# This file is maintained at http://git.mdcc.cx/caspar document this: this: mkdir d; cd d; touch foo.pod echo 'include caspar/mk/pod.mk' | make -f - -n gives: pod2text foo.pod foo.txt [...] pod2pdf foo.pod > foo.pdf refer to pandoc in description: superset of caspar-typesetting ((( this one got closed on сре, 7. сеп 2022. 16:52:18 CEST : Debian Bug report logs - #835408 caspar: does not behave as documented: sshd_config-load = ssh $1 [...] (was: Re: Bug in documentatie van caspar #2 (ter info)) Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 12:03:02 UTC From: Joost van Baal-Ilić Package: caspar Severity: normal Tag: upstream Hi Maarten, On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 12:11:31PM +0200, Maarten Horden wrote: > On 08/23/2016 05:17 PM, Maarten Horden wrote: > > > > Er zit een bug in je documentatie van caspar (gekopieerd van > > http://mdcc.cx/pub/caspar/caspar-latest/doc/caspar.html): > > > > /* > > Combining the csp_LOAD target with multiple hosts; building files remotely > > You'll have to loop over csp_UHOSTS to execute load-command. Here's an > > example doing some preprocessing on the remote hosts too. > > > > csp_DIR = /etc/ssh/ > > csp_UHOSTS = root@some.host.somewhere root@some.other.host > > csp_LOAD = sshd_config-load > > sshd_config-load = ssh $1 "cd $(csp_DIR); \ > > m4 sshd_config.m4 >sshd_config && \ > > PATH=$$PATH:/sbin /etc/init.d/ssh restart" > > include caspar/mk/caspar.mk > > Bovenstaand voorbeeld met $ssh werkt *niet*, onderstaand voorbeeld werkt > *wel*: > > > (Alternatively, you could explicitly specify the loop over the hosts: > > > > csp_DIR = /etc/ssh/ > > sshd_config-load: > > for suh in $(csp_UHOSTS); do \ > > ssh $$suh "cd $(csp_DIR); \ > > m4 sshd_config.m4 > sshd_config && \ > > PATH=$$PATH:/sbin /etc/init.d/ssh restart"; \ > > done > > ). > > */ > > Zoals bijvoorbeeld te zien is in: > ... evj shared/usr/local/share/request-tracker4/po/Makefile> Excellent example; thanks. Will get fixed, RSN. Bye, Joost ------------------------------ Subject: Re: #835408: caspar: does not behave as documented: sshd_config-load [...] To: 835408-close@bugs.debian.org Hi Maarten, "Werkt niet" seems not to be true: it works for me now, here on Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) with caspar 20200611-2 . So: sorry, cannot reproduce. Please reopen if you're still interested in this. And sorry for this embarassingly late reply... Bye, Joost ))) ------------------------ уто, 2. апр 2019.: create package for arch linux and it's derivates. see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository#Getting_started https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_package_guidelines https://aur.archlinux.org/register/ vi arch/PKGBUILD to be processed by makepkg to generated a pacman package for arch linux and derivatives like antergos as of april 2, we have an account joostvb at aur.archlinux.org as of сре, 3. апр 2019. 08:48:16 CEST, it only works with: сре 03 08:46 < vdrvenne> makepkg --skipchecksums --skippgpcheck сре 03 08:55 < vdrvenne> pacman -U /home/vdrvenne/caspar-20180315-1-any.pkg.tar ship in doc/examples oid: printallehosts getgroups in its-unix/systems/juptile/include/install.mk user interface (as of 2016-03-04) joostvb@incagijs:~/sv...its-unix/systems/juptile% make -f include/install.mk printallehosts | less link to : https://nulpunt.nu/ caspar users Patrick "Argure" Godschalk https://github.com/Argure --- release critical ---- - decide upon scp keep_mode: purge, and suggest scp -p ? it currently lacks multisupport. - "make install" fails when csp_PUSH is set to function without multi-support. fix csp_install: add multisupport (also: keep_mode, sucp. rest might just work) - caspar.mk is not completely tested yet, first and second example in manpage succeed, test 3rd and later. $ CSP_DEBUG=yes CSP_SUCP_USER=jantje csp_sucp joe@bilbo /etc/ inittab works fine. "export CSP_SUCP_USER=joe; make" works fine too. "make CSP_SUCP_USER=joe" works fine too. csp_SUCP_USER = joe csp_PUSH = $(csp_sucp_FUNC) make works too. at least, it did in release 20120508.... - doc/Makefile.am: no longer ignore errors from tidy(1). - fix manpage typesetting: install tidy @ buildhost, my name in caspar.ps looks like crap - The "csp_install -t dir file [file]" issue zo 13 17:34 < Fruit> die tooltjes die meegeleverd worden zo 13 17:35 < Fruit> die hebben typisch een destination directory en een stel bestanden als argumenten zo 13 17:35 < Fruit> het zou handig zijn voor de shellscripter als die destination directory het eerste argument was zo 13 17:38 < joostvb> das natuurlijk totaal backwards incompatible met alles zo 13 17:38 < Fruit> valt wel mee zo 13 17:38 < joostvb> maar iig wel n goed idee zo 13 17:38 < Fruit> cp -t destdir file1 file2 zo 13 17:38 < joostvb> -t , die doet t m zo 13 17:38 < Fruit> ik weet niet of scp dat kent zo 13 17:39 < joostvb> nou ja, als 1ste arg van csp_PUSH -t is, dan zo 13 17:39 < Fruit> magoe dat maakt ook niet zoveel uit zo 13 17:39 < joostvb> implementeren volgens nieuw interface zo 13 17:39 < Fruit> want bij csp_PUSH kun je toch de volgorde van de argumenten zelf bepalen zo 13 17:39 < Fruit> hm hacken op -t lijkt me een heel lelijk en slecht idee zo 13 17:40 < Fruit> je hoeft echt alleen maar die tooltjes aan te passen, en de plaatsen in caspar zelf waar precies en alleen díe tooltjes aangeroepen worden zo 13 17:40 < Fruit> er hoeft geen caspar api-wijziging zo 13 17:40 < joostvb> en als mensen hun eigen tooltjes geschreven hebben? zo 13 17:40 < joostvb> hun eigen csp_PUSH gebouwd? zo 13 17:41 < Fruit> dan hebben ze de aanroep daarvan zelf onder controle zo 13 17:41 < Fruit> misschien nieuwe set tooltjes introduceren met andere namen zo 13 17:41 < Fruit> op dit moment accepteert elk van die tooltjes 1 file en 1 dir zo 13 17:41 < Fruit> da's jammer. zo 13 17:42 < Fruit> omdat shellscripts een beetje beperkt zijn, is n files gevolgd door 1 dir moeilijk te implementeren zo 13 17:42 < joostvb> csp_install dir file [file] zo 13 17:42 < Fruit> dat idee zo 13 17:43 < Fruit> csp_mkdirscpomgwtfbbqrofl dir file1 [file2 ...] zo 13 17:43 < joostvb> ok, dan kan ik maken: zo 13 17:43 < joostvb> csp_install -t dir file [file] zo 13 17:43 < joostvb> naast: zo 13 17:43 < joostvb> csp_install file dir zo 13 17:43 < joostvb> das backwards compatible zo 13 17:43 < Fruit> true zo 13 17:44 < joostvb> en over 5 jaar wordt "-t" optioneel zo 13 17:44 < Fruit> en je kunt geen files meer installeren die ‘-t’ heten. zo 13 17:44 < joostvb> klopt zo 13 17:44 < joostvb> fuk die mensen zo 13 17:44 < joostvb> :) zo 13 17:44 < Fruit> maar robuust gedrag met spaties en andere tekens in bestandsnamen is nooit een sterk punt van caspar geweest. zo 13 17:44 < joostvb> pcies zo 13 17:44 < joostvb> van make ook niet zo 13 17:45 < Fruit> ja! fuk die mensen. alle bestanden moeten gewoon foo.txt heten. en die hippies met hun bar.txt kunnen de boom in zo 13 17:45 < joostvb> zo is t maar net 0.-3) add to documentation: vr 25 16:37 < casper> bah, maar het werkt wel, de reverse cowboy: make diff | patch -R -p0 [16:43] [joostvb(+i)] [3:#root(+ips)] irc.uvt.nl 0.-2) fix FIXME's in doc/caspar.azm 0.-1) complete documentation of "make diff" and "make -diff" in caspar.azm, see NEWS (not trivial...) 1.1) finish convert to git: announce on webpage, create public repo ( http://git.fruit.je/caspar , http://git.mdcc.cx/ , ssh://git/~joostvb/git/caspar.git ) update README on git status (see FIXME's). set up commit list. 1.3) documenteer de new style loadtarget hack even better: run "make load" with: combining new load-style is usefull too: csp_LOAD = lolwut lolwut = echo ssh $1 DFHKSJDHFJKSDHJK lolwut: for h in $(csp_UHOSTS);do echo ssh $$h DFHKSJDHFJKSDHJK;done use case: /etc/nsd/zones/ , first push to auth servers, then ssh to al caches for a forced flush of cache. --- ook best wel belangrijk --- 2.3) test & document rsync support 2.5) Ideas insprired by a discussion with Fred Vos: (Lots of users have asked for such a feature.) a "make check" could be usefull: test wether previous svn version is on server before scp-ing. za 14 21:29 < hoppie> en als je dan helemaal over the top wilt, kun je eventueel dat linken aan install, zodat alleen waar dat nodig is geïnstalleerd wordt. Maar da's echt optioneel. Preliminary support added; Document this! Nice trick: make diff || make install make foobar-diff || make foobar-install Make this work out of the box for all push mechanisms: add generic csp_REXEC next to csp_PUSH. --- typesetting stuff --- 3.1) get toc printed in html mode. even while using nochunks mode. 3.2) license should be printed, see rh vs deb doc. 3.3) add zoem.mk, for zoem ( http://micans.org/zoem ) typesetting. --- install stuff --- 4.1) ma 13 14:07 < arvid> joostvb, ik heb een feature request voor caspar :p ma 13 14:13 < arvid> joostvb, een exclude host mogelijkheid ma 13 14:13 < arvid> je bijv. een heleboel host en je wilt alleen 1 host uitsluiten ma 13 14:14 < arvid> s/host/hosts ma 13 14:16 < joostvb> een csp_TABOOUHOSTS wil je dus, i c ma 13 14:17 < arvid> joostvb, yep dat klopt [14:18] [joostvb(+i)] [13:meuknet/#root(+ips)] 2009-07 Arvid Gibas 4.2) add standard target: "make print-hosts" 4.4) "install" should depend upon "load". (should it?) ("make" currently does both "install" and "load"; it does not do "build". (really!?)). and/or: caspar should support "make build-recursive". 4.5) csp_BUILD is a broken concept. Users are better off declaring csp_EXTRAFILES and creating rules for each file that needs to be built. csp_BUILD is an alias to csp_EXTRAFILES for backwards compatibility. 4.6) caspar chokes on spaces in filenames: Makefile: csp_CPDIR = /var/php/public/jccpmanu/https include caspar/mk/caspar.mk joostvb@scriptix:~/sv...k/sources/jccpmanu/https% ls JCCP logo.jpg Makefile index.html logo.html JCCPlogo.jpg empty.html loginform.html php3 joostvb@scriptix:~/sv...k/sources/jccpmanu/https% make -n /bin/sh: line 1: test: JCCP: binary operator expected /bin/sh: line 1: test: JCCP: binary operator expected cp "JCCPlogo.jpg" /var/php/public/jccpmanu/https; cp "empty.html" /var/php/public/jccpmanu/https; cp "index.html" /var/php/public/jccpmanu/https; cp "loginform.html" /var/php/public/jccpmanu/https; cp "logo.html" /var/php/public/jccpmanu/https; make does not support arrays, but space-separated strings, so: tag won't fix. 4.7) caspar chokes on : in filenames: Makefile: csp_SCPDIR = /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ csp_SUH = root@cauchy include caspar/mk/caspar.mk joostvb@kovalevskaya:~/sv...ysconfig/network-scripts% ls Makefile ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:1 joostvb@kovalevskaya:~/sv...ysconfig/network-scripts% make caspar/mk/caspar.mk:87: *** multiple target patterns. Stop. Bug found by Johan Hoeke. 4.29) caspar chokes on files named ";anything" joostvb@bruhat:~% touch ';q' joostvb@bruhat:~% make -n caspar/mk/caspar.mk:94: *** missing rule before commands. Stop. 4.30) caspar chokes on files with names ending in a , 4.8) Suggest (or offer) a more generic interface than my_EXEC for the load target. Users are invited to extend the interface. They can add extra variables to their push mechanisms. So we might be able to abstract LOAD one day. Perhaps something like $(foreach uh,$(csp_UHOSTS),$(call csp_EXEC,$(uh),$(csp_DIR),$(csp_XARG));) could work. If a user's exec wrapper needs more arguments, these can get introduced as implicit variables, outside $1, $2, ... 4.9) Explain why it's good practice to do include ../../include/install.mk in manpage example. 4.10) Don't do csp_scp_FUNC = $(csp_SCP) $(csp_CPFLAGS) $(1) $(2):$(3) but do csp_scp_FUNC = $(csp_SCP) $(4) $(1) $(2):$(3) and use $(csp_CPFLAGS) for csp_XARGS. _Do_ test this! 4.11) load stuff: - Create a ``load-recursive'' target. - supply daemons.mk: csp_SSHDEBIANLOAD csp_URUKREDHATLOAD , etc, to use in load targets 4.12) install-recursive should call mkdir if appropriate. install should, too. Thu 31 15:16 < Fruit> kan ik 'm ook vertellen dat-ie voordat gaat kopiëren ff mkdir -p op de smurfer doet? Thu 31 15:19 < joostvb> een eigen csp_PUSH schrijven Thu 31 15:20 < joostvb> csp_PUSH krijgt zowel filenaam als directory mee als argument Thu 31 15:20 < joostvb> dus das kei makkelijk Thu 31 15:20 < Fruit> csp_OLD_PUSH := $(csp_PUSH) Thu 31 15:20 < Fruit> csp_PUSH := ssh $iets mkdir $dir; $(csp_OLD_PUSH) 4.13) The scp invocation is inefficient: % make -n README.txt-install net.txt-install scp "README.txt" pong:/data/www/doc/doc/; scp "net.txt" pong:/data/www/doc/doc/; Should be: scp "README.txt" "net.txt" pong:/data/www/doc/doc/; $@ vs $? might be helpful. 4.14) test wether file is up to date before scp-ing it, in order to prevent us from doing useless (and expensive) installs. use ControlMaster ssh_config(5) to reuse one ssh conection? Perhaps this: ControlMaster auto ControlPath ~/.ssh/control/%r@%h:%p in your ~/.ssh/config (and having an ssh connection open to all relevant hosts) fixes all "troubles". (This option is not available on Debian sarge.) 4.15) Ideas insprired by a discussion with Fred Vos: Perhaps a note on how to use commit-hooks could be added to documentation. Perhaps a note on ssh forced commands could be added. Perhaps a note on a "make commit" could be added. 4.16) document this: including an included Makefile: here := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) include $(here)../../foo/bar/install.mk Thanks Wessel. Alternative: /usr/local/foo, as used in svn/its-unix 4.17) if one really wants, one can overrule caspar's default target: --------- csp_SCPDIR = /etc/ssl/chains/ csp_TABOOFILES_ADD = %.asc all: install install: check makedir include ../../../include/install.mk check: for cert in *.pem; do \ echo "$$cert:"; \ gpg --verify $$cert.asc $$cert; \ done makedir: for suh in $(csp_SUHS); do \ ssh $$suh mkdir -p /etc/ssl/chains; \ done .PHONY: check makedir --------- very likely, one could better use the "build" target for this. 4.18) it's not necessary to have Makefile in all directories of a tree, provided caspar is fixed: replace DIRS := $(shell for d in *; do test -d $$d && echo $$d; done) by DIRS := $(patsubst %/Makefile,%,$(shell find * -mindepth 1 -name Makefile)) thanks Wessel. (This might break for trees combining GNUmakefile with Makefile [za 14 22:29 dat breekt niet voor dat soort directories, ga maar na! ;)] .) Once this fix is implemented, get rid of the example toplevel Makefile in caspar(7).