" $Id: rc,v 1.1 2003/02/06 10:02:54 joostvb Exp $ " vim:syntax=vim " " .vimrc " " parse stuff like vim:syntax=vim in files. parse max one line set modelines=1 " use colors to highlight syntax syntax enable " " no autoindenting set noai " in vim6, this is believed to get overwritten when pasting, or " something like that, so we could use this next thing " " " indicate where in the file we are: 4,14 " tnx jhoeke and stappers set ruler " "" we sometimes do paste "" set paste " " dont break stupid conventions set tabstop=8 " c&r style code " use ^d and ^t set shiftwidth=4 " If the 'expandtab' option is on, spaces will be used to fill the amount of " whitespace of the tab. If you want to enter a real , type CTRL-V first. set expandtab " macro to tidy our tabs (this should be a save hook...) map ^r :%s/ / /g " highly recommended set showcmd " Show (partial) command in status line. set showmatch " Show matching brackets. set ignorecase " Do case insensitive matching set incsearch " Incremental search set autowrite " Automatically save before commands like :next and :make " how to show tabs and trailing spaces (see http://www.vim.org/, editing example. set list " see http://www.vim.org/doc/digraph.txt for a table of digraphs like · and é set listchars=tab:»·,trail:· hi nontext ctermfg=blue " " to fix syntax highlighting in git/ad1810-www/mdcc.cx/index.html.in.commented : " http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34841902/how-to-force-mysql-edit-command-to-use-vim-color-scheme " by http://stackoverflow.com/users/546861/romainl augroup commented autocmd! autocmd BufNew,BufEnter *.html.in.commented setlocal filetype=html augroup END