# /etc/cron.d/systraq - cronjob for systraq jobs # # This PATH is useful if you've used a non-standard bindir during ./configure PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin # # m h dom mon dow usercommand # # run filetraq every hour at :30. 30 * * * * _systraq [ -r /etc/systraq/filetraq.conf ] && command -v filetraq >/dev/null && filetraq /etc/systraq/filetraq.conf /var/lib/systraq/filetraq # # clean up filetraq backup files older than two months # @monthly 0 0 1 * * _systraq [ -d /var/lib/systraq/filetraq ] && find /var/lib/systraq/filetraq -type f -name "*.??.??__??.??" -ctime +60 -exec rm \{\} \; # # sent the daily systraq email # @daily 0 0 * * * _systraq command -v systraq >/dev/null && systraq | mailx -s "[Systraq] `hostname` `date +\%Y\%m\%d`" _systraq # # update the systraq status files # @hourly 0 * * * * _systraq command -v st_snapshot.hourly >/dev/null && st_snapshot.hourly 0 * * * * root command -v st_snapshot.hourly >/dev/null && ST_MODE=root st_snapshot.hourly #