#! @BIN_PATH@/crm { output /:*:_nl: CRM114: testing windowing on windows from a variable :*:_nl: :*:_nl:/ isolate (:instuff:) /:*:_dw:/ alter (:_dw:) /data window test text / isolate (:t:) output / Input stuff is : :*:instuff: :*:_nl: :*:_nl:/ output /:*:_nl: testing delimited by 'A':*:_nl: / { window (:t:) (:instuff:) /A/ /A/ output / Data Window: :*:_dw: :*:_nl:/ output / Windowed value = :*:t: :*:_nl:/ output / Remaining stuff = :*:instuff: :*:_nl: :*:_nl:/ liaf } alius { output / Bounced out of the WINDOW loop -- no further stuff/ output /:*:_nl:/ } output / End of window-from-variable testing :*:_nl:/ }