\BOOKMARK [0][-]{1.0}{Table of Contents}{}% 1 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{1.1.1}{1. Introduction}{1.0}% 2 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{1.1. What is it?}{1.1.1}% 3 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{1.2. Why?}{1.1.1}% 4 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{1.2.1}{2. Installation}{1.0}% 5 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{2.1. Requirements}{1.2.1}% 6 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{2.2. Configure the package \(and optionally rebuild documentation\)}{1.2.1}% 7 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{2.3. Install scripts and documentation}{1.2.1}% 8 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{2.4. User account}{1.2.1}% 9 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{2.5. Set up configuration files}{1.2.1}% 10 \BOOKMARK [3][-]{}{2.5.1. Introduction}{}% 11 \BOOKMARK [3][-]{}{2.5.2. filetraq.conf}{}% 12 \BOOKMARK [3][-]{}{2.5.3. stsnapshots's file lists}{}% 13 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{2.6. Inspecting current state of your system, making the first snapshot}{1.2.1}% 14 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{2.7. Setting up cronjob}{1.2.1}% 15 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{1.3.1}{3. Daily Maintenance}{1.0}% 16 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{1.4.1}{4. Internals}{1.0}% 17 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{4.1. Files used}{1.4.1}% 18 \BOOKMARK [3][-]{}{Files used}{}% 19 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{4.2. Dependencies}{1.4.1}% 20 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{4.3. The systraq scripts}{1.4.1}% 21 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{1.5.1}{5. Hacking on systraq}{1.0}% 22 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{5.1. Version Control}{1.5.1}% 23 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{5.2. Generating .tar.gz from version control}{1.5.1}% 24 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{1.6.1}{6. Contact, other tools}{1.0}% 25 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{6.1. Contact information, reporting bugs}{1.6.1}% 26 \BOOKMARK [2][-]{}{6.2. Similar tools}{1.6.1}% 27