusses how the histories of policing and white supremacy are intertwined, the roadblocks to fixing things, and some potential paths forward. (Thanks Enrico Zini on police brutality).

пет, 10. јул 2020.: politics

Three recommended political media outlets: The Juice Media's "Honest Government Ad", first dog on the moon by Andrew Marlton and: The alt right playbook by Innuendo Studios from Ian Danskin.

уто, 7. јул 2020.: astroturfing and PaaS: Protester as a Service

"Astroturfing: How To Spot A Fake Movement" by Second Thought.

уто, 7. јул 2020.: docwerk: kunst en cultuur in brabant

Docwerk met heel veel korte documentaires over kunst en cultuur uit Brabant. Elke aflevering bestaat uit een portret van een kunstenaar en een beeldcolumn.

уто, 7. јул 2020.: Can and Krautrock

On my wishlist: Romantic Warriors IV – Krautrock: documentary series on history of Can and other Krautrock bands.

сре, 1. јул 2020.: Boris Ryzhy

Boris Borisovich Ryzhy, or Ryzhii (Russian: Борис Борисович Рыжий; 8 September 1974 – 7 May 2001), was a Russian poet and geologist. Some poems by Ryzhy have been translated into English, Italian, German, Dutch and Serbian. He committed suicide on May 7, 2001, at the age of 26. He was born and died in Yekaterinburg / Sverdlovsk.

Aliona van der Horst made the documentary "Boris Ryzhy" in 2009.

уто, 30. јун 2020.: teachyourselfcs.com

Nice overview of gratis teaching material for a serious Computer Science course "Teach Yourself Computer Science".

пон, 29. јун 2020.: drawing

from sept 2019: drawing by nina

пон, 29. јун 2020.: boek: arjen kamphuis

Book: Infosecurity (Gran knows why) - Collected works of Arjen Kamphuis, with a preface by prof. dr. Bart Jacobs. € 25,-.

пон, 29. јун 2020.: xkcd

xkcd 2030: Voting Software. Could also be said about software in general.

пон, 29. јун 2020.: brave, jitsi, browsers

From june 2017: Debian Bug report - #864795 RFP: brave-browser -- web browser with privacy and micropayment features. And: for some as of yet unknown to me reason, after joining a jitsi session with firefox, I can't get audio delivered to me when about 3 minutes in the meeting. When using chromium, it just works.

update: And then there's the Vivaldi browser, too.

сре, 17. јун 2020.: mcl

It's good to see Debian still cares about mcl by Stijn van Dongen:

сре 17 12:36 -KGB-2:#debian-med- mcl tags 5595ee9 Andreas Tille
      debian/1%14-137+ds-6 * mcl Debian release 1:14-137+ds-6 *

And: Debian's mcl comes with a patch offering ocaml support.

сре, 17. јун 2020.: Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης

I Like Hearts Like Mine: Markos Vamvakaris, a documentary by George C. Zervas, 65 minutes, 2001. On DVD for € 35,-. About artist Márkos Vamvakáris (Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης, ★ 1905 – † 1972).

пон, 15. јун 2020.: privacy

Scientific publication: Privacy_Threats_in_Intimate_Relationships by Bruce Schneier with Karen Levy of Cornell University.

пон, 15. јун 2020.: instagram and nudity

Nice article Undress or fail: Instagram’s algorithm strong-arms users into showing skin by Judith Duportail, Nicolas Kayser-Bril, Kira Schacht and Édouard Richard, June 15, 2020:

Almost a century ago, famed British author Virginia Woolf said that women needed “a room of one’s own” to allow for their creativity to flourish. Deferring to the opinion of external authorities, she wrote, was like inviting rot to develop at the heart of one’s work. On Instagram, deferring to the opinion of the authorities that built the newsfeed algorithm is not a choice. Refusing to show body parts dramatically curtails one’s audience. Male and female entrepreneurs must abide by the rules set by Facebook’s engineers if they want to stand a chance of making a living.

пон, 15. јун 2020.: serbia and art

There is more cool art from Serbia then just Марина Абрамовић. E.g.: Maja Bekan, Škart, Činč. And when you're in Belgrade, be sure to check out Музеј савремене уметности.

чет, 11. јун 2020.: caspar

New caspar release: version 20200611 - The Minneapolis Release, dedicated to James Baldwin (★ 1924 – † 1987); new caspar Debian package (20200611-1) 17 Jun 2020.

Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:03:34 +0000
From: Debian FTP Masters
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić
Subject: caspar_20200611-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

The .deb entered in the Debian archive, and this version (or a newer one) will likely end up in the upcoming Debian 11/bullseye release. This caspar release will likely enter Debian bullseye (testing). (Debian 7/wheezy (stable) ships caspar 20120530-1; Debian 6/squeeze (oldstable) ships caspar 20100624-1 [...] etch 20060618-1; sarge 20050302-1.)

You can read about the changes in the Debian package, and about what's new in the caspar tarball.

If you'd like to use this new caspar on your Debian 10/buster system, you can just fetch the unstable package and install that one: there are very few (and only harmless) dependencies. Or, even better, you might like to try to track this package using apt pinning.

уто, 9. јун 2020.: nvc

A nice find on youtube: over 3 hours Non Violent Communication workshop by Marshall Rosenberg himself "NVC Marshall Rosenberg - San Francisco Workshop", 2000. With English subtitles.

уто, 9. јун 2020.: James Baldwin

Some background for those who'd like to think about George Floyd Protests:

In 1965, American novelist and social critic James Baldwin (★ 1924 – † 1987) debated William Buckley at the Cambridge Union Society, Cambridge University, UK. The topic of the debate was, "The American Dream is at the expense of the American negro." Available at youtube; a short clip is available too.

A very nice conversation by author James Baldwin and American poet Nikki Giovanni (★ 1943) was recorded in London, November 1971 for the SOUL! TV show. It was broadcasted December 15, 1971 (Part I) and December 22, 1971 (Part II). Available from youtube.

12 maart 2020: 20 jaar puscii

maart 2020: 20 jaar puscii. Opening puscii was zondag 12 maart 2000.

пон, 24. феб 2020.: borders and topology

"Dahala Khagrabari was an Indian enclave belonging to the District of Cooch Behar in the State of West Bengal. This was a piece of India within a piece of Bangladesh within a piece of India within Bangladesh, making it the only third-order enclave (or counter-counter enclave) in the world [...]" More at our beloved Wikipedia.

суб, 22. феб 2020.: music: ketacore

ketacore.com, ketacore @ occii, ketacore @ bandcamp.

чет, 20. феб 2020.: links

hackerspace.design: building communities with do-ocracy.

сре, 19. феб 2020.: roller derby

TIL: Roller Derby and: Femmes For Freedom.

сре, 19. феб 2020.: RK Veulpoepers BV

Documentaire "De hippies van Beek", over het roemruchte verleden van de RK Veulpoepers BV door regisseurs Frank van Osch en Joris Hendrikx. dedocupdate.com schrijft: "[...] de enige echte (bijna)hit die de Poepers ooit hadden: Café Den Egelantier. Een nummer dat ze destijds, natuurlijk, niet op televisie wilden playbacken. ‘Ja, een tweede huis in Spanje’, grapt Zjef Naaijkens daarover, geheel in stijl. ‘Had-ie kunnen hebben, heeft-ie niet gedaan!’"

Ook: Zjef Naaijkens bij "De burgemeester van Tilburg", Aug 30, 2017, over sollicitatiecursussen.

уто, 18. феб 2020.: vondelbunker

Nice manifesto at vondelbunker.nl/manifest. "Omdat geld buiten het programmerproces wordt gehouden, blijft succes van een event een radicaal onmeetbare en persoonlijke ervaring."

уто, 18. феб 2020.: links: burnout and motivation

Very nice and short summary: "Reasons for job burnout and what motivates people in their job" by Ulrike Uhlig. Also "Recognising burnout": a talk by Andrew Hutchings at FOSDEM 2020.

пон, 17. феб 2020.: link: "If I know your friends, then I know a lot about you!"

Information flow reveals prediction limits in online social activity by Adrian Colyer, about the article by James P. Bagrow, Xipei Liu and Lewis Mitchell., arVix 2017 or "If I know your friends, then I know a lot about you!"

пон, 17. феб 2020.: hsnijmegen

hackerspace nijmegen is growing up: it's getting more independent from hackerspace budapest. I've been involved a bit when stef, of pitchfork fame, was bootstapping this space in Nijmegen.

пон, 17. феб 2020.: hpx

Helped "tarzeau" packaging hpx for debian:

пон 17 09:34 <tarzeau> and hpx is in new queue :)

hpx 1.4.1-1 Maintainer: Gürkan Myczko Sponsor: kilobyte@d.o; Bug #930923 "ITP: hpx -- C++ Standard library for parallelism and concurrency"

суб, 15. феб 2020.: link: draft-knodel-terminology-00

Terminology, Power and Oppressive Language, Oct 2018, aka draft-knodel-terminology-00: "This document argues for and describes alternatives that shift specific language conventions used by RFC Authors and RFC Editors to avoid oppressive terminology in the technical documentation of the RFC series. Specifically, this document details two sets of terms that are normalised on the technical level but oppressive on a societal level." [...] "Table of Contents: 1. Terminology and power at the IETF; 1.1. Master-slave; 1.1.1. Suggested alternatives; 1.2. Blacklist-whitelist; 1.2.1. Suggested alternatives" [...].

пет, 14. феб 2020.: link

Old post (2016) by Adam Williamson: I don't like computers.

сре, 12. феб 2020.: link

sentimentalversioning.org by Dominic Tarr from scuttlebutt fame: "In his seminal text layout system, TeX, and his equally brilliant typeface design system, METAFONT, Donald uses a versioning number system that asymptotically approaches perfection. The version numbers of TeX approach π (the current version is 3.14159265) and the version numbers of METAFONT approach e. It has been prophesied that the last change not be made until after the day Donald ascends to heaven on a shining cloud. At that point, Donald will make one last ssh connection down from heaven to his server at Stanford University and set the version number unto π exactly. At that point all remaining bugs will be declared features, and the output from TeX will remain the same for all eternity."

нед, 9. феб 2020.: Projekt A

"Project A", a 2015 documentaty about anarchism by Marcel Seehuber and Moritz Springer. Now for eur 10,- available for download from vimeo.

нед, 9. феб 2020.: Soyuzmultfilm

ОСТОРОЖНО, ОБЕЗЬЯНКН! ("Watch Out: Monkeys!") is my favourite children's animation series ever. I haven't been able to find a lot of information about it. There's Wikipedia entries on Soyuzmultfilm and Леонид Аронович Шварцман - one of the makers. There's quite a lot of material on youtube.

And then there's this nice story about Russian animator and childrens book writer Влади́мир Григо́рьевич Суте́ев: "Suteev took part in the Great Patriotic War from the first days till the very end. He then returned to Soyuzmultfilm, but left it in just two years because of his unrequited love towards Tatiana Taranovich, also an animator who joined Soyuzmultfilm in 1946. Their sad story was well-known inside the animation community. She was 13 years younger than Suteev, happily married with a daughter. According to Tatiana's granddaughter, Suteev wrote "hundreds of letters" to her, but she answered only twice. Nevertheless, 37 years later they finally married. By that time they were both widowers; Suteev turned 80, while Taranovich was 67. They lived together for 10 more years and both died in 1993."

update: Krtek czech children's animation mole

update 14. јун 2020: Гора Самоцветов aka Mountain of Gems by the Pilot studio. "From 2004 on the studio has been working on Mountain of Gems [...] Over seventy 13-minute cartoons were produced with the support of the State Committee for Cinematography. They are based on fairy tales of Russian people and other ethnic groups that populate the Russian Federation and former Soviet states. Each short features distinctive art direction and animation technique, including claymation, stop motion, traditional and computer animation." Some highligths: Zhiharka / Жихарка , Kolobok / Колобок. There is a dedicated youtube channel.

суб, 8. феб 2020.: ut rooie bietje

I visited Ut Rooie Bietje. Sommigen geloven dat eind 2020 deze prachtige tuin gaat verdwijnen. bd.nl schrijft erover. Ut Rooie Bietje is 1 van de erfenissen van held Pater Poels.

чет, 6. феб 2020.: SyRI

"SyRi-wetgeving in strijd met het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens" tweets Haagse Rechtbank. And nos.nl reports on it on feb 5, 2020 in "Anti-fraudesysteem SyRI moet van tafel, overheid maakt inbreuk op privéleven":

"De huidige wetgeving over het omstreden overheidsprogramma Systeem Risico Indicatie (SyRI) moet van tafel. Deze is niet controleerbaar en respecteert het privéleven van betrokken burgers onvoldoende, zegt de rechtbank Den Haag. De wet die het inzetten van SyRI regelt, Structuur Uitvoeringsorganisatie Werk en Inkomen, is in strijd met artikel 8 van het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens. [...] SyRI is een initiatief van het ministerie van Sociale Zaken. Het systeem werd gebruikt in Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Haarlem en Capelle aan den IJssel, maar problemen bij de uitvoering of techniek gooiden roet in het eten. De rechtszaak was aangespannen door het Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten (NJCM), Platform Bescherming Burgerrechten, Privacy First en Stichting KDVP, oftewel De Koepel. Onder anderen columnist Maxim Februari en schrijver Tommy Wieringa hadden zich betrokken bij de zaak."

And also on asser.nl: "[...] the neighbourhoods where SyRI is now implemented used to have a helpdesk to provide support to file tax and welfare forms. However, this has since been closed due to budget cuts. This is problematic because filling out these forms without making any mistakes is a challenge for anyone, something that our previous Ombudsman Brenninkmeijer already recognised in 2013. [...]"

And zylstra.org: "SyRI is sinds 2015 toegepast in Eindhoven (G.A.L.O.P. II), de Afrikaanderwijk te Rotterdam, Capelle aan den IJssel, Rotterdam Bloemhof & Hillesluis en Haarlem Schalkwijk. Altijd in sociaal zwakkere wijken. En in contrast met alle verhalen over cutting edge dingen die je met big data en algoritmen kunt doen, werkt SyRi geheel niet. Het vonnis gaat daar verder niet op in, want het was geen onderdeel van de zaak. De Volkskrant achterhaalde vorig jaar echter dat er nog géén énkel fraudegeval is opgespoord sinds SyRI in 2014 wettelijk mogelijk werd. Maar iedere inwoner van de genoemde wijken is er wel als bij voorbaat verdacht voor aangemerkt."

En Peter Olsthoorn met veel linkjes naar bronnen. En Arnoud Engelfriet:

"[...] Grof gezegd: als in het weekend je waterverbruik hoger is dan normaal en je staat als alleenstaand bekend, dan ben je een mogelijke fraudeur, pardon een risico want kennelijk woont je partner in het weekend bij jou. Dus dan krijg je een onderzoek en moet je aantonen dat je in het weekend gewoon graag in bad gaat. (Let op dat jij de bewijslast hebt want jij moet alle relevante feiten melden, dus ook bewijzen dat je alles hebt gemeld. Ja dit is raar.) [...] [Het gaat hier om] wetgeving [...] waarvan het niet frauderen bepaald geen sinecure is. (Had ik al gezegd dat vergeten door te geven dat je moeder 3 weken komt logeren een vorm van fraude is?) [...]"

Op pilpnjcm.nl is veel technische informatie te vinden.

And Elizabeth M. Renieris writes on medium.com:

"The emerging case law shows us that we don’t need #ownyourdata campaigns or fancy data-as-property proposals to preserve our privacy, dignity, and autonomy. Rather, we need our lawful institutions to apply decades-old laws and principles to new and emerging technologies through an unchanging lens of our shared humanity. Despite a few panicked years of drowning in data and grasping at straws to govern this new reality, it may well be that the answer has been right in front of us all along."

1 feb 2020: bytenight @ hsbxl


Music - Weird music for weird people.


Something Nasty
Mike Rushmore
Jonny and the Bomb
Planete Concrete

I (DJ joostvb) did an improvised and joint performance with Jonny and the Bomb. It was truly awesome. Lots of the people present gave great feedback. This evening was my personal highlight of my 3-nights stay at Brussels this year. Hope to be able to do such a thing again next year. I saved my part of the playlist.

пет, 31. јан 2020.: introduction to free software and debian

Steve McIntyre gave 2 nice presentations: about Free and Open Source Software and about Debian. Slides published too.

пон, 27. јан 2020.: hackers magazine

PoC || GTFO hackers magazine

чет, 23. јан 2020.: poetry

updated: ~joostvb/poetry.html.

чет, 23. јан 2020.: craftsmanship

Now this is craftsmanship: the pieces by Tatja van Vark.

There's a nice interview (in dutch) on youtube, linked at craftsmanshipmuseum.com.

сре, 22. јан 2020.: LCA 2020: X history

Another nice talk at this years Linux Conference Australia: "A Political History of X" by Keith Packard (LCA 2020).

нед, 19. јан 2020.: links: computer programming

How to do computer programming:

And a nice document on how to do Ethical Web Development.

уто, 14. јан 2020.: carnaval en kruikenzeikers

History of carnaval in tilburg on tilburgers.nl and kruikenstad.com.

пон, 13. јан 2020.: links

the oatmeal on backfire effect and How is computer programming different today than 20 years ago? by Sedat Kapanoglu, Jan 9 2020.

сре, 8. јан 2020.: drawing by nina

Nina made a drawing of a robot: .

сре, 8. јан 2020.: gmane

A nice post about news.gmane.org.

суб, 4. јан 2020.: Debian GR

Fall out 2nd systemd vote in debian: Gerrit Pape and Dmitry 'KAction' Bogatov (among many others) gave responses. See also my post in thread on "Survivors of GR, please show that you're alive and kicking!" from Fri Jan 10 18:07:08 GMT 2020. Gerrit Pape orphaned all his djb-ish packages:

 #947694 O: checkpw -- checks password which is
  stored in ~/Maildir/.password
 #947695 O: cvm -- Credential Validation Modules
 #947696 O: daemontools -- collection of tools
  for managing UNIX services
 #947697 O: ezmlm-idx -- easy-to-use, high-speed
  mailing list manager for qmail
 #947698 O: freecdb -- creating and reading
  constant databases
 #947699 O: ipsvd -- Internet protocol service
 #947700 O: netqmail -- a secure, reliable,
  efficient, simple message transfer agent
 #947701 O: qmail-run -- sets up qmail as
 #947702 O: qmail-tools -- collection of tools
  for qmail
 #947703 O: tinydyndns -- pop-before-dyndns
  service using djbdns
 #947704 O: twoftpd -- a simple secure efficient
  FTP server
 #947705 O: ucspi-proxy -- Connection proxy for
  UCSPI tools
Dmitry Bogatov quit the Debian project. Around 2000 I was active on qmail-related mailing lists.

чет, 2. јан 2020.: ccc

What the World can learn from Hongkong - From Unanimity to Anonymity by Katharin Tai. As delivered at the 36C3 conference.

pretty old news: 2019

нед, 24. нов 2019.: ren

warandeloop, start nr 9123, 10 km businessrun. 'n Stel andere TiU-ers:

rank naam                                                tempo min/km
 1 Martijn Bloemberg   Tilburg University  M 9152 00:36:04 03:37
11 Jelle Sijtsema      Tilburg University  M 9118 00:38:58 03:54
61 Robbie van Aert     Tilburg University  M 9145 00:45:16
71 Joost van Baal-Ilic Tilburg University  M 9123 46:21     4:38
90 Kim Hendriks        Tilburg University  F 9113 00:47:36 04:46

уто, 12. нов 2019.: ublock with firefox on current debian 10/buster stable

How to get rid again of webadds which make the web unusable for me:

root@perun:~# echo deb https://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main >
root@perun:~# apt update && apt -V install -t buster-backports
 xul-ext-ublock-origin webext-ublock-origin

See also this blogpost by Markus Koschany.

уто, 12. нов 2019.: SyRI

SyRI-rechtzaak tegen de overheid, met mooi verslag door Catharina Bethlehem.

уто, 12. нов 2019.: railtrash.net

Teruggevonden, en nog steeds fantastisch railtrash door Victor M. Lansink.

Er komt een NVBS-lezing "Van sneue lijntjes en verdachte dijkjes", zie nvbs.com en railtrash:

20 nov. 2019  Hengelo
 2 dec. 2019  Utrecht
15 dec. 2019  Den Haag, Haags Openbaar Vervoermuseum, Parallelweg 225, Den Haag, "ergens in de middag".
4 maart 2020  Arnhem

пон, 11. нов 2019.: Debian init diversity

A well researched post:

What I can confirm depends on systemd-sysv are
 - systemd-cron (not relevant, we have cron)
 - dbus-user-session (can be replaced by dbus-x11, although apt doesn't
   find that solution)
 - libvirt-daemon-system (real problem)
 - udev (not relevant, we have eudev)
 - libpam-systemd (not relevant, that is the integration for
   dbus-user-session + co)

And: Debian 10 buster ships with 6 init systems:


суб, 9. нов 2019.: xs4all.nl^Wfreedom.nl

"Verkoopmedewerkers krijgen plots opdracht klanten pro­actief van de koperkabel naar de duurdere glasvezel te bewegen en hen over te halen bundels met tv en mobiele telefonie (van KPN) te kopen. Tot dan is het beleid bij Xs4all dat klanten die verandering willen, zelf zulke zaken vragen." @ "Kroniek van de ontmanteling van Xs4all" door Herman Stil voor Het Parool, 19 jan 2019. Update: er is sinds 11 november een alternatief: freedom.nl.

сре, 6. нов 2019.: locale braindeath

In this commit on mpv-player: "stream_libarchive: workaround various types of locale braindeath", wm4 wrote, in Nov 2017:

Fix that libarchive fails to return filenames for UTF-8/UTF-16 entries.
The reason is that it uses locales and all that garbage, and mpv does
not set a locale.

Both C locales and wchar_t are shitfucked retarded legacy braindeath. If
the C/POSIX standard committee had actually competent members, these
would have been deprecated or removed long ago. (I mean, they managed to
remove gets().) To justify this emotional outbreak potentially insulting
to unknown persons, I will write a lot of text. Those not comfortable
with toxic language should pretend this is a religious text.
All in all, I believe this proves that software developers as a whole
and as a culture produce worse results than drug addicted butt fucked
monkeys randomly hacking on typewriters while inhaling the fumes of a
radioactive dumpster fire fueled by chinese platsic toys for children
and Elton John/Justin Bieber crossover CDs for all eternity.

Tue, 5 Nov 2019: freedom.nl

Within 12 hours, they gathered almost 1 mln in loans. This is extraordinary:
the fund raising campaign for English version of The Correspondent was widely -
even internationally - publicised and promoted, yet it took The Correspondent
_eight_ fucking days to reach the one million mark. Plan B reached that same
mark in just over 12 hours, with no press _at all_ surrounding the start of
their loan campaign.  It's a blast from the past: when XS4al started way back
when, they hoped that they’d gather 500 subscribers within the ensuing year:
that would tide them over. Instead, they got more than 500 subscribers in one
weekend. The same thing is happening now.
             --Karin Spaink about what turned out to be the freedom.nl launch

za 2 november 2019: Open Source Event, Tilburg

Op zaterdag 2 november van 13:00 tot 16:00, LocHal, Burg. Brokxlaan 1000, Tilburg (naast het Centraal Station): Open Source Event 2019. Zie ook LEF - Linux Educatie.

Erg mooi evenement was dat. Met aseed.net, reclaim the seeds en os seeds; en ook Jan Willem de Groot van wikihouse van Alastair Parvin; ook op github.

пет, 1. нов 2019.: irc, resistance

IRC forever, from 2015, by Drew DeVault.

Full Spectrum Resistance - volume one: building movements and fighting to win (2019) by Aric McBay. The first part is available gratis as a pdf.

сре, 30. окт 2019.: bootstrappable

bootstrappable, again: presentation at DebConf19.

сре, 30. окт 2019.: pencil pushers and red tape

nice paperwork gem: travel-to-conference-reimbursement-process.

уто, 29. окт 2019.: Sinéad O'Connor

Some history: Sinéad O'Connor @ Saturday Night Live, 1992: In 1992 (3 Oct), O'Connor (then 26 years old) appeared on Saturday Night Live. She sang an a cappella version of Bob Marley's "War", which she intended as a protest against sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church, referring to child abuse rather than racism. She then tore a photo of Pope John Paul II into pieces. The incident occurred nine years before the Pope acknowledged the sexual abuse within the Church. Two weeks after the Saturday Night Live appearance, on 17 Oct 1992, she was set to perform "I Believe in You" at the Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary tribute concert in Madison Square Garden. The "don't let the bastards get you down"-incident happened, with Kris Kristofferson.

It's on youtube @ QiadASyP0bU and o8B_J-Bd0iE, and there's a twitter tweet on it @ audrawilliams/status/1086857070362705921 .

BTW: Sinéad O'Connor is touring now! november ireland, december germany, hungary, uk, feb 2020 canada and usa, march 2020 usa.

уто, 29. окт 2019.: webbrowsers, again

uzbl does not work out of the box with recent webkit; will likely never get fixed. there is lariza which looks promising (update 9 july 2020: also at github). and there's, from the suckless crew: apt install surf ( surf )

нед, 27. окт 2019.: minidebconf vaumarcus

Enjoyed minidebconf vaumarcus. Thanks a lot debian.ch and Tilburg University!

I did quite a lot:

Could help Tomáš Pospíšek with mailsync, see commit: using pkg-config's PKG_CHECK_MODULES in configure.ac. Results will be visible in mailsync >= 5.2.3~pre2-2.

Worked on bugs:

Learned about Waldmeister aka Galium odoratum aka Lievevrouwebedstro: it's poisonous and used in food: "Berliner Weiße mit Schuß" and "Maitrank" (thanks urbec).

Made a group photo (thanks OdyX for offering camera and uploading to salsa).

Worked on preparing the upcoming Debian Project News issue. Note to self: also do a "bits"?

Paul Gevers explained dgit to me: yes I really should start using this awesome tool. Dealing with quilt's debian/patches while doing git gives me a bad taste in my mouth. It's awesome dgit fixes this. (See also dgit-user(7), dgit-maint-gbp(7), dgit-maint-debrebase(7), dgit(1) and dgit(7).)

Paul explained relationship between .gitlab-ci.yml and autopkgtest (see also README.package-tests and AutopkgtestBestPractices) to me. (And see ci.debian.net for how Debian continuous integration (debci) calls autopkgtest.)

There was a lively discussion on tag2upload on saturday evening.

Thomas Goirand's daughter tought me (a tiny bit of) Mandarin.

Did some FOSDEM booth preparation with Pierre-Elliott Bécue e.a.

окт 2019.: hitc

volunteered for hitc (hack in the class) in bergen op zoom

сре, 2. окт 2019.: libsixel

Get images in your terminal: take a look at libsixel and lsix. Install it via

sudo apt install libsixel-bin
It works fine with
sudo apt install mlterm
. (didn't manage to get it working with gnome-terminal nor with xterm, yet).

уто, 1. окт 2019.: email

You should not run your mail server because mail is hard by OpenSMTPD's Gilles Chehade: "Our best interest is to have a WIDE variety of mail hosts and providers, small and big, commercial and not. We must not allow the number of mail hosts to shrink, they must increase so the e-mail address space out of the control of Big Mailer Corps remains significant. And by all means, we must not push everyone to use Big Mailer Corps [...]"

уто, 1. окт 2019.: music

np: Songs of Resistance 1942 - 2018 by Marc Ribot.

I see labor organizing as a way out of this situation we are in – an interview with Marc Ribot by Anica Stojanović and András Juhász, November 6, 2017 for Mašina.

нед, 29. сеп 2019.: spf

The mdcc.cx email domain now finally comes with an SPF record in DNS. (Google's gmail.com stopped accepting my mail yesterday.)

нед, 29. сеп 2019.: open azc

I again enjoyed Open AZC Dag. This year in Gilze. np: Khaira Arby, « le rossignol de Tombouctou » (★ 21 September 1959, ⵜⵏⴱⴾⵜⵓ, ⵜⵉⵏⴱⵓⴽⵜⵓ (Tumbutu) – † 19 August 2018, Bamako). And Druisdijk is a very nice place #til.

пет, 27. сеп 2019.: free software and internship for young and minority people

Since 2006 there is Outreachy: a program that organizes three-month paid internships with free and open-source software projects for people who are typically underrepresented in those projects. The program is organized by the Software Freedom Conservancy. Debian participates, see also Debian Outreach team.

There's also codein.withgoogle.com: "Pre-university students ages 13 to 17 are invited to take part in Google Code-in: Our global, online contest introducing teenagers to the world of open source development." and Google's Summer of Code.

And in The Netherlands there is Hack in the Class.

уто, 24. сеп 2019. irc and bridges

There is 42wim's matterbridge: "bridge all the things!".

уто, 24. сеп 2019.: qmail

Since august 2019: notqmail.org. Its predecessor netqmail.org by Russell Nelson from 2005 is still online. As is The qmail home page, still offering qmail-1.03.tar.gz from 1998. Debian ships a netqmail-based package. In july 2019 Manvendra Bhangui made a somewhat old-style debian package, one can get the sources by running
dget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/notqmail/Debian_10/notqmail_1.07-1.1.dsc
I don't think anybody has yet started the work to get notqmail 1.07 shipped with upcoming Debian 11 bullseye...

суб, 14. сеп 2019.: links

Jeri Ellsworth does interesting stuff. There's a hackaday.com article.

уто, 10. сеп 2019.: links

Nazmiye Oral presenteerde mooie columns bij De Nieuwe Maan. Op 1 december 2018 sprak ze daar over het "boerkaverbod".

чет, 5. сеп 2019.: crowdfunding for free software documentary


About Documentary "Hacking for the Commons" by Philippe Borrel, 2020.

уто, 3. сеп 2019.: pgp: not sks but wkd and dane

OpenPGP Web Key Directory is described in draft-koch-openpgp-webkey-service-08. There is WKD for debian.org, one can now get my key by running

 gpg --locate-keys <email@addre.ss>
This will download my key from https://openpgpkey.debian.org/.well-known/openpgpkey/debian.org/hu/pquk44agm9o1j41ifb33ad6hn4nikgd4 and import it in your keyring. Another way to get keys from @debian.org adresses is via DANE OPENPGPKEY for debian.org, via DNS.

update пет, 20. авг 2021: there is WKD at wiki.gnupg.org.

нед, 1. сеп 2019.: ren

CZ Familyrun 2 km
positie                bib  cat netto
1       Len H          7637     00:06:59
1027    Nina van Baal  8089 V   00:17:03
1040    Jelena Ilic    8175 V   00:17:12
1115    Marcel                  00:22:29

Mijn resultaat op de 10 engelse mijl:

Netto tijd 01:28:17, Bruto tijd 01:30:22
Gefinisht 16.1 KM
Snelheid 10.94 km/h, Tempo 05:29 min/km

5km               05:31 min/km    00:27:35
10km              05:32 min/km    00:55:13
15km              05:30 min/km    01:22:45
Finish  16.09 km  05:04 min/km    01:28:17

En de TTM 16.1 km resultaten van enkele anderen:

pos                      bib    netto
1    Abel Chebet             1  00:46:13
2    Enyew Alem Mekonnen    18  00:46:14
3    Khalid Choukoud         2  00:46:18

1339 Corno V                    01:21:35
1707 Ron D                      01:24:37
2190 Joost van Baal-Ilić 11752  01:28:17
3612 Ton W                      01:40:10

4394 Onno                       02:17:53

za 31 aug 2019: 35 jaar Binnenpret Amsterdam

35 jaar Binnenpret Amsterdam, za 31 aug, v.a. 14:00, Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16, Amsterdam. Donaties welkom.

уто, 27. авг 2019.: webbrowsers

Happy to hear webkit2gtk now comes with security support in debian. I'd like to use a (webkit-backed) small and simple graphical webbrowser. In the past i've tried uzbl. On 2016.11.27 uzbl version 0.9.1 was released. debian only has version 0.0.0~git.20120514-1.1. Another alternative is midori.

уто, 27. авг 2019.: links

Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths in subculture evolution by David Chapman. Inspired by (a.o.) Venkatesh Rao’s Gervais Principle.

чет, 22. авг 2019.: links

Tech Veganism by Nolan Lawson And:
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2019 14:55:33 +0200 (CEST)
From: Thorsten Glaser 
To: Sugata Mukhopadhyay
Cc: debian-init-diversity
Subject: Re: How to I switch bullseye to SysVinit?
Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.21.1908211453030.24490@tglase.lan.tarent.de>
> Hi all, have been following this list with great interest. Can someone
> advise me on the steps need to switch a fresh bullseye install over to
> SysVinit and initscripts?

# 1. but make sure systemd is not purged
apt-get --purge install sysvinit-core systemd-sysv-

# 2. select sysvinit at GRUB menu

# 3a. drop systemd…
apt-get purge systemd
# 3b. … or switch to elogind
apt-get --purge install libpam-elogind systemd-

# 4. make sure systemd is never installed again, for example
#    by installing a prevent-systemd-* package of mine…
#    … or by using APT pinning accordingly.

уто, 20. авг 2019.: links: getgnulinux.org

Michael Stapelberg blogged about distri.

And: nice GNU/Linux Advocacy.

(update уто, 30. јул 2024.: getgnulinux.org is still alive and kicking \o/, and community.getgnulinux.org looks pretty nice :)

пон, 19. авг 2019.: links

"Version SAT" about selecting package versions: the problem package managers aim to solve, by Russ Cox. He published more nice articles.

нед, 18. авг 2019.: FreedomBox

Very nice presentation by Danny Haidar about FreedomBox and "When Antitrust Law Fails: Breaking Up Big Tech with Grassroots Technology" at the DebConf19 conference. (total length 41:00, Q and A starts at 23:00).

нед, 18. авг 2019.: validns

Filed some bugs in order to list pending tasks: #935011, #935012 and #935013.

vr 17/za 18 mei 2019: wassenaar

Rust Vreugd Terreur

пет, 10. мај 2019.: links

Godwinlezing 2019 door Nani Jansen Reventlow. Uitgesproken op 5 mei 2019, Artis, Amsterdam: Op Bevrijdingsdag hield Nani Jansen Reventlow de Godwinlezing, die De Correspondent jaarlijks met Bits of Freedom en Artis organiseert. De directeur van het Digital Freedom Fund sprak over hoe de rechtszaal een plek kan zijn om het mensenrecht privacy te verdedigen: "Digitale rechten zijn ook mensenrechten. En ook die kun je bij de rechter afdwingen".

And: Essay how to do nothing by Jenny Odell, on silence and attention (tnx sjamaan).

пон, 6. мај 2019.: links

links: bootstrapping mes, bootstrappable, stage0, Stage0 wiki, and: science: jopp.

чет, 2. мај 2019.: links

Links: Security and User Interfaces: Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 14:03:26 +0200, From: Marcus Brinkmann, Subject: Spoofing OpenPGP and S/MIME Signatures in Emails (multiple clients) and: The Line of Death: browsers and security (from april 2017) and: phishing.

чет, 2. мај 2019.: link

hacklabs and hackerspaces, by maxigas.

уто, 16. апр 2019.: links: free press

A clip from The Juice Media on the recent Julian Assange arrest (youtube link) in London.

уто, 23. апр 2019.: day

In case you're wondering what to do today (on any day): International Days by United Nations and checkiday.com.

уто, 16. апр 2019.: links: insecam

If you run a webcam, make sure you secure it properly. There is a public hall of shame at insecam.org.

(update, уто, 30. јул 2024.: insecam.org is still online. and wikipedia is a bit outdated.)

уто, 16. апр 2019.: links: free press

A clip from The Juice Media on about Julian Assange’s arrest and a press release from CCC: The Chaos Computer Club is alarmed by recent internationallly coordinated attacks on human rights, 2019-04-15.

пон, 15. апр 2019.: links: e-voting

A critical flaw in Switzerland's e-voting system is a microcosm of everything wrong with e-voting, security practice, and auditing firms, pretty nice article summarizing the issues, by Cory Doctorow / Wed Mar 13, 2019.

сре, 10. апр 2019.: jaromil, devuan

The PhD thesis of Denis "Jaromil" Roio from january 2018, Algorithmic Sovereignty is published online. It has some notes on the Debian systemd debate.

Videos of Devuan Conference #1 "The Power of Choice" in Amsterdam, april 2019, are published at DyneOrg youtube channel.

пон, 8. апр 2019.: caspar for arch linux

Published an Arch Linux package for caspar.

уто, 2. апр 2019.: AUR packaging: caspar

Working on a PKGBUILD file for caspar. Once it's all tested and working, users of Arch Linux and derivates like Antergos should be able to install and run it. Note to self: study documentation on Arch_User_Repository, and the Arch_package_guidelines. And I did register; I believe I now have upload permission to AUR.

For now, on an Arch Linux system you should be able to do

wget http://mdcc.cx/git/wd/caspar/arch/PKGBUILD; makepkg

to test the build as performed by my caspar PKGBUILD file.

уто, 2. апр 2019.: coreutils, ls(1)

will i end up with this once i upgrade all my systems to debian/buster? i'm afraid i won't like that...

coreutils (8.28-1) unstable; urgency=low
  * Reenable default ls quoting
 -- Michael Stone   Mon, 02 Oct 2017 13:51:20 -0400

I believe this is what gives me (this is on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS):

joostvb@homsar:~% ls /audio/joostvb/201902
'Bill_Evans_&_Jim_Hall'/   Herbie_Hancock/            Sonny_Rollins/
 Billie_Eilish/            John_Coltrane/             Stan_Getz/
 Charles_Mingus/           Michel_Petrucciani/        Various/
 Chet_Baker/               Ornette_Coleman/
 Dexter_Gordon/           'Safet_Isovi'$'\304\207'/

instead of (on Debian GNU/Linux 9.8 (stretch) w/ coreutils 8.26-3)

joostvb@perun:/srv/audio/201902% ls -d {B,M,O,S}*
Bill_Evans_&_Jim_Hall/    Michel_Petrucciani/  Sonny_Rollins/  Sun_O)))/
Billie_Eilish/            Ornette_Coleman/     Squarepusher/
Mark_Hollis_(Talk_Talk)/  Safet_Isović/        Stan_Getz/

See also Debian Bug #813164 and Red Hat Bugzilla 1361694. Workaround: "You can call ls -N if desired or set QUOTING_STYLE=literal." Thanks Michael Stone.

сре, 27. мар 2019.: r-cran

Plan: ITP:


13 modules from R CRAN, RSN. (See also what I wrote on January 24th.)

сре, 27. мар 2019.: hitc

Was deze ochtend vrijwilliger voor Hack In The Class bij een middelbare school in Oisterwijk.

уто, 26. мар 2019.: kunst in tilburg

Marina Višić at PARK

пон, 25. мар 2019.: freedombox

FreedomBox is sold by Olimex, see freedombox-discuss message:

Message-ID: <871d55c8-a64b-82fa-5b90-e904e7e104e0@freedomboxfoundation.org>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2019 20:48:35 -0400
From: Danny Haidar
To: freedombox-discuss
Subject: [Freedombox-discuss] Pioneer FreedomBox Kits

пет, 22. мар 2019.: r-cran and debian

Message-ID: <20190320105921.ulkghwng3i3hgmwc@an3as.eu>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2019 11:59:21 +0100
From: Andreas Tille
Cc: Debian Med Project List , debian-r@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: request for r-cran packages

сре, 20. мар 2019.: ren jan 2019 - mar 2019

сре, 20. мар 2019.: 52 min: P, witbrandlaan oost / west, bruggetje bij omgrachtte berg in t
 bos, bredaseweg 467, bredaseweg/burg BvVtV, gang cobbenhagen/koopmans, P.  met pause van n
 minuut of 10 erbij
сре, 13. мар 2019.: 24 min: P, spoorwegovergang burg baron van voorst tot voorstweg, NV HvB, P
сре,  6. мар 2019.: 40 min: P, spoorwegovergang academiepad bij olympia, spoorwegovergang burg
 baron van voorst tot voorstweg, P
сре, 27. феб 2019.: 45 min: P, om hockeyvelden heen, NV HvB, om villa/aankomend horeca object
 heen, bij vijver bij berk in de eik, P
пет, 22. феб 2019.: 32 min: P, om de vijver in reeshofbos heen, P
чет, 24. јан 2019.: 33 min: P, om de 2 vijvers bij de berk in de eik heen, om villa / aankomend
 horeca-object heen, P.
пет, 18. јан 2019.: 25 min: P, langs t spoor, om t veldje tegenover de schapenwei heen, langs t
 spoor, P
пет, 11. јан 2019.: 41 min iirc: gebouw P, spoorwegovergang, schapenweide, brug over spoor,
 gebouw P

do 7 maart: "laat je niet hacken" @ bibliotheek boxmeer

Ik was gespreksleider bij de bijeenkomst "Laat je niet hacken!" in Bibliotheek Boxmeer. Aanwezig waren sprekers Peter Schell van Stichting Privacyzorg en Carlo Meijer, onderzoeker cryptografie bij Bart Jacobs op de Radboud Universiteit. De avond maakt deel uit van Radboud Recharge.

суб, 2. мар 2019.: metar

Fixed Debian Bug #921840 "metar: Parsing metar record fails due to changes in NOAA API" in upload metar (20190227.1-1).

пет, 1. мар 2019.: links

links: The Internet Is Broken by secushare. (October 2018) and 2019 Q1 Shaping the Internet - History & Futures: apply for gratis (?) partication in ELearing course, deadline: 10 March 2019. (Thanks Haklab Beograd discussion list.)

you aren't doing it wrong if no one knows what you are doing

чет, 24. јан 2019.: GNU R, again

Working on some more GNU R modules for Debian, using git @ Debian R Packages Maintainers @ Debian's salsa: r-pkg-team: r-cran-tablehtml, r-cran-lsa and r-cran-quanteda. And also: r-cran-quanteda's dependencies and dependencies of dependencies not yet in Debian:


суб, 19. јан 2019.: david claerbout

Again enjoyed "Sunrise" (2009. Single channel video installatie, kleur, geluid. 17 min. 54 sec. ed. 1/5 2009.DC.03) by David Claerbout (Kortrijk België 1969, woont en werkt in Antwerpen) in de Pont, Tilburg.

пон, 14. јан 2019.: more links

binding chaos and pitchfork.

za 12, zo 13 jan 2019: Debian BSP

za 12, zo 13 jan: Debian Bug Squashing Party in Venlo, .nl. See announcement mail and page on the Debian wiki. Thanks a lot Transceptor Technology for hosting!

суб, 12. јан 2019.: links

nycresistor and revspace the hague and ar.al about google and facebook.

A nice pile of documents about the history of women in computing. Thanks Lesley "dkscully" Mitchell.

1985: drop in participation of women in computer science

pretty old news: 2018

пон, 3. дец 2018. and чет, 10. јан 2019. : serbia

These days there are street protests against current Serbian government in Belgrade weekly; every saturday. See NY Times, april 2018, "do not drown belgrade" and balkanist.net. Twitter hashtags #1od5miliona and #STOPkrvavimkošuljama are used: "stop bloody shirts" and "1 of the 5 Million" in reference to Vucic's earlier statement he would not meet opposition demands for free media "even if there were five million people in the street". "Yellow Vest Or Bloody Shirt: You Decide" by Nadežda Milenković for the beautiful Peščanik dec 2018. It seems balkaninsight.com is still somewhat quiet about it.

нед, 25. нов 2018.: warandeloop

Startnummer 9025
Naam     Joost van Baal-Ilic
Woonplaats / vereniging Tilburg University T9
Afstand Businessrun, 10 kilometer
Snelheid 13,260 km/uur
Tempo    4:31 min/km
Tijd     45:15

81ste van 311, 73ste man van 238 mannelijke deelnemers

уто, 20. нов 2018.: ren 2018

чет, 15. нов 2018.: 32 minuten: black box, verborgen meertje aan noordzijde spoor, midden van t
 sterrebos, black box
уто, 13. нов 2018.: 41 min "de ex-lifter": gras langs ringbaan, tankstation, boerderij bij
 hilvarenbeekseweg, ex-klim-wilg
      6  nov 2018.: n minuut of 35 iirc.  over t nieuwe fietscrosspaadje bij de nudisten.
сре, 31. окт 2018.: 30 minuten: Sportcentrum, Spoorpark, Spoorwegovergang St. Ceciliastraat,
чет, 25. окт 2018.: 21 minuten sportcentrum, rondje om campus heen.
уто, 16. окт 2018. 42 min: sportcentrum, rondje om vijver bij verlaten^Wte-huur huis,
 spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, sportcentrum
уто,  9. окт 2018. 28 min: sportcentrum, westerpark, paletplein
чет,  4. окт 2018. 51 min: fokkerhof, bos rond villa sporenring 2, bakertand, viaduct
 abcovenseweg, dampad (of wat daarvan vanover is, gaat helaas vervangen worden door Kea
 Boumanstraat), fokkerhof
сре, 26. сеп 2018. 70 min: sportcentrum - westpunt reeshofbos bij spoorlaan vv
сре, 19. сеп 2018. 29 min: naar de berk in de grote boom
сре, 12. сеп 2018. 35 min: black box, spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, NV HvB, om vijver bij
 verlaten huis heen, langs hockeyclub oude warande, black box
пет,  7. сеп 2018: 29 min: black box, spoorwegovergang baron van voorst tot voorstweg, black
чет, 14. јун 2018  72 min: sportcentrum, auberge du bonheur, oude leije in t reeshofbos
сре,  6. јун 2018. 50 min: sportcentrum - porfyrios
wo   30  mei 2018        : sportcentrum - om t verlaten huis heen - 2 geheime bruggetjes
wo   23  mei 2018  ?     : langs t spoor: sportcentrum - tunneltje wittemstraat vv
wo    9  mei 2018  45 min: sportcentrum, tunnel onder spoor, 7 geitjes, spoorwegovergang heen
 en terug, wandelbos, ezel, spoorbrug, ecnc
сре,  2. мај 2018.       : 4-bruggen-tour
Fri   9  Feb 2018  27 min: black box, spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, spoorwegovergang baron
 van voorst tot voorstweg, grote vijver in oude warande, gebouw K
пон, 29. јан 2018. 33 min: black box, spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, om t inmiddels verlaten
 huis heen, langs hockeyclub oude warande

уто, 20. нов 2018.: Eritrean Refugees in The Netherlands

Eritrean Refugees in The Netherlands: pdf.

уто, 20. нов 2018.: sr.ht

My repository mirrors @ github are out of date; I might remove them soonish. I've just resynced the ones @ gitlab (and made sure the risk of them getting out of date is diminished).

There is a post at drewdevault.com and sr.ht.

I also have an account at puscii, btw.

update чет, 19. сеп 2019.: on Why not GitHub?, Tom Ryder (tejr) lists some issues with hosting code on github and other centralized hosting platforms.

update пон, 23. сеп 2019.: there's hub.darcs.net for those who prefer a rich ecosystem in this git-crowded world.

update пон, 27. јул 2020. there's codeberg, a german repository hosting platform.

update нед, 14. феб 2021.: 0xacab.org offers git hosting.

пон 19 нов 2018.: Debian GNU/Linux desktop PC and laptop support

Debian GNU/Linux desktop PC and laptop support: vandervlis.nl en donux.nl.

vr 16 nov: Napalm Death + support @ Baroeg, Rotterdam

Enjoyed Napalm Death + Disavowed + Teethgrinder, Baroeg, Rotterdam.

пет, 16. нов 2018.: uruk

New uruk: version 20181116 - The Lombardijen Release.

Released new Debian package 20181116-1. This package works fine on Debian 7/wheezy. It will not work on all Debian 8/jessie systems due to some systemd related issues. Your jessie system might fail to boot. It will work fine on Debian >= 9/stretch.

Uploaded uruk_20181116-1_all.deb to the Debian archives, as well as to the archive at non-gnu.uvt.nl.

A even newer uruk version will, deo volente, get shipped with the up-upcoming Debian 11 bullseye release. Version 20181116 - The Lombardijen Release (or a newer one) will likely end up in the upcoming Debian 10 buster (testing, upcoming stable) release. Debian 9 stretch (stable) ships with 20160219-1, Debian 8 jessie ships with 20140627-1; Debian 7 wheezy ships uruk 20120608.1-1. (Debian squeeze ships uruk 20080330-1.; lenny shipped 20080330-1; etch shipped 20051027-1; see archive.debian.net.)

Uruk is shipped with Ubuntu Linux, via the universe component. Ubuntu cosmic comes with 20180528-1, bionic with 20160219-1, artful with 20160219-1, xenial with 20150921-1, wily with 20150401-1, vivid with 20140627-1, utopic with 20140627-1, trusty with 20131213-1, lucid with 20080330-1.

уто, 13. нов 2018.: slave to the grind

Slave to the Grind, a documentary about Grindcore, by Doug Robert Brown, Canada, 2018. On Kickstarter and IMDB and Twitter.

сре, 7. нов 2018.: links: radio

Wat een helden: Radio Begijnenstraat, uit Antwerpen. Zie / beluister ook het fantastische Radio Centraal (en op Wikipedia). Ook mooi: Radio Papillon.

сре, 7. нов 2018.: validns

validns: commented on Bug #859784.

пон, 29. окт 2018.: links: Geoff Huston on Internet governance

Opinion piece by Geoff Huston, 29 Oct 2018: Has Internet governance become irrelevant?.

Mon, 29 Oct 2018: R

I'm listed in the Top 10 commiters to r-pkg Git overview at page 6 of this pdf, used at the debconf18 talk by Andreas Tille.

чет, 25. окт 2018.: mutt-ical

For the first time in my life: replied on a iCalendar aka VCALENDAR thingie. Used mutt-ical as currently maintained by Martin "marvinthepa" Sander. It's about what is specified in "Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)" @ RFC 5545. Amazed that both mutt and neomutt still do not ship such functionality...

пет, 19. окт 2018.: ren: serbia beograd

ren: new belgrade, 50 minuten, yuri gagarin, recht naar de sava, naar waar de hoogspanningsleiding de sava-dijk kruist, naar de wal, naar de kerk, terug

6 okt 2018: fly

Visited 5 countries in 7 hours, in a Cessna 210.

пет, 5. окт 2018.: devscripts

Reported Bug#910369 in devscripts: mk-build-deps: please deal sane with packages without build-deps.

25 sept: links

a new scuttlebutt.

On slate.com, about Ian Buruma: "Buruma subsequently left The New York Review of Books amid "outrage" over his defense of the article."

нед, 23. сеп 2018.: gitlab.com

The draai, caspar and uruk git repo's are now mirrored @ gitlab.com/joostvb: They're at: draai, caspar and uruk. (and there's an as of yet empty ad1810 group @ gitlab).

уто, 18. сеп 2018.: openssh

Gave a little help in fixing CVE-2018-15473 in OpenSSH 6.0 on Debian 7 "wheezy" via the freexian.com ELTS channel.

пон, 17. сеп 2018.: Andragologie

Discipline zonder discipline - De opkomst en opheffing van andragologie 1950 - 1983, door Maaike de Boois.

update, суб, 13. нов 2021.: Agogiek ("agoog") zoals gegrondvest door T.T. ten Have (1906-1975) is iets anders (maar wel gerelateerd).

пет, 14. сеп 2018.: gitlab

Created joostvb@gitlab. Will start mirroring projects RSN...

сре, 12. сеп 2018.: dokuwiki

Published a fix for dokuwiki in Debian 8 Bug#903948 "Dokuwiki: Link-Assistant in oldstable hangs" at dokuwiki 0.0.20140505.a+dfsg-4+deb8u2.

нед, 9. сеп 2018.: links: theatre

Found out about Manifest van Gent (video). Nederlands Toneel Gent rules. (En Zina is ook tof.)

нед, 2. сеп 2018.: TTM

TTM, some of the results:

Pos     Naam            Bib   M/V   Team/club   Categorie Netto tijd

1       Ilias Osman      10768                  Mrec 1      00:35:26
2       Tijke Wentink    10320  Tilburg         Mrec 2      00:36:46
3       Mike Rasenberg   10321  Tilburg         Mrec 3      00:37:09

29      Jonathan Verschuuren 15652 M Tilburg Universit 32   00:43:40
52      Robbie van Aert  15646      Tilburg University      00:46:03
144     Stavros Zouridis 15644 M    Tilburg University 30   00:50:00
145     Yorick Valk      15638 M    Tilburg University 29   00:50:01
165     Alex Ingrams     15642 M    Tilburg University 30   00:50:45
190     Joost van Baal   15649 M    Tilburg University 31   00:51:25
200     Freek Mulders    15636 M    Tilburg University 29   00:51:46
266     Koen vdr Krieken 15641 M    Tilburg University 30   00:53:21
268     Florian Heine    15643 M    Tilburg University 30   00:53:26
283     Mattis vdn Berg  15647 M    Tilburg University 31   00:53:40
302     Niek de Schipper 15648      Tilburg University      00:54:07
306     David Hernandez  15651 M    Tilburg University 32   00:54:11
448     Francisco Costa Cabral 15654 M Tilburg Univers 32   00:57:16
542     Wesley Kaufmann  15645 M    Tilburg University 30   00:59:21
731     Luc Jeurissen    15639 M    Tilburg University 29   01:03:13

My time was 00:25:07 @ 5km. 1001 runners participated in 10 km M/F run @ TTM 2018.

чет, 30. авг 2018.: su vs sudo

In today's Debian unstable:

(sid)root@banach:~# su - joostvb
su: Authentication failure
(sid)root@banach:~# sudo -u joostvb -i

Note to self: find out what's going on here... And, even more important: stop using su from within a root shell, but start only using su to increase my permissions. If you're interactively running su (or sudo) as root, you're doing something wrong. You're prone to vulnerabilities in Unix tty handling.

уто, 28. авг 2018.: filetraq

Almost 18 years ago, filetraq 0.2 was released. Now, there is filetraq 0.3. From now on, new sources will be published at packages.debian.org/src:filetraq.

And there's a new Debian binary package too: filetraq (0.3).

23 juli 2018: 10 jaar ad 1810

23 juli 2018: 10 jaar ad 1810: "ad 1810 levert computerprogrammatuur, ontwerp en beheer van ICT-systemen en advies: Software Packaging, Open Source, Debian GNU/Linux en Ubuntu."

чет, 14. јун 2018.: eduvpn

Filed Bug#901499: "ITP: php-yubitwee - YubiKey OTP Validator library" and Bug#901502: "ITP: twig-extensions -- Twig Extensions". In total, there likely are about 19 sources packages involved in the eduVPN / Let's Connect! software stack: there's more work to do.

сре, 6. јун 2018.: filesender

filesender debian package "forward-ported" to php 7.0 as shipped with debian 9 stable/stretch and published at https://non-gnu.uvt.nl/. issue 330 @ filesender @ github.

2 juni 2018: Opening Party Hackerspace Nijmegen

zaterdag 2 juni: Opening Party @ Hackerspace Nijmegen. met dj joostvb.

may 31, 2018: Debian ELTS

Was involved in News: 2018-06-01 Debian 7 Long-Term-Support reaching end of life.

пон, 21. мај 2018.: salsa

moved publicfile, publicfile-installer, systraq and filetraq git repos from alioth.debian.org to salsa.debian.org

may 2018: mallorca

do 10 mei 2018

found out steenrijt and de logt are beautiful places

пон, 7. мај 2018.: interview @ FOSDEM 2015

Found back interview with me about Debian at FOSDEM, Brussels, feb 2015 by knightwise. Also interviewed: representatives of OpenSUSE, CentOS, Diaspora, TOR and Puppet. Debian is from 13:24 till 20:14, complete episode is 43 minutes.

30 april 2018: php-oci8

New php-oci8 debian package. run 'dget https://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian/stretch/php-oci8/php-oci8_2.1.8-1.dsc' to get the source.

maart 2018: inlichtingen.info over sleepwet

inlichtingen.info is een informatiepunt speciaal opgezet naar aanleiding van het referendum van woensdag 21 maart 2018, met als doel verdiepende informatie te bieden over de Wet op de inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdiensten 2017.

Lezingentour Sleepwet:

do  1 mrt waag, amsterdam
vr  2 mrt orkz, groningen
wo  7 mrt hall of fame, tilburg
vr  9 mrt grote broek, nijmegen
do 15 mrt kargadoor, utrecht
vr 16 mrt grote pyr, den haag

With M.F. van Hulst (Sticht Advocatuur) gave lectures about the Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten 2017 for inlichtingen.info in Groningen (march 2, orkz) and Tilburg (march 7, Hall of Fame). See also WIV 2017, Referendum over de WIV 2017 and Kiesraad.

уто, 13. феб 2018.: publicfile

Uploaded publicfile-installer 0.14 to Debian sid/unstable which installs publicfile_0.52-11.debian.tar.xz. publicfile is DJB's webserver. See also this publicfile patch collection.

old news: 2017

Wed, 13 Dec 2017: ren: resultaten

niet officiele resultaten tot nog toe:

Wed, 13  Dec 2017 : 32 minuten: black box, bruggetje in reeshof, om hockeyveld heen, black box
сре, 18. окт 2017.: 34 minuten: black box, bruggetje in reeshof, vijver in oude warande, black box
     26. апр 2017.: 42 minutes: aloft dadeland - crocodile crossing near temple beth am - sw 85 str - ludlam rd - aloft (Miami, Florida, USA)
                    50 minuten: dadeland pinecrest kendall, miami, florida, usa: aloft dadeland - crocodile crossing near temple beth am vv
сре,  5. апр 2017.  half uurtje
сре, 29. мар 2017.: 26 minuten: berkenboompje, om hockeyveld heen
сре, 15. мар 2017.: 45 minutes
сре, 15. феб 2017.: 42 minuten: "de ronde van de 3 vrije bruggetjes": spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, spoorwegovergang baron van voorst tot voorstweg,
  bruggetje naar reeshof, ander bruggetje bij reeshof, bruggehoofden bij vijver, hoofdingang, altaartje.
сре, 25. јан 2017.: 40 minuten, naar huis met plastic dak, naar n wild bruggetje en naar tempeltje waar nu iemand woont

пон, 26. дец 2016.: 14 minuten: naar 't Laar en weer terug
сре, 16. нов 2016.: 55 minuten: spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, spoorwegovergang baron van voorst tot voorstweg, bruggetje naar reeshof, trap reeshof,
   Kapel van Porfyrios, pompstationweg, vijver aan zuidkant bels lijntje
чет, 10. нов 2016.: 45 minuten: Korvel, Mill Hillcollege, SG De Keyzer,  Dr. Leo Kannerhuis Brabant, Korvel
сре, 12. окт 2016.: 28 minuten: UvT, infobalie clay tentoonstelling fundament foundation, hockeyvelden aan rechterhand, altaartje, HvB, grotto, UvT
пет,  7. окт 2016.: 27 minuten: tiu - hart van brabant - 1 of ander raar hek wat in de weg stond (w/s hvb) - hvb - tiu
сре, 21. сеп 2016.: 28 minuten: UvT, bredaseweg-baron vVtVweg, bels lijntje, veldje met jonge berk in oude stronk, spoorwegovergang, UvT
пон, 22. авг 2016.: 50 minuten: sportcentrum, Nudistenvereniging Hart van Brabant, baron vVtVweg overgestoken, bredaseweg overgestoken,
   pompstationweg, bels lijntje, sportcentrum
wo       aug 2016.: ??        : sportcentrum, centraal station, sportcentrum
чет,  4. авг 2016.: 59 minuten: sportcentrum, om hockeyclub oude warande heen, bruggetje reeshof (na 22 minuten), trap reeshof, terug via kronkelweg
  di 27  jul 2016 : een uur of zo?
пет,  1. јул 2016.: 53 minutes: sportcentrum - kerk - wilde bruggetje in reeshof. schoenen en sokken doorweekt.  daarna sauna \o/
сре, 22. јун 2016.: 31 minuten: UvT - oude vijver in warande - spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg - Bredaseweg 546 - bredaseweg-baron vVtVweg - UvT
сре,  1. јун 2016.: 35 minuten. spoorwegovergang zwartvenseweg, spoorwegovergang baron van voorst tot voorstweg, bruggetje, bredaseweg-baron vVtVweg,
   du bonheur.
сре, 11. мај 2016.: 31 minuten: UvT - Bredaseweg 546
сре,  4. мај 2016.: 38 minuten: UvT, spoorwegovergang TiU, Kinderboerderij in Wandelbos, spoorwegovergang, bijna bij bruggetje bij spoorwegovergang,
   oude vijver in warande, UvT.
сре, 27. апр 2016.: 55 minuten: Fokkerhof, brug over de Nieuwe Leij bij St. Elizabeth, Volkstuin Leijpark, Stadstuin bij Piushaven, Koningsplein,
   Fokkerhof (met korte pauzes)
сре, 20. апр 2016.: 32 minuten, tot aan het bruggetje naar reeshof, achter het kronkelpaadje achter de spoorbrug
пон, 11. апр 2016.: 30 minuten, naar Gilzerbaan, iets voorbij Bels Lijntje en weer terug
сре, 16. мар 2016.: 30 minuten  UvT - spoorwegovergang - Viaduct over spoor - Huis Vrede en Vrijheid 1941
Wed  Mar   9 2016 : 47 minuten, UvT - 18 minuten - kerkje - 29 minuten - weer terug 
сре, 17. феб 2016.: 18 minuten, bijna bij spoorwegovergang, en bij Auberge en Warande-vijvers (zowel de oude als de nieuwe). t Vroor.
сре, 10. феб 2016.: 20 minuten, naar de spoorwegovergang
пет,  5. феб 2016.: 40 minuten: Hoofdgebouw Tilburg University - Kapel van Porfyrios vv

пон, 21. дец 2015.: 20 minuten: rondje Oude Warande.
сре, 16. дец 2015.: 31 minuten, naar Gilzerbaan en weer terug, motregen.  (Ook: afgelopen vrijdag.)
сре, 18. нов 2015.: 36 minuten, Hoofdgebouw Tilburg University - Huis Vrede en Vrijheid 1941 - Viaduct over spoor
Thu  Nov 12  2015 : 40 minuten: Hoofdgebouw Tilburg University - Kapel van Porfyrios vv
суб,  5. сеп 2015.: 42 minuten. Geen idee hoe ver m'n rondje was.
пон,  3. авг 2015.: 50 minutes, "Olympia" - Pompstationweg/Bredaseweg vv. (10, maybe 11 km.)
чет, 30. јул 2015.: 60 minutes, from TiU studentssportcenter "Olympia" -  Bredaseweg 546 vv.  (10, maybe 11 km.)

нед, 10. дец 2017.: dokuwiki plan

Plan: upload dokuwiki-plugin-dw2pdf dokuwiki-plugin-graphviz dokuwiki-plugin-sortablejs dokuwiki-plugin-wrap as packaged by Maarten Horden.

уто, 5. дец 2017. BEEHIVE, Arnhem (en ook Hackalot)

BEEHIVE 4.2 Techcampus: yes please make it so. Stichting Beehive 4.2 Techcampus, KvK 69743703, Arnhem. More: blogpost, conference presentation on youtube (local copy is here).

O, and Hackalot Eindhoven: yes please make it so.

zo 26 nov 2017: Open Kerken Brabant

Op zondag 26 november 2017 werd in Brabant een Open Kerkendag gehouden. Studentenparochie ‘Wederkomst van Christus – Maranatha’, Prof. Cobbenhagenlaan 19, 5037 DB Tilburg, was toen open.

пон, 4. дец 2017.: Eindhoven

For those of you who care about Eindhoven: Pizza Geert moet blijven!

boycot kiki en joost

пон, 4. дец 2017.: freedict

plan: freedict issue nr 36: "Import English-Serbian / Serbian-English dictionary" and deal with http://serbdict.sourceforge.net.

Fri Dec 1 2017: blog agregators and news

https://levelnews.org and https://www.wikitribune.com/all-stories/ . (Tnx traumschule.)

чет, 30. нов 2017.: debian faq

worked on debian faq

30. нов 2017.: runit

a plan for a plan: i thought: maybe chneukirchen's "ignite" could be used to improve runit support for debian.

slightly obsolete: ignite by chneukirchen. See also runit @ voidlinux, void-runit, Void Linux @ wp, obsolete: http://smarden.org/runit1/runscripts.html , https://wiki.voidlinux.eu/Main_Page and, finally: freenode/#voidlinux

нед, 26. нов 2017.: warandeloop

Participated again. Not completely happy with my result.

Startnummer 9072
Naam     Joost van Baal-Ilic
Woonplaats / vereniging Tilburg University T8
Afstand Businessrun 10 km
Plaats   108 / 436
Snelheid 12,435 km/uur
Tijd     48:15

nov 2017: hackerspaces

Hacklabs and hackerspaces – tracing two genealogies by Maxigas (tnx webmind for the pointer)

пет, 10. нов 2017.: more blog posts and stuff

5 Reasons To Build A Network Of Small Groups Rather Than A Mass Movement Of Individuals by Richard D. Bartlett, april 2017, for Medium.

Secure Scuttlebutt, described at "An off grid social network".

сре, 8. нов 2017.: amish hackers

Article on Amish Hackers: "In a display of pure steam-punk nerdiness, Amish hackers try to outdo each other in building pneumatic versions of electrified contraptions." A post from 2009, by Kevin Kelly. Thanks Patrice Riemens and Vesna Manojlovic / the unciv community for passing that link along.

сре, 8. нов 2017.: xkcd

Another nice XKCD: 1909 - Digital Resource Lifespan. Huray for libraries (the brick and mortar ones, staffed with real people).

di 7 nov 2017: enosig-bijeenkomst

di 7 nov, enosig-bijeenkomst @ jochem.

november 1, 2017: eduvpn for Debian

Did mentoring work for the eduVPN Debian project by Gijs Molenaar on request of SURFnet: have analysed the 19 source packages and the generated 22 binary packages, as published at the eduVPN APT repository.

нед, 29. окт 2017.: Београд

My recommendations for visitors to Belgrade, Serbia: Very nice hostel: Green Studio; Awesome artists space MKM aka Magacin, with the "praksa" makerspace, a dance studio and an art exhibition space; the Hacklab Belgrade; Evergreen, Kondina 9 (Majke Jevrosime), 11000 Belgrade Serbia, and all 9838157612019 bakeries and book stores in Belgrade.

(addition nov 2018: KC Magacin is at Kraljevića Marka 4, Beograd, Serbia.)

Also: participated in an event organised by Women in Black Belgrade aka Žena u crnom.

Also: there still is Ne davimo Beograd / Don't Drown Belgrade, and Belgrade Design District / Cumicevo Sokace (see e.g. here).

And: the yearly Belgrade Jazz Festival (october), founded in 1971.

уто, 17. окт 2017.: tilburg en eindhoven

tilburg en eindhoven, volgens de russen in 1942

okt 2017: Afghani and other refugees stuck in Belgrade

"Afghan Exodus: Notes from a Belgrade squat" by Jelena Bjelica and Martine van Bijlert, november 2016, for the Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN), an independent non-profit policy research organisation.

sept 2017: the global jukebox

The Global Jukebox is nice. Thanks Alan Lomax.

5. авг 2017.: DebConf, Montréal

DebConf17 was held in Montreal, Canada, from 6 to 12 August 2017. For the days before DebConf the local organisers have set up DebCamp, a session for some intense work on improving the distribution, and the Debian Day on 5 August 2017, aimed at the general public.

I've managed to remember: I've attended

DebConf0 and DebConf1 were in Bordeax, France, at the RMLL / LSM event. DebConf2 was in Canada. DebConf3 was the first DebConf which published Tshirts.

Did running in Montreal: Ran alone, with breaks, did record distance nor time. Did do 10 km in 51 minutes (including about 2 minutes of traffic lights), with Tollef. Also: ran with Kartik, about 10 km, some rain. Also: ran in Laval, north of Montreal, about 5 km I guess, in the rain.

Organised a Debian Documentation BoF, and scheduled a Debian Publicity BoF too.

august 2017, .nl: SHA2017: The Dutch Hacker Camp

There was a hacker camp in The Netherlands in 2017; a follow up of

1989 GHP
1993 HEU
1997 HIP

2001 HAL
2005 WTH
2009 HAR
2013 OHM.
It's called SHA2017; brought to you by the ifcat-crew e.a.

August 2017, location: zeewolde, flevoland waarschijnlijk: de jongste, niet door samenvoeging ontstane, gemeente van Nederland.

5. авг 2017.: systraq

New systraq Debian package upload: 20160803-2. This makes planned and passed systraq versions in Debian:

        sid     (unstable)         20160803-2
   12   bookworm(newnewtesting)  ?
   11   bullseye(newtesting)     ?
   10   buster  (testing)          20160803-2 ?
    9   stretch (stable)           20160803-1
    8   jessie  (oldstable)    0.0.20081217-3
    7   wheezy  (oldoldstable) 0.0.20081217-3
    6   squeeze                0.0.20081217-1+squeeze2.1
    5   lenny                  0.0.20070301-4
    4   etch                   0.0.20050213-8
    3.1 sarge                  0.0.20050213-4 (ITP: #276627, Oct 2004)

You can read about the changes in the Debian package and view some Debian developer information on the package.

14. јул 2017.: raag

Nice website about hindustani classic music from India: raag-hindustani.com by "Sādhana".

25 may 2017: Bitori

25 May 2017: Bitori live in Paradiso, Amsterdam "africadelic". 16:30 zaal open, 19:30 - 22:00 concert, entree 15,- + 3,50 lidmaatschap.

сре, 19. апр 2017.: Дмитрий Богатов

Debianite Дмитрий Богатов (Dmitry Bogatov) was arrested early april 2017 and is in a russian jail now. My thoughts are with him. See also rosuznik.org and this statement from the Tor Project.

сре, 19. апр 2017.: transformap

cool mapping project: transformap.

уто, 18. апр 2017.: "smart" phone

Sold my soul to the devil: Bought me a "smart" phone: NUU Mobile A1-AM running Android not-GNU/Linux 5.1, patch level 2016-06-01, kernel A1-RV01, build A1-US-09, with 1300mAh battery, 1.3 GHz CPU, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB ROM, Dual SIM, Dual Standby. Payed USD 42,67 for it, at BrandsMart USA and payed USD 32,50 to T-Mobile for data and call minutes. I could pay all of that with cash, which is cool. One can now contact me on a US phone number.

3 april 2017: Saul Alinsky

Interview with Saul Alinsky (tnx sytse).

сре, 15. мар 2017.: Peers, Pext

there is peers.community and pext.

пон, 13. мар 2017.: poetry, albania, ...

Recently found a very nice post by 'Just An other Creative Commoner' Puneet Kishor (@punkish): L'Amour Vrai est Impossible.

пон, 13. мар 2017.: moodle

Uploaded moodle 2.7.19+dfsg-2 to Debian/unstable. An unofficial backport to current stable/jessie is available from "deb http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian jessie uvt". ETA next (and last!) upload: May 8, 2017. See the message "again: future of Moodle in Debian: ship with Debian 10 Buster in 2019?" for the "future" of Moodle in Debian.

сре, 8. мар 2017.: Outreachy

This year, Debian again participates in the Outreachy program. Check it out if you're a member of a group which is underrepresented in the Free Software community (woman, hispanic living in US, ...). And/or: if you care about this cause, do help us!

Mon, 06 Mar 2017.: GNU/Hurd, #debian-in, ...

Found back an old post: 16 years ago (Nov 2001) I was fiddling with GNU/Hurd. If I would have time, these days I'd enjoy fiddling with 9front , the Plan 9 operating system fork. Thanks वासदव for mentioning that.

Sat, 04 Mar 2017.: plan

plan: debian-flyer; debian installation manual, release notes, freedict; debian faq (Bug#787152); mongovi sponsored upload.

сре, 15. феб 2017.: 2e kamer verkiezingen, 15 maart

Prachtige website: partijgedrag.nl: kijk niet naar wat er beloofd wordt, maar wat er gedaan is (en vergeet niet daarnaast ook nog naar de partijen die nu 0 zetels hebben te kijken).

feb 1 2017: dutchhackersceneblog

"naimajim" interviewed me.

нед, 22. јан 2017.: filetraq

filetraq_0.2-15_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable; tnx Joerg Jaspert.

old news: 2016

нед, 25. дец 2016.: new laptop: "perun"

Got myself a new laptop; I've named it "perun". It's a lenovo thinkpad X200 with 500 gb ssd, 4 gb ram and dual core intel cpu 2400 MHz. Debian GNU/Linux stable preinstalled and Libreboot preinstalled \o/. Thanks Paul van der Vlis!

How to use your laptop as a "walkman": carry it in your bag, use a headphone playing music:

root@perun:~# vi /etc/systemd/logind.conf

and change "#HandleLidSwitch=suspend" into "HandleLidSwitch=ignore". Now if you reboot your laptop and start playing music, and then close the lid, your music should keep playing. Tested on Debian jessie running systemd. See logind.conf(5) for more information. (A full reboot might not be needed, you might get away with just hibernating your laptop (e.g. by running "obsession-exit --hibernate", as non-root) and power it on again.)

update, сре, 4. окт 2023.: no a full reboot is not needed, and a hibernate won't help. the way to effectuate a change in logind.conf is:

root@agni:~# systemctl restart systemd-logind

(or maybe better "reload" instead of "restart".) tnx DaemonInformatic @ DBLUG

нед, 25. дец 2016.: RT SLA Extension

rt-extension-sla_1.04-2 uploaded to Debian unstable

сре, 14. дец 2016.: pgp

Found article: Giving up on long term pgp. See also mickens @ USENIX.

нед, 27. нов 2016.: ren

Warandeloop 2016 Tilburg

Startnummer 9179
Naam        Joost van Baal
Woonplaats  Tilburg University 1
Afstand     Bedrijvenloop 10 km
Plaats      60 / 380
Snelheid    13,554 km/uur
Tijd        44:16

Sun, 20 Nov 2016: ren

Nijmegen Zevenheuvelenloop 2016

Afstand          Scholten Awater Zevenheuvelenloop - 15 km
Startnummer      25617
Naam             Joost van Baal-Ilic
Woonplaats       Tilburg
Categorie        M45
Totaal plaats    8163 / 23213
Categorie plaats 1176 / 2688
Snelheid         11.741 km/uur
5 kilometer      26:01 (26:01)
10 kilometer     52:15 (26:14)
Nettotijd        1:16:40 (24:25)
Bruto tijd       1:43:18

14 nov 2016: blogs

Subcultures and Geeks, Mops, Sociopaths and (tnx tg): "I don't like computers"

пон, 7. нов 2016.: ssh

Useful when deciding upon ssh-genkey's -k flag: Remember: ed25519 > rsa > ecdsa > dsa. Tnx Fruit.

суб, 5. нов 2016.: validns, dimbl, t-dose

worked (fsvo of worked) on validns bug 828591

filed dimbl Bug#843328: O: dimbl (which later got fixed by Bálint Réczey; thanks Bálint!)

tried to upload r-cran-semtools 0.4.12-3; failed (later got fixed by Andreas Tille, tnx)

tried to upload filetraq 0.2-15; failed (later got fixed by Joerg Jaspert)

t-dose: posted on debian-events-nl

сре, 12. окт 2016.: de correspondent

De Correspondent is een heel tof medium.

сре, 12. окт 2016.: plan: flatline, fruitbak, rt-extension-sla

plan: post ITP's and upload fruitware to debian: flatline and/or fruitbak

incoming: Bug #840427: ITP: rt-extension-sla -- Service Level Agreements for RT.

planned: filetraq. planned: some python stuff? planned: installation manual / debian-faq

чет, 22. сеп 2016.: privacy, onderwijs en kinderen

Privacyrede 2016 door Mireille Hildebrandt -- Research Professor Interfacing Law and Technology. Deze Privacyrede werd op 6 september 2016 uitgesproken in de Senaatszaal van het Academiegebouw in Utrecht. Deze jaarlijkse rede wordt georganiseerd door SETUP in samenwerking met Studium Generale (Universiteit Utrecht) en SURF.

сре, 21. сеп 2016.: rt, plan

uploaded rt-repeatticket to NEW. incoming: pics.

пет, 16. сеп 2016.: mh

Modern Mail Handler, a Master's Thesis by Markus Schnalke for Ulm University, 2012. MH started in 1978. Of course, both Markus's MMH and it's predecessor NMH are packaged for Debian. When I visited the BalCCon conference, I met a MH user. I was pleasantly surprised to find out the MH-project was still alive and kicking.

13 sept 2016: ilk

Thanks to Anton Gladky and Maarten van Gompel:

 Sep 13 Maarten van Gompel (2,9K) Accepted frog 0.13.5-1 (source) into unstable
 Sep 13 Maarten van Gompel (2,7K) Accepted ucto 0.9.2-1 (source) into unstable

sept 12, 2016: xkcd

XKCD 1732: Earth Temperature Timeline; also discussed at Explain xkcd.

BalCCon, 9 - 11 sept 2016

BalCCon2k16, September 2016, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia: international hacker community gathering, by LUGoNS (Linux Users Group of Novi Sad). 9,10,11 september. Best conference I've attended, ever.

пет, 2. сеп 2016.: systemd

What a beautiful post: Russ Allbery on the systemd debate:

From: Russ Allbery
To: debian-devel
Subject: Re: Is missing SysV-init support a bug?
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2016 01:24:44 -0700

уто, 30. авг 2016.: r-cran

Good news in my inbox this morning:

18691 N Aug 30 Debian FTP Master (2,3K) r-cran-mi_1.0-4_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
18692 N Aug 30 Debian FTP Master (2,7K) r-cran-sem_3.1.7-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

пон, 29. авг 2016.: automaken

Keep this in mind when shipping autoconfiscated sources:

releases of debian and version of automake (and aclocal)

10   buster  2019?                                                ?
 9   stretch 2017-02?                                        1.15?
 8   jessie  2015-04                                      1.14
 7   wheezy  2013-05                                   1.11
 6   squeeze 2011-02      1.4         1.7     1.9  1.10
 5   lenny   2009-02      1.4         1.7     1.9  1.10
 4   etch    2007-04      1.4         1.7 1.8 1.9  1.10
 3.1 sarge   2005-06      1.4     1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
 3.0 woody   2002-06      1.4 1.5
 2.2 potato  2000-08      1.4
 2.1 slink   1998?    1.3

(See e.g. https://archive.debian.net/ and https://www.debian.org/releases/.)

Between 2002 and 2013, Debian supported multiple automaken. Now one would have to use apt pinning/backports/other tricks when dealing with automake version skewness.

сре, 24. авг 2016.: r-cran

Posted an ITP (r-cran-mi); created a git repo (r-cran-mi); did some uploads (r-cran-mi, r-cran-sem). Current state of my r-cran work for Debian:

                  oldstable/stable  testing/unstable   watch     git
 r-cran-corpcor                          1.6.8-3                 1.6.8-3
 r-cran-formatr    1.2.1-4~bpo8+1        1.2.1-4       1.4   !   1.2.1-3+7 !
 r-cran-highr       0.5.1-2~bpo8+1       0.5.1-2       0.6   !   0.5.1-1+14
 r-cran-httpuv      1.3.3-3~bpo8+1       1.3.3-3       1.3.3     1.3.3-3
 r-cran-kernlab  uvt:0.9-24-1~bpo8+1
 r-cran-knitr       1.12.3-1~bpo8+1      1.12.3-1      1.14  !!  1.12.3-2
 r-cran-lavaan                           0.5.20-2      0.5.20    0.5.20-2
 r-cran-lavaan.survey                                            1.1.3-2
 r-cran-lisreltor                                                0.1.4-1
 r-cran-markdown    0.7.7-1~bpo8+1       0.7.7-1       0.7.7     0.7.7-2
 r-cran-matrixcalc                       1.0.3-2       1.0.3     1.0.3-2
 r-cran-mi                                NEW:
 r-cran-mime        0.4-2~bpo8+1         0.4-2         0.4       0.4-2
 r-cran-nfactors                                                 2.3.3-2
 r-cran-qgraph                                                   1.3.4-2
 r-cran-rockchalk                                                1.8.101-1
 r-cran-sem                               NEW:                   3.1.7-2
 r-cran-semplot                                                  1.0.1-1
 r-cran-semtools                         0.4.12-2                0.4.12-2
 r-cran-shinydashboard                                           0.5.1-2
 r-cran-simsem                                                   0.5.12-2
 r-cran-survey                                                   3.30.3-2
 r-cran-yaml       2.1.13-4~bpo8+1       2.1.13-4      2.1.13    2.1.13-5

Package r-cran-qgraph has lots of build-dependencies. Of those, 9 are still not shipped with Debian. Package semplot needs qgraph.

Planned: I might get to packaging (some of) lavaan lavaan.survey lisreltor nfactors rockchalk shinydashboard simsem survey soonish.

PS: Was pleasantly surprised when I saw:

Now signing changes and any dsc files...
 signfile r-cran-sem_3.1.7-2.dsc 0x0B86B067
gpg: starting migration from earlier GnuPG versions
gpg: porting secret keys from '/home/joostvb/.gnupg/secring.gpg' to gpg-agent
gpg: To migrate 'secring.gpg', with each smartcard, run: gpg --card-status
gpg: key 06069CF2969457F0: secret key imported
gpg: To migrate 'secring.gpg', with each smartcard, run: gpg --card-status
gpg: key 57930DAB0B86B067: secret key imported
gpg: migration succeeded
 signfile r-cran-sem_3.1.7-2_amd64.changes 0x0B86B067
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
gbp:info: Tagging 3.1.7-2 as debian/3.1.7-2

Thanks dkg!

пон, 22. авг 2016.: r-cran

posted 2 ITP's:

Bug#835082: ITP: r-cran-semplot -- GNU R Path diagrams and visual analysis of various SEM packages output -- semPlot
Bug#835083: ITP: r-cran-sem -- GNU R functions for fitting structural equation models -- sem

upcoming: ITP for r-cran-mi

нед, 21. авг 2016.: doc-debian

doc-debian bugfix, prepared for upload Please update doc-debian to reflect new version of the constitution (1.7) by Laura Arjona Reina

нед, 21. авг 2016.: rt

librt-extension-repeatticket-perl uploaded to Debian NEW; see also current changelog

нед, 21. авг 2016.: apt

reported apt bug: Bug#834973

суб, 6. авг 2016.: ilk: timbl, timblserver, mbt, mbtserver

uploaded: timbl 6.4.8-1, timblserver 1.11-1, mbt 3.2.16-1, mbtserver 0.11-1

суб, 6. авг 2016.: python-django-casclient

Uploaded: python-django-casclient_1.2.0-2, closing ITP Bug #818266; here's upstream (also at github).

чет, 4. авг 2016.: systraq

New systraq release: systraq version 20160803. Latest releases:

systraq version 20160803 - The Pidjiguiti Release
systraq version 20160316 - The Sơn Mỹ Release
systraq version 20160303 - The තංගලල release.
systraq version 20151218 - The חנכה Release
systraq version 20151214 - The Čhaŋšúška Wakpá Release
systraq version 20151105 - The Blaak Release
systraq version 20150913 - The de Sy à My release

Systraq monitors your system and warns when system files change.

чет, 4. авг 2016.: plans

Plans: Upload of python-django-cleanup. Also: uploads of python-pynlpl, python-clam.

чет, 28. јул 2016.: ilk

Uploaded ticcutils 0.13.1-1 to Debian. Thank proycon for help in getting this done.

Tue, 26 Jul 2016: systemd

A lot has been said about systemd. This contribution is worth reading, imho. I myself would like to try some of runit (and maybe daemontools-encore, nosh, OpenRC, s6). Now just find some time...

уто, 26. јул 2016.: blog: Scott "Dilbert" Adams

Two very nice blog posts by Scott Adams, the author of the Dilbert comic: How Persuaders See The World, on 2016 US Elections and Team America, and Truck Buying Advice on "confusopoly".

Update нед, 26. дец 2021.: Scott Adams blog seems to be broken. Can't get the text of his 2016 posts. :(

сре, 20. јул 2016.: r-cran

Posted some ITP's (corpcor, lavaan, matrixcalc, semtools); created some git repo's (corpcor, lisreltor, matrixcalc, qgraph, rockchalk, sem, semplot, semtools); did some uploads (corpcor, lavaan, matrixcalc, semtools). Current state of my r-cran work for Debian:

                  oldstable/stable  testing/unstable   watch     git
 r-cran-corpcor                        NEW: 1.6.8-2              1.6.8-2
 r-cran-formatr  uvt:1.2.1-2~bpo8+1      1.2.1-4       1.4   !   1.2.1-3+5
 r-cran-highr           !                0.5.1-2       0.6   !   0.5.1-1+14
 r-cran-httpuv      1.3.3-3~bpo8+1       1.3.3-3       1.3.3     1.3.3-3
 r-cran-kernlab  uvt:0.9-24-1~bpo8+1
 r-cran-knitr           !                1.12.3-1      1.13  !   1.12.3-2
 r-cran-lavaan                         NEW: 0.5.20-2             0.5.20-2
 r-cran-lavaan.survey                                            1.1.3-2
 r-cran-lisreltor                                                0.1.4-1
 r-cran-markdown        !                0.7.7-1       0.7.7     0.7.7-2
 r-cran-matrixcalc                     NEW: 1.0.3-2              1.0.3-2
 r-cran-mime        0.4-2~bpo8+1         0.4-2         0.4       0.4-2
 r-cran-nfactors                                                 2.3.3-2
 r-cran-qgraph                                                   1.3.4-2
 r-cran-rockchalk                                                1.8.101-1
 r-cran-sem                                                      3.1.7-2
 r-cran-semplot                                                  1.0.1-1
 r-cran-semtools                       NEW: 0.4.12-2             0.4.12-2
 r-cran-shinydashboard                                           0.5.1-2
 r-cran-simsem                                                   0.5.12-2
 r-cran-survey                                                   3.30.3-2
 r-cran-yaml            !                2.1.13-4      2.1.13    2.1.13-5

уто, 28. јун 2016.: OpenHUB

Got myself an account on BLACKDUCK OpenHUB. Check it out to get some statistics on my Free Software contributions.

суб, 25. јун 2016.: Natalie Svit-kona Eïfyran

Natalie Svit-kona Eïfyran did a performance in the Toulouse Hackerspace Factory aka THSF. The result is beautiful:

(planned: patch debian faq on systemd)

пет, 24. јун 2016.: timbl and other ilk software

News for Natural Language Processing scientists interested in Memory-Based Learning (dealing with classification tasks, generating part-of-speech taggers or chunkers and related subjects): Real Soon Now, updated versions of

 mbt mbtserver ticcutils timbl timblserver dimbl
will get uploaded to Debian/sid. Furthermore,
 frog frogdata libfolia ucto

are scheduled to get removed from testing; the upcoming Debian stretch release will ship without that software (as agreed upon in a discussion between me and upstream developers, march 9 2016).

These 10 pieces of software are developed by the LAnguage MAchines group by Antal van den Bosch. Functionality of frog and ucto is also available as a webservice from the Centre for Language and Speech Technology Webservices.

In 2010, this software entered the Debian archive; and since march 2013, users of Ubuntu and Debian systems should just run:

$ sudo apt-get install science-linguistics

once, and, from then on, one's system is automagically kept up to date w.r.t. LAMA software.

Current versions of ILK-tools as shipped with Debian; "upstream" what we would like to get shipped with upcoming stretch release, if time permits.

            wheezy    jessie      stretch   upstream

dimbl       0.11-1            0.12-2         0.15
mbt         3.2.8-1   3.2.10-4    3.2.10-5   3.2.15
mbtserver   0.5-2     0.7-3       0.9-1      0.10
ticcutils             0.4-5.1     0.7-2.1    0.11
timbl       6.4.2-1   6.4.4-4     6.4.6-1    6.4.7
timblserver 1.4-2     1.7-4       1.8-1.1    1.10

frog        0.12.15-3 0.12.17-7.1 0.12.20-1  0.13.0
frogdata    0.3-2             0.4-1          latest
libfolia    0.9-2     0.10-4.2    0.13-2     0.13
ucto        0.5.2-2   0.5.3-3.1   0.8.0-2    0.8.2

See this TODO list for more details.

See the previous FIXME august 2013 report for more information.

сре, 8. јун 2016.: r-cran-shinydashboard, r-cran-simsem

Preliminary packaging of r-cran-shinydashboard (0.5.1-1~bpo8+1) and r-cran-simsem (0.5.12-1) Get it (for now) via:

deb http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian jessie uvt

чет, 2. јун 2016.: draai, ruby

Uploaded draai 20160601-1 (The Јадар Release) to Debian/unstable

Uploaded to Debian backports: ruby-nio4r (1.2.1-1~bpo8+1), ruby-rspec (3.4.0c3e0m1s1-1~bpo8+1), ruby-simplecov-html (0.10.0-1~bpo8+1) ruby-thread-order (1.1.0-1~bpo8+1). As of june 4, they're waiting to be processed, in the backports-new queue.

сре, 1. јун 2016.: ruby

ruby-nio4r: ruby-nio4r_1.2.1-1 and ruby-ami_2.4.0-1 ACCEPTED into unstable. see also, for now, tmp/ruby for some backports to jessie/stable.

уто, 31. мај 2016.: Eben Moglen @ Re:publica

Guardian of the GPL: Online advertising is becoming “a perfect despotism” - "Eben Moglen, on the tyranny of online advertisers and the end of human freedom" by J.M. Porup, May 31, 2016 for art technica UK. About the talk by Eben Moglen and Mishi Choudhary, both of the Software Freedom Law Center, at the Re:publica conference in Germany, may 2016.

пон, 9. мај 2016.: blog: hp on corner-cutting

Professional corner-cutting by Havoc Pennington (who has a wikipedia page.)

How can we [as software developers] do a better job cutting corners? I think we can learn a lot from people building tables and dressers.

сре, 4. мај 2016.: r-cran-lavaan.survey, r-cran-highr, r-cran-markdown, r-cran-knitr

Preliminary packaging of r-cran-lavaan.survey (1.1.3-1). Get it (for now) via:

deb http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian jessie uvt

r-cran-highr 0.5.1-2, r-cran-markdown 0.7.7-1 (ACCEPTED in unstable) and r-cran-knitr 1.12.3-1 (in NEW) uploaded, thanks Andreas Tille.

сре, 4. мај 2016.: blogs: Laurie Penny, ELF, Dying

Don’t Be A Dick: On Atheism, Cruelty and Kindness by Laurie Penny.

A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux by Brian Raiter (tnx jj for pointer).

"A Protocol for Dying" by Pieter Hintjes of ZeroMQ fame, on his cancer and euthanasia. A well written and interesting piece.

zaterdag 30 april 2016: Open Source Event Bibliotheek Tilburg

Zaterdag 30 april 2016 van 12:00 tot 17:00: Open Source Event in Openbare Bibliotheek Tilburg Centrum, Koningsplein 10, Tilburg. Zie ook Rene Houben's Linux Educatie.

чет, 28. апр 2016.: mirror/clone for caspar and uruk on github

I've just created repositories for caspar and uruk on github. Plan is: these will mirror the repositories at git.mdcc.cx.

уто, 26. апр 2016.: r-cran-survey

Preliminary packaging of r-cran-survey (3.30.3-1). Get it (for now) via:

deb http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian jessie uvt

уто, 26. апр 2016.: plan

New pending uploads: python-clam.

сре, 20. апр 2016.: blog: david graeber

On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber, august 2013.

пон, 18. апр 2016.: blogs: US politics, John Goerzen

Scott Kitterman blogs about Futrure of secure systems in the US: s/Compliance with Court Orders Act of 2016/Technology Jobs Off-Shoring Act of 2016/.

John Goerzen's blog.

пон, 18. апр 2016.: cpqarrayd

Uploaded cpqarrayd 2.3.5 to Debian/unstable

суб, 16. апр 2016.: Ink and Feet

inkandfeet.com, beautiful writing by "Steven".

пет, 8. апр 2016.: PHP Oracle

Mathieu Parent's php-oci8 Debian package backported to jessie; see also Debian bug #774765.

Get it (for now) via:

deb http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian jessie uvt

пет, 8. апр 2016.: R

r-cran-kernlab backported to jessie. Get it (for now) via:

deb http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian jessie uvt

dinsdag 5 april 2016: Debian packaging met git @ project073, Den Bosch

Op dinsdag 5 april 2016, van 20:00 tot uiterlijk 23:30 was er een bijeenkomst van Project 073 bij Knoflook / Vereniging Ontspoord, Havendijk 3 in Den Bosch. Daar vond dan ook een gratis toegankelijke workshop Debian Packaging met Git plaatsvinden, door Joost van Baal-Ilić. Er was een man of 10 publiek aanwezig: een geslaagde en leerzame avond. Zie verder http://mdcc.cx/debian/ voor het document waar de workshop op gebaseerd is.

Mon, 04 Apr 2016: "This version of XScreenSaver is very old! Please upgrade!"

I was shocked when my beloved and trusted XScreenSaver on my Debian/stable system started behaving differently, and show me this annoying message "This version of XScreenSaver is very old! Please upgrade!". After reading Bug #819703 I decided XScreenSaver and I should depart (after a lot of years). So I ran:

root@incagijs:~# apt -V install xtrlock && apt -V purge xscreensaver
joostvb@incagijs:~% xtrlock -b

and was happy again. (BTW, i3lock and suckless-tools' slock do the job too.) XScreenSaver's author Jamie Zawinski wrote "I would like Debian to stop shipping XScreenSaver". In a reponse, Matthew Garrett wrote the insightful "There's more than one way to exploit the commons". People also discess the issue at LWN. And the "bug" got "fixed".

And I wrote this crude 1 minute hack (a1-lock needs a1-prompt) tweaking xtrlock's behaviour.

нед, 3. апр 2016.: fiets

gefietst: van Croy bij Aarle-Rixtel naar Korvel in Tilburg, 17:00 tot 19:30: twee en een half uur (inclusief 2 pauzes) over ongeveer 45 km: 18 km/h. Mogelijk 22 km/uur gemiddeld gedurende de rij-tijd. Op een fiets met normale dikke banden; geen tuupjes.

Resultaten uit het verleden:

пет, 20. јун 2014.:       ongeveer 85 minuten, 32 km.  op de renfiets, keiharde tuupjes.
     12. мар 2014.: time unknown.
уто, 25. феб 2014.:  7:29 -  8:54: 76 minuten, 32 km: 25,3 km/h.  Zelfde materiaal als 2013-12-13.  wind mee?
чет, 16. јан 2014.: 11:47 - 12:27: 90 minuten, 32 km.  Zelfde materiaal als 2013-12-13.
пет, 13. дец 2013.: 08:00 - 09:38: 98 minuten, 32 km.  Frame te klein, zadel te laag, geen
toeclips, geen tuupjes maar stadsfietsbanden.
  пет,  6. сеп 2013.: 07:57 - 09:19: 84 minuten, 32 km.
  уто, 27. авг 2013.: 08:51 - 09:10: 79 minuten
  уто, 25. јун 2013.:                90 minutes
  пет, 21. јун 2013.: 08:15 - 09:39: 84 minutes
 about 14  jun 2013.: unknown
  уто, 21. мај 2013.: 07:58 - 09:22: 84 minutes
       12  apr 2013:   8:19 -  9:41: 82 min
 rond   1  apr:             ongeveer 88 min
  чет, 21. мар 2013.:  7:33 - 08:59: 86 min
  чет, 14. мар 2013.:  7:32 - 08:59: 87 min
        7. мар 2013.:  7:53 - 09:15: 82 min, 32 km, 23.4 km/h.

Tijden tot nog toe, in minuten (32 km):

18 août  75
21 août  80
30 août  85
 6 sept  80
11 sept  77

 8. окт  85
18. окт  80
22. окт  83
31. окт  85
 5. нов  87
28. нов  88
 5. дец  89

 4. јан  98
 9. јан  90
 5. феб 108
12  Feb  88
21. феб  90
 7. мар  82

29 maart 2016: moerenburg, Tilburg

Was in Moerenburg. Gert Brunnink komt daar ook wel 'ns.

vrijdag 23 maart 2016: python-django-cleanup

Did preliminary packaging of Python's django-cleanup 0.4.2.

13 maart 2016: berken in de tilburgse binnenstad

Voormalig Van Gend en Loosterrein in het centrum van Tilburg. Er is ook www.tilburgaanzet.nl. "Niks meer aan doen", zou ik zeggen.

чет, 3. мар 2016.: Debian archaeology

(About old work of me in Debian: my first presence at a Debian release was in Debian 3.0 woody; it shipped with blackened (snapshot, changelog); lire and manpages-nl. Do NOT follow these links unless you're interested in archaeology.)

чет, 18. феб 2016.: hearing

24/192 Music Downloads ...and why they make no sense: Nice article by xiph.org's Monty, 2012, on hearing, perception, music compression and more. .

чет, 3. мар 2016.: pynlpl, python-django-adminsortable, python-django

python-pynlpl_0.7.7.1-2_amd64.changes uploaded and entered Debian/unstable.

Created git repo, python-django-adminsortable_2.0.10-2_amd64.changes uploaded to NEW.

Bug#814532: "RFP: python-django-adminsortable -- Generic drag-and-drop ordering for objects and tabular inlines in Django Admin". Here's upstream (also at github). A first packaging attempt is available from the non-gnu.uvt.nl apt-able package archive at Tilburg University; get it by running dget http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian/sid/python-django-adminsortable/python-django-adminsortable_2.0.10-1.dsc.

пон, 15. феб 2016.: node.js, software distribution mechanisms, developers and system administrators

Why I am not touching node.js, nice blog post by Martina Ferrari.

update нед, 26. дец 2021.: updated urls and fixed name of author.

нед, 14. феб 2016.: ilk

mbtserver 0.9-1 MIGRATED to testing.

нед, 14. феб 2016.: cran

r-cran-httpuv_1.3.3-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable.

Current status of my R CRAN work:

суб, 13. феб 2016.: ilk

ucto 0.8.0-2 MIGRATED to testing

суб, 13. феб 2016.: hand picked: fosdem talks

Here's a selection of talks from FOSDEM 2016, by Jose M. Calhariz.

чет, 11. феб 2016.: r-cran-yaml

Uploaded and ACCEPTED in unstable: r-cran-yaml 2.1.13-4.

чет, 11. феб 2016.: ilk

Version of ILK-tools. testing: what is currently in Debian testing/stretch. planned: what is planned to get uploaded, targetted for stretch. better: what would be better to end up in stretch; we'll get to that if time permits.

            testing     planned    better
dimbl       0.12-2      0.12-3     0.15-1
frog        0.12.20-1   0.12.20-2  0.13.0-1
frogdata    0.4-1       0.5-1      ?
libfolia    0.13-2      0.14-1     ?
mbt         3.2.10-5    3.2.12-3   3.2.15-1
mbtserver   -           0.9-1      0.10-1
ticcutils   0.7-2.1     0.7-3      0.11-1
timbl       6.4.6-1     6.4.7-1    -
timblserver 1.8-1.1     1.8-2      1.10-1
ucto        0.5.3-3.1   0.8.0-3    0.8.2-1

See this TODO list for more details.

пет, 5. феб 2016.: R

r-cran-formatr_1.2.1-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable \o/


De orthodoxe parochie van de Heilige Porfyrios in Tilburg viert nog steeds diensten in Kapel "Mariahof" Bredaseweg 568, Tilburg:

Dierbare Broeders en Zusters!

De Orthodoxe parochie van de Heilige Porfyrios in Tilburg viert: Zaterdag, 30
Januari 2016: 16.00...17.00 biecht; 17.00 Vespers en Zondag, 31 Januari 2016:
vanaf 9.00 biecht; 9.30 Uren; +/- 10.00 Liturgie Zacheas Zondag.  Kalender van
onze diensten zie op de web-site: www.orthodox-tilburg.nl.

We nodigen u, uw familie en al uw vrienden en kennissen van harte uit op deze
diensten in de Orthodoxe parochie van de Heilige Porfyrios.

De Kapel voor onze diensten moeten wij huren en wij hebben uw steun nodig.  De
rekening van onze parochie is: NL41ABNA0477603378  Orthodoxe Parochie H.
Porfyrios, Tilburg.

Ik was er zondag 7 februari, bij de dienst "Ontmoeting des Heren".

чет, 4. феб 2016.: ilk

ACCEPTED into Debian unstable: mbtserver_0.9-1_amd64.changes, ucto_0.8.0-1_amd64.changes, frog_0.12.20-1_amd64.changes, libfolia_0.13-2_amd64.changes. See also "5 jaar in 16 minuten" (https://youtu.be/1qSjFBpmvr0 .)

уто, 2. феб 2016.: r-cran

My R CRAN work; some history:

2016-01-24 r-cran-yaml_2.1.13-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

чет, 7. јан 2016.: r-cran-mime_0.4-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

сре, 23. дец 2015.: Bug#808807: ITP: r-cran-formatr, Bug#808808: ITP: r-cran-highr

уто, 22. дец 2015.: r-cran-mime 0.4-2 uploaded.

пон, 21. дец 2015.: duploaded to NEW: r-cran-httpuv 1.3.3-2 (and r-cran-jsonlite_0.9.17-2).

уто, 15. дец 2015.: some GNU R packages:

jan 2016: fosdem

I was not at FOSDEM 2016. IIRC I've attended every year. I solemny pledge not to miss FOSDEM 2017... :)

пон, 18. јан 2016.: Ian Murdock

Ian Murdock (★ 28 April 1973 - † 28 December 2015) was best known as the creator of Debian.

Ian Murdock died a victim of mental illness. It’s horrible that such a genius, someone who did so much good, went through that disease and had such a meaningless, unfair, undignified death.

writes Bruce Perens.

More obituaries: Bradley Kuhn, Docker, Inc, Debian Project mourns the loss of Ian Murdock And: arstechnica, LWN and LWN: In Memoriam: Ian Murdock.

нед, 17. јан 2016.: comic, love

nice: Philippa Rice. (The copy at digitalsynopsis.com allows for more comfortable reading.)

update нед, 26. дец 2021.: fixed typo in name of artist. oops

уто, 12. јан 2016.: consumerism

Modern consumerism and the waste problem, nice essay by John Paul Adrian Glaubitz, july 2011.

jan 2016: serbia

6 jan 2016: systemd

Problems with Systemd and Why I like BSD Init by Randy Westlund.

уто, 5. јан 2016.: apt-mark


# apt-mark auto $( apt-mark showmanual | grep '^lib' ) && apt-get -V autoremove

old news: 2015

уто, 22. дец 2015.: language

Has been online for a while, but still great indeed: The Great Language Game: test your language guessing skills using voice sound samples, by Lars Yencken. Some background.

уто, 22. дец 2015.: poetry

More poetry.

уто, 15. дец 2015.: vcs, again

   2008-03    2008-11     2011-06    2012-06       2012-09            2015-03                   2015-12

                 6 Mtn      42 Mtn     29 Arch     16 Arch  0.06       9 Arch  0.02 v ( .33)       9 Arch  0.02
     33 Darcs   18 Arch     59 Darcs   51 Mtn      60 Mtn   0.22      20 Cvs   0.05 v ( .19)      19 Cvs   0.04
     41 Arch    41 Darcs    60 Arch    70 Cvs      70 Cvs   0.26      97 Mtn   0.25 ^ (1.14)      99 Mtn   0.22
     60 Hg      59 Hg       65 Cvs    156 Hg      153 Hg    0.56     130 Hg    0.34 v ( .61)     122 Hg    0.27
    116 Cvs    135 Cvs     181 Hg     666 Bzr     801 Bzr   2.92     641 Bzr   1.66 v ( .57)     626 Bzr   1.38
    329 Bzr    398 Bzr     745 Bzr   1106 Darcs  1862 Darcs 6.79    2348 Darcs 6.10 v ( .90)    2031 Darcs 4.48
   1132 Git   2156 Git    9167 Svn   8697 Svn    8304 Svn  30.30    8955 Svn  23.27 v ( .77)    8383 Svn  18.50
   4979 Svn   5970 Svn   10539 Git  14883 Git   16141 Git  58.89   26274 Git  68.29 ^ (1.17)   34016 Git  75.08
                                                -----     ------   -----     ------            -----     ------
                                                27407     100      38474     100               45305     100

update, пон, 15. апр 2019.: trends.debian.net by Lucas Nussbaum has even more elaborate data

12. дец 2015.: loonse en drunense duinen

сре, 9. дец 2015.: crypto

The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work by Phillip Rogaway was published december 1, 2015.

Abstract: Cryptography rearranges power: it configures who can do what, from what. This makes cryptography an inherently political tool, and it confers on the field an intrinsically moral dimension. The Snowden revelations motivate a reassessment of the political and moral positioning of cryptography. They lead one to ask if our inability to effectively address mass surveillance constitutes a failure of our field. I believe that it does. I call for a community-wide effort to develop more effective means to resist mass surveillance. I plea for a reinvention of our disciplinary culture to attend not only to puzzles and math, but, also, to the societal implications of our work.

Here's a PDF.

сре, 9. дец 2015.: uruk rpm

An updated Uruk RPM: uruk-20151118-2.noarch.rpm is released.

vr 27 nov: 15 years joostvb *at* debian *dot* org

joostvb *at* debian *dot* org started on nov 27, 2000: 15 years ago today.

zo 22 nov 2015: Warandeloop

Warandeloop Tilburg, vr 20 t/m zo 22 november.

Ik (start nr. 9377) liep 10 km in 43:22, ik eindigde als nr 51 van 427 lopers. in de "Bedrijvenloop 10 km". nr 1, 2 en 3 liepen voor Tilburg University.

сре, 18. нов 2015.: Āne-wātak, uruk

Remember Āne-wātak. FreeBSD's calendar.history, as shipped with bsdmainutils (9.0.6) says: "nov 18 First hydrogen bomb blasts Enewetok, 1952".

uruk version 20151118 - The Āne-wātak Release published.

пон, 16. нов 2015.: paris

friday 13th of november 2015, Paris. There's a Wikipedia page on the november 2015 Paris attacks. And: What ISIS really wants by Graeme Wood, published by The Atlantic.

Craig Timberg wrote about the "Net of Insecurity" for the Washington Post: Part 1, Part 3, The Kernel of the Argument.

Very nice documentary online: The Internets Own Boy - The Story of Aaron Swartz.

'Our results shown that more than a decade and a half after "Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt", modern PGP tools are still unusable for the masses.' Read the whole story at Why Johnny Still, Still Can’t Encrypt: Evaluating the Usability of a Modern PGP Client by Scott Ruoti, Jeff Andersen, Daniel Zappala and Kent Seamons from Brigham Young University; October 2015. (arXiv:1510.08555v1 [cs.CR] 29 Oct 2015)

How to secure your communications, using PGP and friends: mailz in tails.

vr 30 okt 2015: enosig

vrijdag 30 oktober 2015: 15 jaar enosig! \o/

eerste weekend oktober 2015: 25 jaar burgers

Eindhovense ontmoetingsplaats (en één van de uitvalsbases van vrije software-groep enosig) Burgers werd in de nacht van 11 op 12 augustus 1990 gekraakt. Daarom: vr 2, za 3 en zo 4 oktober 2015: feest! 25 jaar burgers.

уто, 29. сеп 2015.: blog post by Rodney Folz

"Selling Out and the Death of Hacker Culture - We’ve sold each other for profit and lost what makes us happy." by Rodney Folz, about hackatons, past and present:

"[...] there was now a judging process; there were now first, second, and third places, with associated prizes. I remember these prizes being alluring — people were less willing to talk about what they were building, less willing to help others debug, because that was time they could spend building their hack. And if they had the best hack, they could beat everyone else and take first place. Yahoo! might even hire them."

Selling Out and the Death of Hacker Culture

чет, 24. сеп 2015.: another talk by Maciej Cegłowski

What happens Next Will Amaze You, about Privacy, Advertising, Communism; text version of a talk given on September 14, 2015, at the FREMTIDENS INTERNET conference in Copenhagen, Denmark by Maciej Cegłowski.

2015:09:24: nee ja nee nee nee nee ja ja nee nee nee ja nee nee nee ja

Wed Sep 23 2015: the internet of incompatible things

The Internet of Incompatible Things, a nice blog post^Wrant by Matthew Garrett:

The dystopian future we're heading towards isn't Gibsonian giant megacorporations engaging in physical warfare, it's one where buying a new toaster means replacing all your lightbulbs or discovering that the code making your home alarm system work is now considered a copyright infringement. Is there a market where I can invest in IP lawyers?

уто, 22. сеп 2015.: tilburg debates its city center

Tilburg Stad van Mensen - Actiecomité Behoud StadsKantoor 1, over "Rondje Leegstand" Brabants Dagblad bericht erover. Suzan de Groot-Fikke geeft in haar "Nummer 23"-blog een ode aan Tilburg (9 augustus 2015).

пон, 21. сеп 2015.: incubate

Incubate: A festival of music and independent culture. 14 - 20 September 2015, Tilburg. Jostijn Ligtvoet took a nice picture of me:

Saw 2 very nice movies @ incubate festival 2015: Do it together: A Documentary about independent music. Featuring OCCI, Vrankrijk, Steve Albini, The Ex, Repetitor e.a. And: Death Metal Angola, by Jeremy Xido, 2012 (also on IMDB).

Other things learned @ this years' incubate: Marc Ruijgrok (★ 1953) is a great artist. My personal musical highlights for this edition:

Did an impromptu DJ set @ Incubate Stadscamping, on saturday late morning / early afternoon; got positive feedback from those present.

сре, 9. сеп 2015: rip de vloek

De Vloek is ontruimd. Laatste cultureel aktieve kraakpand in Nederland voor zover ik weet. (BTW: vergeet niet: Knoflook in Den Bosch!)

Fri Sep 4 2015: de vloek independence

De Vloek declares independence / De Vloek roept de onafhandelijkheid uit Hellingweg 127, Den Haag / Scheveningen, weekend zaterdag 5 en zondag 6 september

August 2015: Gran Canaria

Fri Aug 7 2015: docker

Docker: evil spawn or useful tool: nice blog post by Jamie McClelland.

уто, 4. авг 2015.: irc

I'm using IRC for online chat since about 2000. (joostvb @ oftc, freenode, ...). Here's some history of IRC.

2 aug 2015: dnssec

Working on hardening my DNS zones with DNSSEC. I'll keep you posted: watch this area. (Credits: Casper Gielen.)

уто, 28. јул 2015: not webdesign

Nice essay, not about webdesign but about much more interesting topics: Web Design: The First 100 Years by Maciej Cegłowski (thanks, Randy Bush, Vesna Manojlovic and the unciv list for passing.

уто, 28. јул 2015: publicfile

From: Debian FTP Masters <ftpmaster@ftp-master.d.o>
To: Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb@d.o>
X-DAK: dak process-policy
X-Debian: DAK
X-Debian-Package: publicfile-installer
Subject: publicfile-installer_0.10-1_amd64.changes
 ACCEPTED into unstable, unstable
Message-Id: <E1ZJqS0-0006lJ-Ab@franck.debian.org>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 22:00:48 +0000

after 2 months: accepted \o/

publicfile-installer_0.10-1_all.deb and sources got uploaded to anonymous-ftp-master at ftp.upload.debian.org:/pub/UploadQueue/ on may 20.

Jul 17 2015: plaatje

Piet De Vaere shared his insightfull SHA2017 Joke Flowchart .

суб, 11. јул 2015: hrast drvo

A 600 year old holy oak tree (hrast drvo) in Gornji Milanovac, Serbia, is planned to get chopped down to make way for the "Koridor 11" road.

GORNJI MILANOVAC - Hrast-zapis star 600 godina koji se nalazi na trasi Koridora 11, biće posečen, a na mestu gde se nalazio izgradiće se spomen-park, saopštilo je Ministarstvo građevinarstva, infrastrukture i saobraćaja Srbije.

Kurir newspaper reports.

Wed Jul 8 2015: Cyanide & Happiness

Cyanide & Happiness is nice.

Wed Jul 8 2015: Oracle, Autotools

Created a patch for autoconf-archive's m4/ax_lib_oracle_oci.m4: Add support for Oracle 12: do not try to link to nnz10 but to nnz12.

Update Fri Sep 25 2015: it got applied \o/

5 juli 2015: Rabarber voor Joost K en Marit

Rabarber uit eigen tuin.

Some good reads: English Paul Ford on "What is Code?" for Bloomberg Businessweek june 11, 2015; and Dutch De gevolgen van het kraakverbod: hoe in Nederland belangrijke podia verdwijnen door Niels Backer for noisey.vice.com. Also: rediscovered Learn Python the Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw.

2015-05-10: biesbosch

2015-05-10: biesbosch. .

Thu Apr 2 2015: password expiry on old Unix systems

How to extend user account lifetime on a Tru64 Unix OSF1 V5.1 system: we use usermod(8) (Modifies a user's login information on the system) and login(8) (Signs the user on to the system).

 root@slagroom /# uname -a
 OSF1 slagroom V5.1 2650 alpha

 root@slagroom /# login -f rms

 Last   successful login for rms:
  Thu Apr  2 14:16:12 CEST 2015
  from monty-python.example.com
 Last unsuccessful login for rms:
 Your password will expire on Wed
  Apr 22 13:38:16 CEST 2015
 Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1B (Rev.
  2650); Wed Nov  3 15:27:29 CET

 rms:slagroom> exit

 root@slagroom /# usermod -x \
  administrative_lock_applied=0 \
  -x passwd_lifetime=0 -x \
  passwd_expire_time=0 \
  -x passwd_min_change_time=0 -x \
  passwd_expire_date=01/01/2020 \

 root@slagroom /# login -f rms
 Last   successful login for rms:
  Thu Apr  2 14:37:00 CEST 2015
  on pts/24
 Last unsuccessful login for rms:
 Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1B (Rev.
  2650); Wed Nov  3 15:27:29 CET

 rms:slagroom> exit

 root@slagroom /#

пон, 30. мар 2015.: Johan Bävman

Lynzy Billing reports on Johan Bävman's "Swedish Dads" photo project, for BuzzFeed, march 2015.


пет, 27. мар 2015.: doghousediaries

Doghousediaries by willrayraf: still good: .

сре, 25. мар 2015.: ucto

Uploaded ucto version 0.5.5-1 to Debian experimental.

Fresh .deb's of foliatools, libfolia, timblserver, mbtserver, dimbl, frog and frogdata will get uploaded RSN. And issues as mentioned at this TODO list will get dealt with.

See the previous november 2014 report for more information.

нед, 1. мар 2015.: music

statistics! yearly growth of my music collection, in gigabytes:

1999  11
2000   9
2001   9
2002   7
2003   6
2004   7
2005   8
2006  13
2007  11
2008  86 (79 G + one
 bunch of 7 G donated
 by a friend)
2009  35
2010 113 (50 G + one
 bunch of 63 G
 donated by a friend)
2011  41
2012  35
2013   8
2014  45 (15 G + in
 total 30 G donated by
2015   2 (and counting)
430 GB in total

As of aug 2013, I had 381 GB of music. Running "mpc stats" tells me about this 381 gigabytes:

Artists:   7836
Albums:    4262
Songs:    50961
DB Play Time: 168
 days, 22:47:55

That's 14597275 seconds per 381 GB, a 70 minutes CD takes 112 MB, a 5 minute song takes 8 MB. (I store songs in ogg, mp3, flac, m4a, you name it.)

Recent additions, in MBs:

  8900   201211

  6300   201308

  6200   201401
   260   201405
 14300   201406  (14 G donated by my wife)
  1060   201408  (another 2 G donated by my wife)
 18400   201409  (13 G (out of 19) donated by friends)
  4010   201410
   580   201411
   300   201412

   990   201501
   790   201502

Dunno why 2013 was such a lousy year wrt music. strange...

нед, 1. мар 2015.: VCS

My current VCS-preference list is:

  1. git (Currently using it)
  2. darcs
  3. cvs
  4. svn (Subversion, Currently using it)
  5. rcs
  6. hg (mercurial) (Never used that)
  7. bzr (Bazaar)
  8. mtn (monotone) (Never used that)
  9. tla (GNU Arch)

I'm an experienced user of 7 of those 9. Still have a love/hate-relationship with git btw. CVS wasn't that bad after all. I'm getting more and more annoyed by Subversion. I'd _love_ to start using darcs again one day; hrm... maybe I can convert systraq's svn repo to darcs... Otoh, at one point I was not using just 2, but 5 of those systems concurrently. That's proven to be next to impossible for me...

нед, 1. мар 2015.: version control systems and debian

Which version control systems are used by Debian developers to maintain packages? Lucas Nussbaum gave statistics about the 2005 - 2013 period: .

   2008-03    2008-11     2011-06    2012-06       2012-09            2015-03

                 6 Mtn      42 Mtn     29 Arch     16 Arch  0.06       9 Arch  0.02 v ( .33)
     33 Darcs   18 Arch     59 Darcs   51 Mtn      60 Mtn   0.22      20 Cvs   0.05 v ( .19)
     41 Arch    41 Darcs    60 Arch    70 Cvs      70 Cvs   0.26      97 Mtn   0.25 ^ (1.14)
     60 Hg      59 Hg       65 Cvs    156 Hg      153 Hg    0.56     130 Hg    0.34 v ( .61)
    116 Cvs    135 Cvs     181 Hg     666 Bzr     801 Bzr   2.92     641 Bzr   1.66 v ( .57)
    329 Bzr    398 Bzr     745 Bzr   1106 Darcs  1862 Darcs 6.79    2348 Darcs 6.10 v ( .90)
   1132 Git   2156 Git    9167 Svn   8697 Svn    8304 Svn  30.30    8955 Svn  23.27 v ( .77)
   4979 Svn   5970 Svn   10539 Git  14883 Git   16141 Git  58.89   26274 Git  68.29 ^ (1.17)
                                                -----     ------   -----     ------
                                                27407     100      38474     100

Precise dates of measurements: 2008-03-29, October 11, 2008, June 3, 2011, june 5, 2012 (thanks Folkert 'flok@#tosti' for that one), 2015-03-01. The command used was:

 % apt-cache showsrc $(apt-cache pkgnames) | grep \^Vcs | \
    grep -v Browse | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

(There's (still) a bug in this script: it mixes debian source packages with debian binary packages. Thanks to JanC for pointing this out. I don't think fixing it will yield another ordering in the different version control systems, 'though.)

суб, 28. феб 2015.: draai

New draai release: version 20150228 - The Nieuwe Leij Release. draai is a command line music player, implemented as a wrapper around mpc(1). You can read about what's new in this release.

A new draai Debian package: draai 20150228-1 got published. (version 20140828 - The Nuuk Release will likely never get packaged for Debian.)

    .... (.....)           20090615-1 (ITP: #519838, Jun 2009)
    squeeze (oldstable)    20100511-1
    wheezy (stable)        20110603-1
    jessie (testing)       20131212-1
    stretch (newtesting)   20150228-1 (?)
    buster (newnewtesting) ?
    sid (unstable)         20150228-1

draai 20150228-1 has entered the Debian archive, and will likely end up in the next upcoming Debian stretch release. (Debian jessie will likely get shipped with draai 20131212-1.) You can read about the changes in the Debian package.

If you'd like to use draai on your Ubuntu Linux system, you're lucky: draai gets shipped with Ubuntu since the "lucid" release. This new draai release will likely get shipped with the upcoming Ubuntu Linux release.

older news: 2014

2014: theatre, Zina

In 2014 in Eindhoven I volunteered for Danton's Dood (Georg Büchne), a theatre production by Johan Simons for Toneelgroep Amsterdam. Dantons dood werd gerealiseerd in samenwerking met Adelheid | Female Economy en Zina. With Gijs Scholten van Aschat as Robespierre and Hans Kesting as Danton.

нед, 28. дец 2014.: sneg

Sneeuw in Tilburg.

dec 2014: greenwheels

Ik was een greenwheels deelauto-klant van oktober 2005 tot december 2014: bijna 10 jaar...

17 december 2014: GNOME Keyring

Trying to understand GNOME Keyring. My efforts. Haven't succeeded yet...

14 december 2014: Debian Bug Squashing Party @ Kennismakerij, Tilburg

14 december 2014: Debian Bug Squashing Party @ Kennismakerij, Tilburg

nov 2014: Orthodoxe Kerk in Tilburg

De Orthodoxe Parochie van de Heilige Porfyrios van Kavsokalivia Tilburg heeft sinds kort een website \o/.

nov 2014: debian systemd init stuff

Nice blog post by Stefano "zack" Zacchiroli about Debian's General Resolution: init system coupling:

The winning option is not as crazy as its label might imply (voting to declare that the vote was not required? WTH?). [...] With this GR the Debian Project affirms that the procedures we have used to decide the default init system for Jessie and to arbitrate the ensuing conflicts are just fine. People might flame and troll debian-devel as much as they want (actually, I'm pretty sure we would all like them to stop, but that matter wasn't on the ballot so you'll have to take my word for it). People might write blog posts and make headlines corroborating the impression that Debian is still being torn apart by ongoing init system battles. But this vote says instead that the large majority of project members thinks our decision making and conflict-arbitration procedures, which most prominently include the Debian Technical Committee, have served use "adequately" well over the past troubled months.

нед, 23. нов 2014.: Warandeloop 2014, Tilburg

I've ran 5 km at the Warandeloop. It took me 23:16 . Not bad: It took me 24:30 in 2009 (last time I did 5 km). All results.

нед, 23. нов 2014. LogReport's lire, djb's publicfile

I've requested for Lire to get removed from the Debian archive since it's buggy, upstream development is stalled, nobody wants to maintain the Debian package, and there aren't that many users. Lire, the full-featured log analyzer and report generator, has been shipped with Debian since woody, it entered April 19, 2001. 13 years ago.

    July 2002  woody                20020214-7
    June 2005  sarge                2:2.0.1-4
    Apr  2007  etch                 2:2.0.2-3
    Feb  2009  lenny                2:2.0.3-1.1
    Feb  2011  squeeze (oldstable)  2:2.1-1.1
    May  2013  wheezy (stable)      2:2.1.1-2
    ?    2015  jessie (testing)     2:2.1.1-2.1^W

I've been part of the upstream team. It has been good; moving on now.

Thanks to everybody who helped me maintaining Lire in Debian. Here's the names I've found; to those I've missed: you're thanked even more! De aftiteling:


 gregor herrmann

Running, Cheese and Good Vibes

 Christian Perrier


 Vietnamese Clytie Siddall
 Swedish    Martin Bagge
 Basque     Piarres Beobide
 Italian    Vincenzo Campanella
 Russian    Yuri Kozlov
 Portuguese Ricardo Silva
 German     Helge Kreutzmann,
             Jens Seidel and
             Sebastian Feltel
 Czech      Martin Šín
 French     Thomas Huriaux
 Dutch      Kurt De Bree
 Swedish    Daniel Nylander

Bug reporters

 Noah Slater
 Hamish Moffatt
 Marco Gaiarin
 Vincent Danjean
 Andrew Pollock
 Cosimo Alfarano


 Wolfgang Sourdeau
 Francis J. Lacoste

My mailbox looked like this this morning:

 Nov 22 Debian FTP Mast (0,7K) Bug#770532: Removed package(s) from unstable
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (6,4K) ├─>Bug#158635: marked as done (lire: ipchains lexer doesn't support REDIRECT target)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (7,6K) ├─>Bug#263360: marked as done (lire: please implement new sa-exim service for spamfilter reports)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (8,0K) ├─>Bug#291063: marked as done (lire: chokes on apache combined log)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (7,3K) ├─>Bug#311564: marked as done (lire postfix reports have no content)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (7,3K) ├─>Bug#316298: marked as done (Globbing support for lire.d/*.cfg "logfile" parameter.)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac ( 24K) ├─>Bug#336059: marked as done (limits problem with nested groups in reports)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (7,3K) ├─>Bug#399731: marked as done (lire: Lire dies in confusion when creating lambda-based reports from large logs)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (8,2K) ├─>Bug#463992: marked as done (lire: spamassassin2dlf does not work with spamassassin's 3.2.3 logs)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (9,4K) ├─>Bug#526180: marked as done (lire: lr_log2report crashes with apache's access.log)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (8,4K) ├─>Bug#543363: marked as done (lire: Include source log file path name in report (heading))
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (8,7K) ├─>Bug#570342: marked as done (buggy regexp in config-spec/lire.xml)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (9,1K) ├─>Bug#574148: marked as done (lire: Wrong path configuration and missing dependencies for PDF reports)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac ( 13K) ├─>Bug#584299: marked as done (lire: Perl problems with SQLite2::{st,db} in analyzing iptables)
 Nov 22 Debian Bug Trac (8,2K) └─>Bug#689359: marked as done (paragraph-separating blank line in debian/control before contents)

Yay! Time for new stuff:

Getting DJB's webserver publicfile in Debian. Wish me luck.

нед, 2. нов 2014.: Debian packaging using git, nllgg: za 15 november, Utrecht

Er was een bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse Linux Gebruikers Groep op zaterdag 15 november, 2014, vanaf 10:00 bij Kranenburg praktijkonderwijs, Tamboersdijk 9, 3582 TZ Utrecht. Ik en Jeroen Dekkers verzorgden een workshop over het beheren van Debian packaging-werk met git. Er is meer informatie.

суб, 1. нов 2014.: ILK NLP software

Good news for Natural Language Processing scientists interested in Memory-Based Learning (dealing with classification tasks, generating part-of-speech taggers or chunkers and related subjects). In the last 4 months, the Induction of Linguistic Knowledge Research Group, Tilburg University, together with the Language Technology Research group of CLiPS, Antwerp released new versions of their software packages:

 ticcltools-0.1.tar.gz	14-Aug-2014 17:10 	389K
 foliatools-0.1.tar.gz	14-Aug-2014 17:51 	384K
 ticcutils-0.7.tar.gz	23-Sep-2014 10:02 	437K
 libfolia-0.12.tar.gz	23-Sep-2014 10:13 	424K
 ucto-0.6.0.tar.gz	23-Sep-2014 10:24 	434K
 timbl-6.4.6.tar.gz	23-Sep-2014 10:34 	547K
 timblserver-1.9.tar.gz	23-Sep-2014 10:42 	402K
 mbt-3.2.12.tar.gz	23-Sep-2014 10:49 	685K
 mbtserver-0.9.tar.gz	23-Sep-2014 10:54 	648K
 dimbl-0.14.tar.gz	23-Sep-2014 14:57 	409K
 frog-0.12.19.tar.gz	25-Sep-2014 18:15 	486K
 frogdata-0.6.tar.gz	29-Sep-2014 09:48 	19M

The Debian packaging infrastructure is being moved from Subversion to git, on alioth.debian.org. The first results are visible:

 Oct 28 Debian FTP Master: mbt_3.2.10-5_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
 Oct 30 Debian FTP Master: ticcutils_0.7-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
 Oct 31 Debian FTP Master: timbl_6.4.6-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Fresh .deb's of ucto e.a. will get uploaded RSN. They'll end up in the upcoming Debian stretch release. Jessie will ship with:

dimbl       0.12-2
frog        0.12.17-7.1
frogdata    0.4-1
libfolia    0.10-4.2
mbt         3.2.10-4
mbtserver   0.7-3
ticcutils   0.4-5.1
timbl       6.4.4-4
timblserver 1.7-4
ucto        0.5.3-3.1

. For people running Debian "stable": In may 2013, Debian 7.0 "wheezy" was released. It comes with timbl 6.4.2-1, timblserver 1.4-2, mbt 3.2.8-1, mbtserver 0.5-2, libfolia 0.9-2, frog 0.12.15-3, frogdata 0.3-2, ucto 0.5.2-2 and dimbl 0.11-1. It will likely be supported till about late 2014.

See the previous august 2013 report for more information.

NB: there is Debian LTS thanks to Raphael Hertzog, Holger Levsen, corporate sponsors, e.a.

суб, 27. сеп 2014.: four freedoms, privacy and safety

My free software will respect users or it will be bullshit, nice blog post by Matthew Garrett.

пет, 29. авг 2014.: DebConf14, Portland, OR, USA

Visiting Debian Conference 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA: DebConf14 took place august 23 till august 31, 2014, at Portland State University conference facility, 1825 SW Broadway, Portland OR 97201, USA.

More pics at Aigars Mahinovs's Google Plus page and links to other people's DebConf14 pics on the DebConf Wiki. See also Aigars' group photo. I've made a private copy of Aigars' stuff here.

Tue Jul 8 2014: more pics

Found back some more pics: from may 2014, Eindhoven:

Wed Jul 2 2014: pics

Found back some pics, from feb-may 2014:

mardi 1 juillet 2014

"Per 1 juli 2014 kan de politie bij een plotselinge gebeurtenis sneller fouilleren ter handhaving van de openbare orde." Zie rijksoverheid.nl.

samedi 28 juin 2014: ruit

Platform Noordoostcorridor "Stuit de Ruit" mobiliseert burgers ter voorkoming van de aanleg van de ruit om Eindhoven. Het Eindhovens Dagblad schrijft erover. Ook op Wikipedia is iets te vinden. En koef heeft plaatjes van (historisch) materiaal.

сре, 4. јун 2014.: pgp and amazon s3 backup tools

Published new tools a1-s3dup and a1-groupenc. a1-s3dup is a wrapper around duplicity, to facilitate handling pgp encrypted incremental file backups on amazon-s3. a1-groupenc is a wrapper around gpg: it encrypts and signs a file, so that a specific group of people can read and update it, while nobody else can read it. Typically useful for storing secret passwords which are shared among a group of people.

Ring Ring, Belgrade, may 2014

may 15 - may 28: Ring Ring Festival, Belgrade, Serbia. I've missed it, due to the flooding.

10 mei 2014: Open Kloosterdag

Op 10 mei 2014 was het Landelijke Open Kloosterdag. Ik heb missiezusters in Boxtel bezocht, die vertelden over hun werk in Afrika, oa. in Rwanda tijdens de burgeroorlog daar, en heb t klooster van de Redemptioristen bezocht. Zie voor inspiratie ook de apostolische exhortatie Evangelii Gaudium van paus Franciscus: "Liever een kerk die verwond en vuil is omdat zij op straat vertoeft, dan een kerk die ongezond is omdat zij zich opsluit in haar eigen veiligheid".

пет, 18. апр 2014.: talk: The birth and death of Javascript

Nice talk: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death-of-javascript.

Tachanka, by Нестор Махно

Nice: Нестор Махно invented this one: .

za 5 april 2014: puscii en pinknoise benefiet

zaterdag 5 april PUSCII & PinkNoise Benefiet in De Vloek, Scheveningen. . Met o.a. MC Broko, Harry Merry, DJ Chaos K "Weg met de Ultra" en DJ joostvb \o/

zaterdag 1 maart 2014, 14:00: Puscii Privacy Party, Boekhandel Rooie Rat, Utrecht

Puscii Privacy Party. ppp, 1 mrt 2014,

Seg Fev 24 2014: grub

Finally wrote down how to fix a broken grub: published new tiny document "how to restore a borken grub2" on how to escape from GRUB's rescue shell.

Sex Fev 21 2014: Debian @ Hacker Public Radio

Eternal fame: I've made it to Hacker Public Radio: Ken Fallon has interviewed me at the Debian booth at this year's FOSDEM conference. You can hear me in the 00:56:48 - 01:08:04 slot.

чет, 20. феб 2014.: BeWelcome

Just donated to the BeWelcome hospitality exchange service; an online community with more than 50,000 members in more than 150 countries all around the world, who offer free accommodation and help during travel. Donate too! See the public financial reports to check where your money would go. I like BeWelcome, for many reasons. One is: "We work voluntarily, that is why we love it so much.".

17. феб 2014.: xkcd

XKCD nº 1331 "Frequency" is a beautiful piece of poetry. Thanks Randall Munroe.

Fev 2014: fosdem

Attended FOSDEM, enjoyed nice african food at Le Matonge ASBL, Petite Restauration Spécialités Africaines in Matonge, BXL: chiquengue, fufu, madame jeanettes, viande de chèvre, halve liters jupiler, soukous. See pics by Vipul Agarwal.

чет, 16. јан 2014.: doghousediaries

The Doghousediaries is good.

чет, 16. јан 2014.: mdcc.cx

En: mdcc.cx headquartersmdcc.cx headquarters.

oldest news: 2013

7 aug 2013: RIP EeePC

Mijn stervende EeePC, op 7 augustus van dit jaar. Mijn fietswiel probeerde hem te versnipperen.

суб, 25. мај 2013.: ubica

Ubica ontruiming. Ikzelf bewaar mooie herinneringen aan die prachtige plek.

Opening uitbreiding Inkijkmuseum, Eindhoven

vrijdag 26 april 2013, Dommelstraat 2A, Eindhoven: 10 jaar Inkijkmuseum: Receptie, publieke opening en feest. Vanaf 26 April 2013 heeft het Inkijkmuseum twee tijdelijke zalen beschikbaar voor de mondiale mobiele expositie Show Your Hope. Het Inkijkmuseum begon ooit als een gigantische kijkdoos. Het is inmiddels het kleinste museum van het land met wellicht de grootste hedendaagse internationale kunstcollectie van Nederland. (opening info)

vendredi 19 avril 2013: hacked bozohttpd

Patched bozohttpd ("a small and secure http version 1.1 server. its main feature is the lack of features, reducing the code size and improving verifiability.") to deal with utf-8 in .html-files. See http://mdcc.cx/tmp/bozohttpd/ and Debian Bug #705736. Now this site looks OK again. \o/

dimanche 14 avril 2013

Switched server software from thttpd to bozohttpd. Excuse me for the mojibake: work in progress. [...] Hrm, bozohttpd's -M flag seems borken.^W No it's not! (Should I use mathopd?)

mardi 19 mars 2013: 'The Artist Is Present', Marina Abramović @ MoMA, 2010

Belgrade performance artist Marina Abramović was in MoMA in 2010 for her piece 'The Artist Is Present'. There, she encounted her ex-partner Ulay. See the YouTube upload Marina Abramović e Ulay - MoMA 2010 (uploaded by MiticoMazz) for what happened. She also this Zen Garage posting.

samedi 9 mars 2013: /buiten

Moved some stuff about walking and sports from this page to buiten/.

jeudi 28 février 2013: wm: dwm?

Switching from fvwm to a new window manager. It should be lightweight, simple and feel like Unix (i.e. have a decent manpage and understand the pipe symbol). It's a pity ratpoison is no longer maintained. The shortlist: xmonad (haskell), wmfs, Spectrwm, Snapwm, monsterwm (no-config), i3, herbstluftwm, dwm (no-config), dswm (lisp), awesome (lua), notion (lua). For now, I'm playing with dwm (the "Dynamic Window Manager"). I guess I'll stick with that one, for the last about 2 weeks I've been pretty happy with it.

oldest news: 2012

Radionica u Coq-u @ Haklab Beograd

zondag 9 december 2012, 17:00 to 20:00, Haklab Beograd, Daničareva 23, Београд, Србија: Radionica Coq-a prema kursu "Software Foundations" (CIS 500), Benjamina Piercea. Contact: irc:freenode/#hklbgd. Missed that one :( Hope to be able to attend another time.

jeudi 6 décembre 2012: repetitor

repetitor tour netherlands

Belgrade Garage Rock Band Repetitor tours The Netherlands. Woohoo!

нед, 2. дец 2012. ...Wazige Mannen...

Published some historic recordings of ...Wazige Mannen... (aka "De Wazige Mannen", uit Helmond, 1989 - 1993).

нед, 2. дец 2012.: DJ joostvb

Stuff about DJ joostvb has moved.

нед, 2. дец 2012.: platenzaken in Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Still there are some nice record stores in Eindhoven. Don't buy online, but hang out at these friendly places!

CD Teek Eindhoven, sinds 1989. Kleine Berg 52, Eindhoven, Tel: +31 (0)40 2451337. Open: ma t/m do: 12:00 - 18:00, vr: 12:00 - 21:00, za: 10:00 -18:00. CD

Ray Elpee, Kleine Bleekstraat 18, Eindhoven. Open afternoons.

суб, 1. дец 2012.: aephea

I've uploaded aephea_10.008-2 to Debian's testing-proposed-updates. An unblock request has been filed as Bug#694365, if everything works out as planned it'll get shipped with the upcoming Debian wheezy release.

нед, 25. нов 2012: aephea

I've uploaded aephea_12-248-2_all.deb. Thanks Andreas Beckmann for spotting a bug. You can read more about the changes in the Debian package.

aephea is a text-based authoring tool for HTML. If you'd like to generate manpages, but don't like troff syntax, and find Perl's POD too limited, Aephea's Portable Unix Documentation is likely useful for you.

The new aephea package has entered the Debian archive. This version (or a later one) will show up in the upcoming upcoming Debian jessie release.

I am working on getting it in wheezy too. If I fail, wheezy will ship with aephea 10.008-1. (And zoem 11-166-1. squeeze ships zoem 08-248-1. Debian ships zoem since March 2004.)

23 november 2012: hyperbole and a half

Allie Brosh of HYPERBOLE and a Half fame, kicks ass.

samedi 27 octobre 2012: afnog

joostvb teaching at afnog2010 kigali

Found back a picture of me teaching at the AfNOG Workshop on Network Technology - Scalable Internet Services, part of the 11th AfNOG Meeting and the AfriNIC-12 Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, may 2010.

суб, 20. окт 2012.: uncanny

Uncanny Valley Graph

Did some reading about the Uncanny Valley.

dimanche 7 octobre 2012: comics

Here's Matthew Inman's The Oatmeal on Nicola Tesla. Another nice Oatmeal: The Oatmeal Comic. And Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: nice too.

dimanche 7 octobre 2012: ecotribe teuge

Met dank aan Omslag vond ik de mooie documentaire De Bewoners Van... Ecotribe Teuge uitgezonden door TV Gelderland op 21 juni 2009.

суб, 25. авг 2012

Recently discovered 2 nice (and full-length) documentaties on Youtube: De Stad Was Van Ons directed by Joost Seelen, 1996, about Amsterdam squatters scene in 1980ies. and: Crass - There Is No Authority But Yourself directed by Alexander Oey, 2006, about the UK anarcho punk band and collective called Crass.

Mon Aug 13 2012: djb software in Debian

The current status of software from Daniel Bernstein in Debian:

I didn't find any Debian packaging efforts for publicfile. There has been a bit of non-productive noise in Bug #122614.

djbdns is not shipped with any Debian release, it's available in unstable only, due to Bug #516394. There's an alternative for djbdns: dbndns, a fork of the djbdns package, including patches for e.g. providing IPv6 functionality. That one is not in any stable release either; due to the same bug.

daemontools is shipped with Debian stable since the squeeze release. \o/ (There's an alternative for daemontools: runit and socklog.)

qmail will ship with the Debian wheezy release. \o/

Zaterdag 16 juni: Linux packaging workshop, RevSpace, Den Haag

Vanaf 10.00: .deb en .rpm packaging workshop, RevSpace, Den Haag. Ikzelf was één van de sprekers.

уто, 12. јун 2012

Het document Debian packaging met Subversion en debhelper wordt nog steeds bijgewerkt. Als je naar de dpkg and RPM packaging workshop in Den Haag gaat, bekijk dan hier de laatste versie.

12 mei 2012: module-assistant

Published first draft of document: How to get a patched alsa kernel module installed on your Linux system. WIP.

samedi 5 mai 2012: HOWTO: Debian packaging met Subversion en debhelper

Een eerste embrionale versie van het document Debian packaging met Subversion en debhelper is gepubliceerd. Met dank aan o.a. revspace.

Carnaval: za 18 t/m di 21 februari 2012

Eindhoven de Gekste! Pwned!

Jan 29, 2012: diaspora

I joined the DIASPORA* nonprofit, user-owned, distributed social network. It's based upon the free Diaspora software. I am Joost van Baal-Ilić at the diaspora Serbia pod.

oldest news: 2011

22 oktober 2011: Melchior

Melchior spends almost every night outside, in the garden. During the day he helps me doing paperwork.

25 september 2011: bruiloft

Jelena and me got married today (voor de gemeente, deze keer).

lundi 29 août 2011: opal

Machine opal.mdcc.cx is niet meer. (Machine emerald.mdcc.cx wordt nog steeds door Virtual Concepts te Tilburg gehost.)

23 augustus 2011: brood

Jelena made me a bread .

30 juli 2011: DebConf11 Banja Luka

24th to 30th July 2011: I've enjoyed DebConf11 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. See also debconf11.debconf.org.

wo 20 juli 2011: Soleus

Deze website draait niet langer op "opal" maar op "beskar": een VPS server die bij Hostingvereniging Soleus gehost wordt. Nu dus ook via IPv6 te bereiken \o/. (Daar merk je, als het goed is, helemaal niks van trouwens.)

26 juni 2011: Bosch Parade

Ik deed onder leiding van Sanne Zweije mee aan de Bosch Parade, 2011, een kunstzinnige vaartocht op de middeleeuwse Dieze in Den Bosch ter gelegenheid van het Jeroen Bosch-jaar, door Stichting Jheronimus Bosch 500. 17, 19, 22, 24 en 26 juni 2011. Update 2011-07-21: Een filmpje van mij en Miron in de boot "Otbo Velo" van Tijs Rooijakkers staat hier op youtube.

25 mei 2011: Proba @ Mikser

I've enjoyed the Mikser Festival, in Beograd, may 2011. I am a member of Proba. This choir is an initiative of the Škart collective for poetry and design. Our performance was a succes! :)

may 4, 2011: honeymoon

Jelena and me have spent a very nice honeymoon.

friday 29 april 2011: huwelijksinzegening

Jelena and me got married today!

march 2011: art: maja bekan @ het oog, van abbe

I was a volunteer and guest for The Ultimate Flexible Workstation - part of Maja Bekan - Secret Powers for Identity Security and Self-Respect in Troubling Times:

SOME OF OUR GUESTS: - Joost van Baal is an Open Source Software Developer and Unix System Administrator who normally has his base in the city of Eindhoven. All his activities are taken temporarily place now at the museum's office. - Jelena Ilic is based in Belgrade but occasionally comes to Eindhoven. She works in the office to prepare project on home gardens in Eindhoven and Belgrade. She is also involved in an NGO called SILENE. [...]

vendredi 11 février 2011: blog

Yes, I finally have a "real" blog, at http://www.bewelcome.org/ and you can subscribe to it via RSS.

oldest news: 2010

mercredi 18 août 2010: kookhoekje

't Is ongelofelijk maar waar: na meer dan zes jaar is er weer een aflevering van Joost's Kookhoekje verschenen. Overheerlijke Nassi deze keer.

dimanche 6 juin 2010: rwanda

Downtown Kigali, by Jenny and Randy aka hellotrain on their blog The Other Side of the FenceI'm back home from my first trip to Rwanda. Have visited the cities of Kigali (pictures) and Butare; have been working as a volunteer at the AfNOG-11 meeting's AfNOG Workshop 2010 at Kigali Institute of Technology. Furthermore, I've visited the IT department of Rwanda Development Board as well as National Universitsity of Rwanda. I've learned to enjoy Zingaru with Pilipili while having a "Mintzig" and am happy to have met the very kind people of Rwanda. I'll be back.

Melchior, Vuurfeest

Melchior, april 2010, door Yndra Tijdens het 6e vuurfeest maakte Virginie mooie foto's van o.a. Melchior.

Paris, M'Bilia Bel

Discovered the beautiful soukous as sung by Tabu Ley Rochereau and M'Bilia Bel M'Bilia Bel

Zondag 24 januari 2010: Jean Bosco Mwenda, Eekboek

Jean Bosco Mwanda aka Mwenda Wa
Bayeke Discovered Jean Bosco Mwenda's beautiful Congolese acoustic guitar music.

And did some Eekboek Debian uploads, too.

oldest news: 2009

Dinsdag 29 december: Melchior

Melchior door CSer Toni, maart 2010Melchior is in da house.

Sat 1 Aug 2009: debconf9

joostvb at DebConf9 Enjoyed (more pics, thanks to Wouter Verhelst e.a.) DebConf 9 in Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain, 23 - 30 July 2009. (And the Museo del Prado in Madrid, too; as well as yet another very good Couchsurfing experience.)

update: Even more and more pictures.

Wed 17 Jun 2009: fiets

Fietstocht gemaakt. Fiets- en wandeltochten staan sinds vandaag op de buitenpagina.

Sat, 13 Jun 2009

Patched ogg2mp3; see also the patched script.

Februari 21, 2009

Inspired by this post by Mark van Dijk, I wrote huisrekening, a script to compute payment schemes for payback among people who've all contributed (different) amounts of money to some common good. (A typical scenario for communities like student dorms.)

January 29, 2009

Released pgp-kspkeyserver-0.0.1.tar.gz.

January 28, 2009

Inspired by Philipp Wesche's whohas, I've written the first version of whohas2html. I've ran

$ update-whohashtml -d \
   archlinux,debian,fink,freebsd,gentoo,macports,netbsd,openbsd,ubuntu,fedora \
   < whohas.packages.txt > whohas.html

and collected the in- and output files.

January 27, 2009

Uploaded new Eekboek (Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses) Debian package: eekboek 1.04.02-1 has entered the Debian archive. It will likely enter Debian unstable soonish. You can read about the changes in the Debian package. This version (or a later one) will likely end up in Debian squeeze (the current unstable). lenny (the current testing) won't ship eekboek. It'll also likely get shipped with Ubuntu. You can view some Debian developer information about the package, and browse its Version Control repository.

January 12, 2009

Monday january 12: Talk at Chaos Seminar in Ulm, Germany: mailman-pgp-smime, een project dat ondersteuning voor OpenPGP en S/MIME aan GNU Mailman wil toevoegen.

January 8, 2009

Uploaded the freedict-tools-dev 0.3-2 Debian package , as well as the freedict-eng-ara_0.6.1-1, freedict-ara-eng_0.6.1-1, freedict-lit-eng_0.4-1 and freedict-eng-lit_0.4-1 Debian source packages, as prepared by Kęstutis Biliūnas to Debian experimental. See the pkg-freedict page on Alioth if you'd like to help: there's still quite some work to do.

oldest news: 2008

December 21, 2008

De 2e aflevering van het poeziefestival Westelbeers was zo mogelijk nog beter dan de eerste aflevering: met lekkere zelfgemaakte erwtensoep deze keer. Zie ook het verslagje van de vorige aflevering.

December 17, 2008

Published smallmailclient_0.2-beta-1_all.deb, a Debian package for the mail client for the Small Sister privacy system.

November 3, 2008

Found out about this nice and insightful article on How to recognise a good programmer at Daniel Tenner's blog.

October 12, 2008

Ik heb eindelijk het filmpje gevonden dat Source21.nl van me maakte over PGP. Dank aan John Jaarsveld voor de tip.

June 5, 2008

Released tremble 0.0.3.

May 5, 2008

The system I've bought in March is finally up and running. It's called bruhat.mdcc.cx, after Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat who wrote Analysis, Manifolds and Physics in 1977 with Cécile DeWitt-Morette. It's running Debian GNU/Linux, and powered by lvm, xfs, reiserfs, runit, socklog, netqmail and maildrop, a.o. See also my list of packages I can't live without.

April 10, 2008

Finally published ad1810-tachod. It's a simple script to annoy the user and chase her away from the computer when she shouldn't be working. (Published some other old scripts too.)

April 6, 2008

Found back a 1998-08 post of mine. Jee...

January 23, 2008

I am working on muladhara. Details will follow Real Soon Now.

The beginnings of the modern right cross
demonstrated in Edmund Price's The Science of Self Defense: A Treatise on
Sparring and Wrestling, 1867

oldest news: 2007 and earlier

feb, 2004

In 2004 I was in South Africa, in Johannesburg: .

august 7, 2001

[Here's an old entry, for people interested in history:] This site has moved to [topaz,] a machine with a somewhat more reliable internet connectivity. Read about the disasters which happened last two weeks here. You might find broken links, due to this move. I'm working on it. The documentation will stay at my homemachine.


Joost van Baal-Ilić

...is maintaining this site. Read about Joost van Baal-Ilić and about DJ joostvb.


The mdcc.cx domain is dedicated to the year AD MDCCCX, in which journalist and women's rights activist Margaret Fuller was born. The quote

When people keep telling you that you can't do a thing, you kind of like to try it.

is attributed to her.

(Thanks to Ferdinand Francino and vormveranderaar Virginie Moerenhout for helping me finding this dedication for the domain.)


I am a happy yasigi.org, soleus and L² Transfinite Technologies www.conuropsis.org customer/participator. Hosted somewhere there are

Evan Prodromou has summarized all reasons for choosing hosters like conuropsis and Virtual Concepts on his 9_Thermidor_CCXIV blog entry.

If you're looking for hosting, you also might want to contact Moving Art Studio / all2all in Brussels. I never did any business with them. Their website however seems to indicate these people at least have some clue.


The http://doc.mdcc.cx/ webpages are brought to you by a webserver, running on a host called stegun.mdcc.cx. postfix for email, and Felix von Leitner's fnord for web. Gerrit Pape's socklog is used for logging services. All services are running on the Debian GNU/Linux Operating System.

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Tue 25 Feb 2025 01:48:10 PM CET