# This file is maintained at http://git.mdcc.cx/draai # needs zoem > 10-265-1 azm2roff = zoem -d roff -i $< -o $@ azm2html = zoem -d html -i $< -o $@ all: draai.1 dr_permutate.1 dr_symlinks.1 dr_unsort.1 dr_watch.1 \ draai.html dr_symlinks.html dr_unsort.html dr_watch.html clean: -rm draai.1 dr_permutate.1 dr_symlinks.1 dr_unsort.1 \ dr_watch.1 draai.zmr *.zmt *.zmr *.html ## draai.1: ../script/draai # # generate draai(1) using help2man ( ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/help2man/ ) # # PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/../modules help2man --output $@ --name='manage playlists and play audio files' --no-info `pwd`/../script/draai ## help2man --output $@ --name='manage playlists and play audio files' --no-info `pwd`/../script/draai SUFFIXES = .1 .html .azm .ps .txt .SUFFIXES: .1 .html .azm .ps .txt .azm.1: $(azm2roff) $(azm2roff) draai.ps: draai.1 groff -man $< > $@ .azm.html: $(azm2html) $(azm2html) ## use -Tuft8 if you really need non-ascii characters draai.txt: draai.1 troff -t -e -mandoc -Tascii $< | col -bxp > $@ dr_permutate.1: ../script/dr_permutate pod2man --center=Draai --release="draai $$(cat ../VERSION)" $< $@