Draai is a wrapper around mpc, making playing music from the commandline more enjoyable. mpc is a client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Using draai, one can play an audiofile (ogg, mp3, flac, whatever your MPD offers), play all files in a predefined playlist, view details on current, past and future playing songs, skip to the next song, etc. Main differences with mpc: draai supports smooth fadeouts, draai can be used as an alarmclock, draai supports rescheduling a track as the upcoming track, draai offers fancy status windows. The author uses draai for doing DJ sets in clubs. The interface is purely command-line. No fancy gui's whatsoever. Not even curses. Draai consists of just one simple zsh shell script, calling mpc. Actually, I don't expect many more than one or two users of draai. The interface is very much tweaked to my own personal taste. Furthermore, there are a zillion alternatives for draai; everybody seems to be writing her own playlist manager. PACKAGES ======== If you're using a Debian or Ubuntu system, install draai by executing # aptitude update && aptitude install draai (Debian ships draai since the "squeeze" release.) There might be draai packages available from non-gnu.uvt.nl too; try: # echo "deb http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian sid draai" >> /etc/apt/sources.list # aptitude update # curl http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian/uvt_key.asc | apt-key add - # aptitude update && aptitude install draai to install it from there. SOURCE ====== Source packages are available for download from http://mdcc.cx/pub/draai/. INSTALLATION ============ For instructions for installation using the tarball (i.e.: not binary packages), see the file INSTALL. Special installation information for zsh users: Draai comes with a zsh completion function, by default installed in /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions. Make sure this directory is in your $fpath. If it isn't, you might want to add _sitecompdir=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions [[ -z $fpath[(r)$_sitecompdir] ]] && fpath=($fpath $_sitecompdir) to your ~/.zshrc. Run compinit after installation of draai. USAGE ===== After installation, running $ man draai (or "$ draai --help") gives information on the usage of the draai command-line tool. DEVELOPERS ========== Bleeding edge draai is available using git from http://git.mdcc.cx/draai. WHAT OUR USERS SAY ================== As heard once on irc meuknet/#uvt: < jiggel> osjittisstil <- beste naam van een commandline optie die ik in lange tijd gezien heb :) HISTORY ======= The first draai implementation, probably from about 2001, consisted of a bunch of zsh shell functions. The second draai implementation was in python, calling ogg123 and mpg321. The first implementation which never made it was in python, using python-pyvorbis, python-id3 and python-pymad. The second implementation which never made it was in python, using python-mpdclient / py-libmpdclient. The current draai implementation, around since 2007, is a zsh shell script, calling mpc. AUTHOR ====== Draai is written by Joost van Baal-Ilić . THANKS ====== Wessel Dankers for contributing the oggsymlinks script. MORE INFORMATION ================ The draai webpage is at http://mdcc.cx/draai.