#!@BIN_PATH@/crm window output /:*:_nl: CRM114: Testing union and intersection :*:_nl: :*:_nl:/ { alter (:_dw:) / a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z / output /We start with this: ':*:_dw:' :*:_nl:/ match (:alpha:) /a/ match (:lima:) /l/ match (:sierra:) /s/ match (:zulu:) /z/ match (:abc:) /a b c/ match (:cde:) /c d e/ intersect (:t1:) [:abc: :cde:] output /intersection of abc and cde is t1: ':*:t1:' :*:_nl:/ union (:t2:) [:lima: :sierra:] output /union of l thru s is t2: ':*:t2:' :*:_nl:/ intersect (:t3:) [:abc: :t2:] output /intersection of abc and t2 is t3: ':*:t3:' :*:_nl:/ union (:t4:) [:zulu: :t1:] output /union of zulu and t1 is t4: ':*:t4:' :*:_nl:/ }