\: vim:syntax=tex \: This file is maintained at http://git.mdcc.cx/draai \: This is a manpage in zoem format. See http://micans.org/zoem/, pud(7) \: and /usr/share/doc/zoem/mac/buzzz.azm.gz \: \begin{pud::man}{ \: {author}{Stijn van Dongen} \: {year}{2009} \: {day}{18} \: {month}{Jan} \: {stamp}{09-018} \: } \import{pud/man.zmm} \import{./include.zmm} \begin{pud::man}{ {name}{draai} {html_title}{draai} {section}{1} \man_share } \: \finsert{../help/command/guestlist} \: \${html}{\"man::maketoc"} \sec{name}{NAME} \NAME{draai}{manage playlists and play audio files} \sec{synopsis}{SYNOPSIS} \par{draai [option [option ...]] command [track [track ...] | tracknumber [tracknumber ...]]} \sec{description}{DESCRIPTION} Draai is a wrapper around mpc, making playing music from the commandline more enjoyable. mpc is a client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Using draai, one can play an audiofile (ogg, mp3, flac, whatever your MPD offers), play all files in a predefined playlist, view details on current, past and future playing songs, skip to the next song, etc. \sec{getting started}{GETTING STARTED} Run "draai init" to get started using draai the way the author likes it. Then, open another terminal window and run e.g. $ draai listall | dr_permutate | draai add; draai play to build a current playlist and start playing it. Other ways of using draai are possible, see below. \sec{commands}{COMMANDS} \begin{itemize} \item{draai} \car{ \"help::command::draai" } \item{watch} \car{ \"help::command::watch" } \item{init} \car{ \"help::command::init" } \item{guestlist} \car{ \"help::command::guestlist" } \item{unguestlist} \car{ \"help::command::unguestlist" } \item{insert} \car{ \"help::command::insert" } \item{move} \car{ \"help::command::move" } \item{zap} \car{ \"help::command::zap" } \item{search} \car{ \"help::command::search" } \item{tail} \car{ \"help::command::tail" } \item{logtail} \car{ \"help::command::logtail" } \item{list} \car{ \"help::command::list" } \item{peek} \car{ \"help::command::peek" } \item{play} \car{ \"help::command::play" } \item{syslog} \car{ \"help::command::syslog" } \item{skip} \car{ \"help::command::skip" } \item{osjittisstil} \car{ \"help::command::osjittisstil" } \item{delete} \car{ \"help::command::delete" } \item{fastforward} \car{ \"help::command::fastforward" } \item{crescendo} \car{ \"help::command::crescendo" } \item{diminuendo} \car{ \"help::command::diminuendo" } \item{shuffle} \car{ \"help::command::shuffle" } \item{listall} \car{ \"help::command::listall" } \item{add} \car{ \"help::command::add" } \item{quit} \car{ \"help::command::quit" } \end{itemize} \sec{options}{OPTIONS} \begin{itemize} \: \item{\defopt{-l}{i}{loudness}} \: \car{ \: Loudness, which is specified as an integer inbetween 0 and 100.} \: \item{\defopt{--debug}{debug}, \bf{-\"help::shortoption::debug"}} \item{\defopt{--debug}{debug}, \bf{-d}} \car{ \"help::option::debug"} \item{\defopt{--playlist}{with playlistfile}, \bf{-p}} \: \bf{-\"help::shortoption::playlist"}} \car{ \"help::option::playlist"} \: \item{\defopt{--noshuffle}{no shuffle}, {\bf{-\"help::shortoption::noshuffle"}}} \item{\defopt{--noshuffle}{no shuffle}, {\bf{-S}}} \car{ \"help::option::noshuffle"} \item{\defopt{--raw}{raw}, \bf{-r}} \car{ \"help::option::raw"} \: \item{\defopt{--sloppy}{sloppy}, \bf{-\"help::shortoption::sloppy"}} \item{\defopt{--sloppy}{sloppy}, \bf{-s}} \car{ \"help::option::sloppy"} \item{\defopt{--time}{with timespec}, \bf{-t}} \car{ \"help::option::time"} \end{itemize} \sec{examples}{EXAMPLES} Schedule all tracks containing the string 'delia gone' in title, artist, comment or any other tag for playing, after current song has finished: \tt{draai search 'delia gone' | draai insert}. \sec{environment}{ENVIRONMENT} Run \tt{grep DR_ `which draai`} to find out about environment variables honored by draai. It honors: booleans: DR_DEBUG, DR_SHUFFLE, DR_SHUFFLE_NATIVE, DR_TIMESTAMP, DR_RAW, DR_SLOPPY, DR_INIT_NCMPCPP and DR_INIT_WATCH ; strings: DR_WATCH ; integers: DR_CROSSFADE, DR_PEEK and DR_SEEK as well as DR_FADEOUT_STEP, DR_FADEOUT_REPEAT, and DR_FADEOUT_SLEEP and DR_VOLUME_STEP ; and some more strings: DR_SYSLOG_FILE, DR_SYSLOG_FACILITY and DR_SYSLOG_LEVEL . For now, see the draai code for what it all means. \sec{files, configurarion}{FILES, CONFIGURATION} All configuration variables (see ENVIRONMENT) can be set in \tt{~/.draai/rc}. This rc-file is sourced as a shell script. If you'd like to set the syslog facility, set \it{syslog_facility} (overruled by DR_SYSLOG_FACILITY). If you'd like to set the watch programma, set \it{watch} (overruled by DR_WATCH). \sec{see also}{SEE ALSO} Lots of alternatives for draai exist. One is "herrie", by Ed Schouten and Martijn van den Dungen, see http://freshmeat.net/projects/herrie/. \sec{copyright and license}{COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE} Draai is (C) 2000-2013 \"man::author". Draai is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with draai. If not, see \httpref{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. \sec{author}{AUTHOR} \"man::author" \end{pud::man}