Miscellaneous Issues
Windows shared libraries (DLLs) are different from typical Unix shared
libraries. They require special declarations for global variables
declared in a shared library. Programs which use shared libraries must
generally use special macros in their header files to define these
appropriately. GNU libtool can help with some shared library
issues, but not all.
There are some Unix system features which are not supported under
Windows: pseudo terminals, effective user ID, file modes with
user/group/other permission, named FIFOs, an executable overriding
functions called by shared libraries, select on anything other
than sockets.
There are some Windows system features which are not supported under
Unix: the Windows event loop, many graphical capabilities, some aspects
of the rich set of interthread communication mechanisms, the
WSAAsyncSelect function. You should keep these issues in mind
when designing and writing a program which should run on both Unix and