#! @BIN_PATH@/crm # test the alius statement { { { output /checking for a foo.../ match /foo/ output /Found a foo :*:_nl:/ } alius { output /no foo... checking for bar.../ match /bar/ output /Found a bar. :*:_nl:/ } alius { output /found neither... continuing :*:_nl:/ fault / plutonium / } { output / dammit! / } } { { output /checking for a baz.../ match /baz/ output /Found a baz :*:_nl:/ { output / damned twice NO SEE THIS // } } alius { output /no baz... checking for wugga.../ match /wugga/ output /Found a wugga. :*:_nl:/ } alius fault / cork / output /found neither baz nor wugga :*:_nl:/ } { output / on the next line, "fault" should be empty.:*:_nl:/ output / thrice damned - fault was ->:*:_fault:<- :*:_nl:/ } }