WARNING: the tools use relative path names. So go into your directory an call them like: bin/generate-list - Copy example/ to a usefull directory name - eg. ksp-froscon07/ - create an empty keys/ dir - Edit ~/.pkkrc - Adjust the text in bin/pkk-generate-list and conf/mail-header (WARNING: don't forget to add $KSPFILE as in conf/vars to the mail-header, otherwise people can be irritated :)) TODO: use some kind of template language.... - If you don't run the kspkeyserver just drop the keys into a directory named keys/ If you have keys you can run the following tools: bin/pkk-generate-list - generates the classic KSP sheets and keyrings bin/pkk-generate-mailadds - reads the KSPFILE and extracts all mailaddresses bin/pkk-mail-send - uses nail to send a mail to all participants. $KSPFILE gets attached. The text for the mail is in conf/mail-header.