#!/bin/sh # .xsession is executed by xinit(1) # export LANG=sr_RS.UTF-8 acpi=true # debian is not ubuntu command -v acpitool >/dev/null && acpi=acpitool command -v acpi >/dev/null && acpi=acpi # systems without acpi-stuff # case $(acpi -b) in 'No support' # acpi -b wishlist bug: should exit 1 in case unsupported: # joostvb@dijkstra:~% acpi -b; echo $? # No support for device type: power_supply # 0 # joostvb@dijkstra:~% { while xsetroot -name "`date '+%A, %e. %B %Y. %T %Z'` ∙ `sed 's/ .*$//' /proc/loadavg`"; do sleep 1; done } & # case $i in $console) ;; *) # test -e /dev/$i || continue # esac # ⅹ ∗ ∙ □ # ( while xsetroot -name "`date +'%A, %e. %B %Y. %T %Z'` ∙ `sed 's/ .*$//' /proc/loadavg`"; do sleep 1; done ) & # no beeps xset b off setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp # capslock wijzigen in 'c = ć ; deprecated: should use XKB # xmodmap -e 'keycode 0x42 = Mode_switch' # Fri 10 11:08 < Fruit> joostvb: https://www.fruit.je/download/Xmodmap.evdev # # xmodmap(1) # # The first keysym is used when no modifier key is pressed in cojunction with # this key, the second with Shift, the third when the Mode_switch key is used # with this key and the fourth when both the Mode_switch and Shift keys are # used. # # The list of keysym names may be found in the header file (without the XK_ # prefix), supplemented by the keysym database /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB. Keysyms matching Uni‐ # code characters may be specified as "U0020" to "U007E" and "U00A0" to "U10FFFF" for all possi‐ # ble Unicode characters. # xmodmap - <&1 | logger } & # when using startx # cat < .xsession # a1-dwm & # exec dwm # EOT