#! /bin/bash # draai123 - wrapper for ogg123 and mpg321. See also music123. # # suggested usage: # # ~$ cat <muziekje # #!/bin/sh # find "$@" -type f | dr_permutate | while read t; do draai123 "$t"; done # EOT # # ~$ muziekje [A-W]* # ~$ muziekje #fixme: /bin/sh, use # #case $1 # *.ogg # ;; if [[ "$1" == *.ogg ]] then ogg123 -d alsa09 "$1" # ogg123 -d oss "$1" # 2>&1 | egrep -v '^Device|^Author|^Comments' # that would screw up the nice curses tricks... # it's NOT ogg123 which tries to be smart whether we have a tty. # it's probably grep screwing up. # | cat works just fine. elif [[ "$1" == *.mp3 ]] then echo -n "Playing: " if command -v id3 >/dev/null then id3 -l "$1" elif command -v mp3info >/dev/null then echo mp3info "$1" else echo $1 fi mpg321 -v -q "$1" # mpg321 "$1" 2>&1 | egrep -v '^High|^Version |^Uses |^THIS|^Directory' elif [[ "$1" == *.flac ]] then if command -v flac123 >/dev/null then flac123 "$1" else echo >&2 Skipping $1: no flac player found fi else echo >&2 Skipping $1: .ogg nor .mp3 nor .flac fi echo '...........................................................................'