нед, 2. феб 2025. 05:06:28 CET add e.g. test -n "$(command -v alsamixer)" && DR_INIT_ALSAMIXER=true to ~/.draai/rc document DR_INIT_NCMPCPP e.a., e.g. in help/command/init пон, 28. окт 2019. 18:56:52 CET get rid of Vcs-Git: http://git.mdcc.cx/draai.git/ Vcs-Browser: http://mdcc.cx/git/wd/draai/ in debian/control: use some mirror somewhere ( gitlab, salsa, sr.ht, puscii, ...). that will probably also fix the 'new upstream in vcs' message @ qa.debian.org also: enable debian janitor fix this TODO, it's ridiculously long release names: The sluis in maas, ceramique eettent Цер Cer mountain Petkovica monastery Čokešina monastery + village Novo Celo village Lešnica village + river ---- rc rc rc stuff (2014-08) : things which actually annoy the author (so r.c.): - radio-stations info in 'draai list' is borken: name of station (e.g. last part of url) lacking - when mpc is 100%, draai skip barfs: fails to lower volume/fade out - implement "mpc move 1; mpc play 1" : change station when playing radio " draai zap " ---- test 'draai insert': file-as-arg-mode borken, probably since draai version 20100511, when it was implemented. (implemented succesful 'file on stdin'-mode) joostvb@arrr:~/git/draai% export DR_DEBUG=true joostvb@arrr:~/git/draai% draai insert 'LOCAL/201308/Various/Alan_Lomax_Collection_-_Bahamas_1935_Vol_2_-_Ring_Games_and_Round_Dances/22-Nassau_string_band-Delia_Gone.ogg' this now works: "draai search 'delia gone' | draai insert" --- joostvb@sveznalica:~/git/draai% draai --raw list | grep '^22)' 22) http://streams.greenhost.nl:8080/pop: - Popart (do 22 sep 21:00) (Concertzender Pop - ) joostvb@sveznalica:~/git/draai% draai list | grep '()' 22) - Popart (do 22 sep 21:00) () 86) Radio 5 - () 89) Radio 2 - () 108) http://streams.greenhost.nl:8080/jazznotjazz () joostvb@sveznalica:~/git/draai% mpc --format "t %title% - f %file% - n %name% - p %position%" playlist | grep -i popart t Popart (do 22 sep 21:00) - f http://streams.greenhost.nl:8080/pop - n Concertzender Pop - p 21 ---- draai inject / draai guestlist should work on both tracknumbers and mpd-files a bit like mpc findadd, see "searchadd" below. rc rc items ----------- test "watch" again чет 21 07:01 < michiel> zie overigens ook http://www.acooke.org/cute/TheIdealUs0.html en https://github.com/andrewcooke/uykfg чет 21 07:02 < michiel> (mpd playlist generators die een soort van last.fm database queryen om links tussen obscure muzikanten te vinden) ------ rc items -------- - utf8 and http/radio-stations in playlist make draai peek fail: lines too long. joostvb@arrr:~% draai peek | head -4 [playing] #1/249 2:23/2:48 (85%) 1) Jimi Hendrix - Stockholm Concert second sho...kholm, Sweden) - Fire (2:48) 2) Cumbia Siglo XX - Palenque Palenque: Champe...75-1991 - Naga Pedale (3:27) 3) Joan Baez - Folk Singers Round Harvard Squa...ur Pretty Little Baby (2:31) joostvb@arrr:~% mpc --format "a %artist% - a %album% - aa %albumartist% - c %composer% - ti %title% - tr %track% - ti %time% - f %file% - p %position%" playlist | grep http a - a - aa - c - ti - tr - ti - f http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio5-bb-mp3 - p 201 a B92 - a - aa - c - ti Radio B92 - tr - ti - f http://stream.b92.net:7999/radio-b92.ogg - p 206 joostvb@arrr:~% mpc --format "a %artist% - a %album% - aa %albumartist% - c %composer% - ti %title% - tr %track% - ti %time% - f %file% - p %position%" playlist | head -4 a Joan Baez - a Folk Singers Round Harvard Square - aa - c - ti What You Gonna Call Your Pretty Little Baby - tr 06 - ti 2:31 - f USB/Joan_Baez/Folk_Singers_Round_Harvard_Square/06-What_You_Gonna_Call_Your_Pretty_Little_Baby.ogg - p 1 a Jimi Hendrix - a Stockholm Concert second show (January 9, 1969, Konserthuset, Stockholm, Sweden) - aa - c - ti Red House - tr 07 - ti 11:32 - f USB/Jimi_Hendrix/Stockholm_Concert,_second_show/07-Red_House.ogg - p 2 joostvb@sveznalica:~/git/draai% mpc --format "ti %title% - tr %track% - ti %time% - f %file% - n %name% - p %position%" playlist | grep http ti Kroniek van de Nederlandse muziek (za 6 jun 19:00) - tr - ti - f http://streams.greenhost.nl:8080/raakvlakken - n Concertzender Raakvlakken - p 157 ti - tr - ti - f http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio4-bb-mp3 - n Radio 4 - p 160 ti - tr - ti - f http://streams.greenhost.nl:8080/jazznotjazz - n - p 223 ti - tr - ti - f http://mp3.streampower.be/klara-high - n Klara | kwaliteit *** - p 256 so: %file% and optionally %title% and/or %name% - report mpc doc bug, see below - use new (i.e. Debian wheezy) mpd/mpc features (idle, a.o.): mpc --wait mpc idle mpc idleloop mpc crop -> draai crop mpc prev -> draai previous mpc random -> draai random mpc consume -> draai consume mpc shuffle -> draai shuffle mpc search .... mpc search ... | mpc add -> draai searchadd mpc search ... | mpc inject -> .... mpc update --wait -> draai update report bug: " idle [events] Waits until an event occurs. Prints a list of event names, one per line. See the MPD protocol documentation for further infor‐ mation. " mpc(1) protocol spec not shipped with package. pretty urgent items ------------------- - Fix buildhelp() in ./setup revamp: schedule Cambridge hack session help texts in zsh completion stuff, --help and manpage should use ONE source. move help stuff to one place; include help/ stuff in configure phase. See ./setup for current implementation. Think about lists in zoem, use stijn's trick. Alternative way to implement this: Run e.g. "draai --raw --help skip", "draai --raw help" "draai --raw --nice help" (as of 2008-06, quite some options are only half-implemented) . Another alternative way to implement this: selfdocumenting zoem stuff: foo=bar : cat < Ha Joost, zie bijgevoegd *en* geciteerd de file 'lscat.azm' die misschien doet wat je wil. Roep zoem aan als zoem -i lscat.azm -allow ls:cat -o - \: - lees de namen. \setx{thefiles}{ \inspect{ {mods}{iter-lines,discard-miss} }{(.*~.bzz)}{_#1{{\1}}}{\system{ls}} } \: - maak key-value paren. \apply{_#1{\!{\setx{%{\1}}{\system{cat}{\1}}}}}{\thefiles} \: - print een value. [\%{foo.bzz}] [\%{bar.bzz}] \: - print alle key-value paren. \apply{_#1{\!{[\1]-->[\%{\1}]}}}{\thefiles} In dit voorbeeld worden de file namen gematcht op een .bzz suffix. Als je dat niet wilt kun je het patroon (.*) gebruiken (maar ik raad aan een suffix conventie te gebruiken :-). Als je vervolgens iets voor alle file namen wil doen, kun je \apply gebruiken zoals hierboven. Nog iets: je kunt ls aanroepen met argumenten, bijvoorbeeld zo: \system{ls}{{-r}{-t}}. En: \apply expandeert beide argumenten (1e argument: de 'subroutine' key die iteratief gebruikt wordt op de sub-argumenten in het 2e argument). Dat kan soms een beetje prutsen zijn om ongewenste evaluatie/expansie te voorkomen. In het voorbeeld hierboven wordt \!{ } gebruikt om te zorgen dat bepaalde stukken overgeslagen worden tijden genoemde expansie. In de documentatie heet \!{ } 'delay scope' omdat het 1 expansie stap overslaat. \!!{ } slaat twee stappen over. En \eval{\eval{\!!{\bar}}} is precies hetzelfde als \bar. Het is de barre praktijk van macro talen :) groetjes, Stijn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- some items ---------- - fix new author name in manpages copyright: utf8, cyrillic \set{"man::author"}{Joost van Baal-Ilić } . html, roff is ok, ps (and pdf) borken. once fixed, ship pdf manpages. INSTALL zsh stuff: compinit niet genoeg; nodig: joostvb@hille:~% exec zsh --login move zsh stuff to README urgent items ------------ - update this todo-list; lots of obsolete stuff is in it. - bug: on empty/non-playing playlist, "draai draai" chokes - README in html, ship .txt too. - more docs and features for "draai insert": hang deze track net achter de nu spelende "insert" is "fileguestlist" (as opposed to "trackguestlist", which is "guestlist") insert could honor --prio : --prio 2 : after upcoming track. - ma 26 12:56 < joostvb> mpc update; mpc idle; mpc add foo ma 26 12:56 < Fruit> ah zo hm ma 26 12:57 < Fruit> ik denk dat ik mpc add foo; mpc move $(getlast) $(getcurrent+1) wil ma 26 12:57 < Fruit> en dan liefst in één atomaire operatie (dat kan binnen het mpd-protocol namelijk) ma 26 12:58 < Fruit> en dat moet uiteraard ook goed gaan als je een directory toevoegt ma 26 12:58 < Fruit> dus eerst aantal opvragen, dan toevoegen, dan oude aantal t/m nieuwe aantal moven ma 26 12:59 < joostvb> yep ma 26 12:59 < Fruit> in jouw draai watch scriptje wil je trouwens misschien mpc idle gebruiken ipv sleep 1 - fade in/out more aggressive: never silence between tracks. - implement "draai pick": draai list | grep Camper | draai pick draai --raw list | grep Camper | draai pick draai pick > Picking from: 121) Camper van Beethoven - Camper van Beethoven - Lulu Land (2:41) 157) Camper van Beethoven - Camper van Beethoven - We Saw Jerry's Daughter (2:10) 158) Camper van Beethoven - Camper van Beethoven - Good Guys and Bad Guys (3:56) >159) Camper van Beethoven - Camper van Beethoven - Jo Stalin's Cadillac (2:32) Pick first matching entry? [Y,2,3...,l,r,q] (Yes; no, pick 2nd; no, pick 3rd; no, pick last; no, rerun; quit) Y You've picked 121) Camper van Beethoven - Camper van Beethoven - Lulu Land (2:41) Would you like to guestlist this track? [Y,2,3,..,d,u,q] draai pick> Yes; no, schedule as 2nd upcoming track; no, schedule as 3rd upcoming track; delete from playlist; unguestlist; quit pick should honor --silent - 'draai osjittisstil' update zsh stuff. - dr_push: it'd be nice if it would mangle files and pathnames to fit on a vfat filesystem. - dr_umount would be nice - add stuff to generate playlist "latest" - draai second 123 = draai --prio 2 guestlist 123 - make this tool usable for DJ's: more flexible playlist handling, more fade-in/fade-out features: + draai "peek" should accept an arg draai peek noftracks + draai draai should do an "insert": insert these songs just after current song. implement as "mpc add; mpc move": old curr old curr old curr old 1 new 4 new 2 old 2 old 1 new 3 old 3 old 2 ... new 4 new 1 old 3 old 1 new 2 new 1 old 2 new 3 new 2 old 3 new 4 new 3 new 1 - reimplement "tail" using ncurses (or watch(1)?): tail should show "peek" too. current song in boldface or reverse video - document "pause" and "resume|unpause|play" commands (mpc pause, mpc play), add zsh completion - draai draai should not clear current playlist, but remove all pending songs but the current one from the current playlist, and append the given tracks/playlists. This makes for more smooth fade in/out. - add ui for mpc search artist Stooges | mpc add mpc search artist Hendrix | mpc add - document extra aliases: init: genesis; next: volgende; unguestlist: unfriend, ontvriend; insert: voegin; skip: slaover; fastforward: voorwaarts; tail: staart; peek: spiek; play (unpause, resume): ga; quit (exit, stop, pause): ho items as found while working on eeepc ------------------------------------- inspect $DISPLAY for draai-init-nox draai move 34 50 (just like mpc) draai --terse list draai --terse --search 'greatest_hits' list : gives 3 6 12 19 tty12 group tty for draai: root@hille:/etc/udev/rules.d# vi 93-permissions-local.rules udev / dr-mount /dev/disk/by-label/PENDRIVE /media/PENDRIVE vfat user,noauto 0 0 watch(1) "cat -v" !?, see http://mdcc.cx/tmp/watch/ joostvb@hille:~% draai unguestlist $( draai --raw list | grep Best_Ever | head | while read n r; do echo $n | sed 's/)//'; done ) > add --match option: > draai --match greatest_hits delete > draai --match greatest_hits guestlist > suggested usage: first run --match with --no-act, to inspect > what would get matched. private/local items ------------------- - radio kink classix: dj@nagy:~% mpg321 - see also dj@nagy:etc/zsh/rc.local for radio6 and bbc3 other items ----------- - add support for smart merging of playlists: --playlist=foo,1 --playlist=bar,40 --playlist=duh,7 --playlist=foo --playlist=bar is equivalent to --playlist=foo,1 --playlist=bar,1 --playlist=foo,2 --playlist=bar is equivalent to --playlist=foo,2 --playlist=bar,1 is equivalent to --playlist=foo --playlist=foo --playlist=bar : adding ,N is a shorthand for repeating the arg N times. playlists get truncated to the size of the smallest one. so, no matter the size of foo and bar, --playlist=foo,2 --playlist=bar,1 will give you 2 foo-tracks for every bar-track. - support voor last.fm audioscrobbling erin. An account at last.fm is needed to get any services from them. - support voor last.fm streaming audio erin. shell-fm(1) shell-fm heeft plugin voor event tijdens wisselen track. shell-fm is niet eenvoudig om te bouwen tot mpd client. t heeft wel een socket en netwerk-interface Wed 27 14:11 http://www.last.fm/user/Fruitje/ An account at last.fm is needed to get any services from them. dj@nagy:~% shell-fm lastfm://artist/Alexander+von+Schlippenbach/similarartists dj@nagy:~% shell-fm lastfm://artist/Anthony+Braxton/similarartists Perhaps zomg is more interesting: ZOMG is a console-based last.fm submission and radio client written in Z-Shell. http://hg.debian.org/hg/private/schizo/zomg http://packages.debian.org/zomg - document (and implement on gelfand): syslog.conf: local? to e.g. /var/log/draai - add to contrib: root@kovalevskaya:/etc/logcheck/ignore.d.server# cat draai # # ^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ draai\[[0-9]+\]: - Give examples in documentation: suggested desktop layout .----------------. | logtail .------. ` ------- | tail | | | `------' .------. | peek | | | `------' and once in a while, press ctrl-alt-F12 startup: % draai init calls draai tail > /dev/tty12 & (document: dj is a member of group tty) dj@gelfand:~/mp3% draai -t +30 quit dj@gelfand:~/mp3% draai -t 08:30 quit dj@gelfand:~/mp3% draai -p all draai dj@gelfand:~/mp3% draai tail <- in separate window dj@gelfand:~/mp3% draai skip dj@gelfand:~/mp3% draai -t 23:01 -p all draai dj@gelfand:~/mp3% draai peek dj@nagy:~% draai delete $(seq 3 65) zsh: draai delete {12..29} draai guestlist {50..34} % repeat 10; do draai skip; done dj@nagy:~% shell-fm lastfm://artist/This+Heat/similarartists Air Biosphere dj@nagy:~% shell-fm lastfm://artist/Alexander+von+Schlippenbach/similarartists dj@nagy:~% shell-fm lastfm://artist/Anthony+Braxton/similarartists - "tail" is buggy: 2007-03-18 21:54:56 Anvil FX - Brazz-Ill - Miolo de Cabeça (4:28) has borken line length: utf-8 issue, probably. - implement setup uninstall - don't use help2man, but something "real" for the manpage (see also ideas from python era, below) ReST still (2007-03) doesn't seem to be easily transformed to roff. use zoem? use xml? have zoem run --help and --version? the last trick _is_ used and documented in some zoem example. zum has e.g. \verbatim{\system{../src/zoem}{{-l}{session}}} see aangifte-ib and webalizer-stonesteps manpages for roff example. - document this draai draai Lee_Scratch_Perry/Roast_Fish,_Collie_Weed_and_Corn_Bread/ The_Fall/ works: args don't need to be tracks. Also, draai draai Various/Mind_The_Gap_6{0,1,2} works. Wishlist items -------------- - don't do "draai --raw tail" but "draai tail --raw", etc. - perhaps it'd be nice if we could still play local files too: ~$ draai draai /tmp/foo.ogg - should process .m3u , stdin and command line args; cat < http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=9285365 result.append(formatter.format_heading(_("options"))) def format_usage(self, usage): return _("usage: %s\n") % usage joostvb@nagy:/usr/lib/python2.4% less optparse.py joostvb@nagy:~/svn/starship.python.net% svn co svn://starship.python.net/optik/trunk optik r484 | gward | 2005-01-17 03:22:13 +0100 (Mon, 17 Jan 2005) | 2 lines Always capitalize "Usage" and "Options" in help output for consistency. latest release as of Fri Mar 25 12:02:04 CET 2005 is optik 1.5 (2004-12-07 02:04) 1.5.1 is yet to be released. - check for ogg/mp3 interfaces python-pyvorbis - A Python interface to the Ogg Vorbis library 1.3-1 Dec 2003 (upstream is dead, latest upstream) include (part of) ogg123.py ? ogg123.py is GPL-ed, since pyvorbis-1.3 is. ogg123.py --module=lad file.ogg works (somewhat (for me)). However, it plays tracks on a much slower pitch... Use python-id3 and python-pymad for mp3 - make it a mpd client. probably should use: python-mpdclient - Python interface to MPD (source: py-libmpdclient) (see also: pygmy, pympd, libmpd-dev, libmpd0) run: ~% pydoc mpdclient2 libmpd-dev: "This package contains the development libraries, headers and documentation." no it doesn't: no docs there... try http://www.musicpd.org/ for docs Peeksheet --------- joostvb@nagy:~/arch/draai/draai% DIB_V=$(cat VERSION) DIB_P=draai DIB_TARDIR=. debian-install-build joostvb@bruhat:~/git/draai% git pull ssh://git/~joostvb/git/draai.git joostvb@bruhat:~/git/draai/debian% git push ssh://git/~joostvb/git/draai.git joostvb-arch@mdcc.cx--2005-draai,draai--mainline--0.1