#! @BIN_PATH@/crm window { output /:*:_nl: CRM114 testing ALTERation and copying :*:_nl::*:_nl:/ alter (:_dw:) /01abcdefghijkl89/ isolate (:z:) // match <> (:big:) /.*/ output /----- Whole file -----:*:_nl:/ output /:*:big:/ output /----------------------/ match <> (:1:) /abcde/ match <> (:2:) /cde+fg/ match <> (:3:) /fghij/ alter <> (:z:) /:*:2:/ output /:*:_nl: 1: :*:1:, 2: :*:2:, 3: :*:3: z: :*:z: :*:_nl:/ output / ---altering the z copy ----- :*:_nl:/ alter (:z:) /CDEEEFG/ output /:*:_nl: 1: :*:1:, 2: :*:2:, 3: :*:3: z: :*:z: :*:_nl:/ output /----- Whole file -----:*:_nl:/ output /:*:big:/ output / ---altering the original ----- :*:_nl:/ alter (:2:) /CDEEEFG/ output /:*:_nl: 1: :*:1:, 2: :*:2:, 3: :*:3: z: :*:z: :*:_nl:/ output /----- Whole file -----:*:_nl:/ output /:*:big:/ output / ---altering the original again----- :*:_nl:/ alter (:2:) /CDFG/ output /:*:_nl: 1: :*:1:, 2: :*:2:, 3: :*:3: z: :*:z: :*:_nl:/ output /----- Whole file -----:*:_nl:/ output /:*:big:/ output /----------------------:*:_nl:/ match <> (:big:) /.*/ output /----- Rematched Whole file -----:*:_nl:/ output /:*:big:/ output /:*:_nl:----------------------:*:_nl:/ output /------putting things back-----:*:_nl:/ alter (:_dw:) /01abcdefghijkl89/ match <> (:big:) /.*/ output /----- Whole file -----:*:_nl:/ output /:*:big:/ output /:*:_nl:----------------------:*:_nl:/ match (:q:) /cdefg/ output /:*:_nl:----------------------:*:_nl:/ output / :q: = :*:q: :*:_nl:/ output / ISOLATEing :q: - this should copy :*:_nl:/ isolate (:q:) output / :q: = :*:q: :*:_nl:/ output / ALTERing :q: to ZZZZZ:*:_nl:/ alter (:q:) /ZZZZZ/ output / :q: = :*:q: :*:_nl:/ match <> (:big:) /.*/ output /----- Whole file -----:*:_nl:/ output /:*:big:/ output /:*:_nl:----------------------:*:_nl:/ output /:*:_nl: Checking initialization of isolation :*:_nl:/ isolate (:r:) / AAAAA/ output /:*:r: :*:_nl:/ }