#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2007 Alexander Wirt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # use HTTP::Daemon; use strict; use CGI::Util qw/ unescape /; #needed to escape the HTML stuff use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /; use Proc::Daemon; use Log::LogLite; use Net::hostent; my $homedir = defined $ENV{'KSP_HOMEDIR'} ? $ENV{'KSP_HOMEDIR'} : '/home/ksp'; my $port = 11371; # this is used by the hkp protocol, for some weird reason its listed with tcp/udp but thats stupid my $basedir = $homedir . "/keys"; my $gpg = '/usr/bin/gpg'; my $vhostmode = 1; my $bind = ''; my $daemonize = 1; my $LOG_FILE = $homedir . "/kspkeyserver.log"; my $LOG_LEVEL = 7; die "Basedir $basedir does not exist" unless -d "$basedir"; if (! -d "$basedir/gpg") { mkdir "$basedir/gpg",0700 or die "Could not create gpg home: $!"; } my $log = new Log::LogLite($LOG_FILE, $LOG_LEVEL); my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new( LocalAddr => $bind, LocalPort => $port, Reuse => 1, ) or die "Could not create HTTP::Daemon: $!"; $log->write("Now listening on " . $d->url, 5); if ($daemonize) { open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "Can't read /dev/null: $!"; open STDERR, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!"; defined(my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!"; if ($pid) { $log->write("Forked into background ($pid)", 5); exit if $pid; } } while (my $c = $d->accept) { $log->write("New connection from " . $c->peerhost(), 7); while (my $r = $c->get_request) { if ($r->method eq 'POST' and $r->url->path eq "/pks/add") { my $tmphost = $r->header( 'Host' ); my ($targethost, $port) = split (/:/, $tmphost); #sanitize the hostname $targethost =~ s/[^\w.-]//; $log->write($c->peerhost() . " wants to submit a key to ksp $targethost", 7); my $content = $r->decoded_content; if ($content =~ m/keytext=(.*)$/ ){ my $key=unescape("$1"); my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(); print $fh "$key"; open (GPG, '-|' , "$gpg -q --no-options --homedir=$basedir/gpg --with-colons $filename ") or print "Could not open gpg: $!\n"; while () { if (/^pub:/) { my ($type, $trust, $keylength, $algorithm, $keyid, $creationdate, $expirationdate, $serial, $ownertrust, $uid, $rest) = split(/:/, $_); if ($keyid ne "" && $uid ne "") { my $new_key; if ($vhostmode) { $new_key = "$basedir/$targethost/keys/$keyid"; } else { $new_key = "$basedir/$keyid"; } if (! -f "$basedir/$targethost/locked") { if (open ( OUTKEY , ">", "$new_key" )) { print OUTKEY "$key"; close (OUTKEY); $log->write("$uid (Keyid: $keyid) successfully submitted to $targethost by " . $c->peerhost(), 5); #$c->send_basic_header( 200, "1 key submitted") $c->send_status_line( 200, "1 key submitted"); my $response = HTTP::Response->new(200); # Put together a response $response->content("Key added!"); # $response->content("document.write('OK $i
');"); $response->header("Content-Type" => "text/html"); $c->send_response($response); } else { $log->write("Could not write $keyid to $new_key: $!", 2); $c->send_error(500); } } else { $log->write("KSP $targethost locked"); $c->send_error(500); } } else { # key not valid $log->write("Invalid submission by " . $c->peerhost(), 4); $c->send_error(400); } } } } } else { $log->write("Illegal request by " . $c->peerhost(), 4); $c->send_error(400); } } $c->close; undef($c); }